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Nov 27, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 785 · Topics: 80
lol i ahve a question lol why do guys cum fast.
lol just wondering becuase i was told by my friend: " i dont understand, i always finish afst with u, and with other girls i cna go for hours. i dont understand it."
so... any suggestions?
uh, please don't tell me you're still seeing this dude.
he could be saying that because he's lying and he doesn't want to seem like he's a totally crappy lover. he could just be a two pump chump.. it takes experience to stay longer. as for you specifically? who knows? it could just be a physical thing, it could be that he's comfortable with you.. but i think it's more that he's just making up excuses.
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Nov 27, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 785 · Topics: 80
me n the bf broke up.. i thought it wasnt fair to him ne more.. and i didnt nwat to continue this behind his back.. i didnt tell him ne thing.. but we got itno a fight and he said that he didnt deserve this.. n im like , ur right u dont.... and so we agreed to be seperated for ahwile.
as for cancer.. i told him not to quetsion me no more, i toldhim not to tell me the " nothing will ever ahppen with us" speech no more.. and i told him if hes gunna tell me he doenst liek the wya i kiss then he should tell me why and tlel me how to improve, which he did.
so far so good.
he shared with me how everything fucks up for him, how his life is shit.. how ntothign ever goes right.....i listened.. then he had to go.
i think i am gettin to kno how to handle him alot better..... hopefully he will see that i dont wnat to fight iwth him..... and hopeuflly he will learn to open up more iwth me.
LLT, sorry could you explain in simpler terms what the problem is? I didn't quite understand what you wrote?
it's pretty much like this:
llt: is it in yet?
him: omg i'm done!
llt: ...
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Nov 27, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 785 · Topics: 80
haha yeah... its a dumb question really.. a pretty graphic one aswell.... basiclaly he told me whenever we have sex he cums really fast, but thats only with me, and he doenst understand why he can go on longer iwth other girls... and he cnat go long with me... so my question was.... why do u think that is?
i dunno how else to explain it lol
Oh I see, then I have to concur with fiddlesticks. Probably said it to boost his ego. If he sees that you don't mind hearing stuff like that then he'll probably keep saying it. I'd beat the shit out of the person if I ever heard something like that. It's not your fault he's got problems south of the border so why keep getting insulted like this?? Just dump the loser and don't give him the satisfaction. You're only showing weakness by continuing this.. show no pity and no mercy.
LLT, just because that guy has low-self esteem and a limp dick doesn't mean you should write off us crabs altogether.. not all of us are like that.
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Nov 27, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 785 · Topics: 80
ohh, lol i am not at all offended by it.... in a way i take it as a compliment lol haha if that makes any sense
I know what you're saying but if after all that you still like this guy.. there must be something you're leaving out..
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Nov 27, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 785 · Topics: 80
REALLY? lol.... nope... not really leaving out anything.. we grew up together if that helps alittle lol.
Don't you get that he's just leading you on? There are no other girls.. it's all a stupid game. If this hasn't convinced you I don't know what will. Good luck with this guy..
well, what did you expect we would say? There's no scientific explanation for it, the guys a loser.. end of story.
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Aug 19, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 800 · Topics: 31
"i dissapoint u all dont i"
Well yes, but it must be because we kinda care.
post his picture so we can at least see if he's worth the effort and frustration
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Aug 19, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 800 · Topics: 31
He wouldn't be worth it no matter what he looks like... pffft not even shit in bed..??