What is it with the Virgos stare????
I was wondering if i was the only one that noticed their intense stare... im a scorpio and have recently met a virgo guy... he seems shy i am the one that tried to iniciate contact after weeks of staring games between me and him.. the only thing is when i am close up he seems to "ignore me"... but then from afar seems to gaze at me really deeply. He also seems to act distant from time to time.. but then his mood changes again. Are all virgo men sooo confusing??
i found out via friend.. that his birthday was on the 3rd of september.. making him a virgo.. i was actually looking at other posts and read that most virgos dont like to make the first move.. true?
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Aug 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 553 · Topics: 17
depends on the chemistry for me. Sometimes I do, but IF I do I am pretty dang confident she is as ready as i am.
i swear and they say that us scorpio's stare is magnetic!! Wat about a Virgos? They seem to be analizing you or something...
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Aug 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 553 · Topics: 17
we are analyzing you. From top to bottom, we are analyzing EVERYTHING.
It's because you must intrigue us if that is the case, we see soemthing we like.
so a virgos stare is a good thing..must be doing something right then..
i do love keeping myself as mysterious towards him.. and not giving too much away to keep him wanting to find out more..
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
What did Dy's lady have to do to snag him?..Afterall she's a scorpio..
Dy..where are you as I can't be bothered to trail through hundreds of topics to find your one.
I am waiting for the staring game..Roll on Friday. Absolutely no kissing on the first date..lol. Rule of thumb.
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Jul 28, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 265 · Topics: 18
coco: i was actually looking at other posts and read that most virgos dont like to make the first move.. true?
True a lot of the times Virgos really dont like to go up and talk to the person they like. They are afraid of rejection and hate to feel embarrassed in public however if the person they like comes and talks to them first they are totally elated and happy as anything and will keep the conversation going. Remember they act really really aloof with the person they like almost cruel however thats just so that you dont get the whiff they like you. So if you like a virgo and they seem to like you too the best thing is go up and start a highly friendly, polite and an intellectual conversation. And dont be taken aback by the aloof behavior.
Yep soo true he sends out the oddest signals when i feel i have figured out what he is doing he changes his behaviour and becomes distant to the point that he totally ignores me.. when i am close up to him.. then from afar i see him staring at me as if he is trying to hide his feelings..
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
I met some virgo guy at a friends family party and he was doing the staring at me from afar thing..then as we ended up on the sofa next to each other, he completely ignored him. Lol..Then again, followed me when I went to the kitchen but stood quite far..soo utterly adorable..His mother was there so slightly uncomfortable and she was apparantly watching us..Hmm..lol..
Lol.. so they seem to do that a lot.. very reserved guys.. that porbably think things over too much before having the iniciative to do anything
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
You know I see a lot of capricorn men and virgo men attaching this "enigma" label to themselves.
Can't say I'm ever that "enigmatized" by either. When you stop trying to figure them out, things just naturally fall into place..
I find Virgo men are warmer than Cap me. Less depressive.
Lucky you! StringsAttached.. they have the oddest mood swings.. if you try to ignore them they always act shocked to the way you are treating them i guess they dont really realize what they are doing... keeping up a bit of mystery towards them about yourself does help!
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Jul 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3318 · Topics: 123
the guy WAS really taking the initiative......just using subtlety.....I do that myself and having a very intense gaze, I use it to gain what I want: and most people break away from it, the guy was just probably pondering over the idea of getting with you he's just in the abstract.......he's like this:
"she's f*****g cute....damn, now, how to get her attention? *over-thinking begins in an indecepherible language...* "AH! I'll just use that 'ol magnetism.....I the girl to know how much I want her, but damn....what if she's not ready? *over-thinking begins again* lol
that's the way it is sometimes with us........most of the time actually.....but I know when I like someone.....well failure's not an option....I'm not sensitive at all.....Just want you to know how much I DO want you.....but am detatched and most of the time shortly after the infatuation has set in, I move on.......a girl that really grabs my attention is usually in deep thought.
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Jul 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3318 · Topics: 123
thinking is HOW we take the initiative coco....we're cerebral, and will initiate conversation with you when the idea of you is too good to be true: in a nutshell looking for mrs. Perfect......floozies need not apply, but they will be accepted as friends, not the judgemental type, so everyone's welcome, just not into my pants.....
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Oct 08, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2906 · Topics: 93
^Nyx^: "...we dont stare...its not deliberate...its just that...we are too engrossed in observing the person that we forget to blink for awhile..."
True! So y'all can add absent-minded to our long list of charms...
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
:: holds napkin up to catch drool ::
Blink, quick before something thinks you're a Pisces off somewhere in La-La-Land.
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Jul 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3318 · Topics: 123
So what P? Not bad place this time of year....give it another month, and the 'spawning'll start early......
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Jul 30, 2007Comments: 3 · Posts: 10583 · Topics: 206
Ignore it.
You'll be better off.
I do like to "people (more like one person) watch" from time to time. Someone with really nice looks out there catches my interest and I just can't help but look. I do not always want a new relationship though; sometimes I just like looking at someone beautiful or interesting. That could be another facet to wrinkle things, and also why someone catching the stare gets ignored. The ignoring may be a passive, non-confrontational signal that the best relationship is from a distance.
If someone I was that interested in (combined with desire to know them better) came over to strike up a conversation, there would be no turning back and conversation would go non-stop until I knew so much more. There might be a bit of awkwardness at being caught "staring", but would I let that stop me from getting to know someone better? Never. Virgos are naturally social creatures. Not really initiators of discourse, but more than willing to "give and go" once it's been started by another.
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Oct 08, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2906 · Topics: 93
FloridaFemale: "...some of the virgo's here should be authors or columnists of some kind..."
Some of us are published authors, and some of us should be writing Harlequin Romances...
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Jul 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3318 · Topics: 123
Hell yeah.....every time I try to lock eyes with someone after they look at me, (I look at it as a matter of respect) they turn away like they saw the devil in hell!! lol it's kinda funny, but when I look at someone I'm really trying to feel them out and learn who they are I urgently want to know the person, but rather than initiating in conversation I look at them to see if their eyes follow me....it's like I'm casting a spell....simply by look at someone you can tell a great deal about them from their body language....My uncle (Sag) said to me:
'your face is so tranquil it's scary....it's like you know something you shouldn't....a kid your age dosen't know emotional control like that until about their late 20's to early 30's'
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Jul 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3318 · Topics: 123
'i get sick pleasure from making people nervous under my stare.first they fidget,then they leave.'
lol great minds DC....
I know what you mean the rush you get is great....not like you're purposely trying to hurt them....just trying to put them in their place....the sheep should know their place in the world....lol 
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Feb 03, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1215 · Topics: 78
Yep I have 'seen' that virgo stare. I personally find it more intense than any scorpion stare because it ... it has a sincerity, a curiosity to it. I can read their souls. No joke. Virgo guys are amazing.
Oh yea ... they watch from afar and are very shy. He likes you or sees something he likes. They are very nit-picky so if they do stare it's a good thing. Go up to him girl!! Watch his reaction. Go for it!!
I am sure virgo girls don't though
I am sure virgo girls don't though""
oh I'm a girl and I stare when interested in someone.....oh yeah I do....but here is the thing ...I only do it with people I'm interested in (which is not that many)....other than that no! I do not stare .....I'll look you in the eyes when your speaking to me.......but you won't get "the stare" lol
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Jan 30, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 232 · Topics: 13
I have to say the virgo stare is powerful i've gotten approached many times by just staring instead of just going up to the person. I dont stare at everyone just selected few who catch my intrest.
That's interesting.I could NEVER stare into the someone's eyes especially when I am interested. If I catch someone looking at me, I can probably look back for about 2 seconds max. Then I look away. I always thought that is how many virgo girls are. I guess I don't know many 
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Staring is rude ....
So, answer to the Virgo stare and what does it mean ...
It means their rude 
""P-Angel.....It means their rude""
No p-angel.....lol...listen when I stare at someone....it's not a full on ,intense stare.....it's more like a gaze....also I usually start the to look at a person (stare)when they have stared at me and I like them too....so it's not very often that I get that attracted to someone....so it's a nice gaze ( stare)
ive noticed about myself too that i tend to be cold and indifferent toward people i am interested in (at first) sure we can flirt and do all that but sometimes we tend to be shy i think.. stares are a good sign i guess
the scorpio guys do the same thing with virgo girls.i knew this scorpio guy at my formor work place who had the most deepest stare.i was creepy(but also creepy n a good way to).
p-angel us virgos surly are not rude but u r.
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Jul 26, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 569 · Topics: 69
Scorpio plus a Virgo influence would make him very into you.
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Feb 03, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1215 · Topics: 78
YES I agree....the virgo stare is VERY much like the Scorpio stare.