The Libra in me wants to shut out on my Cappy...

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by beelibra on Thursday, March 21, 2013 and has 29 replies.
We've been dating for about 2 months now. Not "official" just exclusively seeing one another. Ahhh. Its so tough! I just cant wrap my head around my Capricorn man. He's so hot and cold...I can't read him! Which me being a Libra, I am VERY intuitive, and reading people tends to be one of the things that comes easiest to me. Sometimes he'll push himself away. He wont text me back as quickly, he will talk less to me, be shorter. I've seen he has trust issues because I've worded things wrongly before and he got immediately into defense mode and accused me of being shady. Later apologized when he realized that he was in the wrong and he felt bad. So I see I need to prove loyalty to him, but its hard when hes so closed up and up and down. I feel like the only thing I can do is continue to be myself. But I'm not one that likes to chase. He came to me wanting to know me and complimenting me, now Im chasing? Sometimes when hes short, Ill get bitter and want to do the same thing in return. But those are games, and I know I cant do that because he wont care! Then I feel if Im still the same peppy self, Im kissing ass and making him think Im a doormat. I just don't know what to do! Im in need of some advice! Thanks All!
I think if you're already thinking you can't deal with him after only 2 months, it's pretty clear he's just not right for you.
Yep. Thats what the cap males typically do. All I can do is verify that that is common behavior after reading repeated threads about this same type of cap male behavior.
I have been told or read threads that have said:
Be PATIENT (I've lost patience with trying that, several times, lol)
Give him space (damn how much treetrunking space do you need before I am a passing memory?)
He is "processing" (I wish I could install more RAM and a dual processor in him or something)
Busy with work (yeah, true, all the caps I know are work-a-holics)
If he shares to much or feels something for you, if the ice around the old heart starts defrosting, they got to pull back, they HATE feeling vulnerable (or maybe just having feelings, lol)
Likes you, but you some how do not fit in the grand scheme of his life's plans, or the timing is wrong in the said plans
Or either he is having trouble in his career, therefore wants to be alone until its straightened out
Youre still in the testing observation phase. Caps can take years to decide
Now you know why the two most constant themes that run in these Cap men threads from those in the know are 1) you will need the patience of a saint and 2) make sure you have a life you are more involved in versus revolving your life around Cap especially when he does the push/pull thing.
It is most frustrating but there you have it. He is NOT going to do or be what you want when you want until he is ready and that varies depending on the type of Cap male you have. They do not just give up their hearts or loyalty on a whim. It takes a long time to get past just the initial physical attraction/connection and become an unwavering part of the Cap man's heart for the long haul. Also, they have a lot of things going on in their heads which may have nothing to do with you but they shut people out in order to focus on the tasks at hand in their own lives. Might I suggest instead of trying to figure him out let your Cap do his thing and ignore his drama when he starts in with the hot/cold or disappearing stunts because they take a while to get under control while he is deciding if you are the one. If'll be on this board every other day wondering why your Cap isn't "acting" right when in actuality he is acting just like a Cap. LOL
Posted by 88
Is good to have patience and be understanding.
But most men rotate with women, when they are not serious with a woman or into her they are just not in a hurry to please or communicate.
we know when a man is into us or not, we do have that gut feeling but sometimes we dont pay attention to it because we wished it was different so we creat all kinds of excuses in our head.

+1 Exactly 88. When the Cap man (or any man for that matter) wants you as his woman for all the right reasons there is nothing he won't do to prove that to you so you are never insecure or unsure again.
Well ladies you will probably need lots of cap guys in rotation if you want mind blowing sex regularly. Cuz one will leave you hot, horny and suffering til the kitty has cobwebs. Unless that magical day happens where he decides youre "the one." I have never had that except one sided (mine), and I don't have the patience of a saint. That processing to me equals hem-hawing, fence straddling BS to me. But admittedly, I can have distorted perceptions
Posted by LIBRA1234
Posted by 88
@ LIBRA, lol mind blowing sex!! sounds yummmmy lol

Im a very busy person, so I really dont care how long a man takes to ask me out right now.
I have been seeing a cap, and he is slow as well. At first I was getting annoyed, and I just said F''it. I am not even in a hurry myself so if he wants to get back to me when he wants and if I am still here, I'll go out again, but I am not putting all my energy into thinking if he is going to get back with me or not.
And when I am ready to start dating, I am going to go out and if another man comes along and treats me good, gives me the time and shows with actions he is interested while the other one moves like a turtle because of whatever his reasons are... Im gone!!!.
Men would be gone in a second if we played the B.S push & pull they do to us.

Yeah and cap is going to tell you "well we wait and think about our decisions very carefully, that's why it takes us some time". Seriously? Until you make a decision, that precious girl is going to leave your slow ass and u ll end up alone, sad and think about her for the next 10 years wondering wtf happened
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A to the men, amen!
But after looking at synastry, we (me and this particular cap) have a LOT of "hard" saturn aspects, mars-mars opposition, plus some "positive" aspects with our plutos, and saturn and pluto are in mutual reception now. I think this may explain why this guy surface in my life now. We knew each other as kids, but just friends
Posted by 88
Posted by AreTwoFour
Well ladies you will probably need lots of cap guys in rotation if you want mind blowing sex regularly. Cuz one will leave you hot, horny and suffering til the kitty has cobwebs. Unless that magical day happens where he decides youre "the one." I have never had that except one sided (mine), and I don't have the patience of a saint. That processing to me equals hem-hawing, fence straddling BS to me. But admittedly, I can have distorted perceptions

lol, I am going to keep my mouth shut on this... hehe

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LOL but this why (imo) that there are so many cap-aqua relationships. Aquas typically don't give a shit if a cap guy disappears for however long, nor want some emotional interaction, they are busy doing their own disappearing act, lol

Posted by LIBRA1234
Posted by 88
Well you ladies from other signs, have noticed the advice of the caps here right. Be patient, we are slow, that is who we are and this and that.. lol
It is really cute and all, but I am sure they can speed up if they wanted to.
Just like a cry baby pisces has to regulate their emotions and be a little stronger to survive in a cruel world, the CAPS can also move a lil faster if they put a lil more effort or they stay behind.

No offense to my lovely Pisces but they very well know what I am trying to say with this, BECAUSE I am one.. and It takes a lot of effort to be in control of our sensitive selves. It is not easy but we can do it.

My fem causin (Pisces) was with the cap for 3 years. I met this guy; very charming, strong persona, good in bed (she said) and very generous toward her. Everything looked amazing except he was tooo slow in deciding to make it official. A gemini came along, and he was very very persistant, he knew he wanted her and only her and got her at the end. Poor cap lost her and tried to get her back after a while when he suddenly woke up from a long dream but it was too late of course. I feel bad for him, cuz he is still there alone, calling her and telling her he screwed up.. ohh well
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And their thing for geminis...
Posted by LIBRA1234
I just realized we are def not helping this girl with her Cap Sad. We are just scaring the shit out of her... To OP: I wish you all the best with the Cap. If he is really worthy of you, you will know!

Well she is an air sign like the aquas and gems... BUT libras are different than other signs, cuz they are the sign of partnerships, 7th house, and all that, so maybe she needs to run away
*other AIR signs
Posted by AreTwoFour
Posted by 88
Posted by AreTwoFour
Well ladies you will probably need lots of cap guys in rotation if you want mind blowing sex regularly. Cuz one will leave you hot, horny and suffering til the kitty has cobwebs. Unless that magical day happens where he decides youre "the one." I have never had that except one sided (mine), and I don't have the patience of a saint. That processing to me equals hem-hawing, fence straddling BS to me. But admittedly, I can have distorted perceptions

lol, I am going to keep my mouth shut on this... hehe

LOL but this why (imo) that there are so many cap-aqua relationships. Aquas typically don't give a shit if a cap guy disappears for however long, nor want some emotional interaction, they are busy doing their own disappearing act, lol

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Uh no, i hate disappearing acts (me being an aqua) and that's not true at all, infact even if my husband is busy doing his work i'm always right beside him and i know where he is at all times, and he with me. I dont know about this disappearing act you all talk about and tie it to aquas but maybe they have aqua venuses or something because i hate inconsiderate men.
Posted by 88
LISABETHUR , yes beautiful, you are right.

MY AQUA sister is LEO moon W/ VENUS in Aqua. very detached.

opposite sun and moon probably plays a huge part. But dayummmm i feel bad for your cap brother in law. But hey if they like it like that...who are we to tell them how to live their lives. *sigh*
Unless she makes an account here and talks about her cap man problems. That would be something. ^.~
Posted by 88
@ Pidelight, yeah and they will step it up because they don't want to lose a good woman because they know there are many sharks out there.

the push & pull some men play on women is to test how much we will do for them for nothing in return and they will do less for us. the less they do the more we do for them at times right? instead of letting go and respecting ourselves we make the dumb mistake of falling in his trap.
That is why I was saying men appreciate women who respect themselves and will not take this B.S from no one, and they know very well another men will come along and will benefit from her to make him a better man.
A man is not looking for a woman who will take his B.S, or smother him to death or tell him what to do. He is looking for someone who respects herself and does not take his B.S, because it will keep him on his toes and make him a better man.

+1. Yep 88. The minute I was more in love with me than my Cap I got everything I wanted and needed from him without asking or hesitation. When he thought he was going to go back to the BS I shut him down by wishing him well on his journey and getting right back into the mindset of my own love affair with me! LOL He didn't know what to do except get his sh*t together because I had warned him that I had been there and done that with him and there would be no repeating the past mistakes again.
@88, grrrrr if i were a man, and a cap'd be like this....
"You want space!!?"

Posted by 88
Posted by AreTwoFour
Posted by 88
Posted by AreTwoFour
Well ladies you will probably need lots of cap guys in rotation if you want mind blowing sex regularly. Cuz one will leave you hot, horny and suffering til the kitty has cobwebs. Unless that magical day happens where he decides youre "the one." I have never had that except one sided (mine), and I don't have the patience of a saint. That processing to me equals hem-hawing, fence straddling BS to me. But admittedly, I can have distorted perceptions

lol, I am going to keep my mouth shut on this... hehe

LOL but this why (imo) that there are so many cap-aqua relationships. Aquas typically don't give a shit if a cap guy disappears for however long, nor want some emotional interaction, they are busy doing their own disappearing act, lol

lol, yeah my Aqua sis doesn't give shht if the cap leaves or not. she even tells him to go out with his friends, and stuff and as soon as he leaves. she takes off..

Unfortunately I am not an AQUA so my survival skills with caps suck...Sad, lmao

I'll be right back, this Aries cop is emailing me... he is super cute.

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Gotta love fire signs for their "let's do this" attitude! Long term, never worked for me, but I love their gusto, their assertiveness, their warmth, and intensity in the dating phase
The user who posted this message has hidden it.

awww i saw that before i logged off! To the MOON!! yep. He should be an astronaut! then she gets her freedom Allright!! he'll be away for years!
Posted by 88
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by 88
LISABETHUR , yes beautiful, you are right.

MY AQUA sister is LEO moon W/ VENUS in Aqua. very detached.

opposite sun and moon probably plays a huge part. But dayummmm i feel bad for your cap brother in law. But hey if they like it like that...who are we to tell them how to live their lives. *sigh*
Unless she makes an account here and talks about her cap man problems. That would be something. ^.~

her, na. she is good, she is happy because she has alot of space and does not want to be tied up to no one she says..
cap gives her space.

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this is for your sister:
< width="560" height="315" ="http:
Posted by 88
lol ^^^^^^^^^^ hahahhaaa you're so funny.
that is what it looks like.

Winking I knew you'd LOL. Hehe. Might as well have them be married from AFAR too. He on the MOON and she somewhere on earth or on another planet using satellite waves to say...."I DO!!"
after 10 years of receiving the signal. LOL
Posted by AkuaBaby
Posted by AreTwoFour
Well ladies you will probably need lots of cap guys in rotation if you want mind blowing sex regularly. Cuz one will leave you hot, horny and suffering til the kitty has cobwebs. Unless that magical day happens where he decides youre "the one." I have never had that except one sided (mine), and I don't have the patience of a saint. That processing to me equals hem-hawing, fence straddling BS to me. But admittedly, I can have distorted perceptions

I just love your sarcasm... It's the ABSOLUTE truth about the Cap men. I've never had to put in so much "work" to get some action in my life. Most men spew sexual innuendos effortlessly, and will act on them too if given the opportunity, but not a Cap man. I could walk to Tokyo and back and my Cap friend would still be deciphering the obvious... that I'm a KEEPER! Sometimes I feel like I might be dead before he 'decides'... lol... But I won't be. I'm not waiting on him. I'm open to meeting and have been greeting others, and if I find one that suits me better than him... Well, I'm gone!!!
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While Cap men are amazing in bed, so worth the wait and can have sex with a woman without being committed to her, he will hold back giving it up if it helps him avoid the emotional entanglements he may not be ready for or sure of with the woman in question. This man is not giving up his heart just because he gave up or got some great sex. He can easily do this and yet just as easily disconnect from the emotional side that most women yearn for because he's not going "there" unless you are the one he sees himself as having a life with and how he comes to that conclusion is a long slow process that only he has the timetable for.
Yeah, but my saggy parts are not that patient. Intellectually, I know, but I am emotionally driven, so I'm feeling that he can shove his timetable up saturn's slow @ss
Posted by AkuaBaby
Posted by AreTwoFour
Well ladies you will probably need lots of cap guys in rotation if you want mind blowing sex regularly. Cuz one will leave you hot, horny and suffering til the kitty has cobwebs. Unless that magical day happens where he decides youre "the one." I have never had that except one sided (mine), and I don't have the patience of a saint. That processing to me equals hem-hawing, fence straddling BS to me. But admittedly, I can have distorted perceptions

I just love your sarcasm... It's the ABSOLUTE truth about the Cap men. I've never had to put in so much "work" to get some action in my life. Most men spew sexual innuendos effortlessly, and will act on them too if given the opportunity, but not a Cap man. I could walk to Tokyo and back and my Cap friend would still be deciphering the obvious... that I'm a KEEPER! Sometimes I feel like I might be dead before he 'decides'... lol... But I won't be. I'm not waiting on him. I'm open to meeting and have been greeting others, and if I find one that suits me better than him... Well, I'm gone!!!
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Yep, but as soon as you do that they will pour on the charm, just like in the beginning. Fuckers
Posted by WoundedLeo
Posted by AreTwoFour
Cuz one will leave you hot, horny and suffering til the kitty has cobwebs.

You're very gifted at created imagery out of words...ever thought of becoming a writer? LOL
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Aww, shucks, thanks... *blush*
My only writing experience was in college. Some papers were 50+ pgs about stuff I hated, didn't believe in, but I wanted that "A." I hated the rigid structure of the MLA/APA/Chicago style /etc., formats. I felt oppressed. I felt drained. Fake. It was like when I used to watch my kids play Zelda. The character, Link, had this life-force bar above his head. When he would get in battles, it would drain, and when critically low and red-lining, an alarm would go off. The only way to rejuvenate it was for Link to find "hearts" which gave him additional energy and increased his life-force.
To me, it kind of seemed symbolic that hearts gave him extra life-force. Love does that to me. Or doing something I love. Without it, I feel drained.
I like posting here, what I feel, in my vernacular. Otherwise, its a battle and I feel drained
Are you girls done bashing Cap men yet???

Posted by SureShotCap
Are you girls done bashing Cap men yet???

SureShotCap, sorry but this is a hilarious read lol.
@lnana04, it is funny, reading how you girls think ALL Caps are the same...
@88 The same thing I wrote on top to lnana04 pertains to you too. I place girls in the friendzone all the time, yeah they hate me in the begining, but later accept it. Do what you got to do, but don't dead other Caps like me a chance in the future.
@LIBRA1234, if your truly confident and send me the right body language. I will bless you all over all the time just by that look you give me. At any place were at too!
"Because guys are not allowed to show weakness. He can be outcasted by other cavemen! He has to cry inside and rust to a hault and show no feelings like a robot...