Signed Up: Jan 11, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 269 · Topics: 7
What is the style of a Virgo man asking a woman on a date? Do they plan it ahead and call ahead of time, like several days in advance? Does the format changes after the Virgo man has dated the woman a while? How do they react if the woman tells him she is busy, since she was asked on that date at the last minute? Do they try to ask her on a date, the next time around, with more advanced notice? Just wondering what it is the dating pattern of a Virgo male.
They tend to like good manners and are very friendly & kind. ...'coz that's how you sell yourself. everyone does that during the early stages of flirting.
Signed Up: Dec 06, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 795 · Topics: 11
Escorpiona. I've been wondering about this forever. When I read your topic I couldn't wait to know the answer. Honestly, you hit right at homebase with those kind of questions. It's not a surprise at all that a virg won't respond to those questions.. even Qbone is admitting it. lol I knew you virgs were purposely screwing us over. you think we're dummies.
Signed Up: Dec 06, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 795 · Topics: 11
oh you thought you could indirectly excuse yourself with those superficial questions, Qbone. sorry, sweetie, not buying it. It doesn't take long for me to put two and two together with you virgs. I have a VIRGDAD. I've known my virdad for a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time. It's not hard for me to figure out the virg's innate manipulative agenda. sorry, sweetie, ain't working with me. just admit it for once in your fleeting life. you really think you can save the other virgs from this? oh please. You better think twice. You know you all are wrong. Bring it, virgs, BRING it! Don't be surprised that you all have been found out. I told you all the first day to BRING it for a reason! cause you ain't manipulating me!!
Signed Up: Jan 11, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 269 · Topics: 7
Strings and Capgirl interesting your responses, it seems Virgo Men go to the extreme and that has been my recent experience with the Virgo man I have been seeing (if you can call it that) for the last 3 months... At the beginning he would plan the dates ahead of time with plenty of notice, and as time has gone by, he is not making much of an effort. In fact our last 3 dates, in the last 4 weeks, were initiated by me. So this past week, I decided to keep a low key in my contact with him (I stopped being the one writing the txt mssg, the phone calls, the im, the e-mails) and he contacted me some, and he continued using terms of endearment, as he has done all this time, but the weekend is here and no plans were made to see each other... Last time we spoke was Tuesday night. He called me and we were on the phone for 1 hr and 10 mins but we never talked about seeing each other. Most of the conversation was about him, his work and his stuff... He is off today (Saturday) Sunday and Monday. Yesterday, in the afternoon he sent me a txt message saying "hey stranger.." This time no term of endearment were used by him! I answered him back a couple of hours later saying 'hey babe" and said that I was no stranger and that I was doing great. Still no reply/news from him... As usual Virgo males are so hard to read! But then I have a date with a Capricorn male tonight! PS I am ESCORPIONA and have never used any other id!
Signed Up: Jan 11, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 269 · Topics: 7
branh I have dealt with male Virgos in the past, and I understand where they are coming from. I also have a wonderful 29 yrs old Virgo daughter that we get along great, but like I said, it is this Virgo dude in particular that no comprendo his style at all. The other 2 Virgo men that I am referring to (one was a very difficult individual, and the other one very low key) but nevertheless I was able to read them like the palm of my hand But this one is hard as hell... Oh c'est la vie! PS I do not date much either but I plan too for 2007. lol
Signed Up: Jan 18, 2005 Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
Nutso On a serious note, I think you have more important things to worry about than coming here to criticize and call us stupid. I don't worry about anything like this kind of superficial and shallow stuff you lamer are asking about?! ?THE DATING style OF A VIRGO MALE...? it is not funny.. it is insulting..
How low and stupid can anyone get to ask this kind of questions..?
Signed Up: Jan 18, 2005 Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
Dating someone... should be out of curiosity/inspiration/interest? Now what the hell should anyone get the foreknowledge to date anyone..??... if the idiot ask around what to do then she is either insecure idiot or a player..! Am I right or wrong on this..??
Signed Up: Jan 18, 2005 Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
Well, Qbone she does it the way she wants to do it. It is up to her to recongnize the pitfalls Do you really believe on this crap...? can you tell me about two twins that react in the same way..?? What makes this poster to ask this bullshits without insulting in her stupid mind..??
Signed Up: Nov 05, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 201 · Topics: 21
Escorpiona, The txt msg he sent makes me think that he might be checking out if something's wrong because you were backing off. I think he said "stranger" for that reason. He was probably teasing you for reducing your contact with him because he could not ask this in an open way.
Signed Up: Jan 11, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 269 · Topics: 7
I love how some people that post on this site are so readily to insults others just because.... But them some of those same people talk about having good manners, and oh yes, being very intelligent! How ironic! Anyway... I guess I can not have bona fine questions about the general behavior of a particular sign, because if I post such questions, even if out of curiosity, then I am called ignorant or something to that effect, including that I am putting down who knows who! Isn't this a board about VIRGO, then what? Oh la la...
Signed Up: Jan 18, 2005 Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
ESCORPIONA You mean me... That cool, good manner... nice manners, etc?as long as it is practicable everything is ok but what you say is insulting... You get what you deserve... From me at least don't know about others...
Signed Up: Jan 30, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 148 · Topics: 5
you guys - *shakes head* "can we all just get along".... lol work was an "itch" today but coming to this forum shouldn't really be.. but anyhow, i'm a bit slow here but i just wanted to say something about "idiots". I don't think that a person asking about "dating style s" makes them an idiot. it's about "getting to know and familiarize" themselves about certain someone, etc. so, i think it's actually smart for us folks to be here b/c for us coming to this forum and trying to understand what we can do to help make things work out, it takes time, effort, and courage.... especially knowing we're gonna be attacked or be called "whiners". i don't think that many of these "whiners" wouldn't be here if their "significant other" would talk more, do more, explain more, etc.... to make anything work, it takes time and effort. so we come here to understand the common characteristics of a virgo straight from the heart of virgos.. not just what astrologist assumes from the stars.
why is it you women make so much more of this than we males?....ladies where men first, and Virgos second; treat me as a human, and I reciprocate....I prefer honest communication to social conditioning, so just being nice, isn't acceptable; talk to me as a potential friend, like someone you GENUINELY want to get to know; as for the planning I can deal with that, or not; I'm adaptable so I can just deal with stuff on the fly.....I mean, for me at least being a virgo isn't all pedantism, and prissy socializing.
Signed Up: Jan 11, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 269 · Topics: 7
virgogotme said: "if you care about the virgo, HE WILL KNOW and HE WILL KNOW to what extent. If it's half assed, your going to get it back half assed. If it's from the heart and real, you will get that in return IF he loves you. Nothing more if he doesn't."
I guess I have to say indeed! Too long to go into details, but I just wanted to share with you all that tonight my Virgo Man asked me to be his girlfriend... I believe it is from his heart and it is real like virgogotme said above. After several hours of conversation, I said yes! PS I gave him a 24 hrs clause to change his mind!
Signed Up: Jan 11, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 269 · Topics: 7
Thank you for the good wishes. I am excited and a bit scared, but at the same time I am very calm, and I am looking forward developing a great relationship with my Virgo Man. I hope it brings us lots of great times together!
Signed Up: Jan 11, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 269 · Topics: 7
More thank you people for the good wishes... The CAP date was great. In fact, I just wrote him an e-mail telling him about what was going on, honesty is my motto, and even told him about a g/f of mine and gave him her e-mail to see if they meet. My g/f knows about my situation and about the cap man and she said that if I was not interested in him to let him know about her, which I did... My Virgo man is Latin but he does not know how to dance "my dances" as he says, but last nite he said he wants to learn them. I had given him a gift certificate that someone had given me to a dance studio, so he is going to take classes. So there you have it! PS I still have mixed emotions about our g/f--- b/f situation, since being here I have learned so much about Virgo males that I do not know how my Virgo man is going to act/proceed now that we are a couple.