I need you help taurus!!!!!!!

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by LadiiScorpio on Friday, February 28, 2014 and has 41 replies.
I am a 27 yr old female Scorpio and have been "friends" with a 36 yr old taurus make for a little over a year now. We met at my previous job and with his position, he was not suppose to be communicating with me, but we texted all the time. Finally when I left that job he invited me to his house. Made me the best margarita I've ever had and I slept over(nothing happened). I honestly was so nervous and I am not a nervous person, he could tell and kissed me and asked me if that made me feel better. Our connection is really intense and he seems to know all the right things to say to motivate me when I am down. He is very encouraging, but throws me mix signals.
To give a little background we both have sons, his son is 5 and my son is 6. Both went through rough relationships with our sons other parents. He still sees his son all the time and is a great father. However my sons father is no where to be found.
This taurus man I admire so much. He is such a hard worker and such a good dad. If anything I do not want to jeopardize our friendship, but I believe that we were meant to be more than friends. I am willing to be patient because I believe he has just been burnt and thinks that all woman are crazy. I am trying to show him that I am not like that. I am a very calm person and I have been through so much I am not willing to except drama.
So recently he has been talking about sexual things through text. Obviously I am so into him so it turns me on. Now he has sent me a message saying that he thinks if we are physical it will mess up our friendship and we should spare the drama and headaches and our goal is to be friends. He obviously is attracted to me or he wouldn't have even started it. I am thinking that it must be because of his past. I know for a long time I had no interest in a relationship or marriage until I got over my hurdle of pain from the past.
I mean why is he confused, or am I? Can some fellow Taurus help me out here?? Please!
I would ask him to list out the reasons he thinks it wouldn't work. In the past when I've been friends with a girl I was really attracted to, I have a times wanted to keep things at the friend level, to preserve that, thinking I wasn't good enough for the person, we were incompatible in some way, etc. I'm sure he has his reasons. You just have to get him to be comfortable to share them. Taurus/Scorp communication seems to be HORRIBLE for the most part, when these two start becoming more than just friends.
I just got out of a yr long taurus/scorp relationship...communication was our #1 biggest issue!! I don??t know what it is about our two signs but sometimes everything gets lost in translation. :/ You need to talk to him in a straightforward manner. One thing that I noticed with my scorp ex is that the communication was only bad when it was talking about our relationship, he would go in a circle and kinda sidestep like how your watery bro/sis the crab do. Taurus are not like that we are very straight forward and like to cut the crap. I think what happens too, is these two signs mirror each other a lot and that interferes in the relationship. So don??t mirror what he is doing or how he is acting just talk to him and as TLS said just have him list it out and then talk about the points with him. I think if the two of you can hurdle those obstacles and learn how to communicate well a Taurus/scorp relation is great. I learned so much about myself dating mine and I know he learned a lot to.
I talk to alot of Scorp women; they seem to be the more wild ones. They will typically not express their true feelings to their significant other, though they will run them by their close friends. They will get suspicious of their SO, speculate about every detail about everything, investigate to the fullest extent without actually directly asking the person what is up, explode in a rage *about* their SO, buuuut...often they are just....very wrong.
Monday: "I KNEW that motherfucker was not going to follow through with the plans he made. FUCK HIM!!! I AM SO DONE!!! Who the FUCK does he think he is? He thinks he's going to play me? I know he is talking to this other girl at the office. I will never speak to his ass again! He has no idea who he is fucking with!!!!"
Tuesday: "Aaaaahhhhh....he came by my desk today. I don't know what it is about this man but I am SO in love with him. The way he smells...his eyes are so dreamy...he just looked at me and I melted. I wanted to rip his clothes off right at my desk. Oh, that other thing was no big deal. He fell asleep so couldn't come over."
Stuff like that...lol.
etc. etc.
Posted by Infinite8
Whoa, whoa, whoa... TLS! Please, not all scorpio females are this way.
I am very direct an I actually do the opposite. I I have a problem, I discuss it right away. I can't stand making drama out of nothing. No way...
Communication is very important to me. Making my loved ones feel
Loved and important also makes me happy.
These people that you are describing sound so ugly and unstable. _???

Well I'm being a bit tongue-in-cheek but its been quite a few to have these kind of fluctuations of emotion. And its always in the obsessive Taurus/Scorpio relationships. And I'm not judging it. I have experienced the same feelings, and acted this way myself. Some relationships are high drama and you go on an emotional rollercoaster. Sometimes the emotions are SO strong that the slightest thing overwhelms you. It can often be the relationship itself that is volatile. I shouldn't have made it sound like its the Scorps fault. Every Scorp female I've talked to and talk to, is beautiful inside and out - honestly. BUT, Taurus/Scorpio is said to often said be a love/hate dynamic by many astrologers, and I have found this to be true in a lot of cases. And I've felt it myself. I really don't hate *anyone* ever - I'm really laid back unless majorly provoked. But I admit I have felt so angry towards the Scorp at work when I feel like she's ignored me, toyed with me, etc., and I've been extra sensitive/and speculative in that regard. I can't explain it; no one else has ever pulled at my emotions like that.
Posted by Infinite8
This reminds me:
When I was in college there was this guy that I met through mutual friend(he was Taurus) at a party. I was sitting next to him so I started started talking to him... He wasn't very nice or talkative so, whatever... I did my part. Anyway 2 years pass and the guy calls me out of no where (have no idea how he got my number). He wanted to hang with me. He and I had an awesome friendship. He would meet up with me every day, take me to class. I would make him laugh all the time and his eyes would always sparkle when he saw me. Yeah, he confessed his love and unfortunately I wasn't interested. BUT our friendship continued!! Anyways... Thought this thread needed some hopeful stories on Taurus(m)/scorpio (f) communication skills and relationships. smile

LOL, this is not *that* happy of an ending. Poor bull.
You know what is so funny...I have never had a love/hate thing with anyone but ny ex scorp took me there in the end. So TLS I know what you mean. Taurus/Scorp relationships are complex...my first love that I was talking about in the other post was a Scorp too...took years to get over that one. Dont get me wrong I think this could be an amazing pairing but I also think that we have a way to bring out the best and the worst in each other.
Posted by Infinite8
Oh... Well, I'm glad that was clarified Winking
Well... I've felt that "intensity" before with the one Taurus(you know the ONE). But it didn't include hate. It was either intense heat all overt body or extreme void like half of me was missing. But not hate. I also knew he felt the same way. We had an unimaginable connection.

Oh I remember. Hahaha....That is a great story. Have you ever seen that Disney film Anastasia? The ballroom scenes? I picture your story, with all the dancing and stuff, with that imagery. LOL.
Yeah, the "missing half" thing is how I feel. Imagine though, that you were in a situation where you two could not be together due to other circumstances, but still you have to see each other daily. That intensity can bring you really high, or REALLY low. That's what a lot of these women are stuck with - really having to deal with that intense desire daily, not knowing for sure how the bull feels, dealing with the hot/cold stuff, the bull just not communicating for long periods of time, etc. It can get to a point where it drives you crazy. The Scorp girl at work has given me the OFFICIAL Scorpio death stare and I was SCARED. And I guess I deserved it, for leading on, then ignoring. You don't *really* want to do that to a Scorpio woman. Every astrologer I've read says not to do that, and some bulls definitely tend to do this. Even in this thread, the bull under discussion is having these sexual convos. He knows there's attraction there, what he's doing, etc. But then its "no no...I don't want to ruin the friendship". He sure is teasing the boundaries of it though.
Posted by sugerbear
You know what is so funny...I have never had a love/hate thing with anyone but ny ex scorp took me there in the end. So TLS I know what you mean. Taurus/Scorp relationships are complex...my first love that I was talking about in the other post was a Scorp too...took years to get over that one. Dont get me wrong I think this could be an amazing pairing but I also think that we have a way to bring out the best and the worst in each other.

Just being around this Scorp at work has brought out the best and worst in me, without a relationship. I think its because I'm still dealing with the energy of the dynamic, even just in the minimal contact we've had. I can feel SO MUCH in her presence, and I have NEVER had that before. I have had some of the *lowest* most depressing days over it, but have also been revived in a lot of ways, inspired to be a better version of myself.
At a minimum, I am in the best shape of my life and have bought some really nice clothes to look good for her...lol, and my posture is like perfect now from having to sit up straight on high alert at my desk all day, so I don't miss her walking by. hahahahha.
Posted by Infinite8

Lol!!! Well I was trying smile
It's positive in the sense that we still made each other happy, we still cared about each other, communicate extremely well, become quite inseparable and we were able to overcome that awkward confession.
You know how I am. I might feel a lot of things and have a lot in common... But if I don't feel that magnetic energy, physical heat and psychic/telepathic connection... Then I'm just not that interested.

Hahahaha...I get it, and kidding aside, I think that's awesome. And the intense connection you need I think is great too, because it is so rare, and I think it really solidifies the bond you have with whoever you settle down with, and differentiates it from more mundane forms of compatibility and attraction. What could be more exciting or bring more security than to feel like you connect with your partner on such a transcendent level like that? Its pretty incredible. So you felt this with the hubby too? And does it last? What sign is he again? I'm always interested to know what signs Scorps make it work with. Virgo and Cap seem to be good signs for Scorps in marriage.
Posted by Infinite8

But why would that happen throughout a marriage? When things should already be more stable and settled? At that point there shouldn't be anything in that sense to figure out. I could only see myself not liking a really grumpy Taurus man and how that can make me more stubborn to stay my ground... But a nice a cuddly one; I would bend more and not be so stubborn. I might be wrong, but I feel that if I bend first, he will follow my pattern. I'm not afraid to lead in that way.

Very true. I'm sure it can be great with two mature people, once totally committed. I know an old Taurus/Scorp couple that is so cute together. I definitely think you could make it work because you just seem really grounded and "evolved". But....you will never know, because you left your soulmate sad, confused, and scared, looking for you in a parking lot. Hahahhaha....What if the "twin flame" concept is true, and you get to the afterlife and are made to watch a review of your *possible* life with your Taurus "twin flame" in all its glory, and then you have to reincarnate, find each other all over again, and choose him this time? For the benefit of the cosmos. LOL!
Sorry, I have to try and make you feel bad about ditching your bull.....lol.
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Finally a Scorpio/Cancer couple that works like the textbooks say it should. I went for "calm" and comfort too with my Sag. I say there's different kinds of love, none necessarily superior to the others. The Scorp felt TOO passionate, risky, etc. Like if it *didn't* work, I would spend the rest of my life devastated by it. It will definitely nag at me forever though....When your emotions spike like that, it is very hard to forget. Its like you can tap into the feeling at any time.
Posted by Infinite8
How appropriate: Meg Ryan(Scorp) was doing Anastasia's voice.

That's hilarious...didn't realize. I'll have to watch it again with that in mind....further indulging my Scorp fetish...lol.
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Posted by Infinite8

LMAO!!!! You are so mean!! Hahahahahahaha...

Just trying to help Winking

Posted by Infinite8

Well... I was too young and if I would have stayed with him, I'm sure we would have melted into each other... But not in a peaceful way. That type of intensity is too dangerous when you are too young. I couldn't breath when I wasn't with him and he couldn't sleep when he was without me... Too much obsession to be called healthy. I would have given up too much of myself. All or nothing with him... I knew it deep inside.

Scorp license revoked!!! LOL. These are all the things you are *supposed* to want most. All that Libra has made you way too stable. ahhahaha...
Posted by Infinite8

Cute story:
Went to visit uncle at care home an his roommate was this cute old man... Everytime I'd enter the room his eyes would sparkle and he'd flirt in a very adorable way. Caught my interest bc he was German living in Germany before and during WW2. Anyway, we'd talk everytime I would visit, turns out he is Taurus. Once we were talking and this older lady comes in, takes care of all details and was really intelligent and forceful (my uncle really respected her and he doesn't with many people). Anyway, turns out she's a Scorp! She was oh so faithful... Taking care of his every need an he looked so cute and SPOILED!! Made me laugh inside smile

That is really cute...I'm actually envious. lol.
Posted by Infinite8
Posted by TaurusLovesScorpio
Finally a Scorpio/Cancer couple that works like the textbooks say it should. I went for "calm" and comfort too with my Sag. I say there's different kinds of love, none necessarily superior to the others. The Scorp felt TOO passionate, risky, etc. Like if it *didn't* work, I would spend the rest of my life devastated by it. It will definitely nag at me forever though....When your emotions spike like that, it is very hard to forget. Its like you can tap into the feeling at any time.

Yeah!! It really works when someone tempers you. People always think we're in the "honeymoon stage" of our courtship and get shocked when we tell them we've been together for that long!
Calm doesn't necessarily mean boring!
Calm allows you to grow in other ways and evolve IMO...
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So does boring. You really learn acceptance, patience, longsuffering, etc. hahahaha...
Posted by Infinite8

Uuuggg... I didn't digest that info very well. Might be allergic to what you just said Winking
I am way too honest and energetic to allow myself to get bored. Settling is also something I don't do. Fortunately my hubby is the same way. Don't settle TLS!!!!

Hahahah...I was just being cynical (and fishing to see if your "calm" was boring). I get bored with everything so I just have to keep a constant rotation. I love to read for instance, but would never finish a book if it was the only one I was reading. I have to keep several going at the same time so I can switch from one to another and stay interested. I do come back around to them all if I do it that way.
Posted by Infinite8

You're a sneaky little thing... Don't need to fish around (you'll only catch a fish). You can ask me directly Big Grin
Were you talking about books or females.... LOL!!!!!!

LOL, good insight. I was thinking the same thing as I was writing that. I admit that I love talking to different women. Having Venus in Gemini I get so much from conversations with various women in my life, and I'm conflicted about it morally, as my Taurus side wonders if this is disloyal - especially bc my SO is nowhere near aware of how many or which women I talk to. Plus, I would just not be ok with her doing the same. It is a lot to consider. I think all of the signs kinda offer a different perspective on love, and having Venus in an air sign, I probably get a lot more out of stimulating communication than I would even admit to my SO, or that she could even understand, which actually makes the burden of guilt heavier. My Venus is just verbally (never physically) promiscuous and it has to be expressed in some way or...I'm bored. And boredom is dangerous for me. I knew if I got close to my Scorp crush, this would be what I got out of it, and felt I could keep it there. A psychic warned me otherwise and really put some fear into me. She has Venus in Scorp, and maybe I would not get off that easy. I knew she would definitely *want* more. The vibe from her was very physical from the start. I pride myself in thinking I can't be seduced physically, but I noticed my daydreams started to wander to the physical with her and then I was asking myself more "Would you cave?".
That said, I was reading an interesting convo on the Scorp board (I think), about which signs love the "best" or whatever. And if I remember correctly there was some boasting on the part of the more typically loyal signs. Then an air sign popped in and said something to the effect that air sign love was more evolved spiritually because it was more universal. Something about that really resonated with me. I am a big believer in the afterlife, and do a lot of reading (and currently writing) on Near Death Experiences. The type of love they experience in these other-worldly journeys is not private/exclusive like our pair-bonding here; it is like a melding of souls between any who meet, an access to their innermost being and thoughts, communication is telepathic and minds are open to one another so that there is no dishonesty and love flows freely. Just that concept alone seems superior on a spiritual level to what we have here (not to denigrate the human marital experience).
Promiscuous Venus placement justified? LOL!
Posted by Infinite8

To be with him would have meant to give up all of my personal dreams. He offered another world to me and it gave me peace (being in nature with him was amazing... He was my hero). But, I don't know how long it would be before I started missing ME.
It would only work out if we were stuck in a deserted island as depicted in one of my favorite Italian movies: "Travolti da un insolito destino nell'azzurro mare d'agosto". That's the only way...

I can understand all this. I think its a better pairing in older age, if circumstances permit of course, when the Scorp has already conquered the world or her dreams or whatever. I'm not sure a bull can keep up with the pace/drive or demands of a young Scorp. Part of me is hoping a door opens up for this anyway. LOL. I would love to be spoiled by a stern old Scorpio woman. Hahhaha...And that's not to say bulls aren't driven or passionate, but I do think we tend to let things come to us a bit more than a Scorp, being less prone to take risks, experience discomfort in stretching ourselves, etc.
Honestly- I am a very calm and laid back person. Everyone in my life comes to me for advice because I am very honest about what I say. Taurus and I text everyday so I know he is interested, but as soon as he takes 2 steps forward in our "relationship" he all of the sudden takes 2 steps back. He confuses me because I believe he is confused. I would never push someone to do something they may not be ready to do so for now I will continue to be there, as I have been for over a year and see what happens. I care about him enough to let him come around when he is ready. (If ever) and I care about him enough to be patient and if nothing ever happens, I will have to be okay with just being friends.
Posted by TaurusLovesScorpio

Hahahah...I was just being cynical (and fishing to see if your "calm" was boring). I get bored with everything so I just have to keep a constant rotation. I love to read for instance, but would never finish a book if it was the only one I was reading. I have to keep several going at the same time so I can switch from one to another and stay interested. I do come back around to them all if I do it that way.

I've been doing that lately, reading part of one book then another.
Posted by TaurusLovesScorpio
LOL, good insight. I was thinking the same thing as I was writing that. I admit that I love talking to different women. Having Venus in Gemini I get so much from conversations with various women in my life, and I'm conflicted about it morally, as my Taurus side wonders if this is disloyal - especially bc my SO is nowhere near aware of how many or which women I talk to. Plus, I would just not be ok with her doing the same. It is a lot to consider.
I pride myself in thinking I can't be seduced physically, but I noticed my daydreams started to wander to the physical with her and then I was asking myself more "Would you cave?".

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can you resist the water carving through the earth?
Posted by LadiiScorpio
Honestly- I am a very calm and laid back person. Everyone in my life comes to me for advice because I am very honest about what I say. Taurus and I text everyday so I know he is interested, but as soon as he takes 2 steps forward in our "relationship" he all of the sudden takes 2 steps back. He confuses me because I believe he is confused. I would never push someone to do something they may not be ready to do so for now I will continue to be there, as I have been for over a year and see what happens. I care about him enough to let him come around when he is ready. (If ever) and I care about him enough to be patient and if nothing ever happens, I will have to be okay with just being friends.

I can understand you because I dealt with a taurus man few months ago and was the same story : forward-back- too forward- hardly back.
I think he's waiting for you to make a direct straight forward action. Up to you to decide, but if you really like him, why don't you tell him clearly your feelings towards him? You can express your thinking in a neutral way to make him know that he's special to you but at the same time you're not asking him to get engaged with you. The person that we care a lot is to supposed to be the first one to know about our feelings.. ins't it?
Otherwise, "just being friends" attitude would alert him. If he's really that into you he will have to act definitvely.
Posted by TaurusLovesScorpio
Posted by Infinite8

To be with him would have meant to give up all of my personal dreams. He offered another world to me and it gave me peace (being in nature with him was amazing... He was my hero). But, I don't know how long it would be before I started missing ME.
It would only work out if we were stuck in a deserted island as depicted in one of my favorite Italian movies: "Travolti da un insolito destino nell'azzurro mare d'agosto". That's the only way...

I can understand all this. I think its a better pairing in older age, if circumstances permit of course, when the Scorp has already conquered the world or her dreams or whatever. I'm not sure a bull can keep up with the pace/drive or demands of a young Scorp. Part of me is hoping a door opens up for this anyway. LOL. I would love to be spoiled by a stern old Scorpio woman. Hahhaha...And that's not to say bulls aren't driven or passionate, but I do think we tend to let things come to us a bit more than a Scorp, being less prone to take risks, experience discomfort in stretching ourselves, etc.
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All about timing, and I've never been that great at it.

Oooh. I have to run today. My ex Taurus is here sitting at the starbucks beside the building where our
office is located, he was seeing me afar while crossing the street. I was trembled, really... I am
nervous. I was looking down as my heartbeat faster with fears..
I wanted to cry and tell the world Let me Go... I already emailed him that we have to forget evrything
and let it go.. that was monday last wk.

You bull seems cannot understand a Scorpio. My ex Taurus when I kept repeating the same question
and I know the answer.. He needs to heads up there must be something wrong... Until I blew up
and consider the parting ways must be done. That means bulls are DISHONEST!!! lol. not at all
but that is how I knew my ex was... until he said.. That's why you kept repeating the same question
and seriously with an intense look in his eyes and said YES..
I am detective for a good reason , though not to manipulate you.. just wanna know how TRUE are you!
Posted by justbeingscorpio
Posted by LadiiScorpio
Honestly- I am a very calm and laid back person. Everyone in my life comes to me for advice because I am very honest about what I say. Taurus and I text everyday so I know he is interested, but as soon as he takes 2 steps forward in our "relationship" he all of the sudden takes 2 steps back. He confuses me because I believe he is confused. I would never push someone to do something they may not be ready to do so for now I will continue to be there, as I have been for over a year and see what happens. I care about him enough to let him come around when he is ready. (If ever) and I care about him enough to be patient and if nothing ever happens, I will have to be okay with just being friends.

I can understand you because I dealt with a taurus man few months ago and was the same story : forward-back- too forward- hardly back.
I think he's waiting for you to make a direct straight forward action. Up to you to decide, but if you really like him, why don't you tell him clearly your feelings towards him? You can express your thinking in a neutral way to make him know that he's special to you but at the same time you're not asking him to get engaged with you. The person that we care a lot is to supposed to be the first one to know about our feelings.. ins't it?
Otherwise, "just being friends" attitude would alert him. If he's really that into you he will have to act definitvely.
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Posted by Infinite8

My husband has his venus in Gemini... But, we don't hide much from each other and he doesn't seem to have that same need to be stimulated by communication :-/
I wonder if it's just your chart as a whole and how the energies influence your sun? IDK...

LOL - maybe you are stimulating enough for him? I'm sure alot has to do with life circumstances. I actually never realized how much I like talking to women until after my divorce. It was a trigger. I've met alot of people with the placement who don't fit the common description for Venus in Gemini, and I definitely didn't at earlier points in my life. Maybe I'm having a mid-life crisis... :^o Psychic said she would not go for "just friends" and would do everything she could to manipulate me....and, that she is very good at that and it would destroy what I have with my SO.
Indeed so confusing your story. Well, sooner or later you will get tired of this and will take a decision to move on. Life is too short to live it this way. I see you can already be "a just friend" for him as long as he doesn't open his door to you and you will have all the right to do it. Then, you will check how much is he attracted to you. Otherwise, if nothing from his side happen to make things clear between you, then my dear this man wouldn't be for you whatever the reason.
Posted by LadiiScorpio
Honestly- I am a very calm and laid back person. Everyone in my life comes to me for advice because I am very honest about what I say. Taurus and I text everyday so I know he is interested, but as soon as he takes 2 steps forward in our "relationship" he all of the sudden takes 2 steps back. He confuses me because I believe he is confused. I would never push someone to do something they may not be ready to do so for now I will continue to be there, as I have been for over a year and see what happens. I care about him enough to let him come around when he is ready. (If ever) and I care about him enough to be patient and if nothing ever happens, I will have to be okay with just being friends.

You sound grounded/stable. I'd be interested to see the rest of your chart. I think you're probably right that he's jaded from past relationships and maybe wants to preserve what you have, rather than have it end like the others. We take things reaaallly slow. Key is just reassuring him, and keeping an ear out for those rare times that he expresses things he disliked about his exes, fears about future relationships, etc. If he's damaged, you really have to address that stuff, help build his confidence, and convince him that you're safe and not like his exes. I would try to spend alot of time with him, in his actual presence too. You're very pretty and we aren't all about that, but it certainly never hurts with Taurus...lol.
Posted by TaurusLovesScorpio
Posted by LadiiScorpio

You sound grounded/stable. I'd be interested to see the rest of your chart. I think you're probably right that he's jaded from past relationships and maybe wants to preserve what you have, rather than have it end like the others. We take things reaaallly slow. Key is just reassuring him, and keeping an ear out for those rare times that he expresses things he disliked about his exes, fears about future relationships, etc. If he's damaged, you really have to address that stuff, help build his confidence, and convince him that you're safe and not like his exes. I would try to spend alot of time with him, in his actual presence too. You're very pretty and we aren't all about that, but it certainly never hurts with Taurus...lol.
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You know...with how accomplished and handsome he is, he seems like he lacks a lot confidence. Although, people around me always think they need to prove something to me. He doesn't do that and I love that! I like how real he is with me, saying things, or doing things that others might judge.
I always try to reassure him. Like I said in an earlier post, when he was talking about us being physical would negatively effect out friendship, I told him I didn't agree 100% . I told him I that I would agree he would need to get to know me without the physical stuff because obviously he doesn't know the type of person I am by now with saying that. I also added that I think there would only be drama and headaches when dealing with immature people.
Please help me with my chart!!!!!! I would love that!!!!!!!!! _??_ I'm not sure what you need, but here is all of what I got. Tell me if this is wrong.
Rising Sign -10 Degrees Capricorn
Sun - 15 degrees Scorpio
Moon -13 degrees aquarius
Mercury - 26 degrees Scorpio
Venus - 10 degrees Scorpio
Mars - 18 degrees aquarius
Jupiter - 12 degrees Pisces
Saturn - 09 Degrees Sagittarius.
Uranus - 20 Degrees Sagittarius.
Neptune - 03 Degrees Capricorn.
N. Node -20 Degrees Aries.
I have no idea what any of that means!! Lol
Ohhhhhhhh and thank you for the compliment!!! ????????????????????????_??
Its probably the bad relationships that have taken a toll on his confidence. I went through the same and had some extremely distorted views of myself after major breakups. Have you done your chart on any of the popular astro sites like Caf? Astrology?:

Those are a good place to start because they'll give you good brief summaries of your placements without overwhelming you with info. You should see if you can get his birth info.; it would be helpful to compare your moon and venus placements. There are also various free synastry charts where you can see how your placements aspect his.
Posted by TaurusLovesScorpio


Those are a good place to start because they'll give you good brief summaries of your placements without overwhelming you with info. You should see if you can get his birth info.; it would be helpful to compare your moon and venus placements. There are also various free synastry charts where you can see how your placements aspect his.

Wow interesting ! I didn't know that astrology can be accurate at this point. Thanks for sharing !
To a Taurean, Love is Love, nothing else.
Before you get with a Taurus man, read up on the relationship between Taurus and Scorpio. As i understand, Scorpios probe a lot and want to discover secrets, upon which they base their moral and value decisions on, also with other persons.
Taureans base their values quite so more on the tangible things - How much money, how pretty, how well-trained and such things. But with that said, we want women that are independent. In that sense, Scorpios can be great partners for Taureans.
You just need to have more dates with him and talk to each other about your values in life. What interests do you have? What are your future plans? Have you taken a view of perspective over both of your lives and are ready for each other that way? I can see you have in a way, but i think you need to talk to each other a bit more first smile Those things should come FIRST, not AFTER you have let your love taken over your relationship, and moved in with each other. You may find out secrets about him that may lead you to not like him any more. That goes for him too.
Taureans want peace and love, and thrive with long term stability and peace. Scorpios thrive a bit more on turbulence, they may feel "edgy" and that things are not right, when everything is in order for too long. These are the things you need to be certain of before moving ahead, to avoid disaster between you!!
But the deep understanding and sense of these two signs can be matched by very few others in the Zodiac. They can build fortresses together and they both are deep thinkers, and want to know each other to the absolute fullest.
I may be wrong with all this, you have to decide if you want to take something from this, or not.
Except for the age and kids sounds like my "friend" and I. The reason I haven't taken things to the next level is because I'm having trouble choosing between her and another Taurus. I know I suck.
Posted by TaurusLovesScorpio
Posted by Infinite8

LMAO!!!! You are so mean!! Hahahahahahaha...

Just trying to help Winking


click to expand

This pic is awesome!!! Hope u don't mind me stealing it for my avi....assuming it will actually upload lol.
Posted by scorpgal76

This pic is awesome!!! Hope u don't mind me stealing it for my avi....assuming it will actually upload lol.

Sure - have at it.
Posted by TaurusLovesScorpio
Posted by scorpgal76

This pic is awesome!!! Hope u don't mind me stealing it for my avi....assuming it will actually upload lol.

Sure - have at it.
click to expand

What is the meaning of this picture tauruslovesscorpio?
Posted by braindeadtauro
Except for the age and kids sounds like my "friend" and I. The reason I haven't taken things to the next level is because I'm having trouble choosing between her and another Taurus. I know I suck.

Yes you do but you're so funny to write this here. You don't help so much this lady to figure out about his man in a positive way. At least you give reason to my last answer !