Signed Up: Jun 11, 2009 Comments: 93 · Posts: 4144 · Topics: 109
Just wondering... I was talking to my dad (a Virgo) who was happily married to my mother (a pisces) for 17 yrs before she passed. He told me that he knew by their 3rd date (he was 27) that he was going to marry her. He also said that he knows of other virguys who share similar stories. Wanted to hear from the peanut gallery. Lol. Thoughts? Experiences?
Just two days ago you lost your shit over something totally stupid, and now today you want to know how long to expect to wait until he thinks you are the one?
If you are going to lose your mind over a photograph .... then you aren't the one. If you have to work it ... then there is no it.
It's so simple ... but, instead of realizing it's simplicity .. you elect to hang out with all the crazy Scorpios who are in here trying to "work" the Virgo, quite unsuccessfully I might add. Ask Hikoro, or Fum ... surely they have more tatics up their sleeve to try.
Signed Up: Dec 27, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 36 · Topics: 9
P-Angel- I have been visiting this board for well over 2 1/2 years and one thing has remained consistant. Your unsupportive/negative/hurtful posts P-Angel. It is quit obvious you are here to "hurt" others not "help" them. Which you seem to go "out of your way to do". Another thing I have noticed is those around you? Have become quit skillful at "ignoring" you...I admit I "bit"today, I take onwership in this and assure you it was purly intentional. You now have "my permission" to "blast" away at me and others here on this board. Please, continue............. but note, once done, I will simply skiiipppp past them and not reply again. Oh, I will read them...and more than likely shake my head as I have done so many times while thinking, that poor "cheerless, dejected, dispirited, disconsolate, mirthless, oppressive" being. Human=a human is a person while being humane means characterized by kindness, mercy, or compassion. Being=animate object, unable to "feel" or "empathize".
Signed Up: Jan 25, 2009 Comments: 0 · Posts: 352 · Topics: 41
Posted by dys31 P-Angel- I have been visiting this board for well over 2 1/2 years and one thing has remained consistant. Your unsupportive/negative/hurtful posts P-Angel. It is quit obvious you are here to "hurt" others not "help" them. Which you seem to go "out of your way to do". Another thing I have noticed is those around you? Have become quit skillful at "ignoring" you...I admit I "bit"today, I take onwership in this and assure you it was purly intentional. You now have "my permission" to "blast" away at me and others here on this board. Please, continue............. but note, once done, I will simply skiiipppp past them and not reply again. Oh, I will read them...and more than likely shake my head as I have done so many times while thinking, that poor "cheerless, dejected, dispirited, disconsolate, mirthless, oppressive" being. Human=a human is a person while being humane means characterized by kindness, mercy, or compassion. Being=animate object, unable to "feel" or "empathize".
Posted by PiscesLeoAquarius God, what is seriously wrong with you?? You are not a nice spirit and don't want to help people. Don't you believe in karma?! Firstly everyone knows that when you post things on message boards, sometimes you jumble up the facts and sometimes you ask questions about things that happen recently or a long time a go, to ascertain what happened back then - to get some clarity - not that I have to justify this to you in absolutely any way. This guy in the cancer post was actually a CANCER with cancer venus and mars. I just noted the cancer venus/mars so that everyone could see he was a typical cancer. That is why I posted it on the cancer board. This current guy is a Taurus. I usually make up random ages in every post so that the guys aren't easily identifiable. This cancer guy was a boyfriend I had about eight years ago when I was twenty. Since I discovered these boards I was curious to find out why the situation was the way it was and I phrased it as a current problem because I thought if someone thought it wasn't recent they wouldn't offer help. I often post things and screw with the dates and facts and ages to make it less identifiable. As if everyone else doesn't do that as well. This cancer guy and I ended up dating for about five years, but in the beginning I couldn't get him to open up to me at all. Look through all my other posts and you will see similar things. I make previous stories seem current to get better advice and to learn from the experiences. I talk about maybe five different taurus guys as well, not the same one and I've dated about four guys from Africa, because I've worked there. NOT that I need to prove or justify anything at all to you.
Yes, we understand that it is tough having to change things in order to make a point ... that is a hard life. How awesome for you to have people speak for you, since if you tried on your own .. you'd have to change the facts.
Signed Up: Jun 11, 2009 Comments: 93 · Posts: 4144 · Topics: 109
PICSES and DY - Thank you for your support. P-Angel does not hurt, offend or upset me. Sometimes her "advice" is spot on and other times it is terrible. I pick and choose what I know to be true or what makes sense. I can accept when I am wrong. When she points out that I am wrong or thinknig irrationally, I admit it. Conversely, when she is wrong I have no problem stating that either. But thank you ladies! P-ANGEL - In this case you are wrong. Lol. As stated in the original post, I created this thread as a result of a conversation that I had with my Virgo father and just thought I would get the opinion of others. I have enough sense to know that what might be true (as far as how quickly a Virgo man falls in love) for one Virguy is not true for EVERY virguy. You think that I am asking for purely my own benefit to apply to the Virgo I am dating. That is not the case. I know that although he is a Virgo and might show some simialrities to some of the Virgo men on this board, he is going to act the way HE acts...what is unique to his personality. I honestly just wanted to open a toipc for conversation for everyone to share their experiences. For the record, yes, I was dam mad about the picture. I thought it was disrespectful. Yes, I admit that although it was appropriate to be upset I should not have gotten AS upset as I did - I am working on that as we speak....not assuming the worst and waiting until i get all the facts before creating an opinion (with regards to the Virgo). Yes, I come on here to vent. Which is what I often do. Something happens. I come on here and vent. Get perspective and advice. I calm down and then handle the situation. Lol. Which worked out in this case b/c by the time I talked to the Virgo about the picture, I was able to approach the situation very calmly and logically. He had no idea that I lost my shit. Lol. Only you guys do. P, it's all a learning expereince. I am almost half your age (27) and I have not experienced as much of life as you or someone else your age has. Although, I consider my self very smart and independent, every day is a learning opportunity. Everyday should be a learning opportunity for everyone. Regardless, of age. this is why i come on these boards with an open mind, because I want to learn more and hear others points of view, including yours. NO1 - As always, thank you for your feedback! The story of you and Deb is truly a beautiful one.
Signed Up: Jun 11, 2009 Comments: 93 · Posts: 4144 · Topics: 109
Posted by P-Angel It's so simple ... but, instead of realizing it's simplicity .. you elect to hang out with all the crazy Scorpios who are in here trying to "work" the Virgo, quite unsuccessfully I might add. Ask Hikoro, or Fum ... surely they have more tatics up their sleeve to try.
P, I am not trying to "work" anyone. Honestly if the virgo did not want me or is not serious about me, I do not want anything to do with him romantically. I am not trying to waste my time on someone who does not want me or who I do not have a future with. I want ANY man I date to be with me b/c HE wants to be with me, without me having to "work" him. If i have to "work" a man to be with him, then it is not ginuine and will not last and that is not what I am looking for. I am looking for a serious, commited and loving union that is built on trust. Something that will last. Not something that I have "manipulated" or "worked". I want it to just be.
I don't think I'm wrong ... you have this situation with your man and a couple days later here you are inquiring about how to know when a Virgo decides to choose his woman. It may be that you said your father as reference ... but, since you found this photo of a woman on display in his room just a short while ago .... it's obvious that the reason why you asked your dad this question was for reasons stemming around your concern about the seriousness of your own relationship.
Of course the reason WHY you asked your father this question WAS BECAUSE of the photo of another woman Virgo had in his bedroom at parents house.
I have told you, everyone who actually HAS a Virgo has told you, your father has told you ...... within 3 three months, my Virgo married me. Your father knew after a few dates. Do you need it framed?
All the women in here who are "working" their Virgo, but, merely think they are waiting for him .... do so in vain.
Signed Up: Jun 11, 2009 Comments: 93 · Posts: 4144 · Topics: 109
Posted by P-Angel I don't think I'm wrong ... you have this situation with your man and a couple days later here you are inquiring about how to know when a Virgo decides to choose his woman. It may be that you said your father as reference ... but, since you found this photo of a woman on display in his room just a short while ago .... it's obvious that the reason why you asked your dad this question was for reasons stemming around your concern about the seriousness of your own relationship.
Of course the reason WHY you asked your father this question WAS BECAUSE of the photo of another woman Virgo had in his bedroom at parents house.
I have told you, everyone who actually HAS a Virgo has told you, your father has told you ...... within 3 three months, my Virgo married me. Your father knew after a few dates. Do you need it framed?
All the women in here who are "working" their Virgo, but, merely think they are waiting for him .... do so in vain.
P. Trust me you ARE wrong. Yesterday, was the anniversary of my mother's passing. My father and I were talking about her in general and he brought the subject of him and her dating. I thought I would bring it up to the bloody board. It really has NOTHING to do with the picture. Listen, when you have called me on my shit, and you got it right, I have always admitted it. But this time you are wrong. I am not bothered by the pic anymore. He explained the situation and it does not bother me. Thats the truth. I have never lied about my feelings on here, and dont plan to start now. If I was worried about his feelings for me,I would simply create a thread stating what the deal is straight out. My threads have always been pretty straight to the point and (above all) truthful. Can I create a thread just to make conversation? Honestly, I get tired of posting about him. Lol. Sesh. Your assumptions... In this case, you are WRONG. Completely, WRONG. Do you need that framed?
Oh, and by the way ... your reaction over the picture was nonesense.
It wasn't even his bedroom. It was days from the past, when he was a different man, probably a boy, at the parents house .. but, not HIS bedroom as he is the man he is today. For you to get upset over something that he isn't currently living in his life and trying to apply it as if he is feeling for this lady today = your insecurity.
The fact that when he overlooked this photo when checking out the bedroom, means zero in terms of how he is suppose to respect you in terms of regard .... but, you made it mean something.
You made a miniscule zilch, into a volcanoe. Perhaps you didn't to him, but, it doesn't matter whether you spoke it to him or not ........ the fact is, you allowed your emotions to apply something to you, to subject to you that didn't belong there ... and it's only a matter of time before he realizes your lack of emotional control.
If you had any reaction at all ... you blew it. Doesn't matter though, because if you had emotional reaction that stems from subjecting yourself to shit that doesn't apply to you, then it's only a matter of time before something else happens in which he sees it.
Ask Fum ...... she has first hand experience of what happens when a Virgo realizes that woman is trying to hold him accountible to shit that doesn't matter, and tries to make him think it does apply to her, when it clearly doesn't.
Signed Up: Jun 11, 2009 Comments: 93 · Posts: 4144 · Topics: 109
And one more thing. Since last week, I have a learned a valuable lesson. To calm the fuck down. the Virgo who I am dating has shown me all the signs and has even told me that he wants me in his future. He has been sweet and loyal. Yes he has made a few mistkaes and so have I. there is no reason that I should be expending all of the energy that I have been. I admit, it is my suspicious Scorp nature that has contributed to this. But I am done. What will be, will be. I am confident that he cares for me and that we have a future. If not, then screw was not meant to be. this is the attitude that I am trying to have. So with that being said, the LAST thing I would want to do is go on here wondering if he thiknks I am the one. Becasue frankly, him bringing me around his parents, his church and his friends (which are all very near to his heart and guard them with all his might) shows me that I am. I am not worried about that. what will be will be. This is not to say a month from now I will not be on here asking for advice. But I am done with assuming. I am done with worrying and over analyzing things. I am going to let them happen. Besides, school os going to start back. this is the last year of the grad program and I will not have the energy for all this shit. I have to finish this Masters!
I never accused you of fibbing, natural. But, I also know human behaviour very well ... and I know damn well that since you are dealing with trying to move into a more serious relationship with your man, that ANYTHING that a Virgo does or says, you are going to attempt to apply it to your situation to see if it fits.
Of course, you've tried it on to see if it's true ... if you haven't then you aren't that into him, and so then I must ask what is your motive with him?
Well, that's good ... now use some of the Scorpio intensity and hold yourself to it.
I'm a poker player and one of our terms we use is ..... If you have to cheat to win, you're a loser. Remember that because it applies to everything .... if you have to make him want you, then he doesn't.
To answer your question AGAIN ..... within a month, when we moved house together.
Actually, it was first night .... we fucked first date, and have been together ever since. Don't try this at home though ... because you aren't a Pisces.
Signed Up: Jun 11, 2009 Comments: 93 · Posts: 4144 · Topics: 109
Oh P! Lol. I do enjoy you. When my father volunteered that information. I did think that it would be nice for the vorgo who I am dating and I to have that kind of story to tell years done the road. But that was about it. Thats all I thought. Of course, i care about him! Of course, I want for us to end up together...possibly marriage. However, I do not want us to be together b/c I have had to scheme my way into his heart. I want him to WANT me on his OWN. Like I said, I created the thread just for convo. Not to apply it to him. Because at the end of the day. It does not matter what any Virog men say. If this Vorgo does not want me, he does not want me and that will be it. It was just made for conversation.
Signed Up: Jun 11, 2009 Comments: 93 · Posts: 4144 · Topics: 109
"I'm a poker player and one of our terms we use is ..... If you have to cheat to win, you're a loser. Remember that because it applies to everything .... if you have to make him want you, then he doesn't." I completely agree! "Don't try this at home though ... because you aren't a Pisces." Don't worry I wont. Lol.
Signed Up: Jun 11, 2009 Comments: 93 · Posts: 4144 · Topics: 109
Posted by P-Angel Oh, and by the way ... your reaction over the picture was nonesense.
It wasn't even his bedroom. It was days from the past, when he was a different man, probably a boy, at the parents house .. but, not HIS bedroom as he is the man he is today. For you to get upset over something that he isn't currently living in his life and trying to apply it as if he is feeling for this lady today = your insecurity.
The fact that when he overlooked this photo when checking out the bedroom, means zero in terms of how he is suppose to respect you in terms of regard .... but, you made it mean something.
You made a miniscule zilch, into a volcanoe. Perhaps you didn't to him, but, it doesn't matter whether you spoke it to him or not ........ the fact is, you allowed your emotions to apply something to you, to subject to you that didn't belong there ... and it's only a matter of time before he realizes your lack of emotional control.
If you had any reaction at all ... you blew it. Doesn't matter though, because if you had emotional reaction that stems from subjecting yourself to shit that doesn't apply to you, then it's only a matter of time before something else happens in which he sees it.
Ask Fum ...... she has first hand experience of what happens when a Virgo realizes that woman is trying to hold him accountible to shit that doesn't matter, and tries to make him think it does apply to her, when it clearly doesn't.
The picture was not from when he was a boy. He brought the picture with him from when he moved back from Louisville only 5 months ago! Hello!?!?!? Thats why I was upset. It was not a prom pic! Lol. When he moved back form Louisville he lived in an apartment then moved out to save money. This was recently. He put the pic up when he moved back home a little before we started dating. Although, it was someone who he dated 4yrs ago while he is Louisville, it was still a pic that I knew he put up recently. furthermore, if he would have just been honest and explained that it was someone from 4yrs ago, there would have been no conflict. He was not completely honest which is another thing that upset me. I dont want to talk about that anymore, b/c like I said, I am over it. It's done and we are moving on. :
natural25[Quote] 8/12/2009 6:43:03 PM | ip: Okay... The picture of the ex-girlfriend was on display in His Bedroom, right? AND... He bald-faced lied about who SHE was in the picture, right? Two wrongs don't make it right... He's serious about Natural, but he still has the EX on display... that makes me wonder if he's really over the EX. Most times, if Virgo says it's over, it's over.
And that is PERCISELY why I was so upset. If he would have simply said, yes it is a girl who I used to date 4 years ago. It did not work out b/c she is too young and now we are very good friends. I would have left it alone! I have ex b/fs who I still talk to, who are my very good friend. I do not se anything wrong with it. But by him lying it only intensified the situation. I dont think P read the original post well. Lol@ a pic from when he was a boy. If he were in college or highschool I would not have even asked about the pic. He said that he does not have feelings for her and that they have been just friends for the last 4 years. I am choosing to beleive him and I am over the situation. If he is lying, the truth will rpesent itself.
But by him lying it only intensified the situation. Exactly. I have a very low tolerance for Liars (as y'all know!), and I'm disappointed in this fellow VirGuy for not being honest with you. My Scorpio would have been as pissed-off as you were -- and it would have been all my fault.
Amen to that! I realize that he is still some what young and has some things to learn. He thought that he was avoiding conflict, when in fact, he created the conflict. But we both have things to learn. Like I said, every day is an opporutnity to learn from past mistakes. I have made it clear to him that he can be honest with me about whatever the situation might be as have and will give him the same respect. He has agreed to do so. Hopefully, this type of thing will not happen again. I have decided to forgive him and get over it, which I have. I honestly had not thought about the pic since Friday until Ms. Angel brought it up.
Signed Up: Jun 11, 2009 Comments: 93 · Posts: 4144 · Topics: 109
"I was the same way... in the days of my youth." Lol. Hmph. Well lets just hope that he grows out of this. Lol. Jk. Like I said, we are going to mistakes. As long as the mistakes do not repeat themselves. What will be, will be.
Posted by P-Angel To answer your question AGAIN ..... within a month, when we moved house together.
Actually, it was first night .... we fucked first date, and have been together ever since. Don't try this at home though ... because you aren't a Pisces.
^^^THIS is SO ridiculously Pisces.. Pisces females in particular And once more, P knocks me out of my chair laughing
"I dont think P read the original post well. Lol@ a pic from when he was a boy. If he were in college or highschool I would not have even asked about the pic. "
I comprehend just fine, thank you ..
What does high school or college have to do with it? History is the same .. regardless of what day, or event. If he were 60 years old and you were talking about what happened to him when he was 45, is still the same thing .... history.
Four years is a long time ... you made mention of something in which caused him to attempt to anticipate that there was damage and he needed to do some damage control. For the fact that he thought ... "He thought that he was avoiding conflict, when in fact, he created the conflict." .... is an indicator that when you approached this topic with him, it wasn't with the sweety-face you presented in here. If he thought conflict was getting ready to ensue, then this is exactly how you presented yourself to him. Actions speak louder than words ........... he picked up on your actions and attempted to fix. Can you comprehend that?
Listen ...... a relationship with a Virgo can be successful, but, two things have to take place first and foremost. 1. You have to be able to admit to yourself. You have to be able to take it. Can you take it? Can you hear what I'm saying without denying it? It's the truth, you know. If he had a reaction which caused him to think "damage, damage, damage" .. then this means that you targeted him with a guilt trip about a pic from a woman he broke up with 4 years ago. You fucked up .. can you take it? You have to admit that, you have to be able to take the truth, Natural. If you cannot take the truth about yourself, then you must work on this before you ever attempt a Virgo.
2. It is in his nature to fix. You have to realize this, if you are to succeed. If you approach him accusingly, then you can't berate him for reacting in a manner in which is with intentions of conforming to suit what he tells you. It's like this .. .... if a woman is jealous of a man who watches women, then the woman has just created the situation in which she forces her man to lie to her.
Think about that. He lied to you because he thought he was fixing something, saving something .. and this something stems from what YOU said. Think about that for what's it's worth and not just what you want it to be (refer back to number 1)
Signed Up: Jun 11, 2009 Comments: 93 · Posts: 4144 · Topics: 109
P - my point about the pic not being form high school or college is that the pic was just placed there 5 months ago. I could tell that it was taken at some point in the recent past. I did not know exactly when. But I KNEW he recently put the pic up. Maybe, he did perceive my comment as accusatory. I said it in a very relaxed and joking manner. It was 3AM, I was tired as a dirty junk yard dog and we were in his parent's house. I would have never been disrespectful enough to get loud or ugly in his parent's house. Especially, not over something like this. I do not think my approach was strong at all. Hey, maybe it was. I really don't know. Maybe, I should have waited until the next day and brought it up, when we were both thinking a little more clearly. Again, I have made mistakes and so has he. Again, I realize that we are both learning about effective communication and about each other. Btw, who is this Fum you keep referring to?
As a Pisces female, I attract Virgo males at a shocking rate. Polar opposite Virgos seems powerless to resist the lure of a Pisces. (Ask a Pisces girl about this. Ask a Virgo guy. It's true more often than not.) But I have some Aqua in me, and zero jealousy. Jealousy almost amuses me; big jealousy appalls me. I'm glad he didn't see the full-on losing your shit like us at DXP did. That would be very ugly indeed. However, he DID see your flash of jealous insecurity, the accusation in your eyes and your angry, waiting stance. Your whole body and tone MUST have told him basically, "You are busted, buddy! This better be really frickin' good, cuz *I* don't see any way out of THIS one!" What P-Angel described is true of Virgo guys. He sensed danger when you confronted him about the pic. He panicked and lied, making things worse in his misguided effort to make them better. There is just NO WAY that Virgo man would have told his girlfriend with storm clouds brewing over her head, that the pic was an ex-gf. NO WAY, especially NOT at his parents' house, where there might be a *gasp* big scene. You set him up to lie; he felt he had no other choice. The truth in this case could have been catastrophic, and he felt it would be. If you'd presented the sweety-face and not the your-gf-is-getting-really-hurt-and-pissed-who-in-the-HELL-is-that-woman?! face, it may or may not have gone differently. I still say that being at his parents' played a huge part in his lying to you just then. While I have NO idea why he still had that photo on display, maybe it had sat there ever since he moved back and put it there. Maybe he wasn't over her then. Maybe he started dating you and is finally starting to move past the ex, but by then the photo had been there so long, when he glanced around to clean up, it was just .. furnishing. A lamp that had always been there, a painting on the wall. You don't *notice* furnishings that have been there that long. You have to face that P is right. Brutal and rude she can certainly be, but in this case she is right. You backed your man into a corner and he tried to salvage it. Accept your blame in the situation; you left him no choice but to lie. As for the Virgo guys knowing when she's The One.. it's generally pretty fast when he finds her. Two of my three significant Virgo guys were talking marriage within two months. They've ALL gone on to marry rather quickly, once they found The One.
Signed Up: Jun 11, 2009 Comments: 93 · Posts: 4144 · Topics: 109
Wow you guys are funny. "However, he DID see your flash of jealous insecurity, the accusation in your eyes and your angry, waiting stance. Your whole body and tone MUST have told him basically, "You are busted, buddy! This better be really frickin' good, cuz *I* don't see any way out of THIS one!"" This would have been really hard for him to see all of this due to the fact that i asked him as his back was turned to me. he did not see my expression, body language or any of the other things that you have mentioned. *** No matter what anyone tells me, I do not agree with his lying. I am not going to accept responsibility for his lie. I am not going to argue about his perception of how I brought the situation up. Like I said, ido not know for a fact how he perceived our interaction. So, iwill not say that he did not perceive it as accusatory or that he did perceive it as such. I am als not going to say that I MADE him lie. I do not agree with lying. I do not lie to people and I ask the same in return. I do not think that is too much to ask.. Now, am I over it? Yes. Do I realize that he might have perceived the question in a different tone than what I inteded it to be or differently from what I heard? Yes. Do I think this is an excuse for him, me or anyone else to lie to someone. No. That is how I feel about it. I just really do not like when people lie. So not cool. It is also funny how the Virgo men who have chimed in about this topic feel the exact oppiste of you and P. But like I said, it all does not matter now. thankfully, the situation is over and him and I have moved on. Thanks for the input. Always helpfuf...
Signed Up: Jun 11, 2009 Comments: 93 · Posts: 4144 · Topics: 109
Dy, not sure what is going on behind his reasoning. This is the first time anything like this has happened so I am inlcined to give him the benefit of the doubt, but I will move slowly and proceed with caution. Maybe, he is telling the truth? Maybe, he still has feelings for this woman? Of course, I hope that the first is true but there is no way to know for sure. However, time will tell.
He thought that he was avoiding conflict, when in fact, he created the conflict. I was the same way... in the days of my youth.
And yet, Virgo says he was the same way ... so, the reality of it is ..... Pisces comprehends Virgo better than even himself, for he can be the exact same way, and think he's not.
And for the record .... in this thread, the only Virgo who chimed in about the photo is Dyr, and he contridicted himself by saying he was the same way, while trying to make your Virgo look like a liar. Any other Virgo who chimed in here didn't address this .. I'll go look on the other thread.
There better be a Virgo there who addressed it, or else you might look like a liar ... I'll be back.
Mmm.. don't think for two seconds that I *justify* his lying. I loathe lying and liars. But I also know that most people will on occasion lie, especially to avoid hurting/upsetting someone or causing a big scene. I merely *understand* it, and can see both sides, but especially how he felt backed into a corner. And that's not just a "Virgo thing".. that's a MAN thing, even a PEOPLE thing. But I'm an old lady, what do I know about you youngins eh? Perhaps you're taking me too literally with the whole "my back was to him, he could not see my face" thing. My example was illustrative only, not meant to be taken so literally, because of course I was not a spectator in that bedroom that night. Even if he didn't see your face, he saw your body, your shoulders, your stance. Body language speaks volumes, not just the face and mouth. But, for the sake of argument, let's say he saw nothing aggressive or angry in your body language, or even your voice. You put on your sweety-face (every Scorpio woman's got one LOL) and were very relaxed, pleasant, almost joking about the whole thing. Fine. Still, he's a man... it's 3 A.M. and you're both dog-tired. You're at his parents' house, and in a split-second when confronted about the pic of his ex, which was there for whatever reason, he decided to lie to save face, save trouble, save drama, and possibly stop a fight before it even started... in his parents' house in the middle of the night. YES, he created the conflict by lying to avoid the conflict, and that's actually a VERY valuable learning experience for both of you. Congratulations, it came at a cheap price and early on. Everyone should be so lucky! No, I do not expect you to take responsibility for his lie; only responsibility for backing him into a place where he felt a lie (a stupid, easily caught one at that!) was safer than the truth. Later on in your relationship, when you've been together longer and have built more trust, this situation might never have played out that way - you mightn't have been hurt and angry and distrusting when you saw the pic, you might have laughed it off. And he'd have been secure enough in you, known you well enough to know that you would NOT make a scene at his parents' at 3 A.M. and that he didn't need to lie about it. But now he knows where those "little white lies" gets him. But do you know where backing him into a corner gets you?
Signed Up: Jun 11, 2009 Comments: 93 · Posts: 4144 · Topics: 109
Nefer, I understand what you are saying. He very well might have felt like he was backed into a corner. Good lord P! Lol. You truly are too much. Lol @ "there better be a Virgo...". Too much. I don't think dy meant that lying was the right thing but that he used to do it when he was younger and did not know any better. P you and I both know that lying is not a good thing. That's not even up for argument. All the rest, I have admitted is. I am not sure how he perceived me bringing it up. But for the record, regardless it is his dresser and he did put and has left the pic up on the dresser just 5 mos ago. Do I think he is in a relationship with the woman. No. I'm going to leave it at that, dear P. We have spun this is so many ways and I do not want to anayze stuff like this anymore. Although, this might be fun back forth for you, this is my life. This dead horse has been beaten 2 death. I'm done. I'm over it and him and I have moved. P thank you for your advice. It is always good to hear from you, honestly.
Signed Up: Jun 11, 2009 Comments: 93 · Posts: 4144 · Topics: 109
Oh and as far as othe virgo men on the forum, I have had discussions with virgo men on this forum but not through this thread about the pic last Wednesday. Like I said I am not trying to work him. I have made that clear. But I suppose you like to say it. So be it. Lol.
I just look through every post you've made since last Wednesday, Natural and there is nothing in here where you've talked to a Virgo about this pic you have found ... you lied.
When I put your back against the wall .... you lied to save face.
Just because you are afraid to have life before Deb .. doesn't mean it's right.
BTW ... it's extremely disrespectful for you to call her ex a name .. to call him The Weasel isn't respectful, even if it's not in front of her .. it's still wrong.
Signed Up: Jan 18, 2005 Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
Well I do really understand the fishes??_. 3 words??_ LOST-IN-SPACE and that is all about, constantly arguing about things that are obvious to the Virgos and possibly the others.
I??ve said it billions of times in very forum??_ Fishes are the chameleons of the universe??_ HELL??_.. arguing is their only way to find their purposes in this world. Block their arguments and they??ll get lost in space again. Fishes??_ one eye at right the other one at left, can not see what is in FRONT.
Signed Up: Jun 11, 2009 Comments: 93 · Posts: 4144 · Topics: 109
Posted by P-Angel I just look through every post you've made since last Wednesday, Natural and there is nothing in here where you've talked to a Virgo about this pic you have found ... you lied.
When I put your back against the wall .... you lied to save face.
Think about that.
P, I spoke with a Vi rgo male from this forum through personal message. I suppose now you are going to ask for that person's name, address, social security number, and phone number. Gesh! Do I have to report everything to you? Just trust that I spoke with someone. Hey when you or any other person on here says something I beleive it. What is the need to lie. And if the person is lying, too bad for them. Lying while seeking advice is pointless. Why go on a board asking for advice and lie about the situation? To get fucked up advice? Does not make sense to me. I am on here to get honest advice. Not to prove a point. I have told you before "give me your HONEST opinion." I am not on here to play games and lie, I am on here to learn. AGAIN, I have no reason to lie Ms. Angel. Like I have said before, i have not lied on these posts before and do not plan to start now over some stupid picture. Lol @ my back against the wall. No, my back is not against the wall. I am merely telling you a truthful account of what happened.