Posted by 88
Is good to have patience and be understanding.
But most men rotate with women, when they are not serious with a woman or into her they are just not in a hurry to please or communicate.
we know when a man is into us or not, we do have that gut feeling but sometimes we dont pay attention to it because we wished it was different so we creat all kinds of excuses in our head.
Posted by LIBRA1234Posted by 88
@ LIBRA, lol mind blowing sex!! sounds yummmmy lol
Im a very busy person, so I really dont care how long a man takes to ask me out right now.
I have been seeing a cap, and he is slow as well. At first I was getting annoyed, and I just said F''it. I am not even in a hurry myself so if he wants to get back to me when he wants and if I am still here, I'll go out again, but I am not putting all my energy into thinking if he is going to get back with me or not.
And when I am ready to start dating, I am going to go out and if another man comes along and treats me good, gives me the time and shows with actions he is interested while the other one moves like a turtle because of whatever his reasons are... Im gone!!!.
Men would be gone in a second if we played the B.S push & pull they do to us.
Yeah and cap is going to tell you "well we wait and think about our decisions very carefully, that's why it takes us some time". Seriously? Until you make a decision, that precious girl is going to leave your slow ass and u ll end up alone, sad and think about her for the next 10 years wondering wtf happenedclick to expand
Posted by 88Posted by AreTwoFour
Well ladies you will probably need lots of cap guys in rotation if you want mind blowing sex regularly. Cuz one will leave you hot, horny and suffering til the kitty has cobwebs. Unless that magical day happens where he decides youre "the one." I have never had that except one sided (mine), and I don't have the patience of a saint. That processing to me equals hem-hawing, fence straddling BS to me. But admittedly, I can have distorted perceptions
lol, I am going to keep my mouth shut on this... heheclick to expand
Posted by LIBRA1234Posted by 88
Well you ladies from other signs, have noticed the advice of the caps here right. Be patient, we are slow, that is who we are and this and that.. lol
It is really cute and all, but I am sure they can speed up if they wanted to.
Just like a cry baby pisces has to regulate their emotions and be a little stronger to survive in a cruel world, the CAPS can also move a lil faster if they put a lil more effort or they stay behind.
No offense to my lovely Pisces but they very well know what I am trying to say with this, BECAUSE I am one.. and It takes a lot of effort to be in control of our sensitive selves. It is not easy but we can do it.
My fem causin (Pisces) was with the cap for 3 years. I met this guy; very charming, strong persona, good in bed (she said) and very generous toward her. Everything looked amazing except he was tooo slow in deciding to make it official. A gemini came along, and he was very very persistant, he knew he wanted her and only her and got her at the end. Poor cap lost her and tried to get her back after a while when he suddenly woke up from a long dream but it was too late of course. I feel bad for him, cuz he is still there alone, calling her and telling her he screwed up.. ohh wellclick to expand
Posted by LIBRA1234
I just realized we are def not helping this girl with her Cap. We are just scaring the shit out of her... To OP: I wish you all the best with the Cap. If he is really worthy of you, you will know!
Posted by AreTwoFourPosted by 88Posted by AreTwoFour
Well ladies you will probably need lots of cap guys in rotation if you want mind blowing sex regularly. Cuz one will leave you hot, horny and suffering til the kitty has cobwebs. Unless that magical day happens where he decides youre "the one." I have never had that except one sided (mine), and I don't have the patience of a saint. That processing to me equals hem-hawing, fence straddling BS to me. But admittedly, I can have distorted perceptions
lol, I am going to keep my mouth shut on this... hehe
LOL but this why (imo) that there are so many cap-aqua relationships. Aquas typically don't give a shit if a cap guy disappears for however long, nor want some emotional interaction, they are busy doing their own disappearing act, lol
click to expand
Posted by 88
LISABETHUR , yes beautiful, you are right.
MY AQUA sister is LEO moon W/ VENUS in Aqua. very detached.
Posted by 88
@ Pidelight, yeah and they will step it up because they don't want to lose a good woman because they know there are many sharks out there.
the push & pull some men play on women is to test how much we will do for them for nothing in return and they will do less for us. the less they do the more we do for them at times right? instead of letting go and respecting ourselves we make the dumb mistake of falling in his trap.
That is why I was saying men appreciate women who respect themselves and will not take this B.S from no one, and they know very well another men will come along and will benefit from her to make him a better man.
A man is not looking for a woman who will take his B.S, or smother him to death or tell him what to do. He is looking for someone who respects herself and does not take his B.S, because it will keep him on his toes and make him a better man.
Posted by 88Posted by AreTwoFourPosted by 88Posted by AreTwoFour
Well ladies you will probably need lots of cap guys in rotation if you want mind blowing sex regularly. Cuz one will leave you hot, horny and suffering til the kitty has cobwebs. Unless that magical day happens where he decides youre "the one." I have never had that except one sided (mine), and I don't have the patience of a saint. That processing to me equals hem-hawing, fence straddling BS to me. But admittedly, I can have distorted perceptions
lol, I am going to keep my mouth shut on this... hehe
LOL but this why (imo) that there are so many cap-aqua relationships. Aquas typically don't give a shit if a cap guy disappears for however long, nor want some emotional interaction, they are busy doing their own disappearing act, lol
lol, yeah my Aqua sis doesn't give shht if the cap leaves or not. she even tells him to go out with his friends, and stuff and as soon as he leaves. she takes off..
Unfortunately I am not an AQUA so my survival skills with caps suck..., lmao
I'll be right back, this Aries cop is emailing me... he is super to expand
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Posted by 88Posted by lisabethur8Posted by 88
LISABETHUR , yes beautiful, you are right.
MY AQUA sister is LEO moon W/ VENUS in Aqua. very detached.
opposite sun and moon probably plays a huge part. But dayummmm i feel bad for your cap brother in law. But hey if they like it like that...who are we to tell them how to live their lives. *sigh*
Unless she makes an account here and talks about her cap man problems. That would be something. ^.~
her, na. she is good, she is happy because she has alot of space and does not want to be tied up to no one she says..
cap gives her to expand
Posted by 88
lol ^^^^^^^^^^ hahahhaaa you're so funny.
that is what it looks like.
Posted by AkuaBabyPosted by AreTwoFour
Well ladies you will probably need lots of cap guys in rotation if you want mind blowing sex regularly. Cuz one will leave you hot, horny and suffering til the kitty has cobwebs. Unless that magical day happens where he decides youre "the one." I have never had that except one sided (mine), and I don't have the patience of a saint. That processing to me equals hem-hawing, fence straddling BS to me. But admittedly, I can have distorted perceptions
I just love your sarcasm... It's the ABSOLUTE truth about the Cap men. I've never had to put in so much "work" to get some action in my life. Most men spew sexual innuendos effortlessly, and will act on them too if given the opportunity, but not a Cap man. I could walk to Tokyo and back and my Cap friend would still be deciphering the obvious... that I'm a KEEPER! Sometimes I feel like I might be dead before he 'decides'... lol... But I won't be. I'm not waiting on him. I'm open to meeting and have been greeting others, and if I find one that suits me better than him... Well, I'm gone!!!click to expand
Posted by AkuaBabyPosted by AreTwoFour
Well ladies you will probably need lots of cap guys in rotation if you want mind blowing sex regularly. Cuz one will leave you hot, horny and suffering til the kitty has cobwebs. Unless that magical day happens where he decides youre "the one." I have never had that except one sided (mine), and I don't have the patience of a saint. That processing to me equals hem-hawing, fence straddling BS to me. But admittedly, I can have distorted perceptions
I just love your sarcasm... It's the ABSOLUTE truth about the Cap men. I've never had to put in so much "work" to get some action in my life. Most men spew sexual innuendos effortlessly, and will act on them too if given the opportunity, but not a Cap man. I could walk to Tokyo and back and my Cap friend would still be deciphering the obvious... that I'm a KEEPER! Sometimes I feel like I might be dead before he 'decides'... lol... But I won't be. I'm not waiting on him. I'm open to meeting and have been greeting others, and if I find one that suits me better than him... Well, I'm gone!!!click to expand
Posted by WoundedLeoPosted by AreTwoFour
Cuz one will leave you hot, horny and suffering til the kitty has cobwebs.
You're very gifted at created imagery out of words...ever thought of becoming a writer? LOLclick to expand
Posted by SureShotCap
Are you girls done bashing Cap men yet???