Taurus woman being shy & submissive?

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by solo87 on Friday, December 9, 2016 and has 13 replies.
Is it common for a Taurus woman to be this way with a Aries male with a strong dominating presence. She been chasing me for almost a year and with other people she isn't shy and is very outgoing but with me she always jams up gets shy and makes me do all the leading which I like but in a way it's a turn off because conversation gets boring and there no challenge. And this doesn't normally seem like a Taurus thing. Some Leo's are like this with me also when they like me with other signs there in total control but with me they become more submissive but they still remain the fun exciting self of a leo. I find a lot of good traits with this Taurus women but her naming up being shy and kinda afraid is making her boring.
And for the record she without a doubt is very interested I tried pushin her away ignoring here for months due to getting over a relationship and not wanting to deal with people but she just keeps coming back.
Could be that she thinks you want to take the lead, so she lets you. If she likes you, she may be doing that to make you happy.
Maybe she's just too laid back for u. When I dated an Aries he hated being challenged or corrected and I loved the way he attacked things so I usually allowed him to lead and was laid back about most things. His attitude was kinda sexy so I didn't mind the mistakes he'd make. He loved to make me angry though; he liked when I showed passion... out of everything that's probably why I got over him. I enjoy being laid back. It's just not compatible.
Posted by Bricks195
Could be that she thinks you want to take the lead, so she lets you. If she likes you, she may be doing that to make you happy.
I agree this is a possibility.
Posted by solo87
Is it common for a Taurus woman to be this way with a Aries male with a strong dominating presence. She been chasing me for almost a year and with other people she isn't shy and is very outgoing but with me she always jams up gets shy and makes me do all the leading which I like but in a way it's a turn off because conversation gets boring and there no challenge. And this doesn't normally seem like a Taurus thing. Some Leo's are like this with me also when they like me with other signs there in total control but with me they become more submissive but they still remain the fun exciting self of a leo. I find a lot of good traits with this Taurus women but her naming up being shy and kinda afraid is making her boring.
Yeah that could happen. Oh well move on then.
Oh yeah they do try to get a reaction. Not cool man. Haha.
Aries is a masculine yin negative sign, and Taurus is feminine yang positive regardless. They are neighboring signs even in astrology.

When this two come together it's because one lacks something in one. So if they see you a dominant type, the feminine sign will automatically go there it's physical attraction, laws of nature.

Later in time they see they are different but still make it work.
Posted by solo87
And for the record she without a doubt is very interested I tried pushin her away ignoring here for months due to getting over a relationship and not wanting to deal with people but she just keeps coming back.
Here's the thing with this though Taurus are willing to be there for one man or woman right away. They will always be there for the ones they like, or cherish, or admire. So you say you went through something bad well here comes a nice, caring and understanding individual who like friendships and you expressed it. And deep down you like someone you can trust and open upnto.
If it makes u feel better too ur bull might feel like me and be "allowing" u to lead. Not that she IS submissive but can BE submissive if maybe she thinks u can't handle being challenged. That's why she isn't like that with other people. I don't think u have to worry about her ability to express herself when she thinks it matters or fear her feeling walked over. She's prob just happy now smile

Posted by Smidge
u so cool
The coolest
Trap for what?
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
Posted by solo87
And for the record she without a doubt is very interested I tried pushin her away ignoring here for months due to getting over a relationship and not wanting to deal with people but she just keeps coming back.
Here's the thing with this though Taurus are willing to be there for one man or woman right away. They will always be there for the ones they like, or cherish, or admire. So you say you went through something bad well here comes a nice, caring and understanding individual who like friendships and you expressed it. And deep down you like someone you can trust and open upnto.
click to expand

You nailed one of the things I like about her. That and her being calm is kind off a plus because there has been a few times i got hot headed not with her tho but instead of tryin to fight with me she would do what she can to just calm me down.