Chart advice @LeoM @CapW

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by testarej on Wednesday, August 28, 2019 and has 48 replies.
Hello DXPers

I'm wondering if you could help me out explaining how these key things work, what is most important to look for in a chart, which part stands for what and such stuff.

Most important: if you could examine how mine and this girl I'm talking to - how the combo works out, pro and cons, good things to think about and any kind of advices.


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Thanks y'all
Did I post it in the right section, are people still active here?
If her sun falls on your 8th house which I think it does. This can be an intense transforming relationship.
Posted by Uncknown2u

If her sun falls on your 8th house which I think it does. This can be an intense transforming relationship.
Thanks for the response. Could you explain more briefly what her sun is, what does my 8th mean and how does it fall into it?

thank you
Sorry for bumping, this forum still active..? please answer if possible.
Posted by hiphopopotamus
Posted by testarel
Posted by Uncknown2u

If her sun falls on your 8th house which I think it does. This can be an intense transforming relationship.

Thanks for the response. Could you explain more briefly what her sun is, what does my 8th mean and how does it fall into it?

thank you

This not gona work if you don't know what a Sun sign is bro, post to reddit or Google basic astrology. From there, youl need a Synastry chart if you want an interpretation between you and the Leo.
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I'm the Leo xD

I just googled what sun sign is but I don't get the part fall on my 8th house, and what is my 8th house?
Posted by Uncknown2u

If her sun falls on your 8th house which I think it does. This can be an intense transforming relationship.

Can it last?
Posted by hiphopopotamus
Posted by testarel
Posted by hiphopopotamus
Posted by testarel
Posted by Uncknown2u

If her sun falls on your 8th house which I think it does. This can be an intense transforming relationship.

Thanks for the response. Could you explain more briefly what her sun is, what does my 8th mean and how does it fall into it?

thank you

This not gona work if you don't know what a Sun sign is bro, post to reddit or Google basic astrology. From there, youl need a Synastry chart if you want an interpretation between you and the Leo.

I'm the Leo xD

I just googled what sun sign is but I don't get the part fall on my 8th house, and what is my 8th house?

Cool nmbeans, do you know what time you were born? Youl need time of birth and location to get your Natal chart. Youl need the caps deetz too.Without this there's really no way to know anything-8th house is one if the 12 houses in understand how planets fall and where/youl need to do a Synastry chart-(with birth times)
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How much does it affect if I, let's say write I was born 10:00 but I'm actually 10:30? I mean is it a big difference? I have no damn clue about the time :/ fak.
Posted by hiphopopotamus
Posted by testarel
Posted by hiphopopotamus
Posted by testarel
Posted by hiphopopotamus
Posted by testarel
Posted by Uncknown2u

If her sun falls on your 8th house which I think it does. This can be an intense transforming relationship.

Thanks for the response. Could you explain more briefly what her sun is, what does my 8th mean and how does it fall into it?

thank you

This not gona work if you don't know what a Sun sign is bro, post to reddit or Google basic astrology. From there, youl need a Synastry chart if you want an interpretation between you and the Leo.

I'm the Leo xD

I just googled what sun sign is but I don't get the part fall on my 8th house, and what is my 8th house?

Cool nmbeans, do you know what time you were born? Youl need time of birth and location to get your Natal chart. Youl need the caps deetz too.Without this there's really no way to know anything-8th house is one if the 12 houses in understand how planets fall and where/youl need to do a Synastry chart-(with birth times)

How much does it affect if I, let's say write I was born 10:00 but I'm actually 10:30? I mean is it a big difference? I have no damn clue about the time :/ fak.

Yea if you know the hour you were born that's better than no time at all. Things like the moon houses and rising will probably shift within that time, but you can still make a guesrimate- it's just not very accurate.
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I see. But can we guess out of what we have right now, the stuff that you see on the chart?

how is the combo, for example my different sun, pluto and such things with hers?
Disregard the house comment since you don’t know the time of birth. What stands out to me is this:

This Capricorn individual is probably very quiet and reserved (due to sun and mercury in Capricorn). She also has a moon in scoprio which makes her alluring, but secretive. She is not going to share much about anything, and you might have to do all the talking in this relationship. Leo is warm and this Capricorn will be the opposite. Leo eventually might grow tired and bored of the Capricorn and move on. However there might be other factors that can hold the relationship and the best way to know is by doing a synastry chart. Do a synastry chart and post it. I might be able to give more info based on that. How old are you both? How long have you known her? I know someone with the same sun, moon, and mars. Do you have any specific questions?
As others said....need birth times. The house placements are vital in reading a chart. It changes the whole meaning.
Posted by Uncknown2u

Disregard the house comment since you don’t know the time of birth. What stands out to me is this:

This Capricorn individual is probably very quiet and reserved (due to sun and mercury in Capricorn). She also has a moon in scoprio which makes her alluring, but secretive. She is not going to share much about anything, and you might have to do all the talking in this relationship. Leo is warm and this Capricorn will be the opposite. Leo eventually might grow tired and bored of the Capricorn and move on. However there might be other factors that can hold the relationship and the best way to know is by doing a synastry chart. Do a synastry chart and post it. I might be able to give more info based on that. How old are you both? How long have you known her? I know someone with the same sun, moon, and mars. Do you have any specific questions?
Just because Cap is reserved at the beginning does not mean that's how they stay for Leo to grow bored. Leos have a wonderful way of helping Caps open up and the relationship between them does immerse to be an interesting and lively one.

Especially she has Aqua venus and Sag Mars (like me btw). Caps are interesting and and fun when comfortable... which grows with time in any relationship.

Many of my ex's were Leos and our issues were never his "boredom" and sex is pretty amazing too... and many times I was the one who ended it for various reasons.
I think you have compatible charts with the only issue being your moon in Libra and hers in Scorpio. Scorpio moons want a lot of depth and... bit of melancholic drama to be satisfied I think.
@Stillwater I agree with your comments, but how long does it take for a Capricorn to open up specially with a Scorpio moon? Some Leos may not have the patients for this. I thought the cap in question has a mars in Libra. The wheel picture is blurry.

OP if you date her you will be tested like never before. Cap will agree to meet with you and suddenly cancel just to see how you react. I can do a dissertation on this combo. Ask me anything. If you have good Saturn synastry, and lots of patients this can be a phenomenal pairing. Again a synastry chart can help predict the viability of this relationship.
Posted by Uncknown2u

Disregard the house comment since you don’t know the time of birth. What stands out to me is this:

This Capricorn individual is probably very quiet and reserved (due to sun and mercury in Capricorn). She also has a moon in scoprio which makes her alluring, but secretive. She is not going to share much about anything, and you might have to do all the talking in this relationship. Leo is warm and this Capricorn will be the opposite. Leo eventually might grow tired and bored of the Capricorn and move on. However there might be other factors that can hold the relationship and the best way to know is by doing a synastry chart. Do a synastry chart and post it. I might be able to give more info based on that. How old are you both? How long have you known her? I know someone with the same sun, moon, and mars. Do you have any specific questions?
I see, thank you for taking your time and replying.

I'm wondering; If I commit to her and do all the talking (which I'm great at) will she maybe take things for granted, loose attraction or any of these kind of things?

I'm 23 and she is 20.

I've known her for approximately one year, we started to talk previous year around 1 yr ago.. to new year 2018-2019, then we dropped our "relationship" or whatever it was due to she had issues being with someone who doesnt have the same religion. long story short I told her that I could change bla bla bla, it ended. We didnt speak for like 6 months,.. then we initiated contact again by sending a couple of snapchats pics here and there around 2019 june... and now we are talking everyday and having some romantic meetings so far and it has been lik this for maybe 2 months ..
Posted by Uncknown2u

@Stillwater I agree with your comments, but how long does it take for a Capricorn to open up specially with a Scorpio moon? Some Leos may not have the patients for this. I thought the cap in question has a mars in Libra. The wheel picture is blurry.

OP if you date her you will be tested like never before. Cap will agree to meet with you and suddenly cancel just to see how you react. I can do a dissertation on this combo. Ask me anything. If you have good Saturn synastry, and lots of patients this can be a phenomenal pairing. Again a synastry chart can help predict the viability of this relationship.

Please tell me more!! I've not realized any sign of trying to test me but let's say if she does, how should I react in best way?

Should I be like it's oaky we don't have to meet and just drop it and wait for her to get back to me or?

Yeah we do meet but always just the two of us, it's most of the time romantic kisses and hugs but we havent really got to the next step, sometimes a goodnight or gm here and there text msg...
Posted by stillstillwater

I think you have compatible charts with the only issue being your moon in Libra and hers in Scorpio. Scorpio moons want a lot of depth and... bit of melancholic drama to be satisfied I think.
What do you exactly mean? Does she like some drama or? and what do you mean a lot of depth? melancholic?
Posted by testarel
Posted by stillstillwater

I think you have compatible charts with the only issue being your moon in Libra and hers in Scorpio. Scorpio moons want a lot of depth and... bit of melancholic drama to be satisfied I think.

What do you exactly mean? Does she like some drama or? and what do you mean a lot of depth? melancholic?
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I don't know they like drama... Can some Scorpio mooners jump in here and expand?
Posted by testarel
Posted by stillstillwater

I think you have compatible charts with the only issue being your moon in Libra and hers in Scorpio. Scorpio moons want a lot of depth and... bit of melancholic drama to be satisfied I think.

What do you exactly mean? Does she like some drama or? and what do you mean a lot of depth? melancholic?
click to expand
I don't know they like drama... Can some Scorpio mooners jump in here and expand?
Posted by Uncknown2u

@Stillwater I agree with your comments, but how long does it take for a Capricorn to open up specially with a Scorpio moon? Some Leos may not have the patients for this. I thought the cap in question has a mars in Libra. The wheel picture is blurry.

OP if you date her you will be tested like never before. Cap will agree to meet with you and suddenly cancel just to see how you react. I can do a dissertation on this combo. Ask me anything. If you have good Saturn synastry, and lots of patients this can be a phenomenal pairing. Again a synastry chart can help predict the viability of this relationship.
I don't think they'd do the petty testing but may be test your character... the best thing is to just be genuine and also make time for yourself. So that will intrigue them if you have your own thing going on.

Like if they ask you out and you say that you made family promises ... but it has to be genuine.

I had a Cap/Scorpio Moon ex and he was very disciplined... also bit manipulative. For example, he was like let's break up (because we were having constant issues) but then 3 months on the DOT he called me saying how he heard I was dating his friend but his friend wasn't a good person so he thought he'd let me know because he was looking out for me. I knew it was BS because I was not doing that and also he never gave me details of which friend etc. lol!! But sure enough he just weaseled his way in little by little.

Also I agree on being reserved.... he was never out in the open with his feelings but always hinted at shit which was annoying. So i'd say watch her action more than words.
I think this is a great match ... just express yourself openly and genuinely.

So you've agreed to change your whole religion for her? You must love her a lot, huh?
OP the fact that you and her meet one on one is a good indicator. A cap with a Scorpio moon will not make time for you or kiss if she is not interested in you. If you got this far just keep doing what you are doing. Being understanding when she cancels is a good strategy, and I recommend it. However if it becomes a habit (which is how they test) just have a friendly and logical conversation about it to show her that you are not a doormat. Also be consistent with your texting. If you usually respond within a few hours keep it that way as much as possible. Scorpio moon is very sensitive, and if you take two days to get back to her she will think the worst (i.e. Leo is playing games with me…..Leo is trying to hurt me….get the picture), but don’t be clingy or needy.

I wonder if you something that she can benefit from. Do you have status? I don’t mean to insult anyone but Capricorn enjoys being around smart successful people, and people in authority. Were you in an official relationship with her before she decided to take a break? And have you officially resume the relationship? Also be careful what you promise when you say “I can change” because Leos sometimes make decisions spontaneously without looking at the long term consequences.
Posted by stillstillwater
Posted by Uncknown2u

Disregard the house comment since you don’t know the time of birth. What stands out to me is this:

This Capricorn individual is probably very quiet and reserved (due to sun and mercury in Capricorn). She also has a moon in scoprio which makes her alluring, but secretive. She is not going to share much about anything, and you might have to do all the talking in this relationship. Leo is warm and this Capricorn will be the opposite. Leo eventually might grow tired and bored of the Capricorn and move on. However there might be other factors that can hold the relationship and the best way to know is by doing a synastry chart. Do a synastry chart and post it. I might be able to give more info based on that. How old are you both? How long have you known her? I know someone with the same sun, moon, and mars. Do you have any specific questions?

Just because Cap is reserved at the beginning does not mean that's how they stay for Leo to grow bored. Leos have a wonderful way of helping Caps open up and the relationship between them does immerse to be an interesting and lively one.

Especially she has Aqua venus and Sag Mars (like me btw). Caps are interesting and and fun when comfortable... which grows with time in any relationship.

Many of my ex's were Leos and our issues were never his "boredom" and sex is pretty amazing too... and many times I was the one who ended it for various reasons.
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Could you tell me more what Aqua in Venus is and Sag in Mars, what do these two reflect?

Why did you end with you Leo exes if that's not too personal to ask? smile
Posted by stillstillwater
Posted by Uncknown2u

@Stillwater I agree with your comments, but how long does it take for a Capricorn to open up specially with a Scorpio moon? Some Leos may not have the patients for this. I thought the cap in question has a mars in Libra. The wheel picture is blurry.

OP if you date her you will be tested like never before. Cap will agree to meet with you and suddenly cancel just to see how you react. I can do a dissertation on this combo. Ask me anything. If you have good Saturn synastry, and lots of patients this can be a phenomenal pairing. Again a synastry chart can help predict the viability of this relationship.

I don't think they'd do the petty testing but may be test your character... the best thing is to just be genuine and also make time for yourself. So that will intrigue them if you have your own thing going on.

Like if they ask you out and you say that you made family promises ... but it has to be genuine.

I had a Cap/Scorpio Moon ex and he was very disciplined... also bit manipulative. For example, he was like let's break up (because we were having constant issues) but then 3 months on the DOT he called me saying how he heard I was dating his friend but his friend wasn't a good person so he thought he'd let me know because he was looking out for me. I knew it was BS because I was not doing that and also he never gave me details of which friend etc. lol!! But sure enough he just weaseled his way in little by little.

Also I agree on being reserved.... he was never out in the open with his feelings but always hinted at shit which was annoying. So i'd say watch her action more than words.
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I kind of siad I'm ready to maybe change religion because i'm not 100% commited to mine anyway but we will see in the futuer because that's something that happens with faith I mean im not changing just because of, but more like.. u might be the reason why I change and/or find the path to it... but anyway.

What happened with the ex when he tried to get back to you with that bullshit, he ever tried again?

What was your reaction to "he tried to inform and help u cuz he care?"

how you mean watch her action more than words, like.. dont belivie if she says somethign cute and more wait for her to do something instead?

Posted by Uncknown2u

OP the fact that you and her meet one on one is a good indicator. A cap with a Scorpio moon will not make time for you or kiss if she is not interested in you. If you got this far just keep doing what you are doing. Being understanding when she cancels is a good strategy, and I recommend it. However if it becomes a habit (which is how they test) just have a friendly and logical conversation about it to show her that you are not a doormat. Also be consistent with your texting. If you usually respond within a few hours keep it that way as much as possible. Scorpio moon is very sensitive, and if you take two days to get back to her she will think the worst (i.e. Leo is playing games with me…..Leo is trying to hurt me….get the picture), but don’t be clingy or needy.

I wonder if you something that she can benefit from. Do you have status? I don’t mean to insult anyone but Capricorn enjoys being around smart successful people, and people in authority. Were you in an official relationship with her before she decided to take a break? And have you officially resume the relationship? Also be careful what you promise when you say “I can change” because Leos sometimes make decisions spontaneously without looking at the long term consequences.
Hey, thanks for the response!

I know it's hard to answer on this but how long does it take until they get to the next step? We meet one on one, a few of her friends know about me but we do not hang out so much in public yet.. should I be ok with that and not stress her out or?

I have also realized when we don't speak on a whole day, she is like at the night.. WHERE ARE U blabla texting, it's cute lol. And yeah I don't wanna make her think that I play games, I don't like that.

We have never been in an official relationship, no. We were just hanging out and doing the romantic stuff / talk ,1v1.

I do have status, I'm popular around people and know people, not to show off but I'm smart, young and looking good in a good shape as well. I have came far in my career early, finished my studies and already work with a good position.

Posted by testarel
Posted by stillstillwater
Posted by Uncknown2u

@Stillwater I agree with your comments, but how long does it take for a Capricorn to open up specially with a Scorpio moon? Some Leos may not have the patients for this. I thought the cap in question has a mars in Libra. The wheel picture is blurry.

OP if you date her you will be tested like never before. Cap will agree to meet with you and suddenly cancel just to see how you react. I can do a dissertation on this combo. Ask me anything. If you have good Saturn synastry, and lots of patients this can be a phenomenal pairing. Again a synastry chart can help predict the viability of this relationship.

I don't think they'd do the petty testing but may be test your character... the best thing is to just be genuine and also make time for yourself. So that will intrigue them if you have your own thing going on.

Like if they ask you out and you say that you made family promises ... but it has to be genuine.

I had a Cap/Scorpio Moon ex and he was very disciplined... also bit manipulative. For example, he was like let's break up (because we were having constant issues) but then 3 months on the DOT he called me saying how he heard I was dating his friend but his friend wasn't a good person so he thought he'd let me know because he was looking out for me. I knew it was BS because I was not doing that and also he never gave me details of which friend etc. lol!! But sure enough he just weaseled his way in little by little.

Also I agree on being reserved.... he was never out in the open with his feelings but always hinted at shit which was annoying. So i'd say watch her action more than words.

I kind of siad I'm ready to maybe change religion because i'm not 100% commited to mine anyway but we will see in the futuer because that's something that happens with faith I mean im not changing just because of, but more like.. u might be the reason why I change and/or find the path to it... but anyway.

What happened with the ex when he tried to get back to you with that bullshit, he ever tried again?

What was your reaction to "he tried to inform and help u cuz he care?"

how you mean watch her action more than words, like.. dont belivie if she says somethign cute and more wait for her to do something instead?
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About the religion - oh ok that makes sense. smile Basically you are open to a new spiritual journey if it speaks to you.

Well when he came back with that bullshit "trying to inform me". I just pretended like I believed him like oh ok, no I don't know where you heard that i was dating one of your friends. I'm not." He was like "oh k" then just started talking to me like normal friends lol. When he came back to me with all teh bullshit I was dating someone else but I was still in love with the ex. I told the ex I was with someone else and then tried using that to torture the ex like telling him about my new sex life etc. My new sex life was better but love is a big part of sex so for me the ex was still in my heart. Anyways I let the ex come back as a friend. He tried to get close to me romantically but I would always try to torture him as much as possible because I was mad about his cheating and then breaking up with me. Looking back if I had forgiven him we could've worked but who knows because with cheaters you never know. Anyways Cap/Scorpio Moon was manipulative because he would say things like "if we get back together it will be a quick one before being serious and getting married" but then he wouldn't go out of his comfort to make me happy. For example, one day I really wanted to go pick up some piece of art and I asked him to come with me. First he said yes then later he said he felt lazy and i should go by myself. I asked him again and he wouldn't. That really annoys me because when you love someone you sometimes put away your comfort for them (or may be I'm a brat Tongue lol don't know).

So on NYE i was away on a trip that was an hour away from where we lived and the cap ex called me saying "He HAS to see me tonight" but I told him I was away and would see him when I get back the next day. But when I got back he stopped picking up my calls then a week later told me "i'm just trying to be happy". I found out he met someone else, a Libra with Cancer Moon, and now they're married with 2 kids lol. But at that time I was devastated and I kept calling him for weeks and leaving voicemails but he never returned my call. So I had to move on after couple weeks of that.

Btw moon trines are very important - what I mean is that if you're moon is in an air sign and the other person's is also in an air sign that is called a trine. For her, a trine would be someone's moon in a water sign like hers. So my ex had scorpio moon and ended up marrying cancer moon. As an air sign moon it is hard for me to understand water moon people. I treat their emotions on the surface but they feel a lot but say it in secretive ways... or being a Libra moon is hard to understand people's emotions. Looks like you have Libra moon like me.

Watch her action more than words i mean for example rather than listening to when she says "oh we should get married bla bla" watch if she introduces you to family or wants to plan things with you. Especially Capricorns LOVE to fantasize about the future and plan. I mean still reciprocate when she tells you cute/sweet things but don't take it to heart because Scorpio moons will say things JUST to see how you react. I'll give you example...

I had a Scorpio friend who is not really jealous at all! But one guy she was dating forgot to call her on time and she made a HUGE deal saying "do you think I'm stupid that your phone died all day?? and you couldn't even let me know?? I don't know if I believe you. Maybe you were with someone else. etc". WHen she was telling me the story I was like you know that happened to my phone too. She said, "Yeah I know but I can't give him a chance to think I would believe any story he tells me even though I believe this one." I was thinking WOW!!! LOL. That's not my nature as a air/fire heavy person (i'm a cap but I have a lot of air/fire in my chart) so for me I only act how I feel lol. I don't really play those games. But Scorpios like to do that. Since she is a Capricorn and most Capricorns don't liek to play games but with a Scorpio moon she probably will try to test you or play those games IF it is convenient. Because she's a Cap she won't go out of her way but if she finds an easy opportunity she probably will.

I don't want to make you paranoid but just something to think about.

Posted by stillstillwater
Posted by testarel
Posted by stillstillwater
Posted by Uncknown2u

@Stillwater I agree with your comments, but how long does it take for a Capricorn to open up specially with a Scorpio moon? Some Leos may not have the patients for this. I thought the cap in question has a mars in Libra. The wheel picture is blurry.

OP if you date her you will be tested like never before. Cap will agree to meet with you and suddenly cancel just to see how you react. I can do a dissertation on this combo. Ask me anything. If you have good Saturn synastry, and lots of patients this can be a phenomenal pairing. Again a synastry chart can help predict the viability of this relationship.

I don't think they'd do the petty testing but may be test your character... the best thing is to just be genuine and also make time for yourself. So that will intrigue them if you have your own thing going on.

Like if they ask you out and you say that you made family promises ... but it has to be genuine.

I had a Cap/Scorpio Moon ex and he was very disciplined... also bit manipulative. For example, he was like let's break up (because we were having constant issues) but then 3 months on the DOT he called me saying how he heard I was dating his friend but his friend wasn't a good person so he thought he'd let me know because he was looking out for me. I knew it was BS because I was not doing that and also he never gave me details of which friend etc. lol!! But sure enough he just weaseled his way in little by little.

Also I agree on being reserved.... he was never out in the open with his feelings but always hinted at shit which was annoying. So i'd say watch her action more than words.

I kind of siad I'm ready to maybe change religion because i'm not 100% commited to mine anyway but we will see in the futuer because that's something that happens with faith I mean im not changing just because of, but more like.. u might be the reason why I change and/or find the path to it... but anyway.

What happened with the ex when he tried to get back to you with that bullshit, he ever tried again?

What was your reaction to "he tried to inform and help u cuz he care?"

how you mean watch her action more than words, like.. dont belivie if she says somethign cute and more wait for her to do something instead?

About the religion - oh ok that makes sense. smile Basically you are open to a new spiritual journey if it speaks to you.

Well when he came back with that bullshit "trying to inform me". I just pretended like I believed him like oh ok, no I don't know where you heard that i was dating one of your friends. I'm not." He was like "oh k" then just started talking to me like normal friends lol. When he came back to me with all teh bullshit I was dating someone else but I was still in love with the ex. I told the ex I was with someone else and then tried using that to torture the ex like telling him about my new sex life etc. My new sex life was better but love is a big part of sex so for me the ex was still in my heart. Anyways I let the ex come back as a friend. He tried to get close to me romantically but I would always try to torture him as much as possible because I was mad about his cheating and then breaking up with me. Looking back if I had forgiven him we could've worked but who knows because with cheaters you never know. Anyways Cap/Scorpio Moon was manipulative because he would say things like "if we get back together it will be a quick one before being serious and getting married" but then he wouldn't go out of his comfort to make me happy. For example, one day I really wanted to go pick up some piece of art and I asked him to come with me. First he said yes then later he said he felt lazy and i should go by myself. I asked him again and he wouldn't. That really annoys me because when you love someone you sometimes put away your comfort for them (or may be I'm a brat Tongue lol don't know).

So on NYE i was away on a trip that was an hour away from where we lived and the cap ex called me saying "He HAS to see me tonight" but I told him I was away and would see him when I get back the next day. But when I got back he stopped picking up my calls then a week later told me "i'm just trying to be happy". I found out he met someone else, a Libra with Cancer Moon, and now they're married with 2 kids lol. But at that time I was devastated and I kept calling him for weeks and leaving voicemails but he never returned my call. So I had to move on after couple weeks of that.

Btw moon trines are very important - what I mean is that if you're moon is in an air sign and the other person's is also in an air sign that is called a trine. For her, a trine would be someone's moon in a water sign like hers. So my ex had scorpio moon and ended up marrying cancer moon. As an air sign moon it is hard for me to understand water moon people. I treat their emotions on the surface but they feel a lot but say it in secretive ways... or being a Libra moon is hard to understand people's emotions. Looks like you have Libra moon like me.

Watch her action more than words i mean for example rather than listening to when she says "oh we should get married bla bla" watch if she introduces you to family or wants to plan things with you. Especially Capricorns LOVE to fantasize about the future and plan. I mean still reciprocate when she tells you cute/sweet things but don't take it to heart because Scorpio moons will say things JUST to see how you react. I'll give you example...

I had a Scorpio friend who is not really jealous at all! But one guy she was dating forgot to call her on time and she made a HUGE deal saying "do you think I'm stupid that your phone died all day?? and you couldn't even let me know?? I don't know if I believe you. Maybe you were with someone else. etc". WHen she was telling me the story I was like you know that happened to my phone too. She said, "Yeah I know but I can't give him a chance to think I would believe any story he tells me even though I believe this one." I was thinking WOW!!! LOL. That's not my nature as a air/fire heavy person (i'm a cap but I have a lot of air/fire in my chart) so for me I only act how I feel lol. I don't really play those games. But Scorpios like to do that. Since she is a Capricorn and most Capricorns don't liek to play games but with a Scorpio moon she probably will try to test you or play those games IF it is convenient. Because she's a Cap she won't go out of her way but if she finds an easy opportunity she probably will.

I don't want to make you paranoid but just something to think about.
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Woow, so interesting to read about it, thanks for your effort, really.

I guess life teaches us all a lesson at a certain time and point of life, maybe it was better than it happened the way it did between you and that guy, anyway.. I see what you mean, scorpios are tricky. I'm not 100% sure if she have really tested me in some way but I have recognized that she is trying to make it very clear to me that she have many boyfriends and I'm not gonna lie it has been a little bit tough for me to get used to that because I've never been cool with it before tbh, but I don't wanna be a dick I'm trying to stay cool and just go with the flow about it. So I think she might've been trying to say some things to see my reaction, not 100% sure tho.

And yeah good point about the family thing, I won't take it 100% to my heart when she says something cute or so, she has to show it with actions. But yea, I go much on my emotions and it's pretty easy to make me fall in love with someone so I do like when she says these cute things / words.. I just have to practice to take it a bit more lightly...

I cant belivie some ppl have the time to make up that story but yea.. one question:

I don't wanna be clingy so I try to keep myself busy with my own stuff, but sometimes we don't speak over the day til the evening and then she is like not mad mad but she is making a scene out of it and texts me like: where have u been, cant u even send a text say whats up or what u are doing or so... how should I react to that?

@testarel also another ex of Cap/Scorpio Moon is that he'd call me every day on the dot. I could set my alarm to his phone call. But one time he didn't. And I didn't either. He called me the next day and said, "I didn't call you yesterday because i wanted to see if you would and you didn't." He didn't hold it over me but i'm sure that was a test I failed lol. I was SUPER insecure and I didn't call him not because I didn't want to but because I was being a brat that he should be calling me. BUT I was also never open about my insecurities so for a Scorpio moon that is borign because they want to know those emotional details.

Another example, lol, is that I had "daddy issues" and I told him about it so he sent me that George Michael song "Father Figure" when I later mentioned that he was like...really i dont remember sending you that song. But I remember he had done it with great intention and psychologically it made an impact on me (Also I was 22 and he was 28 - so i saw him as that older, taking care of me, kind of boyfriend).

So either he pretended like that meant something to him but it didn't OR that later he wanted to pretend that he never cared like that.
Posted by testarel
Posted by stillstillwater
Posted by testarel
Posted by stillstillwater
Posted by Uncknown2u

@Stillwater I agree with your comments, but how long does it take for a Capricorn to open up specially with a Scorpio moon? Some Leos may not have the patients for this. I thought the cap in question has a mars in Libra. The wheel picture is blurry.

OP if you date her you will be tested like never before. Cap will agree to meet with you and suddenly cancel just to see how you react. I can do a dissertation on this combo. Ask me anything. If you have good Saturn synastry, and lots of patients this can be a phenomenal pairing. Again a synastry chart can help predict the viability of this relationship.

I don't think they'd do the petty testing but may be test your character... the best thing is to just be genuine and also make time for yourself. So that will intrigue them if you have your own thing going on.

Like if they ask you out and you say that you made family promises ... but it has to be genuine.

I had a Cap/Scorpio Moon ex and he was very disciplined... also bit manipulative. For example, he was like let's break up (because we were having constant issues) but then 3 months on the DOT he called me saying how he heard I was dating his friend but his friend wasn't a good person so he thought he'd let me know because he was looking out for me. I knew it was BS because I was not doing that and also he never gave me details of which friend etc. lol!! But sure enough he just weaseled his way in little by little.

Also I agree on being reserved.... he was never out in the open with his feelings but always hinted at shit which was annoying. So i'd say watch her action more than words.

I kind of siad I'm ready to maybe change religion because i'm not 100% commited to mine anyway but we will see in the futuer because that's something that happens with faith I mean im not changing just because of, but more like.. u might be the reason why I change and/or find the path to it... but anyway.

What happened with the ex when he tried to get back to you with that bullshit, he ever tried again?

What was your reaction to "he tried to inform and help u cuz he care?"

how you mean watch her action more than words, like.. dont belivie if she says somethign cute and more wait for her to do something instead?

About the religion - oh ok that makes sense. smile Basically you are open to a new spiritual journey if it speaks to you.

Well when he came back with that bullshit "trying to inform me". I just pretended like I believed him like oh ok, no I don't know where you heard that i was dating one of your friends. I'm not." He was like "oh k" then just started talking to me like normal friends lol. When he came back to me with all teh bullshit I was dating someone else but I was still in love with the ex. I told the ex I was with someone else and then tried using that to torture the ex like telling him about my new sex life etc. My new sex life was better but love is a big part of sex so for me the ex was still in my heart. Anyways I let the ex come back as a friend. He tried to get close to me romantically but I would always try to torture him as much as possible because I was mad about his cheating and then breaking up with me. Looking back if I had forgiven him we could've worked but who knows because with cheaters you never know. Anyways Cap/Scorpio Moon was manipulative because he would say things like "if we get back together it will be a quick one before being serious and getting married" but then he wouldn't go out of his comfort to make me happy. For example, one day I really wanted to go pick up some piece of art and I asked him to come with me. First he said yes then later he said he felt lazy and i should go by myself. I asked him again and he wouldn't. That really annoys me because when you love someone you sometimes put away your comfort for them (or may be I'm a brat Tongue lol don't know).

So on NYE i was away on a trip that was an hour away from where we lived and the cap ex called me saying "He HAS to see me tonight" but I told him I was away and would see him when I get back the next day. But when I got back he stopped picking up my calls then a week later told me "i'm just trying to be happy". I found out he met someone else, a Libra with Cancer Moon, and now they're married with 2 kids lol. But at that time I was devastated and I kept calling him for weeks and leaving voicemails but he never returned my call. So I had to move on after couple weeks of that.

Btw moon trines are very important - what I mean is that if you're moon is in an air sign and the other person's is also in an air sign that is called a trine. For her, a trine would be someone's moon in a water sign like hers. So my ex had scorpio moon and ended up marrying cancer moon. As an air sign moon it is hard for me to understand water moon people. I treat their emotions on the surface but they feel a lot but say it in secretive ways... or being a Libra moon is hard to understand people's emotions. Looks like you have Libra moon like me.

Watch her action more than words i mean for example rather than listening to when she says "oh we should get married bla bla" watch if she introduces you to family or wants to plan things with you. Especially Capricorns LOVE to fantasize about the future and plan. I mean still reciprocate when she tells you cute/sweet things but don't take it to heart because Scorpio moons will say things JUST to see how you react. I'll give you example...

I had a Scorpio friend who is not really jealous at all! But one guy she was dating forgot to call her on time and she made a HUGE deal saying "do you think I'm stupid that your phone died all day?? and you couldn't even let me know?? I don't know if I believe you. Maybe you were with someone else. etc". WHen she was telling me the story I was like you know that happened to my phone too. She said, "Yeah I know but I can't give him a chance to think I would believe any story he tells me even though I believe this one." I was thinking WOW!!! LOL. That's not my nature as a air/fire heavy person (i'm a cap but I have a lot of air/fire in my chart) so for me I only act how I feel lol. I don't really play those games. But Scorpios like to do that. Since she is a Capricorn and most Capricorns don't liek to play games but with a Scorpio moon she probably will try to test you or play those games IF it is convenient. Because she's a Cap she won't go out of her way but if she finds an easy opportunity she probably will.

I don't want to make you paranoid but just something to think about.

Woow, so interesting to read about it, thanks for your effort, really.

I guess life teaches us all a lesson at a certain time and point of life, maybe it was better than it happened the way it did between you and that guy, anyway.. I see what you mean, scorpios are tricky. I'm not 100% sure if she have really tested me in some way but I have recognized that she is trying to make it very clear to me that she have many boyfriends and I'm not gonna lie it has been a little bit tough for me to get used to that because I've never been cool with it before tbh, but I don't wanna be a dick I'm trying to stay cool and just go with the flow about it. So I think she might've been trying to say some things to see my reaction, not 100% sure tho.

And yeah good point about the family thing, I won't take it 100% to my heart when she says something cute or so, she has to show it with actions. But yea, I go much on my emotions and it's pretty easy to make me fall in love with someone so I do like when she says these cute things / words.. I just have to practice to take it a bit more lightly...

I cant belivie some ppl have the time to make up that story but yea.. one question:

I don't wanna be clingy so I try to keep myself busy with my own stuff, but sometimes we don't speak over the day til the evening and then she is like not mad mad but she is making a scene out of it and texts me like: where have u been, cant u even send a text say whats up or what u are doing or so... how should I react to that?
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1) Her dating other guys - May be she's testing to see if you are possessive over her because Caps (esp Scorpio moon) want you to be possessive over them a bit. So you don't have to be an asshole about it but you should be genuine!!! Be yourself... if youdon't like it say that. You don't have to try to control her but you can still express that makes you feel upset.

2) Also don't worry about being clingy or not clingy... as a Cap when I have aconnection with a Leo it is natural for us to speak almost every day. I just have that "best friends" connection with Leos where we can be ourselves and a bit goofy. So don't worry about talking everyday if you think about her.

I think the best thing is to always react genuinely to her "tests" because you don't want to pretend to be person A but then you guys are in a relationship and you're person B. Then imagine she doensn't liek person B and now you guys are fighting all the time. That will be a waste of time for you. Be yourself and be open and authentic with her. At the same time pay attention to see if you liek her habits too. If there's something you don't like call it out! That's the whole point of a relationship or dating to see if you guys fit into each other.
About 1, she is absolutely not dating other guys, I meant just male friends. What do you mean with possesive?

2. Yea thats good but isnt it a little bit better when a guys feelings are unclear and they dont always get back to you first... i mean thats how the attraction is made ?
Posted by testarel

About 1, she is absolutely not dating other guys, I meant just male friends. What do you mean with possesive?

2. Yea thats good but isnt it a little bit better when a guys feelings are unclear and they dont always get back to you first... i mean thats how the attraction is made ?
1) Oh ok, nvm then. I thought you meant dating.

2) Well it's good to have your own life and not always be available. so i'm not sure... you know your situation better.
Posted by testarel
Posted by Uncknown2u

OP the fact that you and her meet one on one is a good indicator. A cap with a Scorpio moon will not make time for you or kiss if she is not interested in you. If you got this far just keep doing what you are doing. Being understanding when she cancels is a good strategy, and I recommend it. However if it becomes a habit (which is how they test) just have a friendly and logical conversation about it to show her that you are not a doormat. Also be consistent with your texting. If you usually respond within a few hours keep it that way as much as possible. Scorpio moon is very sensitive, and if you take two days to get back to her she will think the worst (i.e. Leo is playing games with me…..Leo is trying to hurt me….get the picture), but don’t be clingy or needy.

I wonder if you something that she can benefit from. Do you have status? I don’t mean to insult anyone but Capricorn enjoys being around smart successful people, and people in authority. Were you in an official relationship with her before she decided to take a break? And have you officially resume the relationship? Also be careful what you promise when you say “I can change” because Leos sometimes make decisions spontaneously without looking at the long term consequences.

Hey, thanks for the response!

I know it's hard to answer on this but how long does it take until they get to the next step? We meet one on one, a few of her friends know about me but we do not hang out so much in public yet.. should I be ok with that and not stress her out or?

I have also realized when we don't speak on a whole day, she is like at the night.. WHERE ARE U blabla texting, it's cute lol. And yeah I don't wanna make her think that I play games, I don't like that.

We have never been in an official relationship, no. We were just hanging out and doing the romantic stuff / talk ,1v1.

I do have status, I'm popular around people and know people, not to show off but I'm smart, young and looking good in a good shape as well. I have came far in my career early, finished my studies and already work with a good position.
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OP you seem like a humble and confident Leo, and these qualities is probably what attracted your Capricorn. Stillwater has given you great advice and I concur. If you want commitment ask for it. Make sure you do it face to face when you are alone with her…..inviter her out and have the talk. I doubt she will commit on the spot because a cap with Scorpio moon wants to know everything about you before entering an official relationship. They want to know how you are/behave at your best and at your worst. Her response might be “I like you as a friend only” because she still does not trust you, and she might even denied that she has feelings for you when deep inside she is crazy about you. She wants to see if you stick around. A Scorpio moon wants a person that can withstand this test and many more. The testing is not deliberate. I believe most of the testing is subconscious and it comes from their insecurities. This combo is also pessimistic by nature. Growing up with a Scorpio moon is not easy. I don’t want to discourage you but it can take years for a Scorpio moon to express their true romantic feelings. If you feel strongly about her ask her out, and give us an update. Also do a synastry chart and post it.
Posted by Uncknown2u
Posted by testarel
Posted by Uncknown2u

OP the fact that you and her meet one on one is a good indicator. A cap with a Scorpio moon will not make time for you or kiss if she is not interested in you. If you got this far just keep doing what you are doing. Being understanding when she cancels is a good strategy, and I recommend it. However if it becomes a habit (which is how they test) just have a friendly and logical conversation about it to show her that you are not a doormat. Also be consistent with your texting. If you usually respond within a few hours keep it that way as much as possible. Scorpio moon is very sensitive, and if you take two days to get back to her she will think the worst (i.e. Leo is playing games with me…..Leo is trying to hurt me….get the picture), but don’t be clingy or needy.

I wonder if you something that she can benefit from. Do you have status? I don’t mean to insult anyone but Capricorn enjoys being around smart successful people, and people in authority. Were you in an official relationship with her before she decided to take a break? And have you officially resume the relationship? Also be careful what you promise when you say “I can change” because Leos sometimes make decisions spontaneously without looking at the long term consequences.

Hey, thanks for the response!

I know it's hard to answer on this but how long does it take until they get to the next step? We meet one on one, a few of her friends know about me but we do not hang out so much in public yet.. should I be ok with that and not stress her out or?

I have also realized when we don't speak on a whole day, she is like at the night.. WHERE ARE U blabla texting, it's cute lol. And yeah I don't wanna make her think that I play games, I don't like that.

We have never been in an official relationship, no. We were just hanging out and doing the romantic stuff / talk ,1v1.

I do have status, I'm popular around people and know people, not to show off but I'm smart, young and looking good in a good shape as well. I have came far in my career early, finished my studies and already work with a good position.

OP you seem like a humble and confident Leo, and these qualities is probably what attracted your Capricorn. Stillwater has given you great advice and I concur. If you want commitment ask for it. Make sure you do it face to face when you are alone with her…..inviter her out and have the talk. I doubt she will commit on the spot because a cap with Scorpio moon wants to know everything about you before entering an official relationship. They want to know how you are/behave at your best and at your worst. Her response might be “I like you as a friend only” because she still does not trust you, and she might even denied that she has feelings for you when deep inside she is crazy about you. She wants to see if you stick around. A Scorpio moon wants a person that can withstand this test and many more. The testing is not deliberate. I believe most of the testing is subconscious and it comes from their insecurities. This combo is also pessimistic by nature. Growing up with a Scorpio moon is not easy. I don’t want to discourage you but it can take years for a Scorpio moon to express their true romantic feelings. If you feel strongly about her ask her out, and give us an update. Also do a synastry chart and post it.
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Thanks for the response, I appreciate it very much. I'm working on trying to find out at what time me and her were born so we will see how it goes.

I've got a question regarding their insecurity and testing people.. so let's say that she would say we are just friends or so (even tho we are not) how am I supposed to react on that, keep on fighting and want her or just leave it and wait for her to come?

Second question, is it really good to tell them everything exactly how you feel... doesn't it get a little bit boring to get all the answers immediately, isnt that a part of the human way of getting attracted to someone by not knowing their exactly real emotions and if you serve everything on a plate.. they might appreciate it but it feels like its too easy to just do it like that?

And a last small update regarding yesterday; she went for a quick trip with her family outside the country for a few days and had some slight struggle with internet so we texted a couple of times during the day, however. I sadly forgot which date she was coming back because I'm pretty stressed out in general and have much going on at work, I realized her scorpion test case came out, she asked me if I knew the date and I know.. I fucked up and said wrong date, so we argued a lil bit about it but solved it pretty fast. But yea I realized that was a point where she tested me. She also said like: how can u forget.. im not saying that u dont care but if u dont remember i know at least i wouldve ask etc etc, dont u walk around and think about it sometimes... etc so I got that feeling that wow, it must still be some kind of love there in it as she feels that way.
OP is she answers with “I like you as a friend only” then is up to you to decide how long you are willing to wait for her to open up. If you love her that much and are willing to wait, then be honest. Tell her that you understand her hesitation to commit and that you are willing to give her more time to think about it. This still leaves you in control because you can revisit the question in a few months or years, and end it at any time if things are not going the way you wish. And if you wait for her then treat her as a friend only (don't take about your feelings at all until you are ready to ask again). This combo makes for a good loyal friend. Who knows you might lose interest in time or another girl might come along that will catch your interest…..(a self-fulfill prophesy of the cap/scorpio moon). Or if you are not willing to wait you move on and stop wasting time on her.

You are young, and I’m a semicentennial hence my approach might be a bit different than yours. Anyhow being honest does not make you boring or take away the attraction factor. Trust me in her mind she knows that by turning you down she runs the risk of losing you. Also don’t lie because this combo has a gifted memory and will remember everything you say, and do. If you don’t keep a promise or forget something for a legit reason explain it to her in detail and she will understand. I hope this answers both of your questions. Let me know how it goes, and good luck.
Posted by Uncknown2u

OP is she answers with “I like you as a friend only” then is up to you to decide how long you are willing to wait for her to open up. If you love her that much and are willing to wait, then be honest. Tell her that you understand her hesitation to commit and that you are willing to give her more time to think about it. This still leaves you in control because you can revisit the question in a few months or years, and end it at any time if things are not going the way you wish. And if you wait for her then treat her as a friend only (don't take about your feelings at all until you are ready to ask again). This combo makes for a good loyal friend. Who knows you might lose interest in time or another girl might come along that will catch your interest…..(a self-fulfill prophesy of the cap/scorpio moon). Or if you are not willing to wait you move on and stop wasting time on her.

You are young, and I’m a semicentennial hence my approach might be a bit different than yours. Anyhow being honest does not make you boring or take away the attraction factor. Trust me in her mind she knows that by turning you down she runs the risk of losing you. Also don’t lie because this combo has a gifted memory and will remember everything you say, and do. If you don’t keep a promise or forget something for a legit reason explain it to her in detail and she will understand. I hope this answers both of your questions. Let me know how it goes, and good luck.
You are smart my friend, thank you once again. I'll see how it goes and post in a few days Winking

And regarding the 'we are just friends thing', we are past that and it won't happen. We both know that we are ahead of that and there is some romantic stuff going etc. I just have to slowly keep moving forward but patiently because I know she for sure don't like to rush things. smile
Hey guys, I have an update story, so I spoke to her yesterday about different kind of things. Her mood have been a little bit up and down the last two days or so, she has pms. Anyway...

She took up a discussion about things, from subject to subject we started talking about:

She is a little bit sensetive, especially now, when she has something on her mind she feels that she always has to say it, which is good I guess. Anyway she pointed out a couple of things,

one thing was: She is feeling there is some things we have to talk about that has not really came up and I don't know why... she continues and says she feels that I'm lowkey and she doesn't always know how I feel what I want and so on, she says it feels superficial and she doesn't like when it's like that, meanwhile in another topic some minutes later or so, she says like.. when I start to feel that things are getting too serious I feel like omg run away.

She mentioned about the day we went to the cinema in the mall and she said she liked it but it felt wierd walking around together with me, she also gave another example like: it feels wierd to go to a cozy resturant and act like an adult. She was like it's not that dangerous but still she feels the way she does and I realize, she is careful and not 110% ready for something serious and stable.

I have not really brought it up, I've waited for her to bring that up if she feels for it, I try to act chill and laid back and not put pressure on her but it's giving me mixed fucking signals, I'm starting to get tired off it...

She is around her 20' and I'm 24. She is mature when she wants to but she likes to feel young and ageing gives her stress, she wish she was forever young..

At the end of the night we "solved" it and did not get mad at each other when saying goodnight. Also before we ended the discussion she asked how much I like her on a scale 1-10 and I refused to answer lol. I was at some point being cocky but we solved everything and spoke in a good way. She was like I'm going to get better blabla.

I understand and accept, she is a fish when it comes to relationship and that part, she has not been in something deep before and I also get great things take time but should I give more, take the lead (which might cause her to stress out) or should I create a break, or just be a little bit more passive? What the fuck is going on.. all kind of questions are okay and also advices!
I found out her approx. time of birth, the Cap W.

Between 10.30 - 11.00

She said either 10.30 or 10.50  , Swedish time

I'm not sure if I did  the chart calculation right but here it is,

User Submitted Image
Update My dob time is 18:05
Posted by testarel

I found out her approx. time of birth, the Cap W.

Between 10.30 - 11.00

She said either 10.30 or 10.50  , Swedish time

I'm not sure if I did  the chart calculation right but here it is,

User Submitted Image

Now that you have the time of birth do a synastry chart. Search online synastry chart, enter the information and post it. Your Cap has an Ascendant in Aries this makes her a bit more spontaneous which is good, however it is squaring her Sun sign. This means that her behavior could be different than her true nature. This can mislead others accounting for her mixed signals.

She is also very young, and her Saturn squares the Sun. I once read that this aspect is also known as “the long tough road of commitment”. The Sun is light and Saturn is the enemy of the lights because it rules the opposite signs to the Sun and Moon. In astrology the Sun rules Leo and Saturn rules the opposite sign of Leo which is Aquarius. So Saturn has the potential to dampen down the Sun’s ability to shine.

Her Mars also squares her Sun. The abundant energy generated by this hard aspect can make the person hot-headed and temperamental at times. For example she can ignore you for a long time if she wants to because she has the discipline to do this even though she crazy about you. Oftentimes Leo will cave-in and reach out, and this is what she wants. She wants and will have control at all times. I am busy at the moment, and will reply to your previous post later.
Posted by Uncknown2u
Posted by testarel

I found out her approx. time of birth, the Cap W.

Between 10.30 - 11.00

She said either 10.30 or 10.50  , Swedish time

I'm not sure if I did  the chart calculation right but here it is,

User Submitted Image

Now that you have the time of birth do a synastry chart. Search online synastry chart, enter the information and post it. Your Cap has an Ascendant in Aries this makes her a bit more spontaneous which is good, however it is squaring her Sun sign. This means that her behavior could be different than her true nature. This can mislead others accounting for her mixed signals.

She is also very young, and her Saturn squares the Sun. I once read that this aspect is also known as “the long tough road of commitment”. The Sun is light and Saturn is the enemy of the lights because it rules the opposite signs to the Sun and Moon. In astrology the Sun rules Leo and Saturn rules the opposite sign of Leo which is Aquarius. So Saturn has the potential to dampen down the Sun’s ability to shine.

Her Mars also squares her Sun. The abundant energy generated by this hard aspect can make the person hot-headed and temperamental at times. For example she can ignore you for a long time if she wants to because she has the discipline to do this even though she crazy about you. Oftentimes Leo will cave-in and reach out, and this is what she wants. She wants and will have control at all times. I am busy at the moment, and will reply to your previous post later.
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Thanks, please add more if you can. Yea I have realized sometimes we both and especially she get temperamental lol...

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synstry chart?

what you think guys
Posted by testarel


what you think guys

Sorry for responding late. I have been very busy, and is interesting that your composite chart has an 8th house stellium (3 or more planets in one house). You guys have the sun, moon, mercury and mars in the 8th house.

I still would like to see your synastry chart. Go back to the same website and select synastry chart from the drop box instead of composite and post it. Anyhow the composite chart is like the birth chart of a relationship, and it just happens that the Capricorn I know and I have an 8th house stellium in our composite chart as well. We have Venus, mercury, pluto, Jupiter, eros, and psych (the last two are asteroids).

The 8th house is ruled by scorpion and planet pluto. It is consider the house of sex, taboos, death, rebirth , transformation (you talked about changing your religion for her), secretes, and other people’s money. In the 8th house people intentional or knowingly keeping secretes unlike the 12 house where people subconsciously or not knowing withhold details. That being said I bet your Capricorn has not formally introduce you to her family. She is keeping you secret. The reason the relationship is kept secrete could be due to racial, religious, or social class, or could be a love affair with someone who is already in a committed relationship (as with my Capricorn and I) .

Like Romeo and Juliet, an 8th house composite couple may have to keep of their relationship underground. At the same time this makes for a very addictive, and erotic relationship. Passion can run high when mars is in the 8th house. The moon is also intensified in the 8th house and you both bring out the most deepest, darkest emotions and can cause emotional extremes.

In a nutshell your composite chart shows that you have an intense relationship with a lot of ups and downs, and is very difficult to walk away from it. As the case with me and my Capricorn, and I speak from experience. Let me know if you have specific questions about the composite chart.
Also with mercury the planet of communication on the 8th house the couple feels comfortable discussing deep topics like taboo, death, money, and sex. For example my Capricorn has a moon in scorpion and likes to talk about death, and the paranormal. I have an interest on the subconscious mind, and we can talk about these topics for hours. We very seldom just talk about the weather, fashion or politics. Our conversations can get dark sometimes, but we both enjoy it.
Posted by Uncknown2u
Posted by testarel


what you think guys

Sorry for responding late. I have been very busy, and is interesting that your composite chart has an 8th house stellium (3 or more planets in one house). You guys have the sun, moon, mercury and mars in the 8th house.

I still would like to see your synastry chart. Go back to the same website and select synastry chart from the drop box instead of composite and post it. Anyhow the composite chart is like the birth chart of a relationship, and it just happens that the Capricorn I know and I have an 8th house stellium in our composite chart as well. We have Venus, mercury, pluto, Jupiter, eros, and psych (the last two are asteroids).

The 8th house is ruled by scorpion and planet pluto. It is consider the house of sex, taboos, death, rebirth , transformation (you talked about changing your religion for her), secretes, and other people’s money. In the 8th house people intentional or knowingly keeping secretes unlike the 12 house where people subconsciously or not knowing withhold details. That being said I bet your Capricorn has not formally introduce you to her family. She is keeping you secret. The reason the relationship is kept secrete could be due to racial, religious, or social class, or could be a love affair with someone who is already in a committed relationship (as with my Capricorn and I) .

Like Romeo and Juliet, an 8th house composite couple may have to keep of their relationship underground. At the same time this makes for a very addictive, and erotic relationship. Passion can run high when mars is in the 8th house. The moon is also intensified in the 8th house and you both bring out the most deepest, darkest emotions and can cause emotional extremes.

In a nutshell your composite chart shows that you have an intense relationship with a lot of ups and downs, and is very difficult to walk away from it. As the case with me and my Capricorn, and I speak from experience. Let me know if you have specific questions about the composite chart.
click to expand
Hey, no problem... thanks for answering! smile I'll post a link to my synastry below, anyway:

Yea I really feel that she is kinda keeping me secret, why do they do that and will they do it forever, is that the way they are or will it changre when they get more comfortable? It could be due to religious, we do not have the same religion.. but her mother know about me that I exsist and so. What did you mean with love affair, that she has somehing with someone else?

I really feel the way you are explaining it. Yea the relation between us is up and down, most of the times it's some shit issue coming up and starting an discussion.

I'm just more curious on how I can make things go better between us when it comes to not keep it so secretive, I also wonder how her sex chart is, we have not had it yet.. I think she has not done it with anyone else before therefor she might be careful..
Synastry chart

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