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Oct 12, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1121 · Topics: 38
Ok with all the Cancer/Taurus love matches I had to start a thread to get a count of all Cancer/Taurus relationships. Also with the holidays coming up everyone can share what their plans or and gift ideas or any questions/suggestions one may have reguarding a Taurus or Cancer. Also include how long you've been dancing with your Cancer/Taurus.
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Oct 12, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1121 · Topics: 38
Me and my Bull couple #1
I hope for the holidays he is planning to pop the question. It'll be 2 yrs since we've known each other in Dec. I have already picked out a wedding dress, wedding song, and a wedding planner lol. He just bought a new home so I'm thinking why buy a new home if you aren't thinking future (wife/kids). He had a nice 3 story condo so I think its something to this move. Bulls usually don't like changing things too much. They get comfortable and stay put. A ring is what I want for x-mas and to start 2008 as his fiance. My gift to him is a burberry button up. Actually I already have it gift wrapped and ready to go. You have to order burberry early or its a good chance they'll be sold out of whatever it is you're looking for. I have a card for him as well. This is what is says:
A lot of guys out there think they're men because they act tough and talk rough.
Real men know that wisdom is true strength, that gentleness is virtue...
A lot of guys brag.
Real men don't have to. Their actions speak louder than words.
A lot of guys blame anyone and everything for what doesn't go their way.
Real men accept life's challenges and use them to grow...
How do I know all this? Because I have watched YOU and I see how a good man, a real man, leads a good life.
Just sweet isn't it? I know I love the card, once I read it I knew it was the perfect one.
Me and My Cancer guy Couple #2
We will be together for 1 year in December. I am planning to buy him a big flat screen TV that he has been talking about all year or treat him to a romantic trip to the Bahamas. I am not sure what to expect from him... but I am hoping that it is something that symbolizes how much I mean to him.
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Oct 12, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1121 · Topics: 38
I would say get the flat screen TV let him take you on a romantic get away. Plus he must really want it to be talking about it all yr.
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Jul 17, 2007Comments: 7 · Posts: 2275 · Topics: 58
Blah Cancer/Taurus #3
We've known one another coming up on a year in December, been dating for just 6 months. I honestly havent really been thinking about Christmas gifts because Im just now really figuring out what he needs from me. His opening up to me and allowing us to be close again has really meant a lot to me more than any material thing he could get me. I guess I could ask him what he wants, but knowing him he would say "nothing" and expect something extraordinary. I was thinking of getting him some Bapes gear (he LOVES it) or something real personal and simple from the heart, maybe a handwritten book of poetry on stationary tied with ribbon or a collection of sketches from my heart to my pencil to him. I've always wanted someone who could see the value in irreplaceable gifts like that. He might hate them, but I'd take the chance to find out. What I'd love from him is a book of those love coupons where you can trade them in for an act of service or quality time....maybe that would be a good gift to him too...I dont know. I've kinda calmed down on thinking about the long term of the relationship, who knows we might not even care what the other wants by the time Christmas gets here.
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Jul 17, 2007Comments: 7 · Posts: 2275 · Topics: 58
Those are all wonderful gift ideas too ladies. The card is really sweet.
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May 25, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 4843 · Topics: 30
I think you should go with the personal gift from the heart - that's exactly the kind of thing cancer's love
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Oct 12, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1121 · Topics: 38
I agree and whats up with #1-3 couples anniversary date being in Dec? Did anyone else notice that? Thanks SF the card says exactly how I feel about him from the 1st day we met until now and that pic of you is too cute! Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 297 · Topics: 19
Gimme a for gifts huh all i want is to see u nekkid,he he he he. Taurus women are such a turn u all are gifts.
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Apr 13, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 297 · Topics: 19
I mean to see turn on ,but dxp gods keep messin up my words,dammmn u dxp gods dammmnn uuuu,lol.
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Apr 13, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 297 · Topics: 19
*say see what i mean,lol
Flat screen TV?? What is the world coming to?
A flat screen is the last thing i'd want for a gift. Just take us out to dinner, tell us you love us and that your life wouldn't be the same without us.. thats ALL you have to do.
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Oct 12, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1121 · Topics: 38
He has been saying that he wants the flat screen so if she gives him that for her gift that will let him know that she has been paying attention to him not to mention he really wants it but haven't gotton it so I'm sure he'd be thrilled to recieve it from her.
Must really care about TV then..
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Jul 17, 2007Comments: 7 · Posts: 2275 · Topics: 58
lol thats not me! but she does look like me. That's my crazy little neice. She's a gorgeous Leo woman in the making, and boy is she something fierce.
hmmm, so let me get this straight...just take him to dinner and then get naked?
He was really impressed with the first piece of art I did for him, I could tell it really touched him so I would do that again....maybe I should just do a couple illustrated poems...I want to give him something he can keep and hold.
Meaningful & practical > expensive & useless
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Mar 11, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2077 · Topics: 6
Cancer Lady that is a beautiful card. You know how to hit home don't you with a man don't know? That was very, very, touching.
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Oct 12, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1121 · Topics: 38
Awwww thanks Krobe! I try to do what I can to bring joy and happiness to people especially those I care about.
CL I did notice that we all had December Anniversaries. LOL thats cool! I actually walked up to him at our office Christmas Party and we flirted and hung out that whole night. BTW your card is really nice and I know ur guy will like that alot... he will appreciate your expression of love to him shown in a creative way.
SRG... like CL said... my guy will love the fact that i was paying attention to him... he is really into electronics and he has a plasma now but he wants a 52 inch to put up on his wall... he has just talking about it alot and everytime we watch TV he'd be like "Man imagine if this was my big a** flat screen. You know how bad I want that TV?" So I am gonna do everything to get that for him. Besides we go to dinner almost every night and I tell him I love him everyday. Like CL says... for the person u love u'd do ur all to make them happy. I can just see his face when he opens his gift on Christmas Morning 
I'm not disagreeing.. just that from my POV - i'd rather not get any material gifts at all.
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Oct 12, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1121 · Topics: 38
I wanted to let you'll know that there is a celeb Taurus/Cancer couple. Jessica Simpson and Tony Romo of the Dallas Cowboys. I am so glad she gave him a chance because he has liked her ever since he heard her name and seen her face. They spent Thanksgiving day after together because they had a game on Thanksgiving day but yep I'm happy for them.
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Jul 17, 2007Comments: 7 · Posts: 2275 · Topics: 58
Cool, I didnt know they were a cancer/taurus duo. I wonder if there are any other celebrity duos. That would be interesting to research.
I asked my cancer what he wanted for christmas, he joked and said his two front teeth so I told him I would gladly knock them out and hand them to him. I told him I really wanted a kitten and he said he would get me one, he doesnt know where from, but he would get me one. And it's simple but he has pets so he knows how meaningful it would be.
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Oct 12, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1121 · Topics: 38
Yes Crabs love animals and people who share that love. When I saw that my bull had cats I was so happy because I love cats and its very rare that you find men who like them.
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May 25, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 4843 · Topics: 30
don't know who megan fox is but apparently she's a taurus with a cancer man. I think someone said she was in transformers.
my cancer best friend is married to a taurus.
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Jul 17, 2007Comments: 7 · Posts: 2275 · Topics: 58
yeah she was the girly in Transformers, pretty girl really.
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May 25, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 4843 · Topics: 30
don't know who the guy is - just heard someone say she had herself a cancer man
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Jul 17, 2007Comments: 7 · Posts: 2275 · Topics: 58
Cool enough, lucky her.
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May 25, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 4843 · Topics: 30
it's not a romantic relationship - but Tobey Keith is a cancer and Willie Nelson is a taurus and they are very close friends
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Oct 12, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1121 · Topics: 38
Tom Cruise and Pinelope Cruise was a Cancer/Taurus duo But pinelope(Taurus) broke up with Tom (Cancer). That was weird they both had the same last name.
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May 25, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 4843 · Topics: 30
well Tom Cruise isn't his real name - I forget what it is.... but anyway he's "off the deep end"......... a abd example of a cancer man gone horribly wrong.......
he's someone that took the negatives of the cancerian personality to an extreme
Angel..totally agree with you about Tom Cruise!
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Oct 12, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1121 · Topics: 38
I didn't know that wasn't his real name. Hummmm you learn something new everyday but yep angel you're right about him lol.
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May 25, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 4843 · Topics: 30
I'm a taurus....I'm always right :0)
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Oct 12, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1121 · Topics: 38
No Cancer's are always right then come Taurus. If Taurus wasn't so stubborn then you could say Taurus are always right but being that Taurus people are stubborn it holds them back from from learning the right when they are wrong.
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May 25, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 4843 · Topics: 30
no no no :0p
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Oct 12, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1121 · Topics: 38
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Jul 17, 2007Comments: 7 · Posts: 2275 · Topics: 58
lol Angel & CL, yall are both wrong! Both Cancers and Taurus are right, except we often see things a different way and when we look at things from the other persons point of view and drop a little of the pride stuff we can agree that both folks are right.
lol That happened with my cancer and I yesterday. We were talking about divorce and spousal support and he was saying he expects a woman that's been married to a man over 20 years if they had kids, to feel entitled to the support and take full advantage of the court system to get it. I was saying that I wouldnt put myself in the situation where I had to take advantage of someone else's income and depending on the ages of the children all I would need was child support. And he was like "of course you wouldnt put yourself in that situation, you're too smart for that, but imagine if you WERE in that would do the same thing. And I had to admit that if I ever got myself in that situation I probably would do exactly what he said.
And Tom, in my opinion, didnt take all the negatives of Cancer personality, I rather admire him. He's just a Cancer with a Leo moon....very emotional and giving, yet horribly in "love" with himself. He thrives off of people that realize he's a wonderful as he believes he is. Penelope was probably a Taurus with a Taurus Moon or a Taurus with a Leo Moon...between the 2 of them there's too much self love to give the other the almost absurd amount of attention they crave.
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Oct 12, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1121 · Topics: 38
Hummm interesting SF I guess that why Tom and Kat are doing well because I know for a fact that she has always been head over heels in love with him so they should last forever.
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Jul 17, 2007Comments: 7 · Posts: 2275 · Topics: 58
definitely. You can tell she has a reverence and respect for him. Dont know if its adoration or naivety, but it does seem to be working really well for them. I know that has a lot to do with how things are working with my cancer and I. Ss soon as I started showing him how much I adore him he really opened up and showed a some tenderness and vulnerability. Their daughter is gorgeous.
What are some of the complexities of Cancer/Taurus relationship? Obviously some tendency to be stubborn, and the HUGE need for security...and cant forget to mention the wonderful umm physical side of the relationship. Are their any other "thematic" dynamics that yall notice?
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May 25, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 4843 · Topics: 30
tenderness, devotion, hoonesty, loyalty, family, sympathy, understanding, support............ it keeps going.....
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Apr 13, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 297 · Topics: 19
Yeah we right... but yes da emotional part gets in da way at times. Megan fooxxxxx hooottttt!!! dem eyes and wooo dat taurus walk. Sweetest and angel yall know da taurus walk,mmmmmmmm. Xangel u , me ,sweetest fatale and cheescake,mmmmmmmm. And dis new busta ryhmes song stuck in my head ..step up step up and sped up the beat and i htink i gonna send it to da djs on da radio stations.
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May 25, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 4843 · Topics: 30
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May 25, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 4843 · Topics: 30
hey - BK what's your moon sign?
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Apr 13, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 297 · Topics: 19
yo dat freaky me and my taurus hunny was talking about divorce and what would happen. Mannnnnnn dat is freaky umm i scared to ask though ,when did you all talk about that divorce thing if it is da same day me and my baby talked then all i can say is that it was taurus/cancer divorce day
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Apr 13, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 297 · Topics: 19
moon sign how do u chk ur moon sign i know imma cancer to da bone,lol.WOOPs crabs have no bone just an exoskeleton.
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May 25, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 4843 · Topics: 30
what's your birthday?
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Apr 13, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 297 · Topics: 19
12th July
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May 25, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 4843 · Topics: 30
1980 right? what time?
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Jul 17, 2007Comments: 7 · Posts: 2275 · Topics: 58
We were talking about divorce Tuesday morning.
Hayyyyyy BK. I do LOVE cheesecake. And the walk has caused problems lol.