I am a 27 yr old female Scorpio and have been "friends" with a 36 yr old taurus make for a little over a year now. We met at my previous job and with his position, he was not suppose to be communicating with me, but we texted all the time. Finally when I left that job he invited me to his house. Made me the best margarita I've ever had and I slept over(nothing happened). I honestly was so nervous and I am not a nervous person, he could tell and kissed me and asked me if that made me feel better. Our connection is really intense and he seems to know all the right things to say to motivate me when I am down. He is very encouraging, but throws me mix signals.
To give a little background we both have sons, his son is 5 and my son is 6. Both went through rough relationships with our sons other parents. He still sees his son all the time and is a great father. However my sons father is no where to be found.
This taurus man I admire so much. He is such a hard worker and such a good dad. If anything I do not want to jeopardize our friendship, but I believe that we were meant to be more than friends. I am willing to be patient because I believe he has just been burnt and thinks that all woman are crazy. I am trying to show him that I am not like that. I am a very calm person and I have been through so much I am not willing to except drama.
So recently he has been talking about sexual things through text. Obviously I am so into him so it turns me on. Now he has sent me a message saying that he thinks if we are physical it will mess up our friendship and we should spare the drama and headaches and our goal is to be friends. He obviously is attracted to me or he wouldn't have even started it. I am thinking that it must be because of his past. I know for a long time I had no interest in a relationship or marriage until I got over my hurdle of pain from the past.
I mean why is he confused, or am I? Can some fellow Taurus help me out here?? Please!
Signed Up:
Mar 15, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 3979 · Topics: 6
I would ask him to list out the reasons he thinks it wouldn't work. In the past when I've been friends with a girl I was really attracted to, I have a times wanted to keep things at the friend level, to preserve that, thinking I wasn't good enough for the person, we were incompatible in some way, etc. I'm sure he has his reasons. You just have to get him to be comfortable to share them. Taurus/Scorp communication seems to be HORRIBLE for the most part, when these two start becoming more than just friends.
I just got out of a yr long taurus/scorp relationship...communication was our #1 biggest issue!! I don??t know what it is about our two signs but sometimes everything gets lost in translation. :/ You need to talk to him in a straightforward manner. One thing that I noticed with my scorp ex is that the communication was only bad when it was talking about our relationship, he would go in a circle and kinda sidestep like how your watery bro/sis the crab do. Taurus are not like that we are very straight forward and like to cut the crap. I think what happens too, is these two signs mirror each other a lot and that interferes in the relationship. So don??t mirror what he is doing or how he is acting just talk to him and as TLS said just have him list it out and then talk about the points with him. I think if the two of you can hurdle those obstacles and learn how to communicate well a Taurus/scorp relation is great. I learned so much about myself dating mine and I know he learned a lot to.
Signed Up:
Mar 15, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 3979 · Topics: 6
I talk to alot of Scorp women; they seem to be the more wild ones. They will typically not express their true feelings to their significant other, though they will run them by their close friends. They will get suspicious of their SO, speculate about every detail about everything, investigate to the fullest extent without actually directly asking the person what is up, explode in a rage *about* their SO, buuuut...often they are just....very wrong.
Monday: "I KNEW that motherfucker was not going to follow through with the plans he made. FUCK HIM!!! I AM SO DONE!!! Who the FUCK does he think he is? He thinks he's going to play me? I know he is talking to this other girl at the office. I will never speak to his ass again! He has no idea who he is fucking with!!!!"
Tuesday: "Aaaaahhhhh....he came by my desk today. I don't know what it is about this man but I am SO in love with him. The way he smells...his eyes are so dreamy...he just looked at me and I melted. I wanted to rip his clothes off right at my desk. Oh, that other thing was no big deal. He fell asleep so couldn't come over."
Stuff like that...lol.
Signed Up:
Mar 15, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 3979 · Topics: 6
etc. etc.
You know what is so funny...I have never had a love/hate thing with anyone but ny ex scorp took me there in the end. So TLS I know what you mean. Taurus/Scorp relationships are complex...my first love that I was talking about in the other post was a Scorp too...took years to get over that one. Dont get me wrong I think this could be an amazing pairing but I also think that we have a way to bring out the best and the worst in each other.
Signed Up:
Mar 15, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 3979 · Topics: 6
Finally a Scorpio/Cancer couple that works like the textbooks say it should. I went for "calm" and comfort too with my Sag. I say there's different kinds of love, none necessarily superior to the others. The Scorp felt TOO passionate, risky, etc. Like if it *didn't* work, I would spend the rest of my life devastated by it. It will definitely nag at me forever though....When your emotions spike like that, it is very hard to forget. Its like you can tap into the feeling at any time.
Signed Up:
Mar 15, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 3979 · Topics: 6
That said, I was reading an interesting convo on the Scorp board (I think), about which signs love the "best" or whatever. And if I remember correctly there was some boasting on the part of the more typically loyal signs. Then an air sign popped in and said something to the effect that air sign love was more evolved spiritually because it was more universal. Something about that really resonated with me. I am a big believer in the afterlife, and do a lot of reading (and currently writing) on Near Death Experiences. The type of love they experience in these other-worldly journeys is not private/exclusive like our pair-bonding here; it is like a melding of souls between any who meet, an access to their innermost being and thoughts, communication is telepathic and minds are open to one another so that there is no dishonesty and love flows freely. Just that concept alone seems superior on a spiritual level to what we have here (not to denigrate the human marital experience).
Promiscuous Venus placement justified? LOL!
Honestly- I am a very calm and laid back person. Everyone in my life comes to me for advice because I am very honest about what I say. Taurus and I text everyday so I know he is interested, but as soon as he takes 2 steps forward in our "relationship" he all of the sudden takes 2 steps back. He confuses me because I believe he is confused. I would never push someone to do something they may not be ready to do so for now I will continue to be there, as I have been for over a year and see what happens. I care about him enough to let him come around when he is ready. (If ever) and I care about him enough to be patient and if nothing ever happens, I will have to be okay with just being friends.
Signed Up:
Aug 22, 2013Comments: 2 · Posts: 2497 · Topics: 2
Oooh. I have to run today. My ex Taurus is here sitting at the starbucks beside the building where our
office is located, he was seeing me afar while crossing the street. I was trembled, really... I am
nervous. I was looking down as my heartbeat faster with fears..
I wanted to cry and tell the world Let me Go... I already emailed him that we have to forget evrything
and let it go.. that was monday last wk.
You bull seems cannot understand a Scorpio. My ex Taurus when I kept repeating the same question
and I know the answer.. He needs to heads up there must be something wrong... Until I blew up
and consider the parting ways must be done. That means bulls are DISHONEST!!! lol. not at all
but that is how I knew my ex was... until he said.. That's why you kept repeating the same question
and seriously with an intense look in his eyes and said YES..
I am detective for a good reason , though not to manipulate you.. just wanna know how TRUE are you!
Indeed so confusing your story. Well, sooner or later you will get tired of this and will take a decision to move on. Life is too short to live it this way. I see you can already be "a just friend" for him as long as he doesn't open his door to you and you will have all the right to do it. Then, you will check how much is he attracted to you. Otherwise, if nothing from his side happen to make things clear between you, then my dear this man wouldn't be for you whatever the reason.
Ohhhhhhhh and thank you for the compliment!!! ????????????????????????_??
Except for the age and kids sounds like my "friend" and I. The reason I haven't taken things to the next level is because I'm having trouble choosing between her and another Taurus. I know I suck.