Dumped by Aquarius man?

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by Ladyk924 on Tuesday, January 30, 2024 and has 40 replies.
We’d only been seeing each other for almost two months. It was great. We both agreed we wanted the whole shabang (friendship, marriage, kids, etc.). I think I moved to fast in the sense I’d cooked him dinner the last two times we’d hung out and we only hung out 5 times. As time went on, I felt (or sensed) his effort start declining. Again, could be my fault for making him too comfortable too early on.

Anywho, I did ask him at one point if he was nervous with me. He said he was comfortable. That kind of sucked because I thought (did not say) “well if you’re comfortable that sucks because you’ve already gotten kinda lazy”. I expressed I was nervous, because as I started to like him more I wanted to be more sure I was doing everything I could to keep the connection going

Cut to this past weekend. He was supposed to come over on Saturday. Friday night we’re sexting. He doesn’t reply for about 20 minutes. “Hellloooo trying to flirt and be sexy” then he finally responds. He had answered. A phone call. From. His. Fuc*ing. Father. Like you couldn’t have texted me that you’ll be right back? Nope. I just said “must have been an important phone call”. Nope. He was done anyway, as he had already told me he finished. Well ok thanks I’ll literally just go f*ck myself by myself then (didn’t actually say that). A bit after that, my cousin reminded me of bday plans we have the next day. Awesome. Could be good to take a break from seeing him. I told him so sorry plans w cousins. Rain check. “Awesome! Have fun!” I went to sleep. I didn’t (but should have) text him good morning as I always did. He texted me at 2PM “it’s over. I’m done. The phone call with my father made me realize I’m not mentally good for a relationship right now. Sorry to waste your time” and he unfriended me/unfollowed me on social media. I was pissed, mostly because he didn’t give us a chance to talk things through, and I was at fu*king work. Saturdays are my busiest days. So I kind of expressed that. Later that night, I apologized. He apologized. And I just thought “meh 🤷🏻‍♀️ Now to find someone who values me”

Almost done, sorry this is so long. I woke up this AM from a long as* fu*king text from him saying how sorry he was. I’m so kind, attractive, and compassionate; and once reality started to set in he started to doubt himself that he could give someone as wonderful as me everything I deserve. He thought he was ready, blah blah blah. Like wtf does he want?! He’s apologizing for breaking up with me the way he did, how he may never be vulnerable again because he’s not actually healed, and saying “it’s truly not a reflection of you” like no sh!t dude, I wasn’t even worried about it. I haven’t done or said anything. Is he just looking to stroke his own ego? The text he sent me is like a text you’d send someone who keeps blowing you up, begging for another chance. I haven’t replied to him, nor do I plan to, but wtf? I feel like if I was upset about the whole this, it’d just make me even more upset

Eta: please excuse spelling mistakes, typos
Well no one has replied but I decided to take the bait and reply to him. Twas the most eloquent “fuck off” I could muster
Well that was a waste of your time. Too many unhealed people with baggage and other issues in the dating pool. Next time, to save you time, effort, and emotions, be thinking about a proper screening process so as to not bother with these unavailable, immature men who magically decide they aren’t ready for a relationship after 5 whole dates in. These dudes are lame af and should know that about themselves already. Was he in his 20s. Neeeeext
Posted by slug
The aqua man ego 🙄 They always go for the "broken man" antihero play, so cringey. Let him take his ego elsewhere 😂
What's really cringe is how you have more faith in a zodiac sign than God and you know God told you to do right and you won't do right. That idolatry you on, I'm tellin you.. you don't gotta listen to me
If you was bad enough to him, he would've stayed. girls be healing niggas.. he thought you wasn't bad enough, that's all it is
she thought he was tryna antihero lol she was not bad enough, because ain't no way a dude just gon leave a bitch in the dust because he goin through personal problems, a girl's role is to be an escape for his personal problems, not the othee way around tf @slug you got a lot to learn about men , your looks only gon get you so far
You did move in too fast, scared him off. Look elsewhere.
Posted by slug
Posted by route666aybb
she thought he was tryna antihero lol she was not bad enough, because ain't no way a dude just gon leave a bitch in the dust because he goin through personal problems, a girl's role is to be an escape for his personal problems, not the othee way around tf @slug you got a lot to learn about men , your looks only gon get you so far

Are you an Aquarius? 😂
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It just didn’t work. He got scared, the right one will not be so easily scared away.. they will talk things through! I’ve had a few you’re so kind, you’re so awesome, let me run away blah blah blah. No balls, no thank you.
Aqua men aren’t always suited to long term

Rships unless they’re earth dom

11th house rules friendships and groups, causes etc but not so compatible with intimate relationships
Me thinks you were too normal for an aqua.

Maybe things felt too into place.

No taboo’s, no struggle, no excitement
Posted by DMV
Me thinks you were too normal for an aqua.
Maybe things felt too into place.
No taboo’s, no struggle, no excitement
Yes, usually aquas don’t do “ordinary”
This thread is why people don’t date. 🤣🤣
Listen to him.

In the future dial it down/ low gear til their emotions settle. You may feel one way but it sounds like you guys weren't actually close enough for him to confide and lean on you. So he wanted space.

I get the sentiment of looking for something serious, you are driving way too fast tho.

Recipe for disaster.

. Serious goal talks early is great and important.

Imposing that on the relationship tempo from the get go is not. Especially on someone who isn't there themselves, they run.

Unfortunately speaking from experience myself. Amazing connection and it would have been that, amazing. Ya.. fucked that up going ham like it sounds you did🤦

Live and learn. You got the grow the relationship still no matter how well you click.
The problem is women/men putting out too much, too soon. Gradual wins the race. Desperation and quickly consuming the limerance stage of a courtship always ends up in heartbreak for the party that was putting out too much too soon.

Observe patience and be more discerning of who deserves your efforts!
You sound like a dickhead, getting mad that he talked to his dad wtf.

Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by DMV
Me thinks you were too normal for an aqua.
Maybe things felt too into place.
No taboo’s, no struggle, no excitement

Yes, usually aquas don’t do “ordinary”
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No, Aquas don’t like manipulation and being boxed in. I don’t like it one bit when people come on strong, try to buy my love with presents/efforts and project their expectations on me. I assess a person slowly and take my sweet time. You can’t rush me just because your head is in the clouds. People get comfortable and attached way too soon and then feel butthurt when Aqua is done assessing and realizes that they aren’t for you.

Don’t disconnect or block him on social media yet.

He may come back if he sees you being a hot mess or if you start dating others.

Almost like a Sagittarius, we hate FOMO.

Maybe aquas are the same way
Just a punt but I’m sensing Gemini.
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by DMV
Me thinks you were too normal for an aqua.
Maybe things felt too into place.
No taboo’s, no struggle, no excitement

Yes, usually aquas don’t do “ordinary”
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No, Aquas don’t like manipulation and being boxed in. I don’t like it one bit when people come on strong, try to buy my love with presents/efforts and project their expectations on me. I assess a person slowly and take my sweet time. You can’t rush me just because your head is in the clouds. People get comfortable and attached way too soon and then feel butthurt when Aqua is done assessing and realizes that they aren’t for you.
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Aquas have preoccupations with having no control so they will hyper control every interaction, exhaust themselves and others only to end up lonely AF...even inside partnerships they are lonely.

Posted by AntiAnti2023
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by DMV
Me thinks you were too normal for an aqua.
Maybe things felt too into place.
No taboo’s, no struggle, no excitement

Yes, usually aquas don’t do “ordinary”
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No, Aquas don’t like manipulation and being boxed in. I don’t like it one bit when people come on strong, try to buy my love with presents/efforts and project their expectations on me. I assess a person slowly and take my sweet time. You can’t rush me just because your head is in the clouds. People get comfortable and attached way too soon and then feel butthurt when Aqua is done assessing and realizes that they aren’t for you.

Aquas have preoccupations with having no control so they will hyper control every interaction, exhaust themselves and others only to end up lonely AF...even inside partnerships they are lonely.

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Right to a certain extent about feeling lonely but it doesn’t have to do with control. I’m not controlling actually and quite flexible and laid back unless I need to take charge because the other person can’t be trusted to take charge.

Lonely I feel, be it in friendships or relationships, because I haven’t another aside from my Aqua cousin (born 4 days before me) who is similar to me in thinking. People operate on emotions and I just don’t. You won’t find many people like that.
Interesting how some are saying you were too normal for an Aqua. I am as normal and boring as they come and I was with an Aqua for 2 years. Maybe it was other placements in his chart. I don’t remember his full chart, but I know he had an Aqua Venus as well and I think an air moon. Other than that idk? 🤷‍♀️
Posted by xyzabc
Interesting how some are saying you were too normal for an Aqua. I am as normal and boring as they come and I was with an Aqua for 2 years. Maybe it was other placements in his chart. I don’t remember his full chart, but I know he had an Aqua Venus as well and I think an air moon. Other than that idk? 🤷‍♀️
Catlady astrology, people really believe all aquas are some kind of avant garde weirdo living in a yurt
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by AntiAnti2023
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by DMV
Me thinks you were too normal for an aqua.
Maybe things felt too into place.
No taboo’s, no struggle, no excitement

Yes, usually aquas don’t do “ordinary”
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No, Aquas don’t like manipulation and being boxed in. I don’t like it one bit when people come on strong, try to buy my love with presents/efforts and project their expectations on me. I assess a person slowly and take my sweet time. You can’t rush me just because your head is in the clouds. People get comfortable and attached way too soon and then feel butthurt when Aqua is done assessing and realizes that they aren’t for you.

Aquas have preoccupations with having no control so they will hyper control every interaction, exhaust themselves and others only to end up lonely AF...even inside partnerships they are lonely.

Right to a certain extent about feeling lonely but it doesn’t have to do with control. I’m not controlling actually and quite flexible and laid back unless I need to take charge because the other person can’t be trusted to take charge.

Lonely I feel, be it in friendships or relationships, because I haven’t another aside from my Aqua cousin (born 4 days before me) who is similar to me in thinking. People operate on emotions and I just don’t. You won’t find many people like that.
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Forgot to mention that lonely doesn’t effect Aquas.

It’s a super power 🤣🤣 imagine if we all just didn’t give a shit when we ended things or got burnt 🤣🤣

I’m not playing I actually think it’s a crazy power.

But yeah Aqua see manipulation from space and their impressions of others are dead on.

Posted by AntiAnti2023
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by AntiAnti2023
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by DMV
Me thinks you were too normal for an aqua.
Maybe things felt too into place.
No taboo’s, no struggle, no excitement

Yes, usually aquas don’t do “ordinary”
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No, Aquas don’t like manipulation and being boxed in. I don’t like it one bit when people come on strong, try to buy my love with presents/efforts and project their expectations on me. I assess a person slowly and take my sweet time. You can’t rush me just because your head is in the clouds. People get comfortable and attached way too soon and then feel butthurt when Aqua is done assessing and realizes that they aren’t for you.

Aquas have preoccupations with having no control so they will hyper control every interaction, exhaust themselves and others only to end up lonely AF...even inside partnerships they are lonely.

Right to a certain extent about feeling lonely but it doesn’t have to do with control. I’m not controlling actually and quite flexible and laid back unless I need to take charge because the other person can’t be trusted to take charge.

Lonely I feel, be it in friendships or relationships, because I haven’t another aside from my Aqua cousin (born 4 days before me) who is similar to me in thinking. People operate on emotions and I just don’t. You won’t find many people like that.

Forgot to mention that lonely doesn’t effect Aquas.

It’s a super power 🤣🤣 imagine if we all just didn’t give a shit when we ended things or got burnt 🤣🤣

I’m not playing I actually think it’s a crazy power.

But yeah Aqua see manipulation from space and their impressions of others are dead on.

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To be able to detach is definitely a super power but it comes with its disadvantage of not feeling human or connect the way relationships require us to.

Posted by Walk_on_by
You sound like a dickhead, getting mad that he talked to his dad wtf.

Yeah. That was likely a test. And you failed (OP)

Then you proceeded to try and play games, and you lost again.

As an Aqua guy myself (don't know about others) Ive seen the same in so many other women. The reason that's a red flag is because we are independent and like to disappear from time to time to be by ourselves. If you couldn't handle a few minutes with him talking to his father, how do you know it's not important?

Is your orgasm really that much of a priority over being a human being?
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by AntiAnti2023
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by DMV
Me thinks you were too normal for an aqua.
Maybe things felt too into place.
No taboo’s, no struggle, no excitement

Yes, usually aquas don’t do “ordinary”
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No, Aquas don’t like manipulation and being boxed in. I don’t like it one bit when people come on strong, try to buy my love with presents/efforts and project their expectations on me. I assess a person slowly and take my sweet time. You can’t rush me just because your head is in the clouds. People get comfortable and attached way too soon and then feel butthurt when Aqua is done assessing and realizes that they aren’t for you.

Aquas have preoccupations with having no control so they will hyper control every interaction, exhaust themselves and others only to end up lonely AF...even inside partnerships they are lonely.
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Right to a certain extent about feeling lonely but it doesn’t have to do with control. I’m not controlling actually and quite flexible and laid back unless I need to take charge because the other person can’t be trusted to take charge.
Lonely I feel, be it in friendships or relationships, because I haven’t another aside from my Aqua cousin (born 4 days before me) who is similar to me in thinking. People operate on emotions and I just don’t. You won’t find many people like that.
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It's definitely not about control. It's the opposite. Even tho I have majority Earth and Water chart my Aqua Sun in the 5th can smell expectations from a mile away.
Posted by nanochip
Well that was a waste of your time. Too many unhealed people with baggage and other issues in the dating pool. Next time, to save you time, effort, and emotions, be thinking about a proper screening process so as to not bother with these unavailable, immature men who magically decide they aren’t ready for a relationship after 5 whole dates in. These dudes are lame af and should know that about themselves already. Was he in his 20s. Neeeeext
The Capricorn moon is strong in this one 😂
Posted by xyzabc
Interesting how some are saying you were too normal for an Aqua. I am as normal and boring as they come and I was with an Aqua for 2 years. Maybe it was other placements in his chart. I don’t remember his full chart, but I know he had an Aqua Venus as well and I think an air moon. Other than that idk? 🤷‍♀️
Naw, there was something ODD about you.

Even if you think you are normal and boring, to him you were special and unique.

Something about you was different to him
Posted by Walk_on_by
Posted by xyzabc
Interesting how some are saying you were too normal for an Aqua. I am as normal and boring as they come and I was with an Aqua for 2 years. Maybe it was other placements in his chart. I don’t remember his full chart, but I know he had an Aqua Venus as well and I think an air moon. Other than that idk? 🤷‍♀️

Catlady astrology, people really believe all aquas are some kind of avant garde weirdo living in a yurt
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They’re not?
As if people orgasm by sexting...Isn't the goal to get horny and then to pleasure yourself?

You could have done so as soon as he didn't reply for a few minutes, thinking that he's doing the same. Or did you expect to carry on texting with greasy/slimy fingers smile?

Perhaps he had a fap and a nap. Or had to stop to talk to his father. Either way, your reaction of taking offence was way out of proportion.
Posted by route666aybb
she thought he was tryna antihero lol she was not bad enough, because ain't no way a dude just gon leave a bitch in the dust because he goin through personal problems, a girl's role is to be an escape for his personal problems, not the othee way around tf @slug you got a lot to learn about men , your looks only gon get you so far
I’m too good for him anyway, and I certainly am “bad.” He doesn’t have a job and has been waiting to become a resident in the state we reside in but he was too dumb to look up his zip code to change the address for his bank for residential proof. I work a full time job, I’m building a business on the side while also completing my MS, mortgaging a house, and still listening to his sob stories and feeding his mooching ass 🤷🏻‍♀️ If he needs an escape he can find someone who cares less about their financial future
Posted by Saturn_Returns

how old are u

Her oscillation from sad and desperate to proud and dismissive is scary.

No lucrative occupation and property portfolio can compensate for a severe lack of mental and emotional maturity.
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femcell era
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The fact it’s been almost a month lol like excuse me for not being upset about it anymore. With time come perspective. Most of the commenters on here are weird and need to learn to be happy in their lives
Posted by Saturn_Returns
how old are u

Her oscillation from sad and desperate to proud and dismissive is scary.
No lucrative occupation and property portfolio can compensate for a severe lack of mental and emotional maturity.

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You find it scary that I’m no longer sad after almost a month. What the hell would you consider mental and emotional maturity? 🤔🤣
Posted by Ladyk924
Posted by Saturn_Returns

how old are u

Her oscillation from sad and desperate to proud and dismissive is scary.

No lucrative occupation and property portfolio can compensate for a severe lack of mental and emotional maturity.
click to expand

femcell era

The fact it’s been almost a month lol like excuse me for not being upset about it anymore. With time come perspective. Most of the commenters on here are weird and need to learn to be happy in their lives

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And are you the one that asked if I’m sexy? I try. I’ve been told I’m beautiful quite a few times through my life. When I say “I try” I mean I enjoy working out, and I typically enjoy wearing mascara and lipstick
Posted by Saturn_Returns
Posted by Ladyk924
Posted by Saturn_Returns
how old are u

Her oscillation from sad and desperate to proud and dismissive is scary.
No lucrative occupation and property portfolio can compensate for a severe lack of mental and emotional maturity.

You find it scary that I’m no longer sad after almost a month. What the hell would you consider mental and emotional maturity? 🤔🤣

Well, certainly not your 'rational' justifications - many of which you were well aware of when things were good between the two of you.

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I’m not sure what you mean
Posted by Ladyk924
Posted by Ladyk924
Posted by Saturn_Returns

how old are u

Her oscillation from sad and desperate to proud and dismissive is scary.

No lucrative occupation and property portfolio can compensate for a severe lack of mental and emotional maturity.
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femcell era

The fact it’s been almost a month lol like excuse me for not being upset about it anymore. With time come perspective. Most of the commenters on here are weird and need to learn to be happy in their lives


And are you the one that asked if I’m sexy? I try. I’ve been told I’m beautiful quite a few times through my life. When I say “I try” I mean I enjoy working out, and I typically enjoy wearing mascara and lipstick

its not that, the way you write ur ex relationship, its sounded like transactionnal. like you didnt both flirt, like there is no spice. i didnt wanted to say that u were ugly or anything, im sorry if its sounded like that.

Like does this guy want to chase you, to ramdomly kiss you idk. like an ardent desire about you.

but what i'm reading is:

Do you want to be my husband ?


Do you want to have childs ?


Ok let's do it then.

Nah, actually im lazy.

but maybe im wrong, idk my question more like does this guys want proudly say that this girls is my fiancé ? but who givaf u moved on so
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I could totally get that. The whole dating thing is new to me and I guess I’m just learning how to go about it. We absolutely did flirt, and it was actually more him like “ohhh just wait until we have kids” and stuff like that. I’ll now see that as a red flag. That’s why I thought it was totally justified that I was annoyed he couldn’t be considerate enough to text me “hey dad called I’ll brb” because I know 1000% he would have during earlier times. I know that sounds ridiculous to say considering we didn’t date long, but 🤷🏻‍♀️ It’s just a learning experience
Posted by Ladyk924
Posted by Ladyk924
Posted by Ladyk924
Posted by Saturn_Returns

how old are u

Her oscillation from sad and desperate to proud and dismissive is scary.

No lucrative occupation and property portfolio can compensate for a severe lack of mental and emotional maturity.
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femcell era

The fact it’s been almost a month lol like excuse me for not being upset about it anymore. With time come perspective. Most of the commenters on here are weird and need to learn to be happy in their lives


And are you the one that asked if I’m sexy? I try. I’ve been told I’m beautiful quite a few times through my life. When I say “I try” I mean I enjoy working out, and I typically enjoy wearing mascara and lipstick

its not that, the way you write ur ex relationship, its sounded like transactionnal. like you didnt both flirt, like there is no spice. i didnt wanted to say that u were ugly or anything, im sorry if its sounded like that.
Like does this guy want to chase you, to ramdomly kiss you idk. like an ardent desire about you.

but what i'm reading is:

Do you want to be my husband ?
Do you want to have childs ?
Ok let's do it then.
Nah, actually im lazy.

but maybe im wrong, idk my question more like does this guys want proudly say that this girls is my fiancé ? but who givaf u moved on so
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I could totally get that. The whole dating thing is new to me and I guess I’m just learning how to go about it. We absolutely did flirt, and it was actually more him like “ohhh just wait until we have kids” and stuff like that. I’ll now see that as a red flag. That’s why I thought it was totally justified that I was annoyed he couldn’t be considerate enough to text me “hey dad called I’ll brb” because I know 1000% he would have during earlier times. I know that sounds ridiculous to say considering we didn’t date long, but 🤷🏻‍♀️ It’s just a learning experience
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Can you imagine what kind of father he’d be?

“Absent” comes to mind 😵‍💫🥴
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Ladyk924
Posted by Ladyk924
Posted by Ladyk924
Posted by Saturn_Returns

how old are u

Her oscillation from sad and desperate to proud and dismissive is scary.

No lucrative occupation and property portfolio can compensate for a severe lack of mental and emotional maturity.
click to expand

femcell era

The fact it’s been almost a month lol like excuse me for not being upset about it anymore. With time come perspective. Most of the commenters on here are weird and need to learn to be happy in their lives


And are you the one that asked if I’m sexy? I try. I’ve been told I’m beautiful quite a few times through my life. When I say “I try” I mean I enjoy working out, and I typically enjoy wearing mascara and lipstick

its not that, the way you write ur ex relationship, its sounded like transactionnal. like you didnt both flirt, like there is no spice. i didnt wanted to say that u were ugly or anything, im sorry if its sounded like that.
Like does this guy want to chase you, to ramdomly kiss you idk. like an ardent desire about you.

but what i'm reading is:

Do you want to be my husband ?
Do you want to have childs ?
Ok let's do it then.
Nah, actually im lazy.

but maybe im wrong, idk my question more like does this guys want proudly say that this girls is my fiancé ? but who givaf u moved on so
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I could totally get that. The whole dating thing is new to me and I guess I’m just learning how to go about it. We absolutely did flirt, and it was actually more him like “ohhh just wait until we have kids” and stuff like that. I’ll now see that as a red flag. That’s why I thought it was totally justified that I was annoyed he couldn’t be considerate enough to text me “hey dad called I’ll brb” because I know 1000% he would have during earlier times. I know that sounds ridiculous to say considering we didn’t date long, but 🤷🏻‍♀️ It’s just a learning experience
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Can you imagine what kind of father he’d be?
“Absent” comes to mind 😵‍💫🥴
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If not that, stay at home 🤣 nothing wrong with that, but the kind to be like “what’s for dinner?” as soon as I walk through the door from work

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