A Night(s) at the Opera #3: DOOL

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pu1FKiIFyy0 Days of our Lives Dool, My first love ? before there were too many libras in my life :/ 1983-84 Days of our Lives character astro signs Tom Horton-Pisces Alice Horton-Aquarius Marie Horton-Taurus...

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December 20 1984

Hope's first day of police school--she is late and is wearing fur. Carlo resurfaces and tells Liz he knows all about Neil and the secret he has been keeping. Liz leads Carlo on to keep him quiet, but he figures it out. Bo follows Hope into the ladies room to try to talk her out of going thru with police school. Tony & Anna are working on survivor's party preparations. Liz and Neil plan to use that party to escape Salem.

December 21 1984

Survivor's Party at the Curtis house. Marlena cant get herself in the mood for the party. Marlena then gets a basket from a fan. Kim invites Shane to Christmas Eve at her parents. Carlo shows up at the party and may ruin Liz and Neil's plot. Neil and Carlo have a confrontation and get into a fight at the stables!

December 24 1984

Carlo and Neil fight! Kim & Shane & Marlena arrive for Christmas Eve at the Brady's. Kim & Shane share their first kiss under the mistletoe. Diane convinces Bo to go to his folks for Christmas. Marlena gives Roman's fishing pole to Bo.

December 25 1984

Tony & Jasmine at Christmas, he receives a rare wine. Calliope meets Gene's mother. Carrie finds the family ornament--Roman had added Eric & Samantha's names. Christmas at the Horton's with the ornaments. Bo and Hope have sentimental christmas gifts for each other.

December 26 1984

Calliope tries to get on the right track with Gene's mother. Stefano has some regrets over what happened to his enemy Roman. Kim runs into a former john at Blondies, & Bo punches him when he refers to Kim as a hooker. Hope tells Melissa that she feels like someone is watching her, and someone is...

December 27 1984

Kim surprised to see Uncle Eric at the fish market, he warns her not to start anything. Marlena meets Jimmy Porterfield. Carlo's grandfather arrives at the hospital. Carlo tries to sit up, but has problems. Eric follows a little girl out of the fish market, later Abe phones and tells Shawn that Eric has been arrested....

December 28 1984

Hope is in Karate class at police school. Stfano & Megan discuss Marlena being his new adversary. Melissa is about to deliver a plant , but finds cocaine. Kim tells Shane about Eric abusing her. Kim goes to see Abe and tells him about Eric and she talks to the little girl he molested.

December 31 1984

Neil tells Carlo's grandfather that Carlo is out of danger and going to live, but his grandfather upsets him. New Year's Eve party at Shenanigan's . Linda tells Alex she wishes someone would do her a favor and torch Anderson Manufacturing. Tony thinks Stefano sent him the rare wine. Tom & Alice witness the explosion at Anderson's and try to help a man who has been injured.

January 2 1985

Plans are being made for Gene's Birthday Party. A death and danger rang in the new year.

January 3 1985

Melissa & Barry discuss the cocaine she found. Bo & Shawn discuss Eric being in jail. Kim thanks Shane for the talk the other day and tells him she went to the police and told them what Eric did to her. Kim tells Shane her friend is being blackmailed with a video tape. Bo and his father have another big blow up.

January 4 1985

Marlena is scheming. Stefano is scheming. A drunken Bo & Melissa go to a movie, end up at Bo's place. Bo doesn't know about Shawn's heart attack. Stefano tells Megan that Chorvat is smuggling the prism from Siberia into the US with the Ice Show coming to Salem.

January 7 1985

Hope walks in on a situation between Bo and Melissa. Kim tells Caroline that Eric molested her when she was a child. Diane tells Megan she might take her to court. Is Marlena onto Stefano?

January 8 1985

Speed talks to Gwen about suing Tom Horton. Abe gets findings about the fire and tells Linda it was faulty wiring. Alex tells Linda the man he hired knew how to do the job right.

January 9 1985

Bo receives good news. Marlena's plane tickets to Caracas are delivered. Shane tells Kim she can use the electro-magnet to erase the tape and shows her how. Gwen tells Chris she is taking the case against Tom Horton & Linda Anderson.

January 10 1985

Alice & Tom discuss the Selejko kids suit against Tom. Melissa talks to Pete about the lawsuit. Hope is in police training, and Bo comes into classroom to observe. Bo is shocked by what he finds about about Megan.

January 11 1985

Bo is desperately trying to get ahold of Shane. Kim goes to Shane's for pep talk for her friend as today is the day she ends the blackmail. Linda tells Alex she is being sued by the Selejko family. Melissa find out Barry has been using her and is in danger...

January 15 1985

Alex and Anna meet up. Shane's boss orders him to get Kim to co-operate. Shane tries to persuade Kim, by telling her Roman devoted his life to stop people like Stefano DiMera. Hope is having trouble getting over the wall in police training and walks out.

January 16 1985

Shane and Kim discuss Bronksy's arrival. Megan tells Stefano she'll do anything to help him find the prism. Shawn comes home from the hospital.

January 17 1985

Grand Opening of Anna DiMera Designs, Tony arrives back in town early and doesn't want Jasmine to model the dresses. Tom & Marie read the newspaper headlines about his malpractice suit. Barry threatens Melissa.

January 18 1985

Liz and Neil are working things out. Marlena arrives in Caracas. Melissa is in the middle of Barry's drug scheme, and can't find a way out. Shane dons a mask and beats up Bo to get Megan's sympathy.