Posted by Scorpio123
Why would anyone take that risk though? Don't. If you're considering it don't. It'll only hurt.
Posted by thecrazyariestaurusHe told me to take all the time I need, and he will be here for me if I need a friend???
I feel like a Taurus man wouldn't even let you do it
Posted by KityyyyyyyWere you anything more than a friend before this?Posted by thecrazyariestaurusHe told me to take all the time I need, and he will be here for me if I need a friend???
I feel like a Taurus man wouldn't even let you do itclick to expand
Posted by AgentP911Posted by KityyyyyyyWere you anything more than a friend before this?Posted by thecrazyariestaurusHe told me to take all the time I need, and he will be here for me if I need a friend???
I feel like a Taurus man wouldn't even let you do it
What's wrong with what he said?click to expand
Posted by KityyyyyyyWhat response did you want?
He did say he didn't hold grudges. I guess fundamentally I wanted a different response from him. Alas he is sooo private and shy. I don't know how he feels about us.
Posted by Kityyyyyyy
I feel terrible about having done it. But, herein lies the quandary, he works away all the time and I don't think I can have a relationship like that. I need someone here. But here's the kicker, I have become attached to him, since we've been chatting for four months. I'm too invested and cannot be friends due to my feelings. I have no clue how to navigate through this one?.
Posted by TauruswithspunkThank you. He is very independent as am I. I'll just leave it up to the universe to do its magic.
Also Tauruses love space so yes he will come back IF he's grown attached to you. And he will try to find a medium as well.
Posted by tizianiIndeed. He thinks I'm cool, calm and collected about it all. Yet secrecretly, I'm sad about the whole saga.
Be calm about it. No melodrama. That's the best way.
Posted by TauruswithspunkFunny thing that. He was married to a Saggitarius too. And these are all very valid points. I have however once been in a similar situation where my partner worked away I mining. There was a questionable incident once with him, that I never got closure with, hencecmy hesitation about said situation. I am open enough however, to entertain the notion, yet fear has a place this also. I can tell that he would be , an incredible partner. Its the scorpio taurus dynamic at play here, and his does it work.Posted by KityyyyyyyMy sagitarius girlfriend is married to a Taurus who works away so much she's basically single. At first it was hard for her BUT he takes care of the household. She doesn't have to work... drives a hummer, buy stupid shit, goes where She wants and do as she likes. She's grown to like it. Does she miss him... yes! He won't even let her break up and she has tried ? Just because you've never been in this dynamic, doesn't mean you can't grow to like it or compromise. Do what you feel may be the best for you... but Tauruses are providers and I can almost gaurantee he will love you full force like no other.
I feel terrible about having done it. But, herein lies the quandary, he works away all the time and I don't think I can have a relationship like that. I need someone here. But here's the kicker, I have become attached to him, since we've been chatting for four months. I'm too invested and cannot be friends due to my feelings. I have no clue how to navigate through this one?.click to expand
Posted by Scorpio123i haven't told her how she is feeling (perhaps someone else has) but i did say they were only friends at this point. they haven't met, they haven't committed to each other, they haven't shared their feelings. are you suggesting that they are more than friends at this point?Posted by KityyyyyyyOnly you and you only know how you feel about him, why would you trust someone else's thoughts of your own feelings towards him!? It's not anyone's job to tell you what you feel!
I am a Scorpio. We haven't met yet because, he asked me for a coffee after a few days chatting and I asked if it would be okay if we chatted a bit first, he said it was okay. Since then he's been away for the last three months away with work apart from a couple days. I don't feel I can tell him how I feel at this juncture since we haven't even met. Some lovely people on here gave me some insight saying I was too invested and that we are just friends. He's a slow movie shy guy, but alluded to meeting him this week before I did a Brittney Spears on him. How can I tell him how I feel when he hasn't said anything romantic towards me thus far?. It seems nonsensical?.
Don't let them define your feelings or your emotions for you. We can judge situations but you ONLY can judge your own feelings. He seems like he's invested in you too, but probably holding back cause he doesn't want to scare you away.
Make a date and meet him, I'm a Scorpio so I get how intense things feel for us, but a Taurus will love it, you both have the perfect balance and you will soften him up and he will calm your fears down. Tell him you like him, ask him if he feels the same way, a bull won't run away from feelings or get scared.
Chances are if you're feeling it, he's feeling it as well. What is your heart telling you?click to expand
Posted by jeaneI value and appreciate all the advice you are giving me, even the tough love speil, because I would give the same advice back too. I have done the disappearing trick because I find myself in a catch 22 situation now. I know I can't do a ling distance relationship, yet I allowed myself to talk to him for four months allowing myself to get invested. I am to blame for my situation. And yes, I was hoping for a grand gesture. I've totally ballsed up the situationship yes. So you still believe it's in my best interest to actually meet knowing this information Yes?.Posted by Scorpio123i haven't told her how she is feeling (perhaps someone else has) but i did say they were only friends at this point. they haven't met, they haven't committed to each other, they haven't shared their feelings. are you suggesting that they are more than friends at this point?Posted by KityyyyyyyOnly you and you only know how you feel about him, why would you trust someone else's thoughts of your own feelings towards him!? It's not anyone's job to tell you what you feel!
I am a Scorpio. We haven't met yet because, he asked me for a coffee after a few days chatting and I asked if it would be okay if we chatted a bit first, he said it was okay. Since then he's been away for the last three months away with work apart from a couple days. I don't feel I can tell him how I feel at this juncture since we haven't even met. Some lovely people on here gave me some insight saying I was too invested and that we are just friends. He's a slow movie shy guy, but alluded to meeting him this week before I did a Brittney Spears on him. How can I tell him how I feel when he hasn't said anything romantic towards me thus far?. It seems nonsensical?.
Don't let them define your feelings or your emotions for you. We can judge situations but you ONLY can judge your own feelings. He seems like he's invested in you too, but probably holding back cause he doesn't want to scare you away.
Make a date and meet him, I'm a Scorpio so I get how intense things feel for us, but a Taurus will love it, you both have the perfect balance and you will soften him up and he will calm your fears down. Tell him you like him, ask him if he feels the same way, a bull won't run away from feelings or get scared.
Chances are if you're feeling it, he's feeling it as well. What is your heart telling you?
she is too invested if she is panicking that he has an fwb, she's pulling disappearing stunts and somehow expecting him to give a grand declaration of love, all while saying they are soulmates when they haven't even been in each other's company. she might find when they meet there isn't that spark, or he might feel that way. what then? will she try to convince herself it really is there because she has convinced herself it has to be?
i realise that this is the first flourish of potential love and that makes us all to go a bit nutty. my advice is to calm down, take her time and yes, i agree with you, meet him and see if what she is feeling is genuine.
but if she has felt that him being away all the time isn't going to meet her need to have someone physically close to her then she needs to seriously think if this is the best match. if it isn't then best to nip it in the bud while this is in its infancy. there is no point trying to convince yourself that a deal breaker isn't one when it is.
i know i couldn't do a long distance relationship. i wouldn't even attempt one because i know how much having that proximity is important it is to to expand
Posted by Kityyyyyyyyeah, i do think you should meet him.
I value and appreciate all the advice you are giving me, even the tough love speil, because I would give the same advice back too. I have done the disappearing trick because I find myself in a catch 22 situation now. I know I can't do a ling distance relationship, yet I allowed myself to talk to him for four months allowing myself to get invested. I am to blame for my situation. And yes, I was hoping for a grand gesture. I've totally ballsed up the situationship yes. So you still believe it's in my best interest to actually meet knowing this information Yes?.
Posted by Scorpio123Here's the thing, I don't know how he feels, you say he feels the same, but I cannot know this. I would like to believe the feeling is mutal, but again, I'm not convinced that we should actually meet, since I put things on hold or just put my big girl panties on and release him despite my genuine feelings for him and not mess him about any further?. Ugh, what a web I've weaved...Posted by jeaneNo I wasn't trying to define their relationship stance, whatever it is? Doesn't mean too much to me, the labels I mean. I was talking about what she feels towards him, if she's too invested or not, that's not the issue here, but what I was saying was only her can tell if there's a spark or a chemistry there, and it seems to me like there is, otherwise this would have ended a month into it especially with not meeting a random spark would have ended.Posted by Scorpio123i haven't told her how she is feeling (perhaps someone else has) but i did say they were only friends at this point. they haven't met, they haven't committed to each other, they haven't shared their feelings. are you suggesting that they are more than friends at this point?Posted by KityyyyyyyOnly you and you only know how you feel about him, why would you trust someone else's thoughts of your own feelings towards him!? It's not anyone's job to tell you what you feel!
I am a Scorpio. We haven't met yet because, he asked me for a coffee after a few days chatting and I asked if it would be okay if we chatted a bit first, he said it was okay. Since then he's been away for the last three months away with work apart from a couple days. I don't feel I can tell him how I feel at this juncture since we haven't even met. Some lovely people on here gave me some insight saying I was too invested and that we are just friends. He's a slow movie shy guy, but alluded to meeting him this week before I did a Brittney Spears on him. How can I tell him how I feel when he hasn't said anything romantic towards me thus far?. It seems nonsensical?.
Don't let them define your feelings or your emotions for you. We can judge situations but you ONLY can judge your own feelings. He seems like he's invested in you too, but probably holding back cause he doesn't want to scare you away.
Make a date and meet him, I'm a Scorpio so I get how intense things feel for us, but a Taurus will love it, you both have the perfect balance and you will soften him up and he will calm your fears down. Tell him you like him, ask him if he feels the same way, a bull won't run away from feelings or get scared.
Chances are if you're feeling it, he's feeling it as well. What is your heart telling you?
she is too invested if she is panicking that he has an fwb, she's pulling disappearing stunts and somehow expecting him to give a grand declaration of love, all while saying they are soulmates when they haven't even been in each other's company. she might find when they meet there isn't that spark, or he might feel that way. what then? will she try to convince herself it really is there because she has convinced herself it has to be?
i realise that this is the first flourish of potential love and that makes us all to go a bit nutty. my advice is to calm down, take her time and yes, i agree with you, meet him and see if what she is feeling is genuine.
but if she has felt that him being away all the time isn't going to meet her need to have someone physically close to her then she needs to seriously think if this is the best match. if it isn't then best to nip it in the bud while this is in its infancy. there is no point trying to convince yourself that a deal breaker isn't one when it is.
i know i couldn't do a long distance relationship. i wouldn't even attempt one because i know how much having that proximity is important it is to me.
He's waiting on her for a reason too, I know most men who aren't interested wouldn't have.
Again I don't know what goes on between the two of them, only her can know that. It seems like a chance they shouldn't waste to expand
Posted by Scorpio123Fear is a curse. I know I should take the risk, but I just need to be sure I can actually do a long distance relationship before taking that step.Posted by KityyyyyyyFrom what you said here it seems like you're genuinely into him but you're torn and tormented because of all the unknowns and that is scary, you seem like you're willing to withstand the distance because of how much you like him, and that is what matters.
I feel terrible about having done it. But, herein lies the quandary, he works away all the time and I don't think I can have a relationship like that. I need someone here. But here's the kicker, I have become attached to him, since we've been chatting for four months. I'm too invested and cannot be friends due to my feelings. I have no clue how to navigate through this one?.
Doing things we don't want to do and taking the risk for someone we think is worth it.
You can't just walk away every time you feel scared, or feel like you're taking a risk, everything you do in life will seem like a risk at first.
So call him, apologize, clear the air and ask him to finally meet, only then you can see if you can pull this off or to expand
Posted by Scorpio123It was the fact he was away all the time, now it would seem it's because of me.
What's holding the both of you from meeting? What's the real reason?
Posted by jeaneGranted, you make a very good case. The other thing that I need to take in to account is, will he be willing to meet, since I left him in the dust as it were?.Posted by Kityyyyyyyyeah, i do think you should meet him.
I value and appreciate all the advice you are giving me, even the tough love speil, because I would give the same advice back too. I have done the disappearing trick because I find myself in a catch 22 situation now. I know I can't do a ling distance relationship, yet I allowed myself to talk to him for four months allowing myself to get invested. I am to blame for my situation. And yes, I was hoping for a grand gesture. I've totally ballsed up the situationship yes. So you still believe it's in my best interest to actually meet knowing this information Yes?.
don't worry too much about making a mess of the situation. it's nothing that can't be undone.
you might find when you meet him, "oh god, he is not for me" or it will be a case of "he is so great, i want to see where this goes". you might find you feel different about the long distance thing. perhaps you can find a compromise you can be happy with or maybe his travelling will come to an end at some point and you will be happy to work on building a relationship until then.
none of this you can work out until you actually meet to expand
Posted by KityyyyyyyPosted by jeaneGranted, you make a very good case. The other thing that I need to take in to account is, will he be willing to meet, since I left him in the dust as it were?.Posted by Kityyyyyyyyeah, i do think you should meet him.
I value and appreciate all the advice you are giving me, even the tough love speil, because I would give the same advice back too. I have done the disappearing trick because I find myself in a catch 22 situation now. I know I can't do a ling distance relationship, yet I allowed myself to talk to him for four months allowing myself to get invested. I am to blame for my situation. And yes, I was hoping for a grand gesture. I've totally ballsed up the situationship yes. So you still believe it's in my best interest to actually meet knowing this information Yes?.
don't worry too much about making a mess of the situation. it's nothing that can't be undone.
you might find when you meet him, "oh god, he is not for me" or it will be a case of "he is so great, i want to see where this goes". you might find you feel different about the long distance thing. perhaps you can find a compromise you can be happy with or maybe his travelling will come to an end at some point and you will be happy to work on building a relationship until then.
none of this you can work out until you actually meet to expand
Posted by Scorpio123You are absolutely right. I know what I need to do now, to be sure.
Well you won't figure it out doing what you're doing now. If you truly care for this man, he deserves that you at least meet him once and see how it goes. This will be the first way to prove yourself, get over your fear.
If you can't do this, delete his number, unfollow him on social media and let him find someone else who will.
Posted by KityyyyyyyPosted by Scorpio123Fear is a curse. I know I should take the risk, but I just need to be sure I can actually do a long distance relationship before taking that step.Posted by KityyyyyyyFrom what you said here it seems like you're genuinely into him but you're torn and tormented because of all the unknowns and that is scary, you seem like you're willing to withstand the distance because of how much you like him, and that is what matters.
I feel terrible about having done it. But, herein lies the quandary, he works away all the time and I don't think I can have a relationship like that. I need someone here. But here's the kicker, I have become attached to him, since we've been chatting for four months. I'm too invested and cannot be friends due to my feelings. I have no clue how to navigate through this one?.
Doing things we don't want to do and taking the risk for someone we think is worth it.
You can't just walk away every time you feel scared, or feel like you're taking a risk, everything you do in life will seem like a risk at first.
So call him, apologize, clear the air and ask him to finally meet, only then you can see if you can pull this off or to expand
Posted by Scorpio123So eloquently put. Thank you.
Yes to what jeane said. Stop over complicating things! Just meet the man, just ask him what he feels about you, see how you feel about him and begin from there.
Forget about what's happened or what is happening, let meeting be day 1.
Posted by jeaneThank you for all your encouragement. It is much appreciated. ?Posted by KityyyyyyyPosted by jeaneGranted, you make a very good case. The other thing that I need to take in to account is, will he be willing to meet, since I left him in the dust as it were?.Posted by Kityyyyyyyyeah, i do think you should meet him.
I value and appreciate all the advice you are giving me, even the tough love speil, because I would give the same advice back too. I have done the disappearing trick because I find myself in a catch 22 situation now. I know I can't do a ling distance relationship, yet I allowed myself to talk to him for four months allowing myself to get invested. I am to blame for my situation. And yes, I was hoping for a grand gesture. I've totally ballsed up the situationship yes. So you still believe it's in my best interest to actually meet knowing this information Yes?.
don't worry too much about making a mess of the situation. it's nothing that can't be undone.
you might find when you meet him, "oh god, he is not for me" or it will be a case of "he is so great, i want to see where this goes". you might find you feel different about the long distance thing. perhaps you can find a compromise you can be happy with or maybe his travelling will come to an end at some point and you will be happy to work on building a relationship until then.
none of this you can work out until you actually meet him.
yeah. i don't doubt it. they are quite resilient types. just go for to expand
Posted by Scorpio123Because I'm shy. I could actually use that wedding ring shopping line, he'd actually like that. He has a cracking sense of humour, we both can't get a word in between us through all the joking and laughing. Ive got the date all planned out in my mind already.Posted by jeanePosted by KityyyyyyyPosted by Scorpio123Fear is a curse. I know I should take the risk, but I just need to be sure I can actually do a long distance relationship before taking that step.Posted by KityyyyyyyFrom what you said here it seems like you're genuinely into him but you're torn and tormented because of all the unknowns and that is scary, you seem like you're willing to withstand the distance because of how much you like him, and that is what matters.
I feel terrible about having done it. But, herein lies the quandary, he works away all the time and I don't think I can have a relationship like that. I need someone here. But here's the kicker, I have become attached to him, since we've been chatting for four months. I'm too invested and cannot be friends due to my feelings. I have no clue how to navigate through this one?.
Doing things we don't want to do and taking the risk for someone we think is worth it.
You can't just walk away every time you feel scared, or feel like you're taking a risk, everything you do in life will seem like a risk at first.
So call him, apologize, clear the air and ask him to finally meet, only then you can see if you can pull this off or not.
why do you need to be sure? it's just coffee/meal/whatever. you're not picking out burial plots.
Hahaha that's so sad but so funny too!
Unless you're taking him wedding ring shopping, whatever you decide to do will be fun. I would go putt putt golf so he'd see my butt as I swing my golf club. There you to expand
Posted by Scorpio123I know rieeet, we are but mere chickens compared to their strength. That's such a scorpio thing to say, to give you his number. Sounds exactly what I would say if the shoe was on the other foot. ?Posted by KityyyyyyyI think he would. Bulls are so brave and strong. They're unlike us Scorpios, aren't so easily swayed. Call the guy, give me his number and I will call him for you ?Posted by jeaneGranted, you make a very good case. The other thing that I need to take in to account is, will he be willing to meet, since I left him in the dust as it were?.Posted by Kityyyyyyyyeah, i do think you should meet him.
I value and appreciate all the advice you are giving me, even the tough love speil, because I would give the same advice back too. I have done the disappearing trick because I find myself in a catch 22 situation now. I know I can't do a ling distance relationship, yet I allowed myself to talk to him for four months allowing myself to get invested. I am to blame for my situation. And yes, I was hoping for a grand gesture. I've totally ballsed up the situationship yes. So you still believe it's in my best interest to actually meet knowing this information Yes?.
don't worry too much about making a mess of the situation. it's nothing that can't be undone.
you might find when you meet him, "oh god, he is not for me" or it will be a case of "he is so great, i want to see where this goes". you might find you feel different about the long distance thing. perhaps you can find a compromise you can be happy with or maybe his travelling will come to an end at some point and you will be happy to work on building a relationship until then.
none of this you can work out until you actually meet to expand
Posted by Scorpio123Easy tigrrrrrrrrr, easy ????
Then fucking meet the guy. Just try to keep your hands to yourself cause I bet you'd want them all over him. ?
Posted by Scorpio123I have a gemini moon what ever that means. Oooh, a big protective teddy bear, I like the sounds of that. Are you dating a Taurus?.
What's your moon sign? Mine is Pisces so it's not that I've a nervous system, I am a nervous system! They're really understanding of that though. He'll just become protective of you.
Posted by soundsunsceneThank you for the wealth knoweldge. Always good to get a different perspective and thoughts. I'll take them all onboard. If I may ask, have you been deceived by one before.
Long distance and Taurus without meeting them is a pipe dream (from experience) ..even only meeting them once then back to a Ltr is the same thing also but not quite as bad
They are huge flirts and are possibly flirting with others at the same time to add to it - some have strange self esteem issues especially if have been hurt before so need women adoring them
Only when you have spent real time together and are in close proximity so it can be more realistic and real will a Taurus invest emotionally
They need to laugh, feel you, spend time with you have sex with you and miss you not being there and think about you constantly. They have to be able to think about being with you in a practical manner in your energy
When Taurus is into you and thinking about you you will know as everyone says if you guess even for a minute you have your answer
I'm not a Taurus mind you but I'm at my third now