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Mar 08, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1633 · Topics: 53
wow.. that was really difficult for me to read. Unfortunately lushlife.. this is what happens with us.. I can't speculate what happened with him. But typically, there is this obsessed period.. where we are just crazy about someone, and contrary to what people believe, this is what we feel. But with Gem's things just change. It could be something small, it could be something big that happened with him to pull away. We have a hard time with actually getting what we want, because when we get it, it's like we loose the thrill of it all. Hopefully, he is just taking a breather to figure himself out. I have done this many times. But honestly, there have only been a few times i have gone back. Has he explained anything to you? ANy explanation for him getting cold? Anything about space? time to think?
This was hard for me because of how many times i have done this to someone. I'm all in it, and they especially think i'm where they are at. and at the time i truly am. But then i get freaked out, or feel suffocated or i simply don't like something they do.. or how they do it. ANd the worst is someone else comes into my life that got in my head. So it was hard to hear your feelings because if i made someone feel that way... and it's very likely, that hurts to know that.
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Mar 08, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1633 · Topics: 53
lawd i said Mr.Fox.. oopse i ,eamt Ms. fox.. hahaha sorry girlie!
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Dec 03, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3890 · Topics: 117
this gem isn' infact if i really like the person i dive right in!! must be the taurus..
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Mar 08, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1633 · Topics: 53
nah we aren't afraid of committment.. we just know how we are. we know it usually doesn't last long.. we go head first.. then all the sudden it isn't what we thought or they did something and we no longer are feeling the same way.. and then feel stuck
Thank you all for your input. It was much appreciated. It is so weird. I saw this person for 8 months and out of the blue, he completely has cut off all communication with me. It felt so strange to have grown so close to someone and then end it like that with no further would have been nice to at least have some closure. Irregardless of astrology signs, he clearly has "issues" with communication. I have given up on this situation because I know I deserve at least the courtesy of a "goodbye." Lesson learned... To all you gems out there, I love ya, you're a lot of fun, but please remember that as painful as it is for you to hear how you've hurt someone, it is equally painful if you don't give the respect/courtesy to your ex's to at least say "goodbye." It was terribly selfish of him to end things like that and it made me feel like in his eyes, I had no worth. What an awful realization!
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Mar 08, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 828 · Topics: 22
Lushlife, don't take it personally....this is his problem, he may very well have a high regard for you, but he just can't take the heat. Write a letter that you know you wont mail and tell him how he's hurt you and made you might help just a little.
I also don't think it's just gems...I think every sign and gender can be guilty of ending an intimate rela irresposibly. You need to reassure yourself, that you two had some great times, that he did care for you, that you have great value as a loving person. Sometimes ppl just flake out.
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Jul 17, 2007Comments: 7 · Posts: 2275 · Topics: 58
This is a wonderful update to read Lush. Im glad you met someone who has been able to find and apply their "Stick N Stay". I wish ya'll the best and continued happiness.
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Jan 07, 2009Comments: 10 · Posts: 1037 · Topics: 116
That post almost brought tears to my eyes Lushlife!!!
Thats how my Aries Man got me!!! Everything you posted
& then some!!! Wow! I ran for awhile too,thinking this
was too great to be true,& sooner or later we would
crush one another,but I finally learned to accept it
for what it is,THE ONLY TRUE LOVE OF MY LIFE & Some
times a great Love Story really does happen!
He might have gotten afraid,I was afraid of LOVE it
seems or the death grip of it,lol....
But,There is No one on earth that understands me as
well as my aries man & we have the greatest of times,
& he's also my very best friend.
Also,Aries woman do something to Gemini men that no
other females can do,& if they are ever gonna be loyal
they will with an Aries woman.
Many Gemini males in my life are proof of that,just
don't boss him alot.He may love your assertive &
aggrassive nature,but don't try to control him & he
should run right back & be by your side very soon.
Give him a little time,but don't be invisible,ok?
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Jan 07, 2009Comments: 10 · Posts: 1037 · Topics: 116
We sometimes fear the closeness & we get
afraid when things seem to good to be true,
but thats usually immaturity & the way the
world & media describe Love & how hard it is,
or the divorce rate,ect.... plus our need to
feel free,but when we meet that special some
one & they are everything to us & more,we will
be back & be totally faithful & true.
How could he let all of that intimacy go just
like that? I bet he didn't!!!
He stayed long enough to get that far with you
so my opion is that he loves you or those
moments you described wouldn't have been so
intense or even close to any of that!!!
Thats true intimacy & closeness.
He can run,but he can't hide from a love so
real,so true & sooooo intensely passionate!
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Jan 07, 2009Comments: 10 · Posts: 1037 · Topics: 116
Pouring out their souls? Strawberry shortcake marathons?
That alone should tell you something,lol...
We don't really pour out our souls just like that, if at
all,& I just love strawberry shortcake & whip creme,lol...
Well,time will tell,but from what I know,A Gemini male
gets just as weak around an Aries woman as a Gemini female
gets around an Aries male!!! Can we say,IRRESISTABLE?
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Jan 07, 2009Comments: 10 · Posts: 1037 · Topics: 116
Forgive my posts lately ok? I am just not reading dates too good
lately,lol... I didn't know that post was an old post,lol... Gets
me everytime this month,lol....
Well,Your story made my eyes misty,but you have a much more
beautiful one to tell! You were smart not to judge all Gemini's
because of that one,& even smarter to see that Gemini men can &
do work great for you!
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Jan 07, 2009Comments: 10 · Posts: 1037 · Topics: 116
Aries Ego & Gemini Twins = perfect balance,lol...
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Jan 07, 2009Comments: 10 · Posts: 1037 · Topics: 116
Great Love Story,Just sooooo Beautiful!