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Nov 05, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 124 · Topics: 27
hurt my heart....
and i will never be the same.
my libra guy told me lies and now i am a bitter aquarius who is over all men.
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Apr 07, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 548 · Topics: 49
Don't be so hard on yourself. I know how it feels to love a Libra so much and then just have him rip out the ground from under you. And you feel like your world is falling part.
I remember that it hurt so much. That sometimes when I cried I would just lie so still...just to make the pain go away. Moving or doing anything else just hurt too much.
After 2 months I made a decision to take back my life. It hasn't easy with him still wanting to drop by and wanting to be friends. I am not completely over him, but it is getting better...
And I know that you will also get over him and the next time he drops by, conveniently forgetting what he has done. You will look at him and not want him
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Oct 13, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 436 · Topics: 12
Sorry for your pain ((((hugs)))) . We've all been there and it sucks! Try to keep your pain private as well as your frustrations, resentments, and anger. The best way to get even with him and get OVER him is to not give him the satisfaction of knowing he has hurt you this much. The pain is a learning and growing process so let's look at the positive things that come out of all of that. First of all you now know you're going to do your best to NOT let someone else put you in a situation like this again and you're going to be smarter the next time around. You'll be more observant of "red flags" and listening to them rather then ignoring them from now on.
As you look back and reflect on the events that led up to this point you probably look back on all the red flags you did get in the past and ignored that was telling you he was lying before you found out he was lying right? Well, now you'll be more attentive and paying attention to those red flags in the future when you're with someone new. This guy has now made you smarter and MUCH stronger. Be thankful for that!!!
It's understandable that you're just not willing to extend yourself right now to wanting to be with anyone new. That's normal. But allow yourself a bit of a break and then show this guy that HE is the one that lost out NOT YOU !!! Be glad you didn't invest more time with a guy that would spend years lying too you and hurting you again and again! It hurts when the trust is broken and all that you thought was there has suddenly gone. But everything happens for a reason and the universe just stepped in and saved you from a big mistake with this guy.
Show him that he doesn't deserve your tears and replace him with someone who is RIGHT for you and deserves you. Don't allow your anger and bitterness for this guy turn other opportunities off or away from you. The best revenge is getting on with your life as soon as possible and don't put up with any more lies from anyone! Trust is EARNED and you should allow people to SHOW you they can be trusted. It's difficult to do when you like to see the good in everyone. This is why it hurts so deeply. You trust openly and I am like that too. It wounds deeply when that trust is gone or violated, that's for sure! But please don't let this guy change the good in you. Just be Smarter and stronger now that he's given you some good tools thru this experience that you'll use for the rest of your life. More ((((hugs))))) and good luck !
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May 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
lol xoxo. do u hv any definite proofs that ur libra lied to u and it wasnt your silly imagination???
After listening to few aqua gals, all i know is that aquas have a way with getting paranoid over their own imagination and forcing themselves to believe all those as truth.
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Dec 31, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 218 · Topics: 26
Went through the same thing, hence the name hurt-heart..It took a long time to work through and I still do have days when i miss him (he still calls and appears now and then)..I don't know if this is just because he's a Libra but I honestly felt the saddest that I had ever felt in my life..And I felt like it would never lift, but it did and I am dating someone else now and quite happy...time heals all...
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Oct 13, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 436 · Topics: 12
THE LIBRAN: Just because a Libra LIES and there isn't a camara and a tape recorder conveniently around to slap them with "evidence" and "proof" you say people NEED to prove a lie doesn't mean it's always someone else's "imagination" out of "paranoia. Neither were they "forced" to believe that someone is being honest. MOST people (not you Thelibran) take people at their word in the beginning of a new relationship and that their word has and means something of value with GOOD intentions that builds trust. Lies destroy trust. Cause Pain. Lying is selfish and destructive. It has a purpose and it is NEVER good and it is NOT someone else's fault that people choose to lie and deny it when they do.
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May 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
lol TOJ. How does a person know which is truth and which is lie?
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
What difference does it make NOW whether he lied or was truthful?
That only matters if you are going to let your heart stay with him, to wallow in the misery of him being deceptive, or wallow in the torment of not being able to believe or trust when he does tell the truth.
Fucking history which caused a break-up is just that ... so what the fuck is this all about?
Pain must be enjoyable .. if it's embraced to the point of allowing it to direct lives for you, slant your future endeavors ...
.. life-experiences don't mean anything if a person doesn't grow ...
.. you can always be a lesbian, then .. if that doesn't turn out and you are over all women, too .... there are plenty of animals in the world, and just about anything can be used as a dildo
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Mar 14, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1083 · Topics: 56
"lol xoxo. do u hv any definite proofs that ur libra lied to u and it wasnt your silly imagination???"
You act as if libra's can do no wrong...
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May 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
If you have been close to aqua females or gemini females who were checking out libra males, you can easily identify this substance of paranoia in their regular behavior. Libra is a natural flirt. We flirt with everyone. Aqua ends up imagining libra have a relationship with every single girl we flirt with and Gemini end up expressing their jealousy by teasing the libra in certain sarcastic manner. Its a pattern. Aqua, for some weird reason, is not ready to comprehend the possibility that he is only flirting and there is nothing going on.
Libra can do wrong. Can be fooling around. But most times when an aqua is so convinced that something is wrong, its just the opposite.
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May 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
lol. I have been chatting with one Aqua since Sep06. I know she always get paranoid over her libra for no silly reasons and i persuade her to question him and there wasnt anything at all. Every time he accompany some girl or talk about some girl, she thinks that he is having an affair with her.
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Nov 05, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 124 · Topics: 27
p.s. he lied to me by messing with my emotions.
I let him go 4 months ago and we were doing fine just being friends......until he told me exactly what i wanted to hear: that he didnt want me to be with the man i was seeing, he cared about me and missed me and loved me. And he was extremely upset because he felt like i didnt care anymore.
so what did my dumb self do: take him back......again....and dump the nice guy i was seeing.
So finally, i get what ive wanted for so long: him as my boyfriend........
but he just couldnt do it. He didnt know how i think? Our relationship stayed the same: parties/ late night hook ups.......nothing "real". I tried to get deeper with him, but i believe he wont let himself get close to me for fear of falling for me.
Basically i just feel jaded from the whole situation....i wanted to trust him and believe that things would be different.
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Nov 30, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3480 · Topics: 90
he wont be different though...he likes the chase and once he gets you again? he's off with the next chase until next time and the time after...cut your losses and let him go..he's not worth the hassle.
xoxo I am so sorry for your pain! I how horrible it feels to trust someone implicitly and love them completely. Therefore when that person does not return what you put out it is the ultimate slap in the face and causes the ultimate hurt.
The only advice that I can give to you is to take some time to heal, but do not stop being you. If he took advantage of your feelings for him it is he who is in the wrong not you, and if you allow his actions to dictate how you love in the future than you may miss out on something really great...