Taking Advantage Of A Virgo

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by CLCNY30 on Thursday, April 21, 2011 and has 132 replies.
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See? THIS is why I stay to my f'n self. You try to be friendly with someone, and suddenly they think they can completely take advantage of you...
So, last semester, there was a girl who was a little...off in one of my classes. She seemed nice, but my first impression of her was her stumbling into class like half-an-hour late, with a long coat that reached down to her feet. She took the coat off, placed it on the back of her chair, and that's when I noticed her hair--it was frizzy, unkempt, and had streaks of pink and purple or something like that all throughout. I shrugged, went back to listening to the professor, and forgot about her, until she attempted to take a seat. She missed the chair completely, fell on her ass on the floor, and giggled for a minute straight as a guy next to her tried to help her up.
I facepalmed.
So, as the weeks went on, all of us classmates would joke around with the teacher (he was really cool) and we all got close. Her and I would sometimes joke from across the room, but that's all it was, loose jokes here and there. We never hung out, never had a serious conversation, nothing like that. It wasn't until the class was finally ending that she came up to me one night to tell me she was looking for a job, and to ask if I knew about anything. I gave her an honest, "no", and wished her luck in finding something soon. She asked for my number, to stay in touch because we have the same major, and I gave it to her thinking she'd never use it.
But she did. Boy did she.
I get a call Monday night, after I came home from school, grabbed something light to eat, and started to doze off. Mind you, I work from 9-6 too, so I was TIRED! I roll over and reach for my phone, strain to make out the number (which I don't recognize) and answer.
It's her, telling me she's stuck at the school (it's almost 11pm) and has no way of getting home, can I help her out.
Me, panicked FOR her, because it's cold/late/she's female/she's waiting alone outside tell her to hold tight, I'll be there asap. I get dressed again (she calls to make sure I'm still coming), I grab my keys and get into the car (she calls to make sure I'm still coming), I'm halfway there (she calls to make sure I'm still coming), I'm pulling into the school's parking lot (she calls to make sure I'm still coming...ugh...)
So I go get her, she explains that she had to put her car up or something like that, apologizes for bothering me, and I'm like, "I'm just glad you're okay..."
So I drive her home (about a 15 minute drive) as she tells me she still hasn't found a job yet, is just trying to get her bachelors, her fianc? and her are having financial problems, her babysitter is trying to rape her financially and spreading gossip about her at church...
I finally get her home, and she tries to give me a couple of bucks for gas money. I refused, said I was glad I could help, and then the question of me helping her out again on Wednesday night (when I had to be at school anyway) came up. I figured I'm at school anyway, she doesn't live THAT far from me, classes end in 2 weeks anyway, no biggie.
So, Tuesday night (when I have no classes), I settle in for the night. At mid-muthafckn-night...I get a phone call from her.
"Oh, hi...I'm...I'm (nervous laugh) I'm stranded at the school again..."
I'm like (O_O).
FIRST of all...why the fk is you at school if you don't have transportation to get home???
Second, why can't you explain this to your professor, and see if he can give you projects to do at home, until you get your situation straightened out??
I...was...PISSED. I flat out told her I wasn't going to be able to get her, said I hope she found a way home, and told her to be safe. She's like, "you can still help me get home tomorrow, right?" I said yes, as I'd be at the school then, and she said she'd manage for the night.
Manage = sleep at the school (O_O). Oh welp! Sheit.
So, I'm in class last night, and I hear her voice from the doorway just speaking to me in front of the class like it's just her and I there. I'm embarassed, but try to play it off and tell her I'll be out at 8:00. She tells me the classroom she'll be in, and belts out "you look really nice!" Yeah, I wanted to just disappear at that point, but w.e.
She comes back 10 minutes later, to ask if I'm done. It's like 7:50. I'm like "no, I said 8:00." She yells across the room that she'll go to the bathroom and be back. I'm facepalming again.
I leave before she can come back again to tell me (and my classmates) how her adventures in the bathroom went.
If while building a house, a carpenter strikes a nail and it proves faulty by bending, does the carpenter lose faith in all nails and stop building his house?
So, we get to my car and I'm asking her serious questions at this point,
"Why are you coming to school if you don't have a ride home?"
her: it's just gonna be temporary, and my professor doesn't seem understanding
"Who's your professor?"
her: (she tells me it's a professor I had a few semesters ago, who is a chatterbox but very nice. I give her a weird look, like "why wouldn't he understand?" and she proceeds to tell me of a story where some chick in her class, who is a lesbian, decided to share that story with the class and brag about having 3 female lovers. Comments were exchanged about that not being a good environment for a child, because of no male influence, and sparks flew. The professor--who loved lezziechick, cuz she was as talkative as him, decided not to stop the fight, and it seems he's held a grudge ever since then for her trying to tell lezziechick off.)
"I see. And, I'm sorry, did you say you have a fianc?? He can't find a way to come get you?"
her: telling me he's going through some financial issues with her, etc. etc.
So, we get to the car, I take her home...and she tells me that her fianc? wants to meet me, because he thinks it was a guy who brought her home on Monday.
I'm like, "um...okay, I'll...I'll wait out in the car..."
I hear her yelling as she's banging on the door, for him to let her in. He finally comes down, after like 2 minutes, and she says, "my friend is waiting in the car, so you can see she's not a guy..."
This...mofo...stumbled OVER to my car...SHIRTLESS, mumbling and grumbling all the way, about her not coming home the night before.
The first word that entered into my mind was "crackhead". He just looked like he was...*sigh*...(-_-) why me? Why me??
He's like "She ain't come home last night (O_O)!"
I said, "yeah..."
He's like "She spent the night at the schoo." Yes, I typed "schoo", cuz that's how it came out of his mouth.
I said, "...that's what she said to me..."
He didn't thank me for bringing her home, or anything, he just pulled back and stomped back to the house, cursing about how he's going to call the school and have the security gaurd fired for spending the night with her at the front desk, and she's yelling, "but he helped me! I would have had to sleep outside if he didn't!"
I meant to just pull away slowly, but I guess my haste to get away, and a pile of dirt in the area under my wheels created this screeching sound and I ended off peeling away, LMFAO.
As I'm speeding off, she yells, "SEE YOU MONDAY!!" And I'm like (-_-).
You know...THIS is why Virgos can be b1tches and bastards.
THIS is why.
A woman is stuck in the cold dark parking lot of a school, asks for my help, I'm able to help, and suddenly I'm now driving Miss Daisy.
If I had said no from night one, I would have felt horrible. I'm one of those people that believe good deeds come back to you, and I'd hate to be in her position and have someone who is able to help me leave me out in the cold.
I'm just...

Posted by BoomShakalakaBoom
If while building a house, a carpenter strikes a nail and it proves faulty by bending, does the carpenter lose faith in all nails and stop building his house?

I know you're trying to be the second coming of Confucious here, but you're failing.
Comparing nails to humans earns you a side-eye glance, suggestions for several facilities with padded rooms, and a nice little straightjacket.
Thanks tho.
WOW....just WOW. Yeah I'd be beyond pissed because I would have done the same thing...helped her out. I absolutely hate when people take advantage of me like that!! Why do we do this to ourselves? I would have felt horrible and probably not been able to sleep if I would have said no the first night.
Posted by 25thDecan
Saying "no" and meaning it is a quality. Especially when you knowit's time to say no. I say, vent it out. You did the right thing because she is not your responsibility. When I was younger, I would contribute to people and causes to no end and my detriment...and then play the martyr. Passively deceitful. Now...I keeps that red pen handy. CHECK MINUS!

Yeah, I hear you.
This is why I never do favors for people, because it never ends with that favor. They think I was so sweet about it before, that it should now become my new job.
I'm going to level with her via phone call tonight.
I'm going to tell her that I didn't mind helping her that first night, but a) that never should have happened, and b) it should never have happened again for that matter. I'm going to tell her that I don't feel it's right for me to be out on the road late at night, to do what I'm sure other family members around her (or her fianc?) should be doing, and that if she is so scared of not attending class for fear of failure, when she KNOWS she can't get there, she needs to speak to her academic advisor or the dean, because it is not my responsibility to help her get home.
A favor is a favor, but an insult is an insult as well. She totally exhausted a favor that if she just used once now, and maybe in the future (much more distant future than 24 hours later) she could have been able to rely on.
Bad move.
Posted by LostinmyMind11
WOW....just WOW. Yeah I'd be beyond pissed because I would have done the same thing...helped her out. I absolutely hate when people take advantage of me like that!! Why do we do this to ourselves? I would have felt horrible and probably not been able to sleep if I would have said no the first night.

That's why I went to get her--I wouldn't have been able to sleep.
We've all been down-and-out, and I look down my nose at no one in a bad situation (unless they're not trying to help themselves OUT of said situation)--but she's going to school - AKA "bettering herself", so I felt it was okay to help her, but never intended for her to make it "our thing" now.
She even said something like, "You know, anytime you want to come over to my house, or want me to come over to yours, we can do that..."
I'm like "uh...no thanks."
Yeah, so that when you have a fight with your man, you can show up at my place with a suitcase?
No no, boo boo. No no.
You also typed ... "why the fk is you at school if you ..."
The correct verb to use is, "were" ....... why the fk were you at school if you ..

And I will assume that the reason for using improper American idioms was due to this being the way you talk.
And don't confuse what happened.

You falsely believe you were taken advantage of, when what really happened is that you were a sucker
Posted by P-Angel
You also typed ... "why the fk is you at school if you ..."
The correct verb to use is, "were" ....... why the fk were you at school if you ..

And I will assume that the reason for using improper American idioms was due to this being the way you talk.

After proving your hypocrisy, delusions of grandeur (Pisces = reality based? LMFAOOOOO, you dizzy rodent), deleting said thread the first time when you're the "deleting threads means you can't handle the truth" queen of DXP, you really should just stfu. Forever.
I don't have to prove myself via lingo on DXP, as none of you pay my bills.
Why not skip on over to one of your many threads where you spell like your drunk? I can point a few out to you if you'd like, as it seems like you tried typing with your toes and failed horribly.
Stay out of my face, P-nis. We've been over this. You'll lose everytime.
Had you gone with your prejudices you immediately concluded (and typed in for us all to see how superficial you are) through the shallow assessment of her hair and general personal care ..... then you would have been able to walk away from jump, while facepalming the atrocity of her tasteless physical appearance.
Posted by P-Angel
And don't confuse what happened.

You falsely believe you were taken advantage of, when what really happened is that you were a sucker

Reality, there you go again. Don't use words you don't know the meaning of.
I'll warn you once more, and then you'll just have me following you around DXP for the rest of the week, continuing to clown how your imaginary Virgo husband doesn't want anything to do with you or your fishy (see what I did there?) gullyhole.
Your life is probably the saddest thing I've ever heard.
Want to know the true meaning of a sucker? A wrinkled fish, waiting outside of jails across the country until she finds a newly released prisoner desperate enough to follow her home to her trailor, who feeds him and hands him money to fck wh0res in her own bed, while she pretends he's just "having a conversation with his cousin" (all the while ignoring the moans of pleasure he's never released with her), who claims to hate a sign whose message board she plays with herself to while reading. In other words, look in the mirror.
No one would miss you if you were gone. Trust me.
Oh, and I'm not just talking about gone from DXP Winking
You sound God awful. Your parents must have wanted to leave you on some church steps so many times...(-_-) poor things.
Posted by P-Angel
Had you gone with your prejudices you immediately concluded (and typed in for us all to see how superficial you are) through the shallow assessment of her hair and general personal care ..... then you would have been able to walk away from jump, while facepalming the atrocity of her tasteless physical appearance.

Yep. Noticed her hair.
Just like you noticed my lingo Winking
Pot, meet kettle.
You fail. Seriously? Just disappear. Do the world a favor.
Your imaginary fella would be out your social security checks, but maybe he can collect on the life insurance...he'll be fine Winking
PLEASE tell me he at least fked you on your birthday (O_O)
I mean, all jokes aside, PLEASE tell me he even used a TOY on you if he was afraid of your acidic vaginal juices coming into contact with his skin?
You sound like the same bitter banshee you were before your 83rd (or is it 84th now?) birthday. Really? So this...this is how you're going to spend yet another year of life that God has granted you, huh?
So sad.
Posted by CLCNY30
Why not skip on over to one of your many threads where you spell like your drunk?

Ok I will, but first I want to hear more of your prejudices about the man who didn't use english properly .. and then after you criticize both of them some more for the way they look you can take a look at how you used the word, "your"

" ..... you spell like your drunk"
Then after that, maybe another Virgo can come in here to tell everyone else how to use the quote system .... because if people don't use it right, then they will cause the Virgo to loose their sanity.
Posted by P-Angel
Had you gone with your prejudices you immediately concluded (and typed in for us all to see how superficial you are) through the shallow assessment of her hair and general personal care ..... then you would have been able to walk away from jump, while facepalming the atrocity of her tasteless physical appearance.

This is hypocrisy, btw. I know your braincells can only handle so much, so I'll help you out here:
To imply that I should have gone with my "prejudices" (prejudices, by the way, would not have allowed me to joke with her in class, or did your "reality-based" eyes just skip over that part? Interesting...) and then say I would have been shallow to do so show you should not be in contact with human beings.
I'd say "other human beings" but we both know you're what your avatar portrays.
Sense. You make none.
Posted by P-Angel
Posted by CLCNY30
Why not skip on over to one of your many threads where you spell like your drunk?

Ok I will, but first I want to hear more of your prejudices about the man who didn't use english properly .. and then after you criticize both of them some more for the way they look you can take a look at how you used the word, "your"

" ..... you spell like your drunk"
click to expand

Ah, so you CAN see. I thought you were as blind as you were deaf.
Ok, be back with your many mistakes Winking
Posted by P-Angel
Then after that, maybe another Virgo can come in here to tell everyone else how to use the quote system .... because if people don't use it right, then they will cause the Virgo to loose their sanity.

Then after that, maybe you can admit to DXP that there is no hubby.
No one would fck you P-nis. Come on now. Why the lies?
I still LOL @ "Celibate Marriage" though, LOL. That was a gem
The saddest part of this all is that I stayed out of all threads clowning you, as I don't start trouble. You just sought me out in here, proving that I quench some thirst within you. I mean really, did you miss me that much? Sad.
This story is why I am glad to be a Leo-Virgo mix. The Virgo in me is helpful and dutiful. The Leo in me is generous but won't tolerate people's bullshit. It's nice to be a nice person with a backbone smile
Posted by P-Angel
Ooopppppssss, I forgot to use the lesson Strings told us about the quotes ... pardon.

I will start over.

You do not use spaces between ellipses. Makes you look retarded. But you're used to looking retarded, I'm sure.

Posted by P-Angel
You are so busy defending yourself that you failed to grasp the message.

This comes from the other point of view ...
.... how you are viewed, not how you view yourself .... which you missed entirely

Ugh...that wasn't a typo??? You seriously think there are spaces before and after? Wow. *Here's your sign*

Posted by P-Angel
One time I was helping to move a friends father, and the father walked in the apartment to pick up another box and randomly announced ...

I was driving down 495 and I changed lanes, then I saw in my mirror a huge accident .. cars crashing everywhere.
Me: Oh my gosh, Howard, what did you do?
What do you mean, what did I do? I went to my doctors appointment.

That ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ is what comes to mind when I think of this topic. Drama is started often, totally unbeknownst.
click to expand

Ah, okay...this is just one gigantic clusterfk of a mess...
"One time I was helping to move a friends father, and the father walked in the apartment to pick up another box and randomly announced ..."
I won't even get into the spaces/ellipses thing again--we've already concluded you shouldn't use them until you know how, but it's "a friend's father" sweetie. Friend's. Friends = more than one friend (which you also know nothing about, because besides supposedly having a friend in Jesus, who else can stand you???).
Posted by ninjamu
This story is why I am glad to be a Leo-Virgo mix. The Virgo in me is helpful and dutiful. The Leo in me is generous but won't tolerate people's bullshit. It's nice to be a nice person with a backbone smile

It's why I admire Leos so much. They have no problem saying "no", and keeping it moving, LOL.
Honestly though, the thought of a female alone out in the cold was just a scary thought to me. I don't regret doing it the first night--"it" = a kind act in a really bad situation, but if I had known she'd try to make it into an every night thing, I'd have told her as I drove her home that first night, "I can't do this anymore--please make arrangements to have someone else pick you up from this point forth", and dealt with her pouting.
Posted by P-Angel
Oddball !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Damn...you really like spaces, huh? Spacebar crazy, huh? No spaces after a word and before an exclamation point, boo boo. (-_-)

Posted by P-Angel
No matter what anyone says to you .... you have yourself believing that he loves you and there is no indication that common sense or practical reason exists in your brain.

So, suffer as you wish because that's exactly what you are going to do regardless ....

I wish you used commas as much as you use spaces. Run on sentences ftmfl.

Posted by P-Angel
I'm going through all the threads you posted that faulty link on and posting one that works for you ... I'm half way through ... you can thank me later.

Halfway is one word.

Posted by P-Angel
Posted by jgonzo
P-Angel, you are not a "wallflower" and although you and Caligula have strong beliefs and are able to articulate them well, that doesn't make either one of you right. Personally, I'm glad this forum exists to offer differing explanations for why we behave the way we do, however, neither one of you is the oracle.

What makes you think that I think that anything I say is right?
Secondly, I am my own person and talk for myself .. so why did you associate me with another person and say "neither one of you", as if to infer that there is duality?
Third, do you know what an oracle means? Are you able to correlate that with the theory that everybody's reality is an individual perspective? I'll wait for your results.
click to expand

LMMFAO @ that first sentence!!!Laughing!
"What makes you think that I think that anything I say is right?"
Herp-a-derp! Yeah, that would have earned you red marks in elementary school.
And I see you went straight from (word) ... (word) to just ".."
Yeah, I'm...I'm gonna just rest my case here.
Is..Is English even your first language???
Yep, I said "gonna", because at this point you really have no room to talk about spelling and grammar.
Stop trying to type with your tits, sir.
Posted by P-Angel
You also typed ... "why the fk is you at school if you ..."
The correct verb to use is, "were" ....... why the fk were you at school if you ..

And I will assume that the reason for using improper American idioms was due to this being the way you talk.

Holy sh1t @ you going from ... to .. to ........
Just...just stop typing, PLEASELaughing
I have a friend who went through a similar situation. She works for the Board of Ed., and found herself 'chauffer' to a few teachers who didn't have cars. At first she thought it was just gonna be one or two rides here and there, until they all started waiting for her in the parking lot in front of her car every single afternoon. LOL. They would make it their business to get downstairs ten minutes before her just to ensure a ride home. Ha!
Like you, she would never accept money (they never offered anyway, lol) because she was doing it out of the kindness of her heart, but she did get frustrated sometimes that they rarely uttered a "thank you" to her after dropping them home. She did this for an entire school year before she decided to put her foot down. She was fed up with being taken advantage of and wondered how folks could be so down right selfish. The entire school year I kept asking her "when are you gonna put a stop to this?"
By her own admission, she was a little afraid to 'finish what she had already started' and ended up being miserable the entire school year. *sigh*
The moment I realize I'm being taken advantage of, I nip that shit in the bud, swiftly.
That is a damn shame, V.
I don't understand why anyone would have to tell an ADULT not to take advantage of their generosity. Kids don't really know any better, but someone well over their teens should.
Anytime I've had people give me rides in the past, I practically gushed my thanks, because I know they didn't have to. I also made sure to pay them back (buy them lunch, be there if THEY needed a ride in the future, etc.) even if they said no to wanting some form of repayment. It just doesn't sit well with me not to let someone know how much you appreciate what they did for you, especially if they could have declined.
And that's the problem with favors--people lose their manners when it comes to thanking you after the first few times.
I'm already prepping for what I'm going to say to her tonight. I'll try to be polite, but I'm done.
What was her sign, btw? Do you know?
Love those folks. Always working for the greater good of everyone else.
Posted by VirgoVixxxen
Love those folks. Always working for the greater good of everyone else.

Yeah, I have an Aqua ex who is literally paying to keep this girl who has a serious disease (it's really sad, and he's a saint...but he's straining his own reasources...) in a healthcare facility, so that she can live normally (it's an apartment complex on facility grounds) while still being near to help, should she have a sudden emergency.
^^^So noble.
For friendships, Aquas are second to Virgs. The relationship is simple, nice and breezy. No petty complications, and lots of stimulating conversation.
You say for me to stop because you will always win ..... and then make 10 posts to bitch, rant and rave trying to defend yourself, while I have enough power to not have to defend myself.

That makes you the loser, btw
Nope, makes your imaginary hubby the loser.
You fail.
Reality my ass, LOL.
You fail as hard as your parents did for continuing to raise you as a human. They should have left you in the sewers where you belong.
And you'll always lose against a Virgo. You're not strong enough. It's why you keep trying--in the hopes that one day you'll catch one of us at our weakest.
Even so, a weak Virgo still trumps a strong Pisces. Deal, rat.
his after stating that I go on and on??
Posted by P-Angel
Posted by P-Angel
Posted by P-Angel
Posted by P-Angel
Posted by P-Angel
Posted by P-Angel
Posted by P-Angel
Posted by P-Angel
Posted by P-Angel
Posted by P-Angel
Posted by P-Angel
Posted by P-Angel
Posted by VulcanLass
Psychosis is a loss of contact with reality, usually including false beliefs about what is taking place or who one is (delusions) and seeing or hearing things that aren't there (hallucinations).

Known causes for Virgos are






lacks sense of humor



emotional robot


That should about do it .... is that enough?

click to expand

Makes you retard hypocrite #1
Congrats, you get a cookie.
Grow up, and get a life.
Seriously--just quit now. Breathing included.
Oh okay, now I see the thread that you were talking about. I see your point.
I once was asked to give a few coworkers a ride and I said yes. It wasn't a big deal. After the first ride, they all offered gas money. I took it. Hell yes, I did. They weren't my friends nor were they even associates. Still, even after a few rides I told them that they had to find their own way home. An unwavering answer got them to understand that there was no way that they were getting back into my car.
LOL. I'm prepared to do this tonight.
I'm going to be as nice as possible, I really don't want to hurt her feelings, but her situation seems kind of hazardous to me--I don't need her fianc? acting out one night I bring her home ANYway.
She has to speak to the dean--I'm sure they'll understand her situation, and either help her find arrangements, or work something out with her and her professor.
But, as you read, I expected no gratitude--I went out there because no woman should be left in the cold late at night all alone. Unless she's doing it repeatedly, then she WANTS to be left out there in those conditions, in my honest opinion.
Sympathy is something I wished I had more of as an Aries. I've watched my Virgo ppl be helpful this way time and time again. I will say sometimes I've been angered with the Virgos in my life for being a little to generous in this area. However, they can't seem to say NO. I will see the abuse, well what I call abuse, and try to stop it....I end up mad for them lol. Then I find myself fighting the other person for being abusive and taking advantage of my Virgo's niceness! How dare them!! Really, for real, I wished I could be a little more generous in that area of my life. It is sooooo easy for me to say ahhh I'm sorry but I can't! Witnessing this nice behavior helps me to try more :-)
Posted by nakedgirlavalanche
I feel like this happens quiet often I'm a Virgo and my sister is too. She used to work at Old Navy and you know how Virgos like to help If its needed there was this druggie who worked with her and I think it was raining one night and she was getting off work and so was the girl and ask she walks to her car she's behind her asking for a ride she's like sure because it's raining and all but then she started walking with her to her car thinking my sister would give her a ride everyday they get off at the same times and after the third time she started lying saying she had to be home at a certain time. Its like we can be so helpful till someone pushes the bar and taking advantage of your kindess and try to squeeze every little favor you can do for them. UNFORGIVEABLE.

That's what it is--EXACTLY that! It's not the initial favor, it's the expectation that it's now your new task for them in life.
And the worst part is there are people who I swear will take advantage of me if I help them out, and they do not. Not at all. They know their boundaries with me, they will pay back money loaned when they say they will, and it makes me want to do future favors for them--hell, I'll even OFFER sometimes, because I know they get me.
Then, there are people who I see as not needing a favor done more than once who might not ask for the exact same favor the next day, but a NEW one, as "you seem helpful...here, help me do A today B tomorrow, and C on the weekend".
I just say "no" to people from the get go, and hope they'll understand--but in this case, I felt awful with her being in the cold and dark alone.
Posted by CreativityMe
Sympathy is something I wished I had more of as an Aries. I've watched my Virgo ppl be helpful this way time and time again. I will say sometimes I've been angered with the Virgos in my life for being a little to generous in this area. However, they can't seem to say NO. I will see the abuse, well what I call abuse, and try to stop it....I end up mad for them lol. Then I find myself fighting the other person for being abusive and taking advantage of my Virgo's niceness! How dare them!! Really, for real, I wished I could be a little more generous in that area of my life. It is sooooo easy for me to say ahhh I'm sorry but I can't! Witnessing this nice behavior helps me to try more :-)

HAHA!!! My little brother is an Aries, and he NEVER had a problem telling people STRAIGHT OUT that he didn't feel like doing something for them. He'd do the non-blinking shrug action, to let them know he couldn't give a damn if they were offended, and I'd try not to laugh. And he really didn't give a damn! He didn't even remember what they asked for later when I would bring it upLaughing!!!
LOL that is so me! Most times I'm looking at the person like "why are you asking me this silliness"...it's blasphemy lol! **bashful eye** say a prayer for me and my fellow Arians
Posted by CreativityMe
LOL that is so me! Most times I'm looking at the person like "why are you asking me this silliness"...it's blasphemy lol! **bashful eye** say a prayer for me and my fellow Arians

LMFAO! I love it. Leos and Taurus do it too I've noticed.
@CL-"Never make someone a priority when you are only an option for them"-C.Powell
Yes this type of scenerio sounds so familiar also.I had someone I knew for along time and after telling me about the weekend she spent money on her boytoy,two weeks later she called crying for rent money.Meanwhile,she had a full time job and two adult sons at home.I said no.I even changed my phone number.When I told my story to the phone company rep,she didn't even charge me for the change!How's that for being rewarded for being proactive!
Yes,you were right to pick her up the first time-no woman should be stranded,but this is now different.She has a boyfriend.(He has the capacity to work/get car.)She has enough money to dye her hair.She also has enough money to pay a babysitter.She has access to the school handbook as what to do to make arrangemens pertaining to her assignments.She could get a cab/bus voucher or take the semester off.These days a person is just about required to have internet access,so they aren't"stranded"at school all hours of the night.It seems if she has a temporary fix,then screw planning for tomorrow.Yeah,I know you know this already,but stepping back and looking in on the situation can give you the inner strength/perspective to just say no.Really she has a big brass pair.
Maybe take her aside on a Friday before class and tell her,that your personal schedule has changed and you can't accomodate her anymore.You do not have to say anything beyond that.Then make plans with your real friends or drive out of the parking lot in the opposite direction.When she calls again,don't answer.Don't you have campus security?She can sit with them until her cab comes.(By saying no,you are actually help her to grow up and make solid plans for herself.)If the shoe was on the other foot,would she seriously help you??Think in those terms.-Because I can hear the excuse now-"Oh,my boyfriend doesn't want to watch the baby while I go out".Being responsible is also being responsible to put your safety and care first.Does she even care that you are a single woman driving through these streets alone?After 11?And you have to get up for work as well?It sure doesn't look that way.Don't give up on the rest of us,there are still some serious likeminded folks out there.
Posted by catguy
Leos and Taurus do it too I've noticed.

What do Leos do?

lol, looks like the sucker is trying to implicate others based on thier sun sign ... misery hates being alone, and if she believes that Leos and Taurus are suckers also, then she won't feel AS stupid.

Just when you think it can't get any better ... she opens her mouth again.
Awwww, it's still up.
Why not grab a toy, and chase the bats out of the belfry?
Go into the other room so you don't wake up pretend hubby though. He's got a busy days of chasing girls 1/4th your age tomorrow Winking
Speaking of opening your mouth, imaginary hubby might toss you a bone if you tried that, minus the words.
Would save him the trip of having to meet up with Craigslist chicks at the park, and the money he's nabbing from your purse.
Helpful Virgo is helpful.
Posted by CLCNY30
Speaking of opening your mouth, imaginary hubby might toss you a bone if you tried that, minus the words.
Would save him the trip of having to meet up with Craigslist chicks at the park, and the money he's nabbing from your purse.
Helpful Virgo is helpful.

smile smile Winking
If you base your relationships primarily on exchange, whether it was your intention or not, you're going to be disappointed no matter what, no matter what sign you are.
What did I ask for in exchange?