Posted by geminicandle
What is so boring about him?
While virgos are nice and cool people, I find them insufferably boring too.
Posted by geminicandle
What is so boring about him?
While virgos are nice and cool people, I find them insufferably boring too.
Posted by geminicandle
What is so boring about him?
While virgos are nice and cool people, I find them insufferably boring too.
Posted by geminicandle
Even people with Virgo placements quench my fire and cut my air. Just mundane and boring to death. a little! lol
Posted by geminicandle
This is gonna turn into Virgo bashing thread and we gonna get shit from Virgos! lolllllll
Posted by aressupremePosted by geminicandle
What is so boring about him?
While virgos are nice and cool people, I find them insufferably boring too.
Ditto. I love my Virgo to death, but, geesh. Take a chance for once why don't cha? Work work work and then you die. Let's throw some bar fights, and rollercoasters in there somewhere!click to expand
Posted by firywetair
I am married to this virgo for almost 2 years and already feel like the relationship is dying. I feel so bored with him. What about your experiences aquas?
Posted by lisabethur8Posted by geminicandle
What is so boring about him?
While virgos are nice and cool people, I find them insufferably boring too.
My Gemini step mother in law is married to my Father in law DOUBLE virgo too, for many years.
She finds no boredom with him at all. She's a social butterfly too, but also a homebody as well.
weird dichotomy. She'll go off for a week or two to some country with a bunch of middle age to senior citizen women's club on some bike run. And then come back and be with her hubby. They love eachother through thick and to expand
Posted by firywetairPosted by lisabethur8Posted by geminicandle
What is so boring about him?
While virgos are nice and cool people, I find them insufferably boring too.
My Gemini step mother in law is married to my Father in law DOUBLE virgo too, for many years.
She finds no boredom with him at all. She's a social butterfly too, but also a homebody as well.
weird dichotomy. She'll go off for a week or two to some country with a bunch of middle age to senior citizen women's club on some bike run. And then come back and be with her hubby. They love eachother through thick and thin.
See no doubt he is EXTREMELY CARING something BEYOND ME!..but i do care for him a lot which is why im in a fix about what to do..when i think of the future i see myself rusting in the relationship..i just can't see an interesting life to expand
Posted by xvll27
I think you should leave him alonethis could perhaps kill your boredom the divorce process the court stuff fee etc etc fun thing isn't it
Posted by geminicandle
Yeah lisabethur, I guess I could see it working in that sense. If she does her own thing and still comes back to "safe haven" (him).
Posted by tw1nk1e
I don't find Virgo men boring. They are very interesting to me. But the problem is that it always takes so much nagging for them to do anything!
My Cancer Mars tells me you should just go out and have fun on your own for a couple of weeks and see if he gets the hint.
Posted by krysrenee7
The friendship part of the relationship with Virgos is great b/c the loyalty & intellectual compatibility is def. there!
But when it's time to get the same satisfaction in an emotional way, sometimes things aren't mushy enough.
I'm sure Virgos & other signs have this same problem with us though. When they want us to be all affectionate, passionate & wear our hearts on our sleeves in order for an emotional connection to be strong, sometimes we just won't bend! But it's not b/c we don't love them deeply, just that when we're not in the mood, we're just not lol
I'd imagine that us Aquarians probably confuse Virgos moreso than they confuse us b/c Virgos assume that the serious, intellectual, not really mush persona we are in the beginning is how we'll be throughout the entire relationship, but that's not true.
It's not so much that they change, but moreso that we do. We just didn't realize how boring or non "spicy" things are until we're ready to take the emotional/sexual chemistry to the next level & we see Virgos at a standstill
The advantage of Virgos being content with what they have is that Aquarians don't have to worry about being abandoned or being flaked on
However, the disadvantage sometimes is that like Taurus, some Virgos are so content that they get too comfortable & are almost offended at any kind of requested change in "spice" in the relationship.
Virgos are not as ever-changing & unpredictable as we Aquarians are. Aquarians don't just stay in 1 phase/state of mind/or level of passion throughout. Sometimes we want it all (that passionate sh*t we see in the movies) like Pisces & other times we're just like meh!
The problem is....can Virgo KEEP up when Aquarian is ready for something "different?"
Posted by BeautifulVirgo
Maybe you should talk with him about it. Maybe he's bored too. Ya never know until you talk about it. Also do something to spice it up.
Posted by firebunny
this is not a good reason to divorce! so if boredom is there, try to find ways to spice things up! He's your family now, not a suitor!
Posted by Herself
Being a Virgo and having been with a Virgo for 2 decades... I can say that he was never "boring" but did get in to lifeless routines from time to time, as did I. When I saw this happening I made the effort to change it and he was right on board and honestly up for almost anything (most of the time lol)
There is never a such thing as "we've talked about everything" or "there's nothing left to learn about him" because being together and sharing a life is also about making new memories and things to talk about.
I can't tell you some of the off-beat things I "dragged" him to, only to have him thank me later because he had a good time.
Just give him the nudge.
Posted by JenLove
Umm you're married. Now you two have reached your "highest level of commitment". What's left? I mean just the idea of marriage is boring so what did you expect? lol After several years together people are going to fall into routines and not be the most fun individuals to be around all the time. Your partner is going to become somewhat predictable in certain aspects and guess what so will you! And things will run on a schedule the busier your lives get. Things will get boring sometimes. Marriage is all about consistency, that why it's also referred to as "settling down" settle down! lol I get that of course life shouldn't just get boring after that but, then you need to spice things up. People aren't meant to be your source of entertainment, go bungee jump off a bridge together or go find a damn hobby lol Don't just blame it all on your Virgo, find some new and interesting things to do and hope that he'll be interested!
Posted by KingVirgo
Maybe it's not the virgo, maybe it's you and you finally realize virgo's don't do it for you.
Posted by cheekyfaeriePosted by firywetairPosted by KingVirgo
Maybe it's not the virgo, maybe it's you and you finally realize virgo's don't do it for you.
None of the guys i've been with ever thought fact they had just the opposite view..and im too changeable to be boring..the fact that he doesn't feel bored with me and wants to stay with me is proof that im not the one who is boring!
No. It proves he's not the one who's to expand
Posted by cheekyfaeriePosted by firywetairPosted by cheekyfaeriePosted by firywetairPosted by KingVirgo
Maybe it's not the virgo, maybe it's you and you finally realize virgo's don't do it for you.
None of the guys i've been with ever thought fact they had just the opposite view..and im too changeable to be boring..the fact that he doesn't feel bored with me and wants to stay with me is proof that im not the one who is boring!
No. It proves he's not the one who's selfish.
Its easy to pass judgments about others when you hardly know them and have hardly been into their shoes!
You're on here slagging him off. You said before that you've gotten to the point (after 2 whole years) that you don't think it's worth trying anymore. Seems to me you're not here for advice as much as you are looking for someone to tell you it's ok to give up.
If that's what you wanna do, great. Sounds like you've already made up your mind. I'm divorced too. Shit happens. Doesn't change the fact you sound like a brat in this to expand
Posted by cheekyfaerie
You're on here slagging him off. You said before that you've gotten to the point (after 2 whole years) that you don't think it's worth trying anymore. Seems to me you're not here for advice as much as you are looking for someone to tell you it's ok to give up.
If that's what you wanna do, great. Sounds like you've already made up your mind. I'm divorced too. Shit happens. Doesn't change the fact you sound like a brat in this thread.
Posted by cheekyfaeriePosted by firywetairPosted by cheekyfaerie
You're on here slagging him off. You said before that you've gotten to the point (after 2 whole years) that you don't think it's worth trying anymore. Seems to me you're not here for advice as much as you are looking for someone to tell you it's ok to give up.
If that's what you wanna do, great. Sounds like you've already made up your mind. I'm divorced too. Shit happens. Doesn't change the fact you sound like a brat in this thread.
Oh, you're divorced. No wonder there are hypocrites around!
"Its easy to pass judgments about others when you hardly know them and have hardly been into their shoes!"
I said i'm bowing out. Don't push to expand
Posted by feby16aqua
I was referring to engaging in arguing with people here as opposed to answering my questions
I am empathetic dammit!
Ok so if you are looking for an astrological perspective, then I suggest that you post both of your charts. There are some really astrologically wise people here including Elle who can give you that.
Posted by ellessque
I don't feel real inspired to come back to this thread. Seems she already made up her mind that we are all a bunch of unempathetic, judgemental beeps!
I do wish the virgo the very best of luck, though!!
Posted by cheekyfaeriePosted by firywetairPosted by cheekyfaeriePosted by firywetairPosted by cheekyfaerie
You're on here slagging him off. You said before that you've gotten to the point (after 2 whole years) that you don't think it's worth trying anymore. Seems to me you're not here for advice as much as you are looking for someone to tell you it's ok to give up.
If that's what you wanna do, great. Sounds like you've already made up your mind. I'm divorced too. Shit happens. Doesn't change the fact you sound like a brat in this thread.
Oh, you're divorced. No wonder there are hypocrites around!
"Its easy to pass judgments about others when you hardly know them and have hardly been into their shoes!"
I said i'm bowing out. Don't push it.
See thats how it exactly feels when someone judges you..Got it now. Good.
Nope. I'm not the one airing my dirty laundry for all to see. I just called a spade a spade.
Like Elle said, good luck to the Virgo. For the sake of argument there is to expand
Posted by tiziani
I thought the point of a marriage is to take risks and be real, in what seems like the most boring moments.
Real talk:"hey, I have no idea what we're doing and I'm actually bored. Are you bored, too?"
Playing it safe: relationship:"Yeah having a great time, can't believe it's been two years already. Pics of our last holiday" Next year - divorce.
It's the little things, I think.
Also Aquarius = fixed. Virgo = mutable.
Posted by firywetairPosted by cheekyfaerie
I'm a very open minded person. There's a lotta grey in life. What i don't know is why you're here. Best i can tell it's to be argumentative.
R u telling me i am clapping with one hand..funny that is! anyways take my advice or leave to expand
Posted by firywetair
Posted by tiziani
Funny thing is i wanted stability, family and children with this person when i decided to marry him..and that was some years back..have i
Posted by truecapPosted by firywetair
Posted by tiziani
Funny thing is i wanted stability, family and children with this person when i decided to marry him..and that was some years back..have i
Think about this: If you divorce him, you'll quickly find out the single scene is not all its cracked up to be and before long you're going to be looking for a man who will give you.....guess what....."stability, family, children" and love, dependability, financial security, intellect, and status.
I hope you're not back here complaining "there aren't any good men out there"....
Really. Come on. Think about it. You're better off working on spicing things up, throwing some new adventures into the marriage and creating some fun situations. Why does he have to do all the work? It sounds like you've got a good man....try appreciating to expand
Posted by tizianiPosted by firywetair
I get exactly what ur telling..i guess thats the phase i am at too..
If you can trust him with that feeling and talk about it and if he can listen and understand, then you have yourselves a marriage, I guess. No relationship ever turns out how "it's meant to be" and that's the good thing about it. It's never predictable.
What you're challenged to do is never immediately obvious unless you give it time to really see where you both to expand
Posted by aquapiscescusp
I went out with a Virgo, he bored me to death. I broke up with him 3 times.
Posted by firywetairPosted by aquapiscescusp
I went out with a Virgo, he bored me to death. I broke up with him 3 times.
I had read about all those compatiblity between aqua n virgo saying things like it can be best or worst. i din't bother and chose to accept the best part and ignore the worst part since i valued our relation more than that. but now what i read seems more true than not since whats happening between us is just extremes of good and bad. the good part is the best and bad part is the worst. its a roller coaster!click to expand
Posted by firebunny
The thing is, you're already married with him. You have to focus on your long-term commitment rather than complain about these "worst" parts. There's a way to handle these things. The way I handle these is to reflect and ponder upon it deeply. Analyze the situations and try to understand things more. It's not that you have no choice but it's just that divorcing is just a bad choice...