The Truth about Virgos in love

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by catfish36 on Friday, June 2, 2006 and has 13 replies.
Goodness know why word has it that Virgos are the staunch realists of the zodiac - the sign that is to romance what chalk is to cheese - but ignorance breeds many falsehoods. In truth Ms Virgo yearns to be swept away by love and passion and longs to find her soul-mate. However, since her logical mind informs her that this probably won't happen - at least in this lifetime - she makes an awful lot of noise about love being the holy grail of the seriously misguided. (She really doesn't mean it and she's hoping against hope that one day she'll be proved wrong.)
You and your opposite sign, the mystical and dreamy Fish, have more in common than you may think. The main difference is that while Ms Pisces dives into love and allows herself to be totally submerged by the experience, Virgo stands on the edge of those deep waters, analysing the pros and cons, until she convinces herself that her wetsuit will protect her. At some point, usually after several painful excursions into love, you realize that you cannot seal yourself off from hurt because it is the handmaid of love.
For some reason, perhaps because you can't resist lost causes, your sign picks up more than its share of life's dependents and misfits as partners, men who use and abuse you. This doesn't have to be a life-long pattern, of course, but the trend towards sacrificing yourself through a relationship needs to be faced and understood, so that you will attract a sane, loving and supportive mate. Part of the problem revolves around self-esteem, or the lack of it, and as soon as you get the idea that you deserve to be loved, like magic, it happens.
Forget all that nonsense about Virgo being the librarian and the caretaker of the zodiac - you are a sensuous, resourceful and fascinating creature. Now, repeat after me: I am desirable. I am a wild thing. I deserve the best.
Virgo men do not draw attention to themselves: they insinuate their way into your life. Somehow they appear from behind the scenes and steel your heart: they were just a friend, maybe a no strings attached one-night-stand, yet before you know it you have become reliant on their know-how, happy to be an audience for their dry humour and pithy comments, and, well, used to them. To be honest, Mr Virgo can be tricky: he's emotionally very self-contained and not open to intimacy - a stark contrast to his passion and his performance under the sheets, or anywhere come to that - he's quite the dark ho
he's quite the dark horse. This man is drawn to highly-sexed and colourful, spontaneous women of the fire and air variety, yet when it comes to marriage (usually late and sometimes never) he'll go for a safe bet.
WHO'S WHO FOR YOU - whom you're attracted to.
Your fellow Mutable signs top the list of candidates for your heart - Sagittarius, Gemini, Pisces and Virgo. Sagittarian men are just the most dazzling, devil-may-care hunks where you're concerned: they make you laugh, keep you guessing and defrost any icicles that may have formed around your heart. Yet in the long term you may find your Archer a little too casual, irresponsible and inconsiderate for you. The Gemini is another irresistible catch-me-if-you-can guy: you two never stop talking (or is that arguing?) and even though this relationship may not fulfil the promise of its sexual overture, you can manage a happy-ever-after story. Pisces is your near-perfect mate - sentimental, tolerant, forgiving and loving: sex is a crucial part of your relationship and can be sustained for many, many years. Another Virgo alternately captivates and irritates you, but a good long-term bet. Cancer and Scorpio are two other signs made to make you happy - these two signs appreciate your fine qualities and rub along with you very, very nicely.
Another Virgo alternately captivates and irritates you....WOW...that sounds so familiar....
Scorpio are two other signs made to make you happy..My Scorp makes me very happy...
That might have been the case with my sexy Scorp, but I put him in his place. Otherwise I got a Taurus waiting for me.
Any phrase which begins "In reality" is purely subjective;
reality = relativity. Anything to be the fly in the soup eh Branh? I remember a few posts back you stated how Pisces and Virgo were compatible: always the contrarian.
Pisces are not dishonest creatures - we self-protect - if that means telling a lie or two, here or there to secure ourselves or spare our loved one from pain that's what we'll do.
Complain to Penny Thorton if you don't like the above-mentioned description.
No, if he acts a fool again then he is gone.
"Water signs believe they are better than everyone, but you'll never hear them say it. They can't admit it to themselves, but actions speak much much louder than words."
More rubish for the cylinder file. Actually I think it's about time someone threw out the garbage; it's beginning to reek in here.
I think we are all on a voyage of discovery. Opposites balance each other out whether we are willing to admit it or not. We all have something to learn from one another which is why the description makes sense - the World's balance is delicately held together by the polarity of it's axis; for good as well as for Evil. This link is a gauge, not a guarantee, as I am sure you well understand.
And, as the VIRGO IN LOVE descritption denotes, you guys are reluctant to realize your soulmate potential anyway. So, no surprise you find it hard to realize your emotional potential in the "other".
"I'll come to your Emotional Rescue" - Rolling Stones
This forum is getting HEATED ! lol - Amm virgo is in the line up for our compatible signs...seeing as how they are our polar opposite. I would LOVE and marry a virgo in a heartbeat IF !!!, it wasn't their TERRIBLE habit, to critize EVERYTHING, they can never just accept things for what they are
And their habit of taking those closest to them for granted...sorry but it's true of most Virgos I know.
I was speaking from personal experience when I made that statement but yes, are right regarding their level maturity. No sacrifice no gain.
Virgo/Capricorn, a battle of who screw each other first
couldent agree more.