Taurus Woman, Pisces Man

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by ScorpioFish on Tuesday, June 11, 2013 and has 13 replies.
Hey Bull girls,
What are your experiences with Fish guys like?
Have you been happy with him? Sad? Confused? Angry?
What was the Moon sign of the guy, and did his additional personality traits click or clash with yours?
Also, what is his decan?
What was his ideal?
Did he have a stable job? Was he younger, older or about your age?
Any half minded pisces in love would jump at the chance to see you. Writing for an entire weekend and not even making time for you.. what the hell are you to him? A prop? You need to tell him that you want him to make more of an effort. Or more effective: ask him to hang out and if he blows you off, you vanish after telling him you'll make other plans then. He'll know exactly why, if he values you he'll pick up the slack.
I'm sorry but I used to get these urges to hug my taurus so tightly his bones crack, if he'd call me to come over I would in a heartbeat. I would schedule work and obligations and just make time. I'd deal with the rest later. That's a pisces, not this work addicted one.
To me this all sounds like very casual friendship, not dating at all. We're fun with everyone, but serious with very few. If you want som
To me this all sounds like very casual friendship, not dating at all. We're fun with everyone, but serious with very few. If you want some more insights, PM"s are a heartbeat away. I can help you shake him awake if you like smile
I would die if I didn't have tender/private moments with the one I love. It's the air to a relationship. Compliments won't do much, it's his actions you need to worry about. Sweet words don't keep you warm at night or fill your belly. ACTIONS!
But that's just me..
I wrote a poem for him...I cannot copy paste it on my mobile. Very self explanatory.
Well, Taurus ladies like the rowdy sex.
Maybe ya'll should try putting the moves on, and see how he responds.
Once you hook him into that, I doubt he will be dithering on ANYTHING for long, haha.
I see.
Intense. His magnetism over powers me.
Posted by venusianbull
I wrote a poem for him...I cannot copy paste it on my mobile. Very self explanatory.

Do you love him?
I am a Taurus sun with Capricorn rising and moon.
He is a Pisces sun with Taurus moon and Capricorn rising.
Forgot to add he is a first decan Pisces Feb 22.
Posted by robyn808
I'm not really sure what his ideal of me was. It was obvious that he had one, but he didn't share much about it with me. There were just times, where I wanted to stop and ask.. who do you think I am?
But as a Taurus, I don't really give a lot away, so it can almost be a perfect environment for someone to project there own perception of who they think you are or want you to be.
But who I was didn't seem to be very important to him, which you can argue that's the best scenario for unconditional love to flourish. But for some reason it still bothered me, like I was somehow deceiving him even though I had no idea how or what he actually thought. He had these very romantic ideas about me that he would hint about, but then deny if I inquired about them.
He's the hardest person for me to describe, but he did have a lot of positives.. I wouldn't have hung around him for so long if he didn't.

I find this to be true with me too but I do think Pisces do care about who you really are they just aren't aware they are doing the projecting thing it happens automatically. Actually, sometimes I will do or say something and he is totally in shocked back into reality of who I really am. It's weird the bull is the most real sign but we HIDE allot! The thing is I am confident in who I am so when he hinted he likes short hair I cut my hair. I am actually am making a conscious effort to be his ideal woman because I want to always be his. He has actually told me what his ideal is of me, it's cosmetic things(short hair be more goth LOL) some manners or tastes preferences like wanting hate Linkin Park, lol? I am so similar to that anyway and what he wants it's not a big deal to me. I like fantasy and role play so I go there with him, why not? Pisces men are said to lead you into their worlds if they like you and I am going there with him. smile
It's true about the romantic ideas and you can't call them out on it hahaha they seem to embarrass easy. Course, I have standards for him too so it's fair!