pisces male crushing on virgo female, how to let her know im interested?

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by fish_andchips_yeah on Wednesday, June 7, 2017 and has 57 replies.
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virgo females help! : first of all i had no idea, that there is such a women as a virgo women out there

for the past two years now i have been crushing on a virgo female, heres the thing tho! she is one of my girlfriends best friends (gf aquarius) from the first time i laid eyes on her at the airport while my gf was running around tryna find her and me relaxing outside, when i looked up me and virgo made eye contact simultaneously befor she shyly looked away. (could tell she realised who i was) i felt a connection with my soul. like holy crap it felt like i had met her before

she has came and stayed with us a few times for a few days last year.. and when ever she would be around it would be like my soul is tryna push me towards her like her energy was drawing mine.. let me tell you when ever id be around her the sexual energy would be immense you could cut tension.. wich im sure my gf must have been awake to because she wouldn't leave us alone not even for a second.. at the time i tried to deny my intuition (saying stuff like why would she like me) when my intuition was going off its charts (pisces intuition incredible we need to trust it fully even when it dont make sence at the time)

there was very subtle things she done & now that i'm more aware of her nature.. i don't think im as crazy as i thought.

some examples are

*the one time i gave her the fuck me eyes. she gazed for a second or so befor she looked away with a blush and then yawned to try to cover the blushing was cute.. i actually tested her for a reaction

*im good at mini golf so when we all were playing & i got a hole in one.. i showed off and said i could do it again.. so i tried & got another hole in 1 but when i turned back she had her phone and had filmed it on snapchat.. which i thought was cool because i would of looked like the man.. and also that was the first time she had directed complete focus on me. she was usually shy and reserved not talking much .. surprised me when my gf said she is the opposite of shy which was, & still is, hard for me to believe.

*when my gf said to her have you seen his new tattoo. (quickly she responded) i already noticed it.. which i liked alot and was secretly taken back (im tatted up) and take pride in the little details with my appearance.. only ever had one person compliment me on how much thought and effort goes into my style .. what a ego boost that i really appreciate

*also she did ask to move into my gf parents house from a different state.. to which my gf declined not wanting to give any chance or possibility of us getting closer.. all these subtle little things she done at first made me think i was reading way to into it but now that i know more about the virgirl, and meditating on it ithink maybe i was onto something??

conclusion.. any virgo women wanna express what could possible be going through her head??? also what might go through her head if i let her know over facebook that iwanna start talking to her?? like is she gonna think im weird ?? and freakout?? iknow virgos dont want to be put on a pedal still ? and they dont want someone to seem like there coming on strong or fast? as they like to dictate the pace of things. is there any advice? how could should i approach things & let her know hey im interested in you with scaring her away .. ilove that use play hard to get. yous are worth the extra effort.. finally is there any chance im not being delusional? as we pisces tend to be in dream land but the beauty of that is, we can manifest anything we project into our minds into the physical

do virgo women find it weird if you hit them up out of no where? in my exsperience behind closed doors a virgo will boast to there friends that this person that person likes them
Pisces men love Virgo females!

My mother is a virgo and my dad a pisces.

They divorced after 12 years however my virgo mother met a pisces man.

My pisces father married a new virgo woman! lol

Why are you staying with your current girlfriend if you are so passionate about her friend?

I understand it's easy to get crushes whilst in a relationship - but if you are getting such major feelings then perhaps it's best to start afresh?

It's a chance she felt something towards you too but most females would not go behind their friend's back.
The best thing a pisces can do is be honest and vulnerable.

Playing games might be exciting but it only leads us into making the wrong decisions.
yes i had no idea about the values that a virgo women has almost is exactly what im looking for although im not to sure ilike how defensive they can be .. but being able to see there whole character a pisces could except that..

& ido see how virgo & pisces could complement each other as long as pisces is balanced.. virgo needs space.. pisces loves its own space.. and when a virgo finally wants to come into the pisces mind (dreamland, different dimensions, astral planes) idont think anybody would be the same again..

im with a aquarius now we been together for close to 6 years.. god dam they are the ice queen.. but ilove the strength an aquarius can hold .. she is most definately nothing like a virgo .. if she really wanted to she could make any grown man cry... its a challenge that has made me an incredible strong.. and it was fate we met.. she to is a soul mate.. i have known with her that there is a reason we together to help each other grow... im very thankful when does the growing stop.. i could easily spend the rest of my life with her .. but have a very strong drawing find my (twin flame) though she didn't exist tell i met this new friend 2 years ago

we have broken up numerous times, longest was a year, for she won me back, our communication is very open ..

pisces has a tendency to ignore problems n only see the bright side of people.. through recent dream insight (i was told not everyone has your best interest in them) making me look at the way my gf treats me for what it is.. & i can say and my gf admitted to tryna keep my self esteem low.. which basically made me refuse to listen to my intuition..

im very spiritual.. and pisces needs to look with there intuition and feel with there gutt.. not look at the world with there eyes or think with there mind. for example this might sound spooky believe me or not.. i had a lucid dream and she was in it.. the next day my gf messaged me n said the aquarian is coming to stay with us in a couple months

at the time i most definitely picked up these signs and subtle things she done.. but shrugged them off coz hey she acted shy and i doubted my intuition..

i have cheated before and probably will continue till ifind my ms perfect!! in life there is only the nature of life .. for me even if it dont work i can say atleast i tried..

iknow virgo women dont really seem like cheaters and im not trying to cheat with her yet i wanna get to know her better. (virgos like to have a secret side??)

from a virgos perspective whats the best way i could possibly play this cool and let her know hey i wanna know more about you?? and even how she might view this?? if you aint clear they can make assumptions

basically a pisces can accommodate any sign.. mutable water.. but not everyone can suit ours.. virgos u deserve the best dont stop till u find them haha
You've cheated and you won't stop until you find Ms. Right, but yet, you say your Aqua is your soulmate too? You are willing to cheat on your "soulmate" with her best friend... not some girl you met on the side (not that it makes ok whoever she is) but her BEST FRIEND! What are you staying with the Aqua for? You sound confused as hell. Go ahead, try for the Virgo, i hope you're prepared that if she turns you down (which she most likely will because she's 1. Logical and in her mind if you did it to her friend you're capable of doing it to her 2. Her morals) then you'll be left without either girl because the Aqua won't want to have anything else to do with you. As a matter of fact, whether you move forward on trying to get with the friend or not... let the Aqua know you're having feelings for other women. She deserves to at least know that.
Posted by fish_andchips_yeah
i have cheated before and probably will continue

Keep it moving.

Posted by piscesbluedreams
Pisces men love Virgo females!
I want to live in this world you live in...
aqua is my soul mate when i first broke up and we tried to get back together.. i told her from the start the reason im unsure about being with you is because its hard to see myself with 1 person my whole life and i don't want to break your heart as i know i most probably will.. i was told its ok for things to not work and people get hurt its apart of life and nature.. an aqua women extremely strong.. most signs got nothing on there strength and positive outlook on life.. i think your wright that i need to let the aqua know

please dont try judge my moral capability as we are in different and all in different stages of different levels of life.. love has a different meaning for everybody.. if you really loved someone love is boundless.. love is not one thing that is only for one person.. confusing love with sex.. sex is a aspect of showing a form of love which comes out as affection

ido know what i'm getting myself into btw i said i want to get to know her better not root her off the bat

my gf also said last thing i need is my bff to move down here then run away with my bf.. which i replied with what she wouldn't do that.. then my gf gave me a look like um shes a slut

im looking to get into the mindstate of the virgo from virgos not to be criticized because yous think this is unhealthy thinking.. throw out the beliefs of society and feel more

but your right her being grounded and practical and me making up dreams we could have our wires crossed or i could be picking up on the evasive virgo woman's details she wishs that someone would see..

thats why ineed to know if there is a possibility because im into turning dreams into reality (btw) iv already made a few of my wildist dreams come true that inever thought could and this has been by following (different dimensional insights, intuition gutt, and action)
Posted by Damnata
Posted by piscesbluedreams
Pisces men love Virgo females!
I want to live in this world you live in...
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your only scratching the surface buddy..

i am aware this virgo does think im cool.. but need to know how the virgo mind would work in this case ladies
i try to work my moral life like this "compassion & evidence" iv got some evidence of little things virgos do when they like someone.. also there is intimate energy when physically in the same area .. my compassion confuses me as idont know where to draw a line between doing the right thing by my gf .. or if that comes from a lack of self love to not think i deserve someone like this virgo females

really need more virgo perspective as they look at it from a million different angles just like a pisces can to determine wheather or not they can achieve as we look at the big picture
Pisces people are not monogamous by nature but for sure your Aquarius gf deserves more respect than this? I mean.. six years is a long time.

I have been in love with my boyfriend's best friend but don't act on it. Mainly because I don't want to loose the person who will stick by me through the good and bad times.

Love isn't selfish.

You can have your Virgo woman in the next lifetime if you are serious about your girlfriend.

I am a firm believer in Mrs Right not existing. It's all about how hard you are willing to make things work with people who love you flaws and all.
I think your Aquarius is giving you too much freedom!

A Virgo woman can't stand cheating. They take it very personally.
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Damnata
Posted by piscesbluedreams
Pisces men love Virgo females!
I want to live in this world you live in...
I love you
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You're way out of line.
Posted by piscesbluedreams
I think your Aquarius is giving you too much freedom!

A Virgo woman can't stand cheating. They take it very personally.
We are long distance have been like that for the last 3 years befor that we lived together for 3 years i am very honest and feel no need to lie if u lie it means u are ashamed.. Ihave told my gf twice iv cheated to which shes exscepted.. Regardless if this is right or wrong is not what im looking for.. Iwill let aqua know im thinking of other women maybe it will make her more sexual as she can be a prude. Do u believe in mericules? Sorry 4 the spelling.. Do u think a virgo could see through everything.. All that im willing todo to try make this work like a fairy .. Would she respect have far id have to go to make it work
Ah okay.. Sounds almost as though you are in an open relationship!

Posted by piscesbluedreams
Pisces people are not monogamous by nature
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Speak for yourself. If I'm given a choice to either cheat on my Virgo boy or blow my brains out, I'll pick the bullet every single time.
Are you seriously dating an Aqua? I can't imagine that being satisfying on any level unless you like the freedom and lack of soul bonding. Curious what sign are your venus and moon?

One of my best guy friends is a Pisces, we have a psychic connection and just get each other naturally. Love spending time with him, we have the deepest conversations sometimes without needing to speak much!

As for being interested in someone involved in a long term relationship? Not going to happen with me, but I'm greedy that way and need my own man. Not judging, just my own philosophy...

Not open relationship just she very very understanding of who i am.. Im a self realised piaces i embrace everbit of myself and creation i allso will be rich and successful no matter what.. Sex capatibility with a virgo would be ideal ikbow id bring the freak out!! To be sexualy fullfilled is one of my biggest desires in life tho my aqua dont do it for me there she ticks every other box.. But dreamy pisces longs to be grounded by mother earth virgo.. U may be suprise by virgo here as she also longs for what iwant ijust dont know how to go about it.. Where r u virgo females
Your asking advice on how to cheat on your current gf

is the same to me as a 12 yr old who has just asked me to buy them a handle of captain morgan on their behalf and to meet them in the back alley for the exchange.
Tell you gf that you're poly.

And btw there is no mrs.right so you'll just end up cheating on all of your prospective partners for the rest of your life.

well at least until you get too tired to do so.
Havent said once that im gonna cheat on her have said ihave cheated in the past but have always felt tht there is someone out there who i would change for.. Im asking for advice if there is a chance this could work? If a virgo can trust u fully i believe it can yall stuck on stigmas and all that bs trancend duality then transcend oneness.. My relationship with the aqua is not emotionaly filling ur right i do love my space but there is still walls up on her side . that aint made to break. Im not trying to get in a virgos pants .. First ijust want to talk and get to know the virgo .. Just unsure if she is willing or would even wanna try to know me . aside from being my gf friend.. These things have happened befor
Posted by SomeSortOfMermaid
Posted by piscesbluedreams
Pisces people are not monogamous by nature
Um please speak for yourself.
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I am not saying that Pisces people cheat or are unfaithful.

I am saying it's quite easy for us to develop innocent crushes or build a connection with people that we are not with and have no intention actually pursuing.

If you live in a bubble and don't meet new people - it's obvious this might never happen to you.

Or if you are influenced by your other signs that are more stable.

But I enjoy meeting amazing people that I vibe with and sometimes I catch a little butterflies.

It's part of being a water sign.

I have Pisces sun/Scorpio moon so sexual by nature.
Posted by fish_andchips_yeah
Havent said once that im gonna cheat on her have said ihave cheated in the past but have always felt tht there is someone out there who i would change for.. Im asking for advice if there is a chance this could work? If a virgo can trust u fully i believe it can yall stuck on stigmas and all that bs trancend duality then transcend oneness.. My relationship with the aqua is not emotionaly filling ur right i do love my space but there is still walls up on her side . that aint made to break. Im not trying to get in a virgos pants .. First ijust want to talk and get to know the virgo .. Just unsure if she is willing or would even wanna try to know me . aside from being my gf friend.. These things have happened befor
In that case why not get to know her?

As long as Aqua knows you are talking to her BF..

However six years is a long time and you should do this love justice!
While there’s no denying the Pisces-Virgo connection having experienced it myself, nothing in your post jumped out that the Virgo, herself, has a mutual attraction to you as you do for her. Another Pisces dream bubble will burst.

"the one time i gave her the treetrunk me eyes. she gazed for a second or so befor she looked away with a blush and then yawned to try to cover the blushing was cute.. i actually tested her for a reaction"

She was most likely embarrassed because you were alone with her creating a moment of awkwardness that she didn’t know how to handle best.

“im good at mini golf so when we all were playing & i got a hole in one.. i showed off and said i could do it again.. so i tried & got another hole in 1 but when i turned back she had her phone and had filmed it on snapchat.. which i thought was cool because i would of looked like the man.. and also that was the first time she had directed complete focus on me. she was usually shy and reserved not talking much .. surprised me when my gf said she is the opposite of shy which was, & still is, hard for me to believe.”

In other words, you boasted and she was intrigued to see if a). You would follow-up on your word (which you did) or b). Would make a fool of yourself. Hence, the snap chat. We are in our most comfortable, letting loose around our inner circle. Only a handful of people will see this side of us-you’re not in her circle.

“when my gf said to her have you seen his new tattoo. (quickly she responded) i already noticed it.. which i liked alot and was secretly taken back (im tatted up) and take pride in the little details with my appearance.. only ever had one person compliment me on how much thought and effort goes into my style .. what a ego boost that i really appreciate”

It was an acknowledgement as in a matter-of-fact way. Nothing more or nothing less. You’ve heard of Virgos being attentive to details, right? Virgos observe. Virgos are attuned to a person in the way he/she speaks, dresses, looks, interacts, etc. We find people to be fascinating. We find the unfamiliar to be even more intriguing and that includes delving into strangers.

“also she did ask to move into my gf parents house from a different state.. to which my gf declined not wanting to give any chance or possibility of us getting closer.. all these subtle little things she done at first made me think i was reading way to into it but now that i know more about the virgirl, and meditating on it ithink maybe i was onto something??”

You are irrelevant in the Virgo’s decision making process. She has never considered you to be a factor. Your Aqua’s dissent has to do with your history of cheating for which the Virgo has no input, for which she may not be aware of it.

Your plan will ultimately backfire because a Virgo’s wrath is as cold as/colder than an Aquarius’ when you betray her or her loved ones. Move along.

You will know when a Virgo likes you. We are consistent. And if we tire of figuring the person out then we will outright say we like you.

Virgorean thankyou for the imput.. While it does get hard at time to disscern between dulision and reality this was something ineed address..

While when iwas with her it was obviouse there was an mutual attraction between us.. Only able to go as far as being her friends boyfriend would let us.. Tho if that wasnt the case i have no dout we would be talking ... Man virgos head must go back and forth alot.. Because i read that the examples iv given would be cause to think more, virgos flirt the oppersite way?? To the rest of us.. She might be colder then an aqua but she aint as scary lol haha

Ohh and to be clear ididnt mean my cock i ment gave her the fuck me eyes befor she shyly looked away and back. Tree trunk what kinda auto correct is that.

Aquas have alot of bestfriends but their relationships are useally shallow and this is her "visit every now and again friend" wich my gf has embarrased the virgo publically. A gew times which i found funny.. We also would get high and take other drugs.. Which virgos and pisces especially should stay away from..

The thing is (might sound delusional) when ido listen to my gutt, intuition, higher self meditating, and dreams) and i have acted on them i watch a synchronised series of events take place that i have for seen in insight (tho no 1 would believe this to be real) i guess thats the gift of being a pisces.. Pisces literally can turn dreams to reality.. And my my alarms are saying as hard or unrealistic this is therw is still a pssibilty this could work (as no one truely k ows it wont)

Piscestruedreams thankyou to for a different look tho idont know how to exactly let my gf know iwanna talk to her friend wothout wanting to fuck her it would be a good idea to keep openning communication as mucg as possible

Virgos u mind is hectic nothing like ur outside apperence . id love to bring vixen out.. Where is the girl veesion of me?

Would someone kindly enlighten ne to how she may have responded differently if she did have secretive thoughts?
Your welcome (: pisces the gift of understanding we put ourselves in your shoes we feel your energy we look at your body posture facial body exspression .. Then our mind goes to work adding all the up how you feel (inside) not on the outside as you may be portraying another image.. Then we use compassion using everything u have said or done to be able to get into your mind to try and see where your coming from.. This can be upsetting to pisces as we could see you had a oppeetunity to handle it one way but choose another. And thats why out of no where we can flip or we hide coz we see evil.. We dont see the truth we seen u had a chance to live from truth and did not

It is not my fault you dont understand pisces neither is it my fault they did not act the way you wanted them to or thought they should of i sulute my fellow pisces we got a heart that can fit a universe it it literally haha
Posted by fish_andchips_yeah
Virgorean thankyou for the imput.. While it does get hard at time to disscern between dulision and reality this was something ineed address..

While when iwas with her it was obviouse there was an mutual attraction between us.. Only able to go as far as being her friends boyfriend would let us.. Tho if that wasnt the case i have no dout we would be talking ... Man virgos head must go back and forth alot.. Because i read that the examples iv given would be cause to think more, virgos flirt the oppersite way?? To the rest of us.. She might be colder then an aqua but she aint as scary lol haha

Ohh and to be clear ididnt mean my cock i ment gave her the fuck me eyes befor she shyly looked away and back. Tree trunk what kinda auto correct is that.

Aquas have alot of bestfriends but their relationships are useally shallow and this is her "visit every now and again friend" wich my gf has embarrased the virgo publically. A gew times which i found funny.. We also would get high and take other drugs.. Which virgos and pisces especially should stay away from..

The thing is (might sound delusional) when ido listen to my gutt, intuition, higher self meditating, and dreams) and i have acted on them i watch a synchronised series of events take place that i have for seen in insight (tho no 1 would believe this to be real) i guess thats the gift of being a pisces.. Pisces literally can turn dreams to reality.. And my my alarms are saying as hard or unrealistic this is therw is still a pssibilty this could work (as no one truely k ows it wont)

Piscestruedreams thankyou to for a different look tho idont know how to exactly let my gf know iwanna talk to her friend wothout wanting to fuck her it would be a good idea to keep openning communication as mucg as possible

Virgos u mind is hectic nothing like ur outside apperence . id love to bring vixen out.. Where is the girl veesion of me?

As I’ve stated, there is no denying an attraction exists between Virgos and Pisces. They are our opposites on the zodiac wheel. But from your read she is simply being courteous. Out of respect for her best friend she has to communicate with you to a degree because you are her best friend’s boyfriend-an important part of someone’s life she values. You are mistaken Mr. Dreamy. Virgos are the devil. Piss one off and you’ll wish you haven’t.

Not only are you reading too much into the Virgo impression of being into you, but you are justifying it by calling their friendship fake? I have a few close friends who I haven’t spoken to for months at a time, one who happens to be a Pisces himself, but when I reconnect with friends it’s never awkward. We pick up where we dropped off. It’s called adapting to the changes when our lives become busy.

You’re clearly one Delusional Pisces.

Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream (bung, bung, bung, bung)

User Submitted Image
If u read what was said befor idid say ifeel like there is someone out there who could make me change .. Mayne i love the fact all zodiacs are compatible to a point .. If virgo really wanna try find there real love they ahould look everywhere lol how they no mr right was with mrs wrong lol yall can eat my heart out .. Miricules do happen weather u believe or not. Maturw pisces will be upfront if u r sincere as we dont like seeing people hurt.. If we know u could handle it then we will tell you .. Each sign has their bad ur right when we try hide stuff.
Just tell her. Don't be a bitch about it.
Picture this theres only to people left on earth one is a female virgo the guy never approach right or wasnt here type we go exstint thank us pisces for why human nature continues .. But on the real allow him exspress himself authentically with no restrainr and go into his world with him and the blindfold to the real possibilitys of life will start to unfold
Posted by -Flo-
Posted by Jules-ll
Are you seriously dating an Aqua? I can't imagine that being satisfying on any level unless you like the freedom and lack of soul bonding. Curious what sign are your venus and moon?

One of my best guy friends is a Pisces, we have a psychic connection and just get each other naturally. Love spending time with him, we have the deepest conversations sometimes without needing to speak much!

As for being interested in someone involved in a long term relationship? Not going to happen with me, but I'm greedy that way and need my own man. Not judging, just my own philosophy...

Wtf.. I'm with a Pisces right now and you possibly couldn't even understand our connection. You've obviously never met an Aquarius with Pisces placements.
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From your posts you don't come across very Aqua-like at all tbh. No offense intended...

Man us pisces got a bad rap around town jezz. Its ok virgos . u dont need to act like a saint on here .. We wont judge u, we know u have another secretive side that yall may be trying to protect . but yall act like a virgo aint eva fallen or taken a plunge .. Althought im capable of putting up with anybodys bs tell me is all worth it? Just to see that other side of them?? Probley haha


Idont plan doing anything rashional but will open up communication more with the aqua.. Theres has been alot of missled info on the virgo if the subtle hints i saw ment nothing apart from mutual attraction.. But then iv heard a mutual attraction (a spark) is all thats needed..

It may be heard for u virgos to allow me sum real insight into your minds without being bashful towards pisces nature... Wait maybe i should throw out the zodiac, or even try native american or other hmmm (:

Posted by fish_andchips_yeah

Iwill let aqua know im thinking of other women maybe it will make her more sexual as she can be a prude.

Up to this point, I was like ... what the fuck is up with this dude, how deluded could he possibly be?

Then he said the above and the picture became crystal clear ... he's just looking to get his dick wet, and will use any manipulative tactic to obtain this goal.

He'll even use his soul mate to serve himself.

Posted by Fafa
Posted by P-Angel
Posted by fish_andchips_yeah

Iwill let aqua know im thinking of other women maybe it will make her more sexual as she can be a prude.

Up to this point, I was like ... what the fuck is up with this dude, how deluded could he possibly be?

Then he said the above and the picture became crystal clear ... he's just looking to get his dick wet, and will use any manipulative tactic to obtain this goal.

He'll even use his soul mate to serve himself.

He doesnt see it tho.He needs to step out of his shoes and go back and read his post...

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Most men are probably like this. As much as women would like for them to consider feelings first .. they just don't.

They just want to get their dicks suck .... the prettiest woman preferably, but, any woman (Virgo in this case) will do.

Posted by fish_andchips_yeah

first of all i had no idea, that there is such a women as a virgo women out there

^^ first post

Posted by fish_andchips_yeah

in my exsperience behind closed doors a virgo will boast to there friends that this person that person likes them

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^^ second post

Notice how they completely contradict themselves.

first, you know nothing about virgos, not even that they exist .... then suddenly you can make statements about them because your experience with them.

for your information ...... Virgos don't boast behind closed doors about people like you - they laugh at people like you to their friends.

You're a fucking manwhore who has no respect, nor morals ..... you seem to be proud of yourself, and completely disregard how fucked up you are to continue asking people how to cheat more.

You say don't judge you .... yet, you don't deserve respect in any form. If you want to be treated with respect than you have to deserve that.

Let me guess ... your mommy had you on the couch telling you that you are the center of universe and you get everything you want. oh wait ... you're probably still on her couch, after all when you talked about the Virgo coming to stay for a while, it was at the Aqua's parents house and the Aqua thought that too close for comfort ... so that means the Aqua is still on mommies couch getting her laundry done and debit cards handed to her. So, it's highly likely that you're an adult, being provided for like a child.

What else could it be? How can a person possibly have no clue that what you're doing is wrong? the only way you could possibly believe that is if you're being told that you're The Everything

Whats wrong with trying to open communication n spice things up may stop me from so much lingering thoughts or it may not., also just looking 4 sex is ur assumption as ilike to have atleast a tiny bit of emotional connection if it aint a 1 night lust thing
"...I'm not trying to cheat with her YET.."


Doesn't matter though bc she's going to have you by your balls bud
I mean maybe you should end things with your girl first before even considering trying to get to know the Virgo.

Bc if they ARE best friends and you try to come at her, she's going to tell your gf.

Soul connection or not, Virgos don't think w/ our hearts, and we will pick logic every single time.
I WILL say though that me and Pisces guys are weirdly connected. Very weird. BUT I know the relationship won't last in the long run so
Making the Pisces men look bad smh, at least you're honest , well honest with us here on this board... it's sad that u are trying to be with her best friend
Posted by -Flo-
Posted by Jules-ll
Posted by -Flo-
Posted by Jules-ll
Are you seriously dating an Aqua? I can't imagine that being satisfying on any level unless you like the freedom and lack of soul bonding. Curious what sign are your venus and moon?

One of my best guy friends is a Pisces, we have a psychic connection and just get each other naturally. Love spending time with him, we have the deepest conversations sometimes without needing to speak much!

As for being interested in someone involved in a long term relationship? Not going to happen with me, but I'm greedy that way and need my own man. Not judging, just my own philosophy...

Wtf.. I'm with a Pisces right now and you possibly couldn't even understand our connection. You've obviously never met an Aquarius with Pisces placements.

From your posts you don't come across very Aqua-like at all tbh. No offense intended...


Other Aquarians don't even take me seriously..
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I can see that, you have a lot of water right? I grew up with 3 Aquas, you seem nothing like them... You're more like my Pisces sister that has a lot of air in her chart. Smug
Wow took me a while to read your story as well as others' advice on here.I am a Virgo woman and I will say as many have stated here,we do think logically when it comes to matters of the heart. First of all I'm not sure how close she is to your friend,but we detest cheating of any sort,especially when it comes to betrayal.However, I do understand that attraction,intimacy and all around the energy someone gives you is hard to ignore especially if you feel the connection.I have been with a Pisces man and I felt this connection with him from the day I laid my eyes on him.The sexual tension was very hard to resist and we would literally make love all day and night.It was pure and loving. And we connected on a spiritual level.Being around each other was perfect bliss.We would read together,shower together,go on about our daily business and tasks but come right back to each other,cook together.But all the whilst he had a girlfriend.I found out because he ended up telling me,but at this point we were both madly in love and I had to leave because he betrayed me.

You and your Aquarius girlfriend have been very serious and you seem to have a pretty honest relationship,I would suggest that you have an honest conversation with her and let her know how you feel.She will be very hurt but atleast you're being honest with her,there's not much you can change when it comes to caring about someone else.And also Pisces men love to find the "perfect" woman.As a Virgo woman,I'm all about perfection,but I do realize that nothing or no one is perfect and eventually down the road,you're going to hit some road blocks with any partner,you just have to over come them.

Good luck
Posted by -Flo-
Posted by Jules-ll
Posted by -Flo-
Posted by Jules-ll
Posted by -Flo-
Posted by Jules-ll
Are you seriously dating an Aqua? I can't imagine that being satisfying on any level unless you like the freedom and lack of soul bonding. Curious what sign are your venus and moon?

One of my best guy friends is a Pisces, we have a psychic connection and just get each other naturally. Love spending time with him, we have the deepest conversations sometimes without needing to speak much!

As for being interested in someone involved in a long term relationship? Not going to happen with me, but I'm greedy that way and need my own man. Not judging, just my own philosophy...

Wtf.. I'm with a Pisces right now and you possibly couldn't even understand our connection. You've obviously never met an Aquarius with Pisces placements.

From your posts you don't come across very Aqua-like at all tbh. No offense intended...


Other Aquarians don't even take me seriously..

I can see that, you have a lot of water right? I grew up with 3 Aquas, you seem nothing like them... You're more like my Pisces sister that has a lot of air in her chart. Smug
I have one dominant water placement, fire moon and the rest Air.

I don't know why I come off watery and sensitive to other people, I can't see my own words when I type. I thought I seemed very much aqua though regardless of placements.

My life is a lie. ?
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Nah, you just let your feelings show which to me is so much healthier than my Aqua sister who always acts like everything is cool when you know it's not....

Posted by P-Angel

Posted by fish_andchips_yeah

first of all i had no idea, that there is such a women as a virgo women out there

^^ first post

Posted by fish_andchips_yeah

in my exsperience behind closed doors a virgo will boast to there friends that this person that person likes them

^^ second post

Notice how they completely contradict themselves.

first, you know nothing about virgos, not even that they exist .... then suddenly you can make statements about them because your experience with them.

for your information ...... Virgos don't boast behind closed doors about people like you - they laugh at people like you to their friends.

You're a fucking manwhore who has no respect, nor morals ..... you seem to be proud of yourself, and completely disregard how fucked up you are to continue asking people how to cheat more.

You say don't judge you .... yet, you don't deserve respect in any form. If you want to be treated with respect than you have to deserve that.

Let me guess ... your mommy had you on the couch telling you that you are the center of universe and you get everything you want. oh wait ... you're probably still on her couch, after all when you talked about the Virgo coming to stay for a while, it was at the Aqua's parents house and the Aqua thought that too close for comfort ... so that means the Aqua is still on mommies couch getting her laundry done and debit cards handed to her. So, it's highly likely that you're an adult, being provided for like a child.

What else could it be? How can a person possibly have no clue that what you're doing is wrong? the only way you could possibly believe that is if you're being told that you're The Everything

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okay to answer the first bit of your question .. yes i was unaware of such characteristics that make up a virgo female .. surprised as what they have 2 offer in a relationship is kind what id like/need/want out of a women

second bit (in my experience behind closed doors a virgo will boast to there friends that this person that person likes them )

maybe i should have stated ( after ) doing sum research on virgos, iwas able to analyse her behavior around me and yes she ways acting like kingshit tryna say all these guys were drooling over her (like ok then virgo) they probably do laught at people like me but thats her upto her... we pisces tend to have very vivid memories.. so i was then able to use the info gathered and ponder on it, use memory to cross reference her actions and behaviour, did i start to actually believe it is possible there is more here then i thought.... . maybe i should have elaborated or maybe you shouldnt assumed and taken it so literal.. not sure if thats the nitpicking virgos are know for or if your even a virgo. i forgive you for your insincerity and lack of respect on that case

so now let me enlighten you on your Cynicism style of thinking .. (cough, cough)

no idont stay with my gf parents, matter of fact she lives in another country . ilive in australian & she lives in new zealand going to uni there so she can receive sum of the benefits shes entitled to..

& no idont get my laundry done (which i hate lol) nor do i get looked after like a child

look idont even work a day job... no 9-5 slaving for me im a dream chaser.. i have other means of how i source my income.. and yall think im the delusional 1 but im the only one here chasing dreams (semi pro material artist tryna get to where the big boys are) and trying to turn them into reality..

you are not the god that gets to judge right and wrong.. its easy to look at the thorn stuck in ones eye then to remove the branch stuck in yours

btw all this said has come from the depths of the dark side of the pisces mind.. where all use stay away from, and hope like hell your dark thoughts dont come out.. im here to understand everything me, you ,life, the world, most of all the nature of man

so i too can take all i have observed in this life as a wittness back to where i came from as for reincarnating into another life time, this is the last life time for me.. untill we all met again in the higher dimensional planes of existence

you no nothing of my morality .. using one thing cheating to judge me.. pathetic but icant stop how u percieve me.. your stuck on love and its real meaning which is ok society has given you a description of love and your kept it.. good for you as long as you dont impose your beliefs on others..

so to answer your last question as to what it could be.. its because i have became enlightened!

the truth is there. but u will never find it acting like someone else & you also will never find it being yourself.. because you dont know the real self.. you know self image . you look outside & not within .. everything that u can see physically created in this world, was first created in the mind.. to the one who 100% knows this, becomes some what of a god a co-creater... knowing & believing full well anythink is possible. to the one that is still under the illusion (what we have been told about life is true etc) will never be able to understand.. therefore iknow why this can seem dilusional to most.. yall thinking inside the box will only get you as far as another box