A Night(s) at the Opera #3: DOOL

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pu1FKiIFyy0 Days of our Lives Dool, My first love ? before there were too many libras in my life :/ 1983-84 Days of our Lives character astro signs Tom Horton-Pisces Alice Horton-Aquarius Marie Horton-Taurus...

This topic was created in the Television forum by AfternoonDelights22 on Monday, January 23, 2017 and has 120 replies.
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September 27

Megan needs reassurance from Bo. “Butler” Shane is the person spying on Kim Brady. Max’s crony pouts a tape recorder in Daphne’s hospital room, but it is found. Who is Shane really, and why is he spying on Kim, Tony, Daphne, Bo and Hope?

Melissa is preparing herself for going to the male strip joint for the first time tonight before Pete calls and confirms their date for 11 pm. Larry & Hope spat over each other's evening plans. Will Melissa find out that Pete’s secret job is as a stripper? Will Shane’s spying turn up important info?

October 1

Marlena and Roman finally have some alone time, but will a note she finds ruin the evening? Is Roman on Andre’s tail? Can Pete and Melissa work through their troubles? A birth is about to happen.

October 2 1984

Liz is worried about Neil. Liz doesn’t want Carlo to tell Neil about the kiss they shared. Pete goes to see Hope to talk about Melissa. Is Marlena about to have the twins?

October 3 1984

Pete is still shook that Melissa is avoiding her and left to New York with her mother. Tony visits his mother in the hospital, but the nurse is up to something. Andre Dimera is in a pissy mood. Max and Meg freak over the 3 prisms.

October 4 1984

Andrew is throwing himself into getting the 3rd prism. He knows Kimberly Brady has it thanks to a picture in the newspaper. Hope and Kim discuss men. Is Andre’s speculation that Stefano is alive true? Why is Kim freaking out about the upcoming party for her father?

October 5 1984

Pete counts his stripper money. Anna, Alex, & Tony discuss a tropical island shoot. Melissa is back from New York already. Daphne tells Calliope she can use the necklace in the shoot and that the jewelry is in the vault of the bank on Ash Street. Does Andre truly believe that Stefano is dead?

October 8 1984

Larry and Gwen continue to have troubles. Pete and Melissa fight. Calliope goes to Daphne's bank to pick up the jewelry. Alex and the Madam discuss Pete. Will Gwen get some dirt on Max?

October 10 1984

Max wakes up on Gwen's couch. Andre is in Salem. Hope goes on TV. Can Andre impersonate Tony in the presence of Anna, Calliope and Alex.

October 11 1984

Pete tries to deny it when he is recognized as a stripper. Roman questions Kim about avoiding the family. Hope reveals a truth about Larry to Melissa. Does Andre get away with impersonating Tony?

October 12 1984

Bo reunites with Diane in England. Kim & Marlena have lunch. Andre has a showdown with Max and plans to kill him. Gene has a bad feeling about the trip to the tropical island. Will Bo find clues about Andre? Is Megan's true identity finally being revealed and is her life in danger too?

October 15 1984

Carlo deals with a drunk Neil. Megan talks to her real "father" on the phone. Kim is still fretting about her father's birthday party. Andre & Abigail ransack Kim's apartment looking for the prism. Will Shane, who has been spying on Kim's apartment see all of this in time as Kim returns home?

October 16 1984

Megan takes over the cartel. Shane's man is spying on Kim's apartment and has seen two different Tony's in her apartment tonight. Is Pete being bought by the Madame?

October 17 1984

Shawn's birthday party takes place at Roman & Marlena's, Kim acts strangely towards her father. Kim leaves and is offered money for a "good time" by a man in Shennanigans, she declines. Something puts an early end to the party...

October 18 1984

Melissa and Hope want to help Bo and Eugene. Neil and Liz reconnect, but Neil is going through it. Marlena is in labor. Can Liz help Neil or is it too late? Is Hope's life in danger?

October 19 1984

Marlena gives birth to twins, Sami & Eric. Will holds Hope at gunpoint. Kim falls back intro prostitution after running into an old friend from Europe. Bo wonders about Max's whereabouts. The one and only Stefano Dimera is alive and back in Salem!

October 22 1984

Shane is still spying on Kim. Bo visits Kim. Roman & Marlena are at the hospital with the twins. Megan's true father is revealed. Can Eugene help Hope? Are Roman and Tony onto Andre? Why does Stefano need the prisms?

November 1 1984

Roman was summoned to Haiti by Brother Andrew, making the call at gunpoint. Stefano is not pleased that Roman is taking a commercial flight and not the plane he intends to mess with. Kim hides her hooker money behind a family picture. Shane trashes Kim's apartment when she is at the airport. Many are getting ready to board the plane to Haiti. Is the fact that Hope is faking her pregnancy found out? Stefano plans on intercepting the plan to have it taken to his secret Island instead, will he succeed?

November 2 1984

Liz and Carlo get ready for the trip. Kim tells Abe her apartment was trashed. The negatives Shane stole from Kim are not what he expected. Carlo plants a fake love note in the night stand for Neil to find. Due to Eric being hospitalized, Roman cannot make the flight, so Bo goes in his place. Andre has plans of his own for the plane as he poses as the co pilot…Is the plain going down?

November 5 1984

Neil finds Carlo's planted letter. Larry lies that Hope had a miscarriage. The plane has crashed on Stefano’s Island…who will live? who will die?

November 6 1984

Kim sees news of planecrash on TV and calls Marlena. Larry gives an interview concerning hope and the plane crash. Shane & Roman meet at Kim's apartment, Capt. Donovan is Roman's contact with the ISA. Hope tells Bo what happened back at her apartment with Larry. As Andre acts like he is Tony, Tony is lost somewhere on the island. Carlo and Daphne are not doing well. Will Larry be elected Lt. Gov? Will Roman leave Marlena and the kids and head off to the island?

November 7 1984

Stefano is not pleased because he doesnt know where the plane went down, but he hatches a plan. Shane meets Abe and introduces himself and fills him in on his and Roman's connection. Abe & Shane go to search Kimberly's apartment and she catches them there. Will Kim realize Shane has been keeping surveillance her and knows she is a hooker? Someone has found the real Tony, but it isnt anyone from the plane. Will Anna pick up on clues that it is Andre posing as Tony?

November 8 1984

Larry tells Gwen that Hope was not pregnant and later tells Alice. Andre has to get violent to keep his identity hidden that he is not Tony. Madam Dupree gets Pete drunk. Who is taking care of Tony?

November 9 1984

Kim remembers the photos Shane wants and she and Caroline retrieve them from the attic. Shane meets Marlena for the first time and waits for Kim to bring the photos to her house. Neil is in pain over Liz going down with the plane. Melissa is waiting for Pete, but the Madam has gotten him drunk. Will Madam set Pete and Melissa up for heartbreak? Why by god, the Madam is Melissa's mother.

November 12 1984

Melissa catches Pete and her mom in bed. Melissa fins unlikely comfort. A storm hits the island where the plane went down. Tony is being nursed by a girl who lives on the island. Anna discovers another villain is on the island with everyone. Who will be the first to die on the island?

November 13 1984

Neil is a mess, but wants to go back to work. Shane goes to Marlena's, he and Kim discuss her secrets before he is leaves for the island. Gwen tells Larry she leaked the story to the press about Chorvat being his father. The Madam aka Linda Anderson begins blackmailing Kim.

November 14 1984

Meg is worried about her father, Stefano. Andre contacts Abigail who is with Stefano. Calliope thinks she can help on the island. Bo and Hope go off alone on the island to be together.

November 15 1984

Stefano locates the island. Jasmine makes crutches for Tony. Melissa confronts Linda about sleeping with Pete and she denies it. Hope gets injured. Will Kim be blackmailed into going back into prostitution?

November 16 1984

Shane has found Stefano’s island, and his compound, but can he get through Stefano’s guard. Kim cries in the hospital Chapel where the Brady's and Horton's gather to pray for everyone who went down in the plane crash. Nurse Honeycut, tends to a hurt Hope, but might try to kill her instead. The island situation between Andre & Andre turns violent.

November 19 1984

Barry spends time with Melissa and gets served with divorce papers from Tess. Calliope stops Honeycutt from giving Hope insulin to try and kill her. Will Hope be okay?

November 20 1984

Tess plans on leaving Salem for good. Tony kisses Jasmine while on the beach. Stefano's women search Jasmine's hut for the prism. Calliope tells the group & Andre about Bo's plan to use the raft. Linda & Kim discuss the rules of the blackmail and then Kim turns her first trick for Linda. Someone spots the real Tony on the island!

November 21 1984

Larry and Gwen make plans together as a real couple. Tony figures out that Andre is also on the island and acting like he's Tony. Tony also learns his mother died. Shane is captured on the island by Stefano's man Petrov. A bomb is set. A volcano on the island is ready to explode...will Andre destroy Bo's raft?

November 22 1984

It's Thanksgiving. Kim joins Marlena for the get together at the Hortons. Tony makes his way back to the other's and talks to Bo about Andre. Stefano has Hope kidnapped. Has the group been spotted on the island? It is time for Tony and Andre to fight to the death! ...with Quicksand nearby.

November 23 1984

Tony and Andre battle to the death. Stefano steals the prism from Jasmine. Bo tries to rescue Hope from the yacht. Roman lands on the island in the chopper. Roman & Stefano fight on a cliff. Which of the two will fall to their death?

November 26 1984

Larry & Gwen have a romantic first Thanksgiving together, but the news that the people in the plan crash, including Hope, have been found ruins those plans. A possible rescue seems to be in order on the island. Thanks to Stefano, Roman is shot and falls off the cliff. Bo & Hope find him on the beach. Is this the end of Roman’s life? Hope goes to get help, but when Bo comes back, Roman’s body is not there.

November 27 1984

Bo tells Marlena that Roman died. Tony visits Daphne's grave. Kim & the Brady's congregate at Marlena's for news on the Islanders, but the news Marlena gets is devastating…

November 28 1984

Neil gets word that Liz is alive. News about Roman makes its way through Salem. Stefano is in a celebratory mood. Stefano has more than just the prism in his dastardly plans…

November 29 1984

Melissa and her mother argue about Pete. With Hope returning, Larry & Gwen realize they cant actually be together now. Stefano & Megan are reunited. Stefano thinks Shane is dead, but he is wrong. Shane goes to Bo for help with Stefano.

November 30 1984

Survivors arrive at the airport with much fanfare. Larry waits for Hope with roses. Hope finds out Larry won the election and she publicly denounces him and announces she loves Bo Brady. Bo is upset over her announcement. Caroline notices the 2nd phone in Kim's bedroom. Anna finds out Alex sold Anna DiMera Designs when he thougth she was dead, he asks Gwen to get it back. Marlena is upset that Roman’s body was left on the beach. After a talk with Marlena, Bo is a mess feeling guilty about Roman, what will he do?

December 3 1984

Anna interrupts Tony and Jasmine. Larry is at a crossroads after everything Hope told publicly about him. There is still tension between Neil and Liz because of the letter from Carlo. Carlo has not stopped in wanting Liz with whatever deception necessary. Will Liz give into him?

December 4 1984

Neil wants to apologize to Liz for jumping to conclusions about Liz and Carlo, but Liz and Carlo have gotten closer than ever..in bed. Honeycutt has the prism and shows it to Megan. Megan calls Stefano with the good news. Shane confronts Honeycutt and Megan.

December 5 1984

Jasmine & Anna go shopping for a dress for Jasmine. Bo returns and finds Diane in his bed. Diane goes to see Zack, Megan threatens her with kidnapping charges if she takes Zack.

December 6 1984

Liz looks through Neil's things for a clue about his past. Bo calls Hope needing to talk and she learns he doesn’t plan on going to Roman’s wake. Hope thinks Bo blames her for Roman's death, because he was saving her life on the yacht. Roman's Wake begins. Shane attends the Wake and Shawn's brother Eric shows up, which really shakes Kim up.

December 7 1984

Larry calls Megan over for a meeting to discuss Hope and Larry getting what is his since he helped Meg and her father all this time. Roman's wake continues. Kim and Shane end up at the docks together, and discuss her reaction to seeing her uncle Eric. Anna and Marlena discuss custody of Carrie now that Roman is gone.

December 10 1984

Anna wants the money Alex got for selling her company. Jasmine and Tony discuss their closeness. A devastated Marlena is alone thinking about Roman. Alice tries to support Marlena who decides she needs to go away with the kids for awhile.

December 11 1984

Linda continues to try and control Kim. Liz has Chris helping her investigate Neil. Kim gets upset with her uncle because of the past...

December 12 1984

Neil comes home and Liz tells him she has been worried about him. Megan talks to Stefano on the phone, she has the prism hidden in the bear. Bo and Hope apologize to each other.

December 13 1984

Kim & Shane share cheesecake. Neil and Liz continue to get real with each other. Shane and Bo argue about what happened to Roman. Hope continues to try and work issues out with Bo. Anna and Alex continue their fight over money.

December 14 1984

Anna tries to deal with Alex. Bo and Hope have sexy and then fight (They really need to figure out how to do that in the reverse order). Bo gets himself in legal trouble and a cop is involved.

December 17 1984

Hope finds out Bo is in jail, she tells Melissa it is over with she and Bo. Hope mistaken as a police school applicant but she signs up after Bo ridicules her. Melissa helps Barry by delivering flowers for him. Chris tries to talk sense to Neil and Liz and them running from the dangers of Neil's past.

December 18 1984

Pete tries to warn Melissa off of Barry because of the abuse he did to his sister. Megan tries to convince Stefano that she can handle Shane. Kim is roughed-up by her john. Can Shane help Kim?

December 19 1984

Marlena arrives home from her trip. Gene has decorated the Christmas tree. Kim finds out Eric is babysitting at Marlena's and sends him on his way, and then warns Marlena about her uncle Eric. Abe tells Hope she has been accepted into the Police Academy, and she was in the top five on the rookie exam. Fire at Anna's, so survivor's party moved to Liz & Neil's. Someone is following Hope...