Gemini and cap

This topic was created in the Gemini and Capricorn Compatibility forum by Gemalit on Tuesday, March 5, 2019 and has 17 replies.
So, I’ve noticed this for a few years now, but I seem to attract Capricorn’s like there’s no tomorrow. Not just romantically but also friendship wise, or even every day acquaintance.

For example back when I was 18 I started clubbing, I started to talk and joke with the bouncers because that’s what I do, fast forward a couple of years and the cap bouncer is STILL actively messaging me, posting on my page etc. My first love was also Capricorn, My university teacher is a Capricorn and we get along so well. My work colleague is a Capricorn and he’s spilling all of his secrets and being really sweet. A girl in my class is a Capricorn and...well the females not so much.👀 ah a boy who started messaging me turned out to be a cap. I just don’t understand why I’m always surrounded by caps, my sisters partner is a Capricorn to, my old manager was also a Capricorn 😂.

OH! And I went on a date with a Capricorn a few months back. I know it’s probably just a coincidence That I know so many, but we get along so well! No clashing (like virgos). So I was wondering is it a Gemini thing?
Posted by 7s

What are your placements?
I have them in my profile, but from what I can remember I have sun in Gemini, Leo in moon, Gemini in mars, Venus in Taurus (I think, not 100% certain). My Lilith is in libra? Anddd I have some more Taurus placements. I think I have one water.
Posted by 7s

What are your placements?
Mercury is also in Venus, and I actually have some cancer placements (Pluto)
Posted by nanobot

Your 7th house capricorn- "house of relationships, partnerships, and things we recognize in other people as a reflection of us"
Wait, I didn’t even realise I had any cap placements 🙈I really should check out my own chart! Thank you ❤️
Posted by 7s

Probably your taurus and cancer placements. I have a gemini friend thats married to a cap woman (10 years ). He has a cancer moon and mars in taurus. Their synastry is perfect.
Ahhh, I thought the Taurus placement was probably it, I didn’t know cancer was also compatible? But I New it couldn’t be my Gemini sign 😭😂. Although that may be what prevents any real romantic interest from going further 😩
Posted by 7s

Posted by Gemalit

Posted by 7s

Probably your taurus and cancer placements. I have a gemini friend thats married to a cap woman (10 years ). He has a cancer moon and mars in taurus. Their synastry is perfect.
Ahhh, I thought the Taurus placement was probably it, I didn’t know cancer was also compatible? But I New it couldn’t be my Gemini sign 😭😂. Although that may be what prevents any real romantic interest from going further 😩

cancer is their opposite. Taurus and Capricorn are supposed to be tight as thieves. Lots of successful cap/gem relationships out there.
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Usually male gem and cap woman though? My work colleague is a gem and he’s been married for about a year with his capy wife, and they’ve been together since teenagers. It’s really sweet actually.
Posted by gemNi

I've been wanting to ask. What's your life like as your chart from profile (can't view it completely) looks pretty vanilla.

I see you can distinguish Capricorn like a magnet but

is it like that with other signs?

I am a very vanilla type of gal. My life is a happy one, I’m very rarely sad and all of my best friends are Pisces. I’m generally well liked and get along with everyone, I’m also always guessing peoples signs.

I seem to be surrounded by Capricorn’s, virgos, Aries, Gemini and Pisces. And some Taurus. I very rarely meet others that don’t have that sign, and when I do we usually have a eh kinda friendship. The girls compete with me (especially libra) usually I just blend into the background but for some reason me and libras just hit it a very toxic way and I rise to the challenge.

My Pisces friends say I’m a very strong person, and they very rarely take my sad days seriously. Aries is also another one that’s very emotional and we usually don’t hit it off right away, and then we’re very good friends, same with Virgo. Capricorn is an instant spark. Gemini I love to be friends with(MAY Gemini) as we get along great. June Gemini is my most toxic counter part. We very rarely get along.

As for what I think about my self? Sexually I’m not frigid, I have a kinky side but I’m held back by my fears, so many I am frigid? Romantically I’m incredibly picky, I’m all in or not at all, I don’t do half assed. Although I have many crushes. Friendship is the same, I have very few close friends. But lots of casual friends. My family life is okay, we all love each other but I’m the wonderer. I’m also kind hearted but can be incredibly cruel sometimes without meaning to as I don’t beat around the bush.
Hmmm, you’re actually very spot on, I’m so attune with peoples emotions it’s caused me a lot of anxiety and still does, I really vibe of other people. I often think of my self as an omega type of person. Someone people come to to chear up and love. I also love to read and write. I’m also rather lucky but also a lot of misfortune follows me, I just somehow overcome it somehow. It is what it my motto.

I’d actually say you described me almost perfectly, however I’m very aware of reality, and I know that what I see isn’t always what’s happening, to think so would be incredibly cocky.

Vanilla charts rule! 👀😂
I am a Gemini female and my closest friends are Capricorn, my true love is Capricorn, my first crush was a Capricorn... Male or female alike.

I agree, also attract them like crazy... Or they attract me...

The last Capricorn seems to be the real deal, she has captured my attention, even got me to be jealous and commit 100% . We seem to match perfectly. What she lacks, I have and what I lack, she has. She inspires me to work harder, be better and to think differently!

Posted by 7s
Posted by Gemalit
Posted by 7s

Probably your taurus and cancer placements. I have a gemini friend thats married to a cap woman (10 years ). He has a cancer moon and mars in taurus. Their synastry is perfect.

Ahhh, I thought the Taurus placement was probably it, I didn’t know cancer was also compatible? But I New it couldn’t be my Gemini sign 😭😂. Although that may be what prevents any real romantic interest from going further 😩

cancer is their opposite. Taurus and Capricorn are supposed to be tight as thieves. Lots of successful cap/gem relationships out there.
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It’s because we pretend well...🤦‍♀️
Posted by 7s

Probably your taurus and cancer placements. I have a gemini friend thats married to a cap woman (10 years ). He has a cancer moon and mars in taurus. Their synastry is perfect.
If you are good at synastry reading May I ask you to take a look at mine? Thanks
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by 7s

Probably your taurus and cancer placements. I have a gemini friend thats married to a cap woman (10 years ). He has a cancer moon and mars in taurus. Their synastry is perfect.

If you are good at synastry reading May I ask you to take a look at mine? Thanks
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What’s that? 👀
Geminis only get along with the superficial side of capricorns. U dont really want to know how caps think
Posted by 777

Geminis only get along with the superficial side of capricorns. U dont really want to know how caps think
A little narcissistic with a hint of superiority I’d reckon aha.

Posted by Gemalit
Posted by 777

Geminis only get along with the superficial side of capricorns. U dont really want to know how caps think

A little narcissistic with a hint of superiority I’d reckon aha.
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Ur still scratching the surface. Once u get to know the innards of a person you will see there is tremendous disconnect between earth & air sign. Values are totally opposite
Posted by 777
Posted by Gemalit
Posted by 777

Geminis only get along with the superficial side of capricorns. U dont really want to know how caps think

A little narcissistic with a hint of superiority I’d reckon aha.

Ur still scratching the surface. Once u get to know the innards of a person you will see there is tremendous disconnect between earth & air sign. Values are totally opposite
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Earth signs tend to be a lil more selfish I’d say, and also they care a lot but also have bully tendencies. I don’t know any well enough to truly know how they tick. But from what I’ve seen they’re easily hurt, they don’t learn the first,second,third,fourth time, they just keep going.

They’re mean and stubborn at times to. Also they only consider people friends if they think they’ve earned it or proven it.

There’s more I can say but it’s feels weird to generalise a whole category as one.
Posted by Gemalit
Posted by 777
Posted by Gemalit
Posted by 777

Geminis only get along with the superficial side of capricorns. U dont really want to know how caps think

A little narcissistic with a hint of superiority I’d reckon aha.

Ur still scratching the surface. Once u get to know the innards of a person you will see there is tremendous disconnect between earth & air sign. Values are totally opposite

Earth signs tend to be a lil more selfish I’d say, and also they care a lot but also have bully tendencies. I don’t know any well enough to truly know how they tick. But from what I’ve seen they’re easily hurt, they don’t learn the first,second,third,fourth time, they just keep going.

They’re mean and stubborn at times to. Also they only consider people friends if they think they’ve earned it or proven it.

There’s more I can say but it’s feels weird to generalise a whole category as one.
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You have a lot to learn. Ask @gemitati about her experience with cap. It might not be the same but at least it will give u some kind of insight into the connection.

I think the connection is more romanticized than daily struggle