Virgo men: If you known someone (plutonic) for years, then were intimate and became closer to her, would you like to chase or know where you stand with that person? On top of that, if you had been badly hurt in a long-term relationship, what would be important for you with someone new?
The reason I'm asking is that I've been advised on another forum that Virgo men likes to chase, that you should never give too much away as they become easily bored otherwise. Is this the case, or would it be important to know what the other person felt before you could feel safe?
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Jan 19, 2011Comments: 2 · Posts: 540 · Topics: 11
Page 273-
Your personal bill of rights---
You have the right to be treated with respect
Tou have the right not to take to take responsibility for anyone elses' problems of bad behavior
You have the right to be angry
You have the right to say no
You have the right to make mistakes
You have the right to have your own feelings,opinions and convictions
You have the right to change your mind or dto deciede on a different course of action
You have the right to negotiate for change
You have the right to ask for emotional support or help
You have the right to protest unfair treatment or criticism
From the book-Men who hate women and the women who love them:loving hurts and you don't know why
By Susan Forward
ISBN 13-978-0553381412 Bantam 2002
Copy this and nail it to your forehead,make one for your purse and replace your bathroom mirror with a large size of this.
Then go and buy a copy of the book and read it 50 times .
Signed Up:
Jan 19, 2011Comments: 2 · Posts: 540 · Topics: 11
Will you just frigging stop this S*&T already.Every couple of weeks or months you come back here and reframe/rephrase or restate your situation with the Virgo.It is the same s*^T wrapped in a new package. Then you act like this is a situation is somehow different or evolving.It hasn't changed and it won't.But I know that you will press onto prove all us wrong.
People have given you all sorts of advice and you have taken NONE OF IT.And you keep asking what to do next.There is no next until you get you head out of your butt.And see this situation for what it is.
If he wanted to be with you he would have already.You have no frigging clue what it is to be a solider.Do you think that he can turn off his war experiences and come skipping over to you and have love and hate rolled up in his brain and in his heart?!!!Why do you think he is being wild in the bar and in the streets.Taking on women that mean nothing to him.
Why are you scared to stop drinking and not get a divorce,we don't live in the middle ages,this is the 21 century,get your ever loving s% ^T together.You are an embarrassment to women all over the world.I will be taking you woman card and ripping it up.
Why would anyone get into a relationship with you,when at any second,you have the option of going back with your husband.If your not,then prove us wrong,get a divorce . I DARE YOU.
I don't give a rat poop what you think of me.You need to grow the bleep up.Drinking stops your emotional maturity.And to those who want to comment ,read her past posts.She goes around and around.Doing nothing.Going nowhere.MOVE ON FROM HIM.
Signed Up:
Jan 19, 2011Comments: 2 · Posts: 540 · Topics: 11
why should I post it for you,I'm not your secretary.You really should read her posts to get a handle on this for yourself.Self exploration is good for the soul.
Signed Up:
Jan 19, 2011Comments: 2 · Posts: 540 · Topics: 11
That is true.Point being if others read thher post before they comment,they get the picture.FYI,Page 3 Virgo Man ..what does this mean.To a Virgo a commitment is a commitment.Don't you have a shampooer to buy?
Signed Up:
Jan 19, 2011Comments: 2 · Posts: 540 · Topics: 11
Okay SunnyCap,here is some straight talk for you:
1)I am angry because you are going in circles with your questions.I am angry because you do not choose to take a closer look at yourself and just how you are contributing to this mess.I am angry at you because you choose not to put any real effort into changing your life.And I am really angry that you keep returning and rephrasing ,rehashing and belaboring your situation and presenting it here a few months later ,like you are playing to a new audience like the rest of us are too stupid to remember your situation.
2)Yes I've been hurt and I have moved on to a loving relationship.I didn't happen overnight but it did happen.
3)Elle and I have had "dialouge "before so we understand each other.Don't worry about it.
4)You just gloss right over the fact so the this will never"progress"like you want it to.
5)One reason why you are emeshed in this is because you are dealing with another earth sign,thus the pull.But that's not the real reasons why you are pursuing him.Even if I told you,you wouldn't believe it.That is part of your self discovery.
6)I did not mention that you are 42.It is a small point,but it proves that you aren't being present in the moment by not focusing on what is said that you don't like.If you do this alot,it could be an outgrowth of drinking.Thus not accepting situation and relationships as they really are in your life.You are lumping people into together and not valueing others.You are not that scatterbrained that would happen.Which takes me back to point one.
Signed Up:
Jan 19, 2011Comments: 2 · Posts: 540 · Topics: 11
7)If you need logic ,you have to look for it somewhere else.Logic doesn't have a place in the heart.
8)Correct yourself,,not that you"can't let go",you won't let go.See my first post .Read Susan Forwards book.
9)Talking to his ex-is like you're a detective and frankly quite wierd and very self destructive.If I were his ex,I make up all kinds of crap.They are ex's for a resason.How would you like it if someone started rifliing through your background.I bet he sees this as a big red flag to stay away from you.Not flattering in the least.Anyway what relationship that she had with him would be way different than what his new relationships will be.
10)Yes,love is mysterious,however.He knows what you want with him and he isn't responding.You've bought him drinks,you've watched him walk off with other wommen,you know he's got an addiction problem,you've texted him first,you dragged him into your bed.Uhmmm,that don't sound like love to me.
11)And the only I want you to send me is an update that something is new with you.
Signed Up:
Jan 19, 2011Comments: 2 · Posts: 540 · Topics: 11
Don't worry about the tone of my replies.Ah if you focus on them and not the words ,you are not focusing on the message.Thus you are sidestepping what questions I asked and the actual points I brought up.
Critizing the messenger and not looking at the message will not help you.I didn't ask you if I needed to show more of anything,thanks tho.
PS.How about having some empathy for the Virgos' post war traumas instead of shifting to what you percieve that I need to work on.Focus on your self healing.You are compartmentalizing the messenger and are not having an honest dialouge with you inner self.When you compartmentalize ,you are not looking at the whole situation and what is not working about it.
In you knew people,Virgos in particular you would know that we have sympathy and empathy for the helpless,the victim and the voiceless.You are choosing to focus on my tone rather than listening to the words.Not everyone is going to sugar coat the message.You are going to shame or box me into a tone that you can deal with.You then box the messenger and the you are able to dismiss the message.That's a form of control.
You came here.I believe that you can shape your life.You choose not to.You want control of the Virgo.It ain't gonna happen.All the things you are wishing for me,I wish for you.Good luck dear.
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Is ValcanLass being an asshole again?