am i the only cancer who feels this way

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by cancerpersonality on Sunday, December 23, 2012 and has 25 replies.
My worries over petty stuff causes me to stress & overthink EVERYTHING!!! Sometimes causing a panick attack Smh.. I stress til the problem is solved.. I swear I hate feeling like that I feel dumb for worrying but I can't stop lol any ideas on what I can do at these times to calm down?
My worries over petty stuff causes me to stress & overthink EVERYTHING!!! Sometimes causing a panick attack Smh.. I stress til the problem is solved.. I swear I hate feeling like that I feel dumb for worrying but I can't stop lol any ideas on what I can do at these times to calm down?
I try to break the situation down but instead I jump to conclusion and I'm very impatient lol.. but I think I can try and walk through my problems instead of run through them lol.. cuz I get tired of stressing and losing sleep behind little things.. I hate that I let little things get to me
Try changing your focus. Is there a hobby you like?
I throw myself into creating crafts to keep my mind busy.
I draw, dance, & design
Posted by cancerpersonality
I try to break the situation down but instead I jump to conclusion and I'm very impatient lol.. but I think I can try and walk through my problems instead of run through them lol.. cuz I get tired of stressing and losing sleep behind little things.. I hate that I let little things get to me

i can relate, used to be like this ALOT, learned to tone it down through the years by getting to know myself. darn cancer emotions! have you ever heard of EFT? that is a great tool to discharge negative emotions, it's worked alot for me to calm me down so i can 'think' logically rather than 'feel' out of control. i also read alot of self help books
Never heard of EFT .. what is it & how does it work? @cancer12
@claro de Luna I don't worry about everything but I do tend to kind of dwell in the past & I want things to happen when I think they should happen lol could that be the possible problem for me ?
by the way Merry Christmas
Yes lol im just learning to let go of an ex & when im finally feelin better he pops up (last night).. idk why i worry but i just wanna distance myself from the whole situation ..i think the change that has happened over this period of months is what caused my anxiety .im not to fond of change or patience
EFT stands Emotional Freedom Technique. It works by releasing 'stuck' emotional energy so that your energy flow is's clears all that emotional jumble so that you are better able to think clearly.
It is not something you need to believe in for it to work. it is pure science and some common sense and helps u to understand how ur being works.
It's so easy and simple. when i discovered it, i was in emotional hell and was overwhelmed so i basically just did what the video said, i did it quite a few times and used the 1-10 scale for specific things that were cause me emotional turmoil. it is so versatile that you can use it to release old hurts and pains, i'm talking about childhood shit that thought u forgot. it's crazy.
what i love about it is that it's real and soooo simple u'll think what if it's crap. but let me give u a tip, what is vital is that when u are tapping, you must make sure u the words u use REFELCT WHAT YOU ***FEEL*** - but ur a cancer so this shud be easy for u.
check this link out below, it an EFT therapist Judy Byrne showing how to do it. this is the exact video that i learned from. if u have further questions, PM me i'll be glad to help - trust me i know all about that cancer emotional rollercoaster, i'm glad i found this tool i'm much more in control.

check out her other vids on youtube, i find she explained it well
Thank you I'm definitely going to check it out.. I do not want to go into 2013 stressing over petty b.s. or over irrelevant People ") ... I will give you an update!
Posted by cancerpersonality
Yes lol im just learning to let go of an ex & when im finally feelin better he pops up (last night).. idk why i worry but i just wanna distance myself from the whole situation ..i think the change that has happened over this period of months is what caused my anxiety .im not to fond of change or patience

breakups are so overwhelming. Sometimes a physical distancing works wonders. Maybe long weekend drives or mini trips may help.
AND setting boundaries with the EX....make it clear that you need time to recover and heal from the changes.
Yes I am Goin to watch the video tonight (: & I just feel so much better now that this is all out in the open.. & I'm ready to move on from him for Good!! Lol
Just finished watching the video & It's an amazing technique better eye opening (: .. I know it won't work in just a day but I am Goin to do this everyday! Thank you @cancer12 for putting me on to this ritual
UPDATE! I feel so so at ease (: haven't felt this way in a long time. the more I do it the more calm I get thanks again for the reference ! I'm starting to feel so confident in the tasks I have been wanting to take on.
Posted by cancerpersonality
Just finished watching the video & It's an amazing technique better eye opening (: .. I know it won't work in just a day but I am Goin to do this everyday! Thank you @cancer12 for putting me on to this ritual

You would be surprised just how much it CAN work in just one day of tapping! You are absolutely welcomed!! It is a great tool, keep doing it and you will find yourself pleasantly surprised and relieved that you can be in control. I'm glad to have shared this with you. I use it for everything!
Posted by cancerpersonality
UPDATE! I feel so so at ease (: haven't felt this way in a long time. the more I do it the more calm I get thanks again for the reference ! I'm starting to feel so confident in the tasks I have been wanting to take on.

+100 smile
Posted by cancerpersonality
Thank you I'm definitely going to check it out.. I do not want to go into 2013 stressing over petty b.s. or over irrelevant People ") ... I will give you an update!
in the situation AkA you have an attention disorder. You literally lack the attention so you seek and create situations so you can feed off the attention of others. So in a nutshell you are that person that says I am sick, you will have the flu as well by the end of the day, like a hypochondriac. You dont live your own life, the world lives it for you. So the way you control it you create crutches. And when you indirectly choose a path of destruction the sad part is you were the only construction worker.
Don't ever "Think" You over-analyze your emotions, its not healthy your only hurting yourself. I am only interpreting and reading between the lines in between and indirectly what your trying to say. But to do justice for you would be to control and direct your own emotions let alone let the worlds roller coasters guide how you feel...In the end will only show that you live a fake existence. I dont wake up in the morning and pick how I feel. You can restart your days as many times as you want but in the end no matter what the smallest things can change and redirect your emotions at any time . You cant cease time and you cant stop death, or choose the weather. So what gives you the inclination that you can choose your own emotions and having a panic or anxiety attack. Its sad but true you will never play the piano if you dont stop beating on the drums. Piano is a smoothing symphony of rhythm while with the drums there is no rhythm you choose the beat of the drum. Its sadder then a Sunday of rain and clouds, but more depressing then the fact that since the day we were born were going to die, open your eyes. Choose to live not emotionally dwindle away by your own choices.
I don't look down on any emotional expression. Emotions goes in and out like the tides, highs and lows. When you put thought behind emotions you lose the ability to cast sail and make your own direction in life. If your just bummed out that your relationship ended, that is no reason to have a panic attack over. The relationship was "MEANT" To end... As you say irrelevant people. Like from a Rascal Flatt's song -
Every long lost dream led me to where you are
Others who broke my heart they were like Northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you
Update! I feel so Good 2nd day in the new year & I'm detaching myself from him ^_^ He texted me yesterday & I just ignored it! Sounds pretty cheesy but I feel Good to start off 2013 right!
aqua, how do you find these old ass posts? smile
@Kim30 i'm wondering the same thing LOL. This shyt is from 2012!. I do remember aquavita saying she was obessed with us Cancers Big Grin. I guess it's true
But aquavita is kool people tho, so hard feelings
I adore her!
I am the exact same way... I usually deal with it by cleaning, cooking, and jogging... keep your hands busy... even why watching TV I knit...a diary might help as well it's done we worlds of good