Hi all,
A while back, I (scorpio) posted a few threads discussing my relationship with my now ex-virgo. I've since been seeing a taurus, and have been completely honest with him from day one - that I've never fully had the chance to grieve over my 2 year relationship with virgo. And taurus is ok with that - he understands the human element. He's been there too.
So, virgo and myself have not been talking for over a year. When we were together, we were the best of friends, although he was notorious for his push-pull routine. He'd disappear for 3 months at a time when he was in a rut, and would resurface with his tail between his legs.
He ended it with me to work things out with the mother of his child (gemini), for the sake of the child. Something I wouldn't want to deny him, but something that I was upset about (as the heart does ache), and I am only human. So after parting ways, he told me that for the sake of him wanting to do things properly for his little one, he didn't want us to have any more contact, and I agreed.
A year later, he's still with the mother of his child, and he calls me up, completely choked up, telling me he misses me, still cares about me, still loves me. And he's gone to therapy to try to get over me, and it hasn't worked. We're drawn to each other like moths to a flame. Even after over a year of not talking, we still read each other like a book, still finish each other's sentences, still giggle together as if it was the "honeymoon" phase of the relationship.
My current partner knows this (I'm completely honest with him, otherwise it wouldn't be fair), and he decided to stick it out with me, even though I told him I have doubts and needed alone time to sort things out (obviously evident here).
Are virgo and scorpio a brilliant match, or simply destined for heartache and bad timing?
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
One thing you should always remember. Never ever come between Virgo and their children they love them more than they love themselves.
I don??t know what kind of shit these idiots out there (astrologers) smoking when writing about good relation between water creatures (in general) and in (particularly Scorpions.)
Scorpions and 3 major problems they have.
-1 ??? Jealousy in (extreme level)
-2 ??? Controlling and manipulative nature.
-3 ??? Suspicious all time about anything from alpha to omega, from the very first day they born till they hit the dust and die.
And the Virgos HATE all hose points, freedom of thought and freedom of act is sacred for the Virgos.
If any Virgos out there thinking that they have a good relation with their Scorpions then let me congratulate their Scorpions instead, because they??ve managed to manipulate their Virgo.
Signed Up:
Jan 07, 2009Comments: 305 · Posts: 14219 · Topics: 239
Don't go for feelings. They have lots of layers and make us do crazy things.
Check your compatibility with each of them in a separate way.
Don't you want to have children? You need a stable life with a stable partner. Don't play. Be serious.
Don't take your Taurus easily for granted. You'll regret otherwise.
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
My brother... it is you who gave up something... not her... I respect your relationship with your lady and I truly and honestly wish it will lasts to the eternity.
I just put in some FACTS... that??s all..!
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
Where's the manipulation in her actions??
Don??t know about your you personal affaire and I don??t want to know.
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
I have never talk about the properties
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
Damn DXP steal worlds and scrambled the others??_ don??t know why
If you don't know the facts, then how can you conclude I'm being manipulated?
This is exactly what manipulation is about then it??ll be left to your level intelligence to work out and to?? detect it????_??_??_. If not? Then happy go lucky or what ever..! Life ends at 90 somting anyway.
Again... Wishing you a happy lifetime marriage...
I just wanted to be clear that in no way do I intend on interfering with the decision virgo made. He sought me out after over a year of disconnect, and we both felt homesick for each other. When we were together, we were the best pair... totally understanding of each other, completely loyal to one another, and on the rare chance when difficulties did arise, we pulled through seamlessly.
I understand why he made the decision he did, but I was having a really tough time last night after we both expressed that our feelings never really wavered for one another. I will not become the mistress, but there is a part of me (that selfish, emotional... possessive?... part of me) that wishes he made another choice.
As far as the taurus goes, he's more than aware of how I feel. I was honest with him from day one, I was honest again with him yesterday. He's been in a similar situation once upon a time, so he understands. I don't know why he does to the extent he does, but he's elected to stay by my side, even when I told him flat-out that I wasn't sure my heart was fully with him. He chalks it up to persistence and stubbornness. Who knows.
I never want to screw anyone over, I really don't. Not virgo, not taurus. I simply had a moment last night where I wished things were different.
This post will likely not be easy to comprehend or relate to, and it's hard to articulate without getting into a world of detail. So I won't be surprised at blunt remarks after this, but keep in mind that this whole scenario (especially with taurus) is so complicated and multifaceted.
In all honesty, I've tried leaving taurus in the past for numerous other reasons that didn't involve feelings for the virgo. As the relationship progressed, he steamrolled into my life, telling me all the things I needed to change about my appearance, my dwellings, etc., and then elected to move in with me (initially he said "temporarily" due to some personal troubles he was going through - except he never left, even after I asked, then told him to). Now, we're at a "happy" medium because I've found a way to live my life around someone who won't respect boundaries. He's got a great heart in so many respects (i.e. he's a great support when things are going awry - as long as it's not between us), but when I make it abundantly clear that I'm not happy with certain aspects of how he is around me, and I can't be with someone who can't respect some of my most fundamental needs (i.e. boundaries, a certain level of independence), he just elects not to listen, and acts as if I'm not saying anything remotely relevant to him. He's really not all bad, but it's just not what I want right now, and I've also made that more than clear. He just won't listen. He said he'll fight for me no matter what (except, I don't want to be fought for). And that includes fighting for my feelings, when he knows my heart has never left virgo 100% .
Mind you, while with taurus, I would never go for someone else. Not unless my relationship status changes.
I think (after much analysis), virgo's reappearance reminds me of a time when I felt love unconditionally, where life was seemingly uncomplicated. Our needs were both met (as far as we were concerned at the time), we respected each other, listened to each other, made compromises for each other (without question), and we were truly happy.
So now I'm nostalgic, especially after hearing virgo's voice. We were both choked up and close to tears. We miss each other, and we miss what we had. But I won't cross that line and neither will he. Is this an emotional escape for me? Maybe. But I genuinely do miss him, and am saddened that things will likely never unfold like we intially wanted them to.
Signed Up:
Jun 11, 2009Comments: 93 · Posts: 4144 · Topics: 109
Qbone it is ridiculous to generalize the way you do about scorpios. You have obviously been burned by a scorp and now you are bitter and have a chip on your shoulder. Find a more constructive and positive way to get over it....bc you really sound ignorant making those kinds of generalizations about ALL scorps.
Signed Up:
Jun 11, 2009Comments: 93 · Posts: 4144 · Topics: 109
Chrix, I really feel for your situation. But it sounds like you will have to let go of the dream/hope of the virgo and this draining taurus who you are with. Bc (at least as of right now) nothing productive is going to manifest between you and the virgo, keeping in contact with him will only drive you crazy and make it harder to move forward with your life. The taurus man sounds a bit nuts....and I'm not sure you are in a healthy environment by being with someone who imposes himself on you the way he does. Take control of your life and let both of these men go. Just my 2 cents....
Signed Up:
Jul 28, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 265 · Topics: 18
Scorpios and virgos can be a great match. But these two can also harbor a longlasting grudge against eachother. from your story my advice is DO NOT FALL FOR YOUR VIRGO AGAIN!!!!
here's why. He probs isnt lying but virgos tend to reminiscense about the past alot and they do this in a way that makes them long for it to be it people or moments. But this only happens if they had a minor incident with the people in their lives right now, that has made them unhappy. What probs happened is he might have had a minor (or major) tiff with the gemini which must have hurt him so deep that he has started longing for you. This does not last for too long its temporary a virgo will do anything for his kid and the gemini is his kid's parent as well and therefore she probs takes precedence in his life over you.
You should return your taurus's devotion four-folds. Forget the virgo. If he LOVED you a LOT. he wouldnt have left. virgos dont do that. He is in a phase that is typical of most virgos.
Well, virgo and me were in contact again today, and this time virgo acted as if nothing had been discussed, as if he were never vulnerable, etc. I guess you were right - he probably had a bad day (or a day that was less than perfect for him) with gemini, and so I was that immediate outlet.
Just rather embarrassing when I'm having a moment of weakness and vulnerability (for other reasons), he turns his head as if he never knew me.
Well, I guess that answers that dilemma. But my heart still aches (*grumble*).
Signed Up:
Jun 11, 2009Comments: 93 · Posts: 4144 · Topics: 109
chrix, your best bet is to let him go. i know it is hard...but for your own sanity..you have to let him go.
I know I have to. It's just hard knowing that once upon a time (and even now, through brief glimpses), he was that ideal partner I always wished for. And now he's somebody else's.
My apologies - I usually don't get like this. In fact, this is the first ex that I've held on to (gawd only knows why).
Time to stop doting over lost loves, and time to get that wall (and stinger) back up for self-preservation. =)
Perfect Gem,
Thanks for laying it out there so bluntly. Guess some of these guys just want what's on their mind, with little regard for what we want or need. I think I keep holding the cold version of him to the guy that actually gave a damn.
But knowing that I'm not the only one who's experienced this (and I know it seems naiive of me to think that I actually may have been... darn emotions lol) makes it that much easier to deal with.
Yeah, the push-pull thing is not my idea of fun (it must be his).
I'll force myself to take my mind off him and this drama cycle I feel stuck on. =)
Next time, I'll be wary of the Don Juan types.
Erm, I've tried breaking up with taurus repeatedly for a whole host of other reasons, and he won't leave. I've been more than honest about the fact that a) he was asking for a relationship with me while I was still very much grieving over virgo; b) that as time went on, I still had feelings for virgo; and c) I never wanted to lead him on (so yes, I've even told him that I wanted to end the relationship on the basis that my heart was elsewhere).
No manipulation here - taurus keeps sticking around of his own accord, not because I've asked (or told) him to. He keeps stating that I've been a better partner to him than others have been (I have no idea why!), and he said I'm worth the wait as well as the soul-searching.
I don't expect anyone to believe me, and the only people who will truly know what's going on are those involved. But I would swear on my existence that I have been totally upfront with taurus. How does someone dump a bull who doesn't want to be dumped?