Posted by aries.goddess
this is funny because I knew this Capricorn girl that always challenged me, and we would always constantly challenge each other to no ends, but if I did something daredevil, or stepped over the line a little bit, she would back up all the way. I guess in my mind, if I really wanted to, I can push fear into the far back of my mind and just do it without fear. My capricorn friend can only go so far until she chickens out. I would have to agree with Joe Stickler, It's just what it is, Aries are Masculine and Capricorns are Feminine, thats all.
Posted by Joe Stickler
I would have to answer this within a Gendered analogy Aries man is tougher than Capricorn bekorsk the Aries man is aligned within his Masculine polarity (Masculine = Tough) plain and simple, Capricorn man is not completely aligned with his sign, no perfection, he is a man born in a Feminine sign (if a Capricorn man is tough then its a toughness inherent within a separate platitude)but Aries is a Masculine sign! which uh again kind of distorts the Gendered identity of Aries females cos Aries females born under this sign are essentially masculinized since wekk Aries is a masculine sign. Capricorn is something of a mixed bag (besides sharing the Cardinal vibe) in that Saturn itself is masculine but Capricorn women are mostly aligned within the Feminine sign polarity. So you might consider that brittle, timid, inhibited, stingy Capricorn might be more enduring but Aries ruled by red hot and egotistical Mars is mentally tougher. In the esoterical sense you might deduce that what is Masculine is tough > certainly what is "mentally tough" is mostly Masculine aggression while what is feminine is just more enduring that;'s all.
Posted by aries.goddess
this is funny because I knew this Capricorn girl that always challenged me, and we would always constantly challenge each other to no ends, but if I did something daredevil, or stepped over the line a little bit, she would back up all the way. I guess in my mind, if I really wanted to, I can push fear into the far back of my mind and just do it without fear. My capricorn friend can only go so far until she chickens out. I would have to agree with Joe Stickler, It's just what it is, Aries are Masculine and Capricorns are Feminine, thats all.
Posted by coverdinscars
try to tell me how in the hell someones brain can have more "power" in it and "endurance" in it because they were born around christmass time, and i will tell them how full of shit they are.
like what are they going to do with this "tough brain"?.......... be better at working long hours? be better at math? or be better at being douche bags that victimize and manipulte people? can they lift things with there minds?
what is this "toughness" that you even speak of?..........what exactly do you got to do to be tough? break a brick with your head? does a beer bottle count?
i would like to think i was tough.but i would never want to be a "tough guy asshole" it would be better to be honest.
"mentaly tougher" ......that sounds kind of like some bullshit abstract idea more than a real thing.i dont like it.i geuse though if they were handing them out i would take one over a weak one ,but it still sounds like bullshit.
how about dence or thick headed or stuborn now there is something i can relate to,and i recon its hard to break a rock.
Posted by GCurve
You know just internalize and lead the fools with action... then well see who is best. And I can feel Aries anger rising Sag has already hit the books to catch up and topple...etc, but its too late. Were the sexiest if we let go. Were the smartest if we stand up and were the best if we let you have it. The emotions who feels deeper, who truly knows you? who will take care of you? who will make the ultimate sacrifice for you? Who loves you? Who deserves it more. Your right once cap aligns if they ever do? Stand back, and watch. Independece day!
Posted by coverdinscars
what,, that? ......that aint nothing.
i aint that flusterd,"mental tougness" or realy any kind of toughness dont happen sitting on your ass in front of a computer screan.
OOOOOOOOooooo you got me,just a stupid ram banging his head against the wiser and skillfull capricorn ,,,,come on now,this aint shit.....this aint no kind of rise out of me,...i will slap go through the fucking roof,things will go flying.foam and spit will come out of my mouth,tears from my eyes,loud noises ,shaking,its ugly but,,,still it wont last,and ill be cool and ready for whatever soon after,and some kind of real genuine angry break down like that shure as hell wont be spawnd from no bull shit from no piss ants ,,,it will be from someone i love or because of my mistakes.
trickery dont do it,pain wont do it,hard times wont do it,,,,and what ever the hell winds up doing it anyway,, it wont last,
this aint got nothing on 10 hours of direct sunlight ,working on compleat bullshit standing on your head,and every thing is a total pain in the ass ,,,jumping from one disaster to the next,dealing with compleat dip shits, half the time that dont know shit and wont listen,........and fealing just fine about debt up to your neck and under sexed and i aint even killed anyone today.and feal kind of happy despite this aching freaking knee and sore feet,and to tired to feed my self, is good, the internet aint shit but intertainment,the internet is sort of like a movie you dont have to return and a book you dont have to finish,its good intertainment,,,,but it has never taken much mental toughness to navigate through it.
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