Aqua Girl left me

This topic was created in the Leo forum by sirsmoke on Sunday, August 14, 2011 and has 23 replies.
Me and my aqaua girlfriend were friends for a year and some months before we got together...since we got in the relationship,we were in a lot of arguments and until a couple weeks ago she got fed up with me always finding something to be mad about.I love her deeply and she told me that we need space,its been 2 weeks and i called her up and she was saying she was happy being single but she still loves me the same and not really interested in a relationship at this point.I miss her so much and i just wanted to know as a leo male what could i do to win my aqua girl back?
hmmm if she sed she's already happy being single she's already more than half way out the door buddy lol. what i would do is act like ur cool with the idea of u guys being single (even though ur really not lol) and propose the idea of "okay, well lets @ least b friends" n find ways to hang out with her as "just friends". stop being angry so much n show ur more laid back. i've been involved with leos before and its true when they say we have great sexual chemistry. so i think finding ways to become @ least sex buddies is ur only hope lol
yea im trying i know she misses me and still has feelings for me,she keeps saying that she needs space from all the arguing and seems the last time i called her,she was actin like she didnt care.Theres nothin i can do or say it seems like,Im trying to get in her head the best i can but i cant do that if i dont talk to her or see her some kinda way
Posted by LoveBucket
It sounds like she left you because you were getting on her nerves.

lol i agree
Posted by 69virgo
get in her head dude,get in her head....the body will follow..Winking

lol yall are really cool,im trying hard to get in her quite the ladies man and she doesnt even get phased by all the girls that come and throw themselves at me on facebook and twitter...but yeah i sent her a text since aquas and mines in particular are able to respond better and told her how i feel.Of course she ignored all the mushy stuff and tried to have a casual convo but she when she did respond to the mushy stuff she had something negative to say.I think im making progress because she is still holding grudges against me for some things i did.I dont contact her everyday,jus like every other day so i dunno....she may need more space.Im just trying to remain friends cuz i know aqua women move on quick and forget quickly too.
stop messaging her mushy stuff. act like a friend. suggest hanging out at your place to watch a movie or something and then try seducing her lol. let her unwind with a few drinks, give her a massage, hopefully that'll do it haha
lol yea shes textin me like a friend right now,but i know when she does that i still have a chance...yall aqua girls are weird.Its like....aquas would like to start over on the whole friendship thing before getting back together or just friendships period are important
They r smile n yes.. We r weird haha
lol i dont know wat time she was born though and i havent texted or called her either....i told her not to forget about me and left it at that
Rising Sign is in 06 Degrees Gemini
Sun is in 28 Degrees Aquarius.
Moon is in 14 Degrees Cancer.
Mercury is in 01 Degrees Aquarius.
Venus is in 16 Degrees Aquarius.
Mars is in 16 Degrees Taurus.
Jupiter is in 27 Degrees Taurus.
Saturn is in 10 Degrees Capricorn.
Uranus is in 04 Degrees Capricorn.
Neptune is in 11 Degrees Capricorn.
Pluto is in 15 Degrees Scorpio.
N. Node is in 04 Degrees Pisces
yea im not trippin no more,she texted me some pointless bullshit tryna start a convo and i responded dry
She's had time to reflect on things & as much as it pains her, she prefers being single.
That's why taking a "break" is 1 of the worsts things to do in a relationship. It involves running from the problem not facing/solving it. And then when it's time to talk about coming back, the person remembers that their issues with you aren't resolved, thus they remind themselves of why they broke up with you, furthermore reminding themselves as to why they shouldn't come back
During the relationship, she was emotional. But now that she's had time to get her normal "logical" Aqua self back, that's something she's not gonna let go of very easily...especially since being "logical" is her comfort zone & something she was before you.
Either way, there's NO victory in getting her back just for the sake of having her back if the problems aren't solved, b/c it'll just leave you both in the same spot 2 months from now.
There's NO victory in only getting her back b/c you had to guilt, manipulate or pressure her back. No, you oughta want her to come back on her own b/c she naturally wanted to & felt it was worth it
Give her time to clear her head. Give her time to excersize her RIGHT to make a logical decision on whether or not a relationship with you is more toxic than it is healthy.
Yes she still loves you...feelings don't go away over night. BUT her need for peace, sanity & for space OUTWEIGH the feelings she's got for you.
And to an extent, you oughta respect her for that. She's a strong gal with a backbone. She's strong enough to do what most people can't do which is remove themselves from the storm so that they can make a better more logical decision on what to do next. That's a GOOD thing =)
The fact that she's still in contact with you & is honest about her feelings for you means that she hasn't completely emotionally detached YET. She may altogether if enough time passes, but then again she may not
You can't control her, nor can you control the outcome so for right now just focus on you. It's easier said than done, but trust me, driving yourself crazy over this won't bring her back faster!
If she sees you doing/being something she didn't expect, it'll grab her curiosity & bring her back to you. If she's not used to you not needing her, then don't be dependent on her & it'll surprise her & turn her on.
If she sees you focusing on yourself, she'll have more faith in you that if she comes back things will change =)
thanks krysrenee sounds like what you are telling me to do is not contact her anymore and i wont because I DO want her to come back naturally
I AM an aqua girl i do agree we are crazy .. but i am the opp of that i love attention and when you stop giving it to me i get worried .. on the other hand my leo cared less when i broke off with him but i think he was just playing a game of i dont care

Zodiac in degrees 0.00 Placidus Orb:0
Sun Cancer 23.06 Ascendant Libra 8.11
Moon Capricorn 5.58 II Scorpio 6.20
Mercury Cancer 2.34 III Sagittarius 6.51
Venus Leo 19.17 IV Capricorn 8.40
Mars Gemini 28.13 V Aquarius 10.32
Jupiter Libra 3.47 VI Pisces 10.53
Saturn Libra 4.21 VII Aries 8.11
Uranus Scorpio 26.13 R VIII Taurus 6.20
Neptune Sagittarius 22.42 R IX Gemini 6.51
Pluto Libra 21.37 Midheaven Cancer 8.40
Lilith Scorpio 22.04 XI Leo 10.32
Asc node Leo 1.42 XII Virgo 10.53
how do i find the right one what website
Zodiac in degrees 0.00 Placidus Orb:0
Sun Leo 22.46 Ascendant Scorpio 4.28
Moon Aquarius 22.55 II Sagittarius 3.27
Mercury Leo 28.26 III Capricorn 4.42
Venus Virgo 26.36 IV Aquarius 7.34
Mars Cancer 18.50 V Pisces 9.59
Jupiter Libra 8.36 VI Aries 9.18
Saturn Libra 6.55 VII Taurus 4.28
Uranus Scorpio 26.06 VIII Gemini 3.27
Neptune Sagittarius 22.11 R IX Cancer 4.42
Pluto Libra 22.07 Midheaven Leo 7.34
Lilith Scorpio 25.31 XI Virgo 9.59
Asc node Leo 1.37 XII Libra 9.18
Zodiac in degrees 0.00 Placidus Orb:0
Sun Aquarius 9.01 Ascendant Taurus 13.54
Moon Gemini 23.16 II Gemini 12.27
Mercury Aquarius 26.57 III Cancer 6.05
Venus Pisces 17.02 IV Cancer 29.37
Mars Sagittarius 14.05 V Leo 27.07
Jupiter Aries 23.06 VI Libra 2.20
Saturn Sagittarius 28.36 VII Scorpio 13.54
Uranus Sagittarius 29.16 VIII Sagittarius 12.27
Neptune Capricorn 8.51 IX Capricorn 6.05
Pluto Scorpio 12.31 Midheaven Capricorn 29.37
Lilith Leo 18.13 XI Aquarius 27.07
Asc node Pisces 24.08 XII Aries 2.2
i Think i am the problem i over analyze things now because of our past.. so i am pushing him away
yeah this guy was nothing but good to me and i was not used to someone treating me this way so i took it for granted.... so even tho he stayed with me he had me have a taste of my own med... by doing the same thing to make me feel how it feels to get yes i started the mess... WHICH I COULD OF AVOIDED and wouldnt have this trust issue in the first place... why do you like aquas lol
YES So true about we put our others before our selves .. yes we can be clingy but once we notice we are bothering you we wil lback of for GOOD ...Love is UNCONDITIONAL even after you hurt us we will still forgive and forget... AS LONG as you dont repeat anything that will remind us of it ... Yes me personally i can not hold a lie i will tell you even if it makes me look bad but i know i told you a truth .. SMART yes .. by boyfriend calls me his smart genius lol because i know alot sometimes he wont talk becvause he wants me to talk about everything .. especially if i start with DID YOU KNOW lol awww i wish i could find someoen to be with for 22 yrs lol to bad i am about that age lol
hahah wow thats what me and my ex are now shhes