I'm a Cancer, she's a Virgo... I like her but...

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by RedSparowe on Thursday, December 7, 2006 and has 25 replies.
I like her, but I'm not sure if it will work. I've taken my chances with other signs, and I thought it work, but it turned out that it didn't.
If you're a cancer and have dated a virgo, or if you've seen this combination, do you think it's a good idea that I try to date her? Any comments, suggestions?
RedSparowe, I'm Pisces, so I don't know personally about this combo, but, I have witnessed other relationships of this pairing. And, I've lived with a Virgo forever, so, I have a clue into their mental processing.
Damn, it seems like forever . . that's not good.
Anyway . . there are numerous wonderful things and horrible things that both of these people (C & V) have praised, or bitched about with each other. In every coupling of this kind, the people I know, it hasn't worked, yet, in a long-term-relationship. For the short haul, it appears, from an outsider view, that it's hot and spicy. But, it doesn't last long, with the ones I know.
Unfortunatley, people keep beauty to theirselves and only relay to others when they have a bitch . . so, I only know why these couples broke up, rather than what kind of wonderful moments kept them together as long as they did.
Here's some, as it was expressed to me:
Virgo says Cancer is too nosy, they snoop into everything the V does: looks at cell phone to see who is ringing him, reads mail, asks questions to account for everything he did during the day . . and the V finds that intrusive.
Cancer says Virgo is too fussy about everything, nothing is ever good enough, there's always a better, more efficient way and the C can't understand why thier best effort isn't enough.
Virgo says Cancer cries about everything because their feelings are too tender.
Cancer says Virgo is too rigid and isn't sensitive to how they feel.
Virgo's biggest gripe, which is also the same biggest gripe Cancer had with V:
Cancer's change themselves to suit their partners . . completely. They will stop listening to THIER kind of music, they will eat foods they don't really like, they will voice a different opinion eventhough they don't really feel that way. To the Cancer, this is doing what is necessary to be giving to their partner, they view this as to how they are suppose to show that they love thier partner . . Virgo sees this as "not being real", they don't want someone who isn't being theirselves. Virgo's can't STAND for people to "give into" them, who won't stand on their own two feet for thier convictions. But, this is how the Cancer shows love . . so . . what's the common ground? I don't know because I don't any C/V unions that were able to get past this difference.

But, like I said, this is just what people have told me . . I've no clue as to what goes on behind closed doors.
Seeing that you are the Cancer and male . . this is much better for you then being a female crab, for girls cry all the time anyway, for no reason . . add Cancer to it and the tears never stop.
But, since you're male . . you could be a girl's dream come true. A man who is sensitive and able to cry . . yahoooooooooooo !!!!!!
Virgo's are too rigid and unemotional for water-signs . . go for a woman who will appreciate your sensitivity, it's likely the Virgo won't, it's likely the V-Gal will see it as a weakness, instead of a strength.
What are the other signs you said didn't work for you?
Fire probably would get irritated too easily.
How about another water?
"I usually show my bad side first. If the guy is able to handle it and if I trust them and see a potential for a long lasting relationship, then I end up showing my better qualities."
lol, virgoangoat . . that's funny, but, it makes sense. It can only get better from there.
Roxi's experience, "he virgo/she cancer........blissfully happy..married for almost 50 years"
There ya go, it can work. Really, ANY relationship can work, if both parties have trust and communication. Sometimes, I think people give up long before it's really over, for various reasons. Maybe in this day and age, there are just too many options, marriage and commmitment isn't as solid as it used to be and it's far too easy to just quit. But, if two people are feeling each other and it's beautiful, then bliss is sure to follow.

She's showing the better qualities... But, with what I've reading, I'm becoming more and more apprehensive about the situation.
The V-gal that I'm interested in dating, she does appreciate my sensitivity. But I am kind of a little concerned about changing for who I am with. I've done this once before, I don't know if I'll do it again. But I always stick to my interests(especially music, haha...), and although I haven't heard some of her music, I've talked with her a lot, and I wouldn't have to change(if I were to) hardly at all.
The ones without sucess were a Libra and a Leo... and I don't think I'll ever date anyone of those signs again.
I've heard that water and earth signs can work. What's your opinion?
Yeah, us cancers are very concerned about both our emotions, and everyone elses... We don't try to be intrusive, but we feel the best way to figure out how someone's feeling is to simply ask.
I have some experience with virgo friends, and they all don't like to share their emotions, that is a side that they seem to be unwilling to show.
With me, personally, half the time I just want to talk with people about their emotions because I either find that this is the best way for me relate to people, or I want to help people out by talking things through. Although, I'm starting to think that maybe it isn't the best of ideas to tread that path into my virgo friends' personal space.
Less clinical in what way? I kinda didn't get what you meant by that...
My moon sign is Aquarius. I've realized that this is why I seem to be in tune with my intellect a little more than most Cancers I know, but, sometimes certain things about Aquarius can be conflicting with the Cancer in me. My ascendent is also Cancer, as well.
Really? Hm... many of my best friends have been Aries.
"I've heard that water and earth signs can work. What's your opinion?"
I believe that any relationship can exist between two people, so long as they are understanding each other's natures and applying it to their lives. To KNOW somebody is a certain way, a trait of sorts, is great having that knowledge . . but, it really means nothing, if it isn't accepted and applied.
Sun signs are irrelevant, in reality, for we love who we love, regardless of age, sex, creed. Personally, I've had 4 very serious relationships in my life, 2 earth, 2 air. Others, not so serious. They ALL worked, until they were over.
I don't believe that any intimate relationship between two people, should be approached with the thought of, "forever" in mind. You enjoy someone, respect them, share in the experiences, be honest, be who you are, accept them their inequities and misfortunes . . and when it's finished running it's course and time to part ways, you do so with dignity and grace. So, from my perspective, every relationship I've had with another, has worked.
Some of that advice makes a lot of sense. It gave me a different perspective on the whole thing, thanks.
"Have you been with a Capricorn?"
Yes, I have been with two capricorns...
One had too many problems, but was a really good relationship before I decided to end it because I couldn't ever seem to make her happy. And the other, well, it was probably the most satisfying relationship I've ever been in, everything was perfect. We had awesome chemistry, we had a lot of the same interests, there were always surprises, it was just all around amazing... Unfortunately, she had to move away, and we both decided that it wasn't best if we stayed together. I really miss her still, and I always think about her.
I keep my eye out for Cap's now... and I can spot them, from both looks, personality, and the imediate attraction.
"When it comes to the matters of the heart, it's always good to take on risks."
Yeah, I used to think that, but now, not so much. My instincts have kind of narrowed down what I like, but then again, I've never had experience with a Virgo...
I took a risk with a leo, after having read up a bit about compatability, and it didn't work out so well. Although the information I read said that the relationship combonination had borderline success.
Ha... combonination.
Oh, and now I know that her moon sign is Scorpio.
RedSparowe, the water signs have an easier time expressing their emotions. i have a hard time expressing mine, and sometimes when i do express them, it's how i THINK it should be, not exactly how i FEEL, do you get my drift? sometimes it doesn't come out naturally and it feels like a rehersal of some sort and i'm stumbling through it. but i'm just speaking for myself here, perhaps your v-gal may be different. that's what i mean by the "clinical" term.
she's got a scorpio moon huh? that's even more potent than the sun in my opinion. shouldn't be too bad since it trines your sun, but both your moons are square each other. i see the attraction. good luck.
agent006, "the water signs have an easier time expressing their emotions"
At times, though, this sucks and we wish we could be more like, "i THINK it should be, not exactly how i FEEL". We can put our foots in our mouths because these emotions make us so impulsive to respond without much thought.
What does it mean for someone's moon to be in Cancer?
It doesn't sound like me, though, does it? I thought the position of the moon is our true nature . . I'm not those things, so what the heck happened?
Oh great, just friggin great . . I'm a factory reject.
So, with this position of my moon, which moon am I compatiable with? A Leo moon?
Well, that's certainly true . . feelings are everything to me, though, my communication doesn't necessarily project that.
Who can handle someone so emotional, yet, tight-assed, at the same time?
You know, someone who, when you come home from work, you don't know whether the frying pan in my hand is for cooking, or, for knocking sense into ya?
Not serious. Actually, both the earth were more serious than the airs, though, one air I was married to. One Taurus, one Virgo . . . those two are STILL my most loving of relations I've had with people.
They say that a Scorpio is suppose to be good with Pisces . . but, I'm a bit unusual and not like the typical Pisces in a lot of ways. So, I'm thinking I have to match up some of my other planets, instead of my sun.
I'm thinking Fire.
March 18,1959
1:50 PM
Fairfax, Va.
Sounds like the mad-Scientist
P-Angel, you've got a leo ascendant, which is opposite of aquarius. try an aquarius (with a pisces moon) because you've got mercury and venus in aries and mars in gemini, these are compatible. i think the pisces moon would complement your sun and give the aqua individual more of an emotional feel. aquas can detach themselves from emotions quite easily should they choose to do so. besides, these individuals like to think outside the box, and it looks like pisces like to do the same.
you've got sun trine jupiter, thinks make you quite a philosophical person who likes to seek and analyse, and find your own truth. moon square mercury makes it difficult for you to fuse your feelings and thoughts together, and sometimes they might conflict and thereby causing you to have a hard time expressing them or be too hasty to express them before you get a chance to think things through. i guess this is what you mean when you said "We can put our foots in our mouths because these emotions make us so impulsive to respond without much thought." lol. your moon trines neptune, which gives gives emphasis on your piscean sun because pisces is ruled by neptune, the planet of dreams and illusions. your moon is also in the 12th house, which is naturally ruled by pisces. so this is like a triple whammy, pisces times 3, shall i say? however, you've got a healthy dose of cardinal and mutable signs so this allows you think, adapt and take action. i was quite suprised when you said you got a cancer moon. you've got thought and intelligence to your words that provokes thought and doesn't always border on emotions (which i thought would be the case due to your water sun and moon), but the fire ascendant, mercury and venus coupled with an air mars, and jupiter and uranus aspects to your personal planets curved this tendency. i'll say you've got a nice balance Winking.
"Oh great, just friggin great . . I'm a factory reject."
lol, well, this is definitely the lunar sense of humor at play.
anyway, i think we're straying from the topic at hand here. somehow you managed to hijack the thread P-Angel...
Redsparowe, how is your quest coming along with the v-gal?
Everything Agent said, sounds just like me. How does she know this?
Difficult to fuse feelings and thoughts together . . because everything is felt FIRST, thoughts are reflections of my feelings, not the other way around like everybody else I know. Maybe it's the triple whammy . . when you said, "thought and intelligence to your words that provokes thought and doesn't always border on emotions".
I've already felt it, that happened first, so to have thoughts about it, without it bordering on the emotion level . . . I already know how it feels, my next logical step is to "get the feel of others", in the same situation, without actually allowing the others to FEEL it within themselves. Well, that made sense in my head.
"dreams and illusions" . . that's where my other personality lives. I call it that, for a better lack of word; also, because that is what it is . . however, I have the ability to mesh the two together with each reality. However, within here, lies my conflict between thought and feeling.
I know, I highjacked . . but, what can I say? It's some part of my Aries influence wanting attention, lol
Aqua would be wrong for me. Maybe in theory . . but, I can usually only take minimal doses of Aqua before I'm ready to kill 'em, because of their detachment to their feelings. Maybe, I just haven't met one with a Pisces moon. I think my husband has a Pisces moon, Mr. Virgo. Perhaps, that's why he can be so sensitive to my sensitivity; though, he's not feeling it, he's sympathetic to it.
Agent, how can you know so much about me? Amazing how much truth there is in astrology as to the traits of the individual . . makes you wonder how anti-astro people can think it's silly.
She never lets herself be influenced . . that was somewher in Uranus, or something.
NEVER . . peers, media, family . . nothing . . my mind is my own and I own it, soley.
This shits cool . . "irritable and blunt"? lol, I guess I have to own that too.
Sounds like Dyr and me are matched . . huh?
Ok, this is wierd, just too wierd.
"to describe VirGirls in one word..EVIL! they can mess with your head like no one else and still be totally cool about it, so my advice is, if youre going for this girl youre going to need incredible amounts of patience! but if you get her, you'll get a jewel of a girl!"
Hahaha - Sad but true. But only if needed. I am always on "stand-by" for games to be played. Every move the other makes has already been anticipated in my head. Not because I am obsessed by it but because I want to know what the other person is thinking. This only applies to people who don't tell me what they are thinking or when their actions conflict with their words. Or of course if I am still trying to figure them out. Sometimes you have to play people out a little bit to see how they react or how open they are about the truth. People who are up front with me don't get games.
*cough* Personal message... maybe.