Posted by Andalusia
Being able to fart unabashedly in your sweatpants in the comfort of your own home.
Posted by PurtyWingzFly2?Posted by Andalusia
Being able to fart unabashedly in your sweatpants in the comfort of your own home.
What’s up with the ignorant commentsclick to expand
Posted by PurtyWingzFly2You just know yye wrong type of people
What be reasons why you don’t want a relationship ? I swear I encounter with a few Taurus men seems like they are always single or never really been in relationships but they got kids tho ! What’s up with this ?
Posted by Boots1313Posted by PurtyWingzFly2You just know yye wrong type of people
What be reasons why you don’t want a relationship ? I swear I encounter with a few Taurus men seems like they are always single or never really been in relationships but they got kids tho ! What’s up with this ?click to expand
Posted by AndalusiaPosted by PurtyWingzFly2?Posted by Andalusia
Being able to fart unabashedly in your sweatpants in the comfort of your own home.
What’s up with the ignorant comments
That's legit one of my reasons for being single.
I'm not comfortable enough with anyone to leave my body alone with them while I sleep. What if I make some noise or start some shit.. will they tell me or just slow fade and then stop calling?
Idk. Bc im not putting myself in that to expand
Posted by ELIGABSee smh. My bd is a Taurus he states he doesn’t want a relationship but I’m fine with I’m just confused why he says mushy things and says he loves me if he doesn’t mean it. He acts like we are in a relationship and he states he’s not ready like that’s so inconsistent bs I don’t understand. If he doesn’t want anything to do with me I told him he doesn’t have to come around but it should be bout my daughter. It’s like he has some hold on me for some reason I don’t try to think things. I just try to act accordingly and I just don’t seem to get it at this point.
Yea, I do notice alot of Taurus men like this, including my uncle and i think I'm following honestly lol..
Its truly an investment to go half on a baby and on life..
Posted by HippeeGem
Sometimes it’s kind of nice knowing you don’t need someone to get through every day. And having amazing days without anyone. Although it’d be nice to find that one who makes the days even better. I’m so not helping, lol.
Posted by 7times77Posted by PurtyWingzFly2I'm guessing that the two of you are not a good match. Taurus is a sign of desire, persistence and determination. When they want something, they can focus in trying to get that. If your guy is flaky, he's perhaps, unsure of what he wants and is just being nice, a Venus thing. Don't accept mixed signals from dudes. You'd do well with a resolute guy.
Also I have this guy that hmu I dk if he’s bored or what but he hmu then when I reply when I do he stops replying altogether. He calls me then it seems like we are only on the phone for a few minutes before he goes. That’s what my bd does as well. What’s up with this bs I hate dealing with that type of behavior so I began to ignore to expand
Posted by maychild86
I enjoy being alone, when you have been single for a while it becomes more difficult to let someone into your bubble. Taurus are usually in love with the thought of love but in reality they are afraid of falling in love. But once I meet someone I really like, it's an easy decision. If he/she is flaky is probably because they are not that interested or feel that you are not a potential partner
Posted by MissAllisaPosted by OnTheVirgCould you explain the patience part a bit more? I started dating a Taurus and i can already see why you would say that but i’m curious and want to know more.
They take commitment very seriously. Like marriage serious. My dude was single for 5 years before he got with me. He was single for so long because he didn’t like how people nowadays don’t take relationships seriously.
Couples too eager to break up over small matters rather than communicate and work it out.
“Oh you didn’t respond to my text? Welp, time to find a new boo!”
“Did I just see you like some instah0? Boy, bye.”
Even spouses cheating out of cowardness…made him rethink arranged marriage at some point. I told him if we break up then it’s finito. It ain’t going to be one of those breakup then get back togetherships. And he loved how I shared the same mindset. So yea when a Taurus chooses to be with you he’s already envisioned a future with you. You really do need lots of patience with these guys cause if you don’t have it you’re better off with a fire to expand
Posted by PurtyWingzFly2You're doing the right thing. We Taurus are also hunters and like the chase of getting what we can't have. He is behaving that way because you set clear boundaries and it makes it more interesting to win over you. If it's just because of the chase he likes or if it really is that he genuinely wants you, it´s up to you to judge by his behaviorPosted by maychild86
I enjoy being alone, when you have been single for a while it becomes more difficult to let someone into your bubble. Taurus are usually in love with the thought of love but in reality they are afraid of falling in love. But once I meet someone I really like, it's an easy decision. If he/she is flaky is probably because they are not that interested or feel that you are not a potential partner
That sounds bout right. I rejected one and I don’t understand why he comes back around. I just see him as friends but I don’t see where he gets this relationship talk from. I never give him no relationship talk. He’s the one mushy and all that. I act accordingly because I’m not getting myself into something that’s not going to be to expand
Posted by maychild86Posted by PurtyWingzFly2You're doing the right thing. We Taurus are also hunters and like the chase of getting what we can't have. He is behaving that way because you set clear boundaries and it makes it more interesting to win over you. If it's just because of the chase he likes or if it really is that he genuinely wants you, it´s up to you to judge by his behaviorPosted by maychild86
I enjoy being alone, when you have been single for a while it becomes more difficult to let someone into your bubble. Taurus are usually in love with the thought of love but in reality they are afraid of falling in love. But once I meet someone I really like, it's an easy decision. If he/she is flaky is probably because they are not that interested or feel that you are not a potential partner
That sounds bout right. I rejected one and I don’t understand why he comes back around. I just see him as friends but I don’t see where he gets this relationship talk from. I never give him no relationship talk. He’s the one mushy and all that. I act accordingly because I’m not getting myself into something that’s not going to be to expand
Posted by MissAllisaPosted by OnTheVirgYeah the Taurus i’m seeing right now was single for almost 5 years as well! It really crossed my mind to stay friends first but our chemistry was kind of crazy every time we would meet so the friendship thing kind of flew out the window😬. Whenever big things bother me i’m very vocal about it so that’s not the issue. The thing i’m more worried about is the communication part of it all. Don’t find our conversations very stimulating or challenging. So i don’t know if i should be patient and let him open up more on his terms or that it’s not coming at all. I’m a Gem and communication is very important to us and it can be difficult to be patient when it comes to this.Posted by MissAllisaPosted by OnTheVirgCould you explain the patience part a bit more? I started dating a Taurus and i can already see why you would say that but i’m curious and want to know more.
They take commitment very seriously. Like marriage serious. My dude was single for 5 years before he got with me. He was single for so long because he didn’t like how people nowadays don’t take relationships seriously.
Couples too eager to break up over small matters rather than communicate and work it out.
“Oh you didn’t respond to my text? Welp, time to find a new boo!”
“Did I just see you like some instah0? Boy, bye.”
Even spouses cheating out of cowardness…made him rethink arranged marriage at some point. I told him if we break up then it’s finito. It ain’t going to be one of those breakup then get back togetherships. And he loved how I shared the same mindset. So yea when a Taurus chooses to be with you he’s already envisioned a future with you. You really do need lots of patience with these guys cause if you don’t have it you’re better off with a fire sign.
Don’t rush them into a relationship-let it happen naturally. They’re very observant; this sussing out period is why it takes time because they want to see if you’re a good fit for them and they’re a good fit for you; they consider everything. They want to see if you’re true to who you are and not putting on an act…It’s why they say it’s better to be friends with a Taurus first because they don’t have the expectation of impressing you and vice versa. Something bothering you? Say it, they appreciate directness. Don’t like something he does? Call him out, don’t be passive aggressive hoping he’ll notice because it won’t solve anything. Lay it out on the table and if he sees you as a keeper trust you’ll know, there are no mixed signals. But don’t try to mindplay him into thinking you’re the best thing ever and if he doesn’t get with you then it’s his loss. Because even if you do succeed through this tactic, chances are he’ll see you as a placeholder and won’t stay long.
How long have ya’ll been dating?click to expand
Posted by maychild86
I enjoy being alone, when you have been single for a while it becomes more difficult to let someone into your bubble. Taurus are usually in love with the thought of love but in reality they are afraid of falling in love. But once I meet someone I really like, it's an easy decision. If he/she is flaky is probably because they are not that interested or feel that you are not a potential partner
Posted by PurtyWingzFly2Then that´s what you should do, move on and block him from your life. It´s not fair of him and not fair to you if you have deeper feelings that he does not respond toPosted by maychild86
I enjoy being alone, when you have been single for a while it becomes more difficult to let someone into your bubble. Taurus are usually in love with the thought of love but in reality they are afraid of falling in love. But once I meet someone I really like, it's an easy decision. If he/she is flaky is probably because they are not that interested or feel that you are not a potential partner
That sounds like mr.taurus rn for me on my end. He said he doesn’t see us a potential relationship so he wanted to be friends but I don’t want to be friends. I just want to move on with my life. I don’t want to be reminded of the past when we are to expand
Posted by AndalusiaEveryone wants to land on their feet somewhere nice, but if you dont even jump you cant even land anywhere.Posted by PurtyWingzFly2?Posted by Andalusia
Being able to fart unabashedly in your sweatpants in the comfort of your own home.
What’s up with the ignorant comments
That's legit one of my reasons for being single.
I'm not comfortable enough with anyone to leave my body alone with them while I sleep. What if I make some noise or start some shit.. will they tell me or just slow fade and then stop calling?
Idk. Bc im not putting myself in that to expand
Posted by maychild86Posted by PurtyWingzFly2Then that´s what you should do, move on and block him from your life. It´s not fair of him and not fair to you if you have deeper feelings that he does not respond toPosted by maychild86
I enjoy being alone, when you have been single for a while it becomes more difficult to let someone into your bubble. Taurus are usually in love with the thought of love but in reality they are afraid of falling in love. But once I meet someone I really like, it's an easy decision. If he/she is flaky is probably because they are not that interested or feel that you are not a potential partner
That sounds like mr.taurus rn for me on my end. He said he doesn’t see us a potential relationship so he wanted to be friends but I don’t want to be friends. I just want to move on with my life. I don’t want to be reminded of the past when we are to expand