Interesting One, ive known some "Toughie's" from both signs.
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Feb 22, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2787 · Topics: 83
I'd say they're equivalent but different. Capricorns at times are pessimistic but perserverant, while Aries are optimistic or simply defiant towards the odds, and willing to take risks for the payoff.
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Dec 24, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1132 · Topics: 9
I would have to answer this within a Gendered analogy Aries man is tougher than Capricorn bekorsk the Aries man is aligned within his Masculine polarity (Masculine = Tough) plain and simple, Capricorn man is not completely aligned with his sign, no perfection, he is a man born in a Feminine sign (if a Capricorn man is tough then its a toughness inherent within a separate platitude)but Aries is a Masculine sign! which uh again kind of distorts the Gendered identity of Aries females cos Aries females born under this sign are essentially masculinized since wekk Aries is a masculine sign. Capricorn is something of a mixed bag (besides sharing the Cardinal vibe) in that Saturn itself is masculine but Capricorn women are mostly aligned within the Feminine sign polarity. So you might consider that brittle, timid, inhibited, stingy Capricorn might be more enduring but Aries ruled by red hot and egotistical Mars is mentally tougher. In the esoterical sense you might deduce that what is Masculine is tough > certainly what is "mentally tough" is mostly Masculine aggression while what is feminine is just more enduring that;'s all.
this is funny because I knew this Capricorn girl that always challenged me, and we would always constantly challenge each other to no ends, but if I did something daredevil, or stepped over the line a little bit, she would back up all the way. I guess in my mind, if I really wanted to, I can push fear into the far back of my mind and just do it without fear. My capricorn friend can only go so far until she chickens out. I would have to agree with Joe Stickler, It's just what it is, Aries are Masculine and Capricorns are Feminine, thats all.
all business...those caps, but i do wish i could finish things like they can
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Feb 08, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 178 · Topics: 12
Mentally Tougher...
Speaking from experience hehehe
Its Pretty even - Aries are fiery and strong, Caps are Calm and strong
I honestly think theyre evenly matched.
I have Great Admiration for the Arian Traits
Just a shame I never seem to get on with them (sigh)
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Mar 13, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 600 · Topics: 17
"im bored this rant sucks.later,"
I can atleast agree to that butterman! lol.
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Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
eric your a fuckin twat,go do something
LOL! I think you've just answered the thread's original question.
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Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
Umm, coverdinscars ...
I could understand anything you were trying to say ... or type I should say lol!!!
I tried but my goodness ...
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Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
could = couldn't
LOL!!! sorry. Well, you know what I meant. My post was in english dude.
Its Aries first Capricorn last but stronger and fuller.
Capricorn will crush all you signs if they kept their thoughts to themselves. But this willing ness to share their thoughts and their findings they/ we think is a strength but it only opens you up to attack. IE "I'm bored this rant sucks" Or "Boring" or Laughter or anything to hurt you. Capricorns response should always be genuine laughter in this case and never give it another thought. But we don't because of our high horse. Relax in the moment cappys, and slay those dragons calmly and claim your rightful place on the throne, you worked for it.
You know just internalize and lead the fools with action... then well see who is best. And I can feel Aries anger rising Sag has already hit the books to catch up and topple...etc, but its too late. Were the sexiest if we let go. Were the smartest if we stand up and were the best if we let you have it. The emotions who feels deeper, who truly knows you? who will take care of you? who will make the ultimate sacrifice for you? Who loves you? Who deserves it more. Your right once cap aligns if they ever do? Stand back, and watch. Independece day!