Posted by StarSkyI know my libra friends take their time responding. My question is, was what I wrote worth a response in your opinion. If the person was invested.
One thing I have learned is, that if you're communicating and the other person isn't responding, cut your losses and move on. If a person doesn't wish to communicate it's because they have issues with communicating effectively, whether or not they're interested, a person should always give a response back. It's the decent thing to do.
Wait and see.
Posted by 2MoonWe are actually a really good match....
I didn't read any of your bullsht to be honest with you..
You are a Cancer, amirite?!
Cancer - Libra is never going to work.
Posted by CookieoWe had a misunderstanding. I don't think I did anything other than just be honest about the fact that I didn't bring her drugs according to a moral standard of mine. But I think she took it the wrong way. Like I didn't care and I was telling her what to do. Thats not the case. I havn't heard from her for 2 days and I think we should talk in person. We are so good in person and It was my fault for bringing this up through text. I just empathize. But if she doesn't get that than it wasn't meant to be right?Posted by WaterDevilI always get suspicious when I get a wall of text with explanation but it depends on what you did. What happened?
Im pretty sure there was a misunderstanding on her part. And I think I upset her. So I sent her this a few hours ago. Still no response...
"Ok. I dont push very often. But there is just something about our connection that i'd like to continue to explore if you would, so here it goes...
I'm all about self preservation. And if I hurt you I want you to know that was not the intent. There is just a lot of history with me you don't know about yet. And I have guidelines for my self rn that I absolutely do not compromise on. I know it seems like I'm a hypocrite. But I have my reasons, and Im definitely not better than anyone. Regardless I want you to know, If I didn't think you were competent and intelligent enough to make your own decisions I wouldn't be fucking with you, I'd leave it.
I don't put in this much effort toward someone I just met and I'll do it one more time and If I don't hear back it will suck. But so be it. I've just already reached my comfort level with pushing. So if you feel the same way I do about something being there I think it would be worth it to meet up. Grab a drink together and chat. Nothing heavy, just a laid back situation. I would just like the opportunity to explain so you could understand fully where Im coming from, and if it's still a red flag for you I get that. I'd like to put a stop to communicating through text like this. I think it sucks. You deserve some clarity if you want it. If not I understand. "click to expand
Posted by CookieoPosted by WaterDevilShe is a virgo/Leo? Why is this in libra forum?Posted by 2MoonWe are actually a really good match....
I didn't read any of your bullsht to be honest with you..
You are a Cancer, amirite?!
Cancer - Libra is never going to work.
Virgo/leo cusp (to the day)
sag moon
venus virgo
me:cancer/leo cusp (to the day)
sag moon
venus in virgo
click to expand
Posted by StarSkyword. Ill give it until friday, which will be a week from the last time I saw her. If I don't hear back. Than Ill check out mentally. It sucks. There was a lot of potential there regardless of the early speed bumps. I mean she had her not so graceful moments with me. She bailed. On me a few times due to anxiety and I called her out and she apologized and went super extra begging me to come over and offering to pay for my uber. Soooo yeah idk. Our communication had been fire up until now too. It is what it is though. I can't force her.
In my opinion, it seems a bit much. You could have saved it for the meeting. But as I said, whether or not she wishes to meet up, you deserve an answer. A yes or a no. If she doesn't reply or avoid you completely and YOU have to reach out for an answer, then she already had given you answer.
Posted by 2MoonI am absolutely NOT like that btw. Maybe it's my libra rising, idk. But Its my moral standard to be fair and JUST. And Im a female. So it's ALPHA FEMALE. ThanksPosted by FafaDo you enjoy dating weak emotional macho men that loves to make you feel like a piece of sht, worthless, subhuman?Posted by 2MoonLmaooooooooo.... on a serious note tell me why cancer and libra won't work? I have cancer friends and they are great but never been in a relationship with one
I didn't read any of your bullsht to be honest with you..
You are a Cancer, amirite?!
Cancer - Libra is never going to work.
Do you enjoy injustice, not one single common sense and intelligence?
Do you hate yourself and want to date an emotional dude that is going to punch you and beat the sht out of you?
Then you should date a fckin crab!
...????click to expand
Posted by StarSkyYeah I think what I wrote was fair. I offered a compromise. I reached out first even though she stopped contact. I showed initiative. Now all I can do is wait..
Exactly. It's difficult to let go of a relationship where emotions are tied into it, but if she's displayed inconsistent behavior then she's not great at communicating. Part of it can be immaturity, lack of awareness, indecisiveness, lack of ownership of one owns faults and flaws. Neither make a good partner in a relationship no matter the connection. It's unsustainable along with uncompromise. You can't have one without the other.
Posted by 2MoonPosted by WaterDevilHow the Fck she can be a Leo - Virgo cusp and be a Libra at the same damnn time?Posted by 2MoonWe are actually a really good match....
I didn't read any of your bullsht to be honest with you..
You are a Cancer, amirite?!
Cancer - Libra is never going to work.
Virgo/leo cusp (to the day)
sag moon
venus virgo
me:cancer/leo cusp (to the day)
sag moon
venus in virgo
Fck outta here. You are a Cancer, yes or no?
She is a Libra, yes or no?!
Simple to expand
Posted by tctalol Im Poly, it's hard to keep up I can see. But I just posted A conclusion on the pisces if youre interested on the pisces forum. We finally talked. It went well
I thought you were zooming on a Pisces ? I can't keep up with you lol
Posted by CookieoPosted by WaterDevilI did not see this coming.Posted by 2MoonI am absolutely NOT like that btw. Maybe it's my libra rising, idk. But Its my moral standard to be fair and JUST. And Im a female. So it's ALPHA FEMALE. ThanksPosted by FafaDo you enjoy dating weak emotional macho men that loves to make you feel like a piece of sht, worthless, subhuman?Posted by 2MoonLmaooooooooo.... on a serious note tell me why cancer and libra won't work? I have cancer friends and they are great but never been in a relationship with one
I didn't read any of your bullsht to be honest with you..
You are a Cancer, amirite?!
Cancer - Libra is never going to work.
Do you enjoy injustice, not one single common sense and intelligence?
Do you hate yourself and want to date an emotional dude that is going to punch you and beat the sht out of you?
Then you should date a fckin crab!
...????But I don't disagree when it comes to some cancers. She's actually using this other cancer girl rn (we are polyamorous, in general not with each other). But the other girl is SUPER EMOTIONAL and in her feels apparently....
click to expand
Posted by CookieoPosted by WaterDevilI did not see this coming.Posted by 2MoonI am absolutely NOT like that btw. Maybe it's my libra rising, idk. But Its my moral standard to be fair and JUST. And Im a female. So it's ALPHA FEMALE. ThanksPosted by FafaDo you enjoy dating weak emotional macho men that loves to make you feel like a piece of sht, worthless, subhuman?Posted by 2MoonLmaooooooooo.... on a serious note tell me why cancer and libra won't work? I have cancer friends and they are great but never been in a relationship with one
I didn't read any of your bullsht to be honest with you..
You are a Cancer, amirite?!
Cancer - Libra is never going to work.
Do you enjoy injustice, not one single common sense and intelligence?
Do you hate yourself and want to date an emotional dude that is going to punch you and beat the sht out of you?
Then you should date a fckin crab!
...????But I don't disagree when it comes to some cancers. She's actually using this other cancer girl rn (we are polyamorous, in general not with each other). But the other girl is SUPER EMOTIONAL and in her feels apparently....
click to expand
Posted by 8434Ecancer sun jul 22nd.Posted by WaterDevilPoly and you are a Cancer?Posted by tctalol Im Poly, it's hard to keep up I can see. But I just posted A conclusion on the pisces if youre interested on the pisces forum. We finally talked. It went well
I thought you were zooming on a Pisces ? I can't keep up with you lol![]()
Cusps don't truly exist, you either are a sun sign or you are to expand
Posted by 8434Elol maybePosted by WaterDevilYou must be confirming the Sag trend then, because it's powerful enough that you can't commit even with a Crab sun lol.Posted by 8434Ecancer sun jul 22nd.Posted by WaterDevilPoly and you are a Cancer?Posted by tctalol Im Poly, it's hard to keep up I can see. But I just posted A conclusion on the pisces if youre interested on the pisces forum. We finally talked. It went well
I thought you were zooming on a Pisces ? I can't keep up with you lol![]()
Cusps don't truly exist, you either are a sun sign or you are not.
libra rising
sag moon
venus in virgo.
the libra is also a sag moon with venus in to expand
Posted by 2MoonYou actually are starting to sound like a miysoginist and a cancer hater, damn. Do you seriously find my rising interesting or was that sarcasm?Posted by WaterDevilCancer sun, Libra rising? Euhmm, that is interesting.Posted by 2MoonI am absolutely NOT like that btw. Maybe it's my libra rising, idk. But Its my moral standard to be fair and JUST. And Im a female. So it's ALPHA FEMALE. ThanksPosted by FafaDo you enjoy dating weak emotional macho men that loves to make you feel like a piece of sht, worthless, subhuman?Posted by 2MoonLmaooooooooo.... on a serious note tell me why cancer and libra won't work? I have cancer friends and they are great but never been in a relationship with one
I didn't read any of your bullsht to be honest with you..
You are a Cancer, amirite?!
Cancer - Libra is never going to work.
Do you enjoy injustice, not one single common sense and intelligence?
Do you hate yourself and want to date an emotional dude that is going to punch you and beat the sht out of you?
Then you should date a fckin crab!
...????But I don't disagree when it comes to some cancers. She's actually using this other cancer girl rn (we are polyamorous, in general not with each other). But the other girl is SUPER EMOTIONAL and in her feels apparently....
I hate cancer women. Worst piece of shts on this planet. Dumbest to expand
Posted by 2Moonhmm sounds like it lol. But if you are truly curious, ask away.Posted by WaterDevilVery Interesting. Can't do it and don't really wanna do it, but part of me would love to analyze you for informations. ( Cancer sun, Libra rising )Posted by 2MoonYou actually are starting to sound like a miysoginist and a cancer hater, damn. Do you seriously find my rising interesting or was that sarcasm?Posted by WaterDevilCancer sun, Libra rising? Euhmm, that is interesting.Posted by 2MoonI am absolutely NOT like that btw. Maybe it's my libra rising, idk. But Its my moral standard to be fair and JUST. And Im a female. So it's ALPHA FEMALE. ThanksPosted by FafaDo you enjoy dating weak emotional macho men that loves to make you feel like a piece of sht, worthless, subhuman?Posted by 2MoonLmaooooooooo.... on a serious note tell me why cancer and libra won't work? I have cancer friends and they are great but never been in a relationship with one
I didn't read any of your bullsht to be honest with you..
You are a Cancer, amirite?!
Cancer - Libra is never going to work.
Do you enjoy injustice, not one single common sense and intelligence?
Do you hate yourself and want to date an emotional dude that is going to punch you and beat the sht out of you?
Then you should date a fckin crab!
...????But I don't disagree when it comes to some cancers. She's actually using this other cancer girl rn (we are polyamorous, in general not with each other). But the other girl is SUPER EMOTIONAL and in her feels apparently....
I hate cancer women. Worst piece of shts on this planet. Dumbest humans.
I am not misogynist. Not racist, not any type of " ist "
Except astrolocist. I am astrology racist with Cancers and to expand
Posted by EllygantThanks. Sucks to hear. But that was real... At least we didn't take it further. And only my ego was involved, and I didn't compromise my feelings. Self preservation my dude. But it sucks.
OP you probably will not like to read this so fair warning.
you need to stop reaching or when you've received no response repeatedly. Libras do not ignore someone for the same reason a crab does. Crabs pull back and ignore to reflect, compose and evaluate.
If a libra is ignoring you they are done with such things and typically have already made the decision to move on. They are air signs. They communicate readily when interested. If they're ignoring you it's because they truly want to be left alone.
Not a libra. But I've had a bunch of libra friends who date a ton of crabs. And every time the crab goes full out long message like you do, I'm always on the other side listening to the libra pick apart exactly why they will never work with the crab due to said long message.
Posted by EllygantBut I will say my best friend has her same birthday. And her dated my best friend. And he would ignore his love interest for days because of ego and eventually respond to her messages because he has feelings. Or he will wait for her to reach out and when she wont he will..
OP you probably will not like to read this so fair warning.
you need to stop reaching or when you've received no response repeatedly. Libras do not ignore someone for the same reason a crab does. Crabs pull back and ignore to reflect, compose and evaluate.
If a libra is ignoring you they are done with such things and typically have already made the decision to move on. They are air signs. They communicate readily when interested. If they're ignoring you it's because they truly want to be left alone.
Not a libra. But I've had a bunch of libra friends who date a ton of crabs. And every time the crab goes full out long message like you do, I'm always on the other side listening to the libra pick apart exactly why they will never work with the crab due to said long message.
Posted by EllygantSound point. I just want closure as of now. But I may not get it so it's fine. Just shitty to know that we misunderstood one another but it is what it is.. Best thing I can do is not what she expects and cut it off mentally my self. And yeah they have been on and off for the last 3 years.... IDK it just seemed like there was something about her. But maybe this is a lesson for me on self preservation. Shes a scorpio rising btw. Does that tell you anything?Posted by WaterDevilAnd are they still together with that person they had such back and forth with?Posted by EllygantBut I will say my best friend has her same birthday. And her dated my best friend. And he would ignore his love interest for days because of ego and eventually respond to her messages because he has feelings. Or he will wait for her to reach out and when she wont he will..
OP you probably will not like to read this so fair warning.
you need to stop reaching or when you've received no response repeatedly. Libras do not ignore someone for the same reason a crab does. Crabs pull back and ignore to reflect, compose and evaluate.
If a libra is ignoring you they are done with such things and typically have already made the decision to move on. They are air signs. They communicate readily when interested. If they're ignoring you it's because they truly want to be left alone.
Not a libra. But I've had a bunch of libra friends who date a ton of crabs. And every time the crab goes full out long message like you do, I'm always on the other side listening to the libra pick apart exactly why they will never work with the crab due to said long message.
I get it. You're a crab.
But there is a reason people bristle at the crab/libra relationship. Anything can work, Astro aside, if you are dedicated and in love.
But as with any square sign energy, perception is always at play. I see Libras often think crabs are desperate and manipulative and crabs think Libras are shallow and cold. When often both signs were just trying to help and do what they thought was best. In my observation, when at the start something so little becomes so dramatic it only tells of more of the same later, typically amplified with each occurrence.
Do what you do. Crabs are tenacious. But as neither a libra or a crab and someone who loves both signs, I'm just saying what you've spelled out so far doesn't look to bright in the long to expand
Posted by WaterDevilIt's basically already been said, but if someone isn't responding back to you, don't chase them. The reason why so many seem to bash on the Libra/Cancer dynamic is because the signs handle emotions differently. Cancers are prone to smother their partners with emotion (which isn't a bad thing), which can scare off a Libra who is more easily smothered. As an air sign, Libra needs space to sort through their thoughts and decisions.
Im pretty sure there was a misunderstanding on her part. And I think I upset her. So I sent her this a few hours ago. Still no response...
"Ok. I dont push very often. But there is just something about our connection that i'd like to continue to explore if you would, so here it goes...
I'm all about self preservation. And if I hurt you I want you to know that was not the intent. There is just a lot of history with me you don't know about yet. And I have guidelines for my self rn that I absolutely do not compromise on. I know it seems like I'm a hypocrite. But I have my reasons, and Im definitely not better than anyone. Regardless I want you to know, If I didn't think you were competent and intelligent enough to make your own decisions I wouldn't be fucking with you, I'd leave it.
I don't put in this much effort toward someone I just met and I'll do it one more time and If I don't hear back it will suck. But so be it. I've just already reached my comfort level with pushing. So if you feel the same way I do about something being there I think it would be worth it to meet up. Grab a drink together and chat. Nothing heavy, just a laid back situation. I would just like the opportunity to explain so you could understand fully where Im coming from, and if it's still a red flag for you I get that. I'd like to put a stop to communicating through text like this. I think it sucks. You deserve some clarity if you want it. If not I understand. "
Posted by ChuckcemLol glad you wrote this because with that being said. I had already checked out of the situation a few hours ago emotionally. I more so felt bad if she was sad.Posted by WaterDevilIt's basically already been said, but if someone isn't responding back to you, don't chase them. The reason why so many seem to bash on the Libra/Cancer dynamic is because the signs handle emotions differently. Cancers are prone to smother their partners with emotion (which isn't a bad thing), which can scare off a Libra who is more easily smothered. As an air sign, Libra needs space to sort through their thoughts and decisions.
Im pretty sure there was a misunderstanding on her part. And I think I upset her. So I sent her this a few hours ago. Still no response...
"Ok. I dont push very often. But there is just something about our connection that i'd like to continue to explore if you would, so here it goes...
I'm all about self preservation. And if I hurt you I want you to know that was not the intent. There is just a lot of history with me you don't know about yet. And I have guidelines for my self rn that I absolutely do not compromise on. I know it seems like I'm a hypocrite. But I have my reasons, and Im definitely not better than anyone. Regardless I want you to know, If I didn't think you were competent and intelligent enough to make your own decisions I wouldn't be fucking with you, I'd leave it.
I don't put in this much effort toward someone I just met and I'll do it one more time and If I don't hear back it will suck. But so be it. I've just already reached my comfort level with pushing. So if you feel the same way I do about something being there I think it would be worth it to meet up. Grab a drink together and chat. Nothing heavy, just a laid back situation. I would just like the opportunity to explain so you could understand fully where Im coming from, and if it's still a red flag for you I get that. I'd like to put a stop to communicating through text like this. I think it sucks. You deserve some clarity if you want it. If not I understand. "
So if a Libra seems distant, the last thing you want to do is continue to reach out and push your own emotions on to them. This will only push them back even more. As a result walking away has a much better effect that continuing your pursuit. I've personally watched Libra come back when I've left them alone (I say this as someone with Cancer in his chart)
Astrology aside, women respect men who are emotionally strong/stable. There's nothing wrong with being honest about your feelings. However you have to be careful about throwing your ALL of your feelings out at once, especially if you're not in a serious relationship with the woman. In which case your approach may seem desperate. Women need to feel your emotional strength. They need to know that if they push you away and treat you unfairly, they can actually lose you. They need to know that you have self respect because if you can't stand up for yourself, how could you ever stand up for them?click to expand
Posted by WaterDevilI'm confused. Did you want to date this girl or not? From what you've just said, you've literally just friend zoned yourself in order to avoid a potential rejection. If anything this will only confuse her more concerning your intentions and possibly make you seem insincere. There's nothing worse in a woman's mind than a guy who back peddles.Posted by ChuckcemLol glad you wrote this because with that being said. I had already checked out of the situation a few hours ago emotionally. I more so felt bad if she was sad.Posted by WaterDevilIt's basically already been said, but if someone isn't responding back to you, don't chase them. The reason why so many seem to bash on the Libra/Cancer dynamic is because the signs handle emotions differently. Cancers are prone to smother their partners with emotion (which isn't a bad thing), which can scare off a Libra who is more easily smothered. As an air sign, Libra needs space to sort through their thoughts and decisions.
Im pretty sure there was a misunderstanding on her part. And I think I upset her. So I sent her this a few hours ago. Still no response...
"Ok. I dont push very often. But there is just something about our connection that i'd like to continue to explore if you would, so here it goes...
I'm all about self preservation. And if I hurt you I want you to know that was not the intent. There is just a lot of history with me you don't know about yet. And I have guidelines for my self rn that I absolutely do not compromise on. I know it seems like I'm a hypocrite. But I have my reasons, and Im definitely not better than anyone. Regardless I want you to know, If I didn't think you were competent and intelligent enough to make your own decisions I wouldn't be fucking with you, I'd leave it.
I don't put in this much effort toward someone I just met and I'll do it one more time and If I don't hear back it will suck. But so be it. I've just already reached my comfort level with pushing. So if you feel the same way I do about something being there I think it would be worth it to meet up. Grab a drink together and chat. Nothing heavy, just a laid back situation. I would just like the opportunity to explain so you could understand fully where Im coming from, and if it's still a red flag for you I get that. I'd like to put a stop to communicating through text like this. I think it sucks. You deserve some clarity if you want it. If not I understand. "
So if a Libra seems distant, the last thing you want to do is continue to reach out and push your own emotions on to them. This will only push them back even more. As a result walking away has a much better effect that continuing your pursuit. I've personally watched Libra come back when I've left them alone (I say this as someone with Cancer in his chart)
Astrology aside, women respect men who are emotionally strong/stable. There's nothing wrong with being honest about your feelings. However you have to be careful about throwing your ALL of your feelings out at once, especially if you're not in a serious relationship with the woman. In which case your approach may seem desperate. Women need to feel your emotional strength. They need to know that if they push you away and treat you unfairly, they can actually lose you. They need to know that you have self respect because if you can't stand up for yourself, how could you ever stand up for them?
THIS: "Okay so work was really busy. This feels like A LOT to process. I feel like if it's going to be like this (already or most times) it's probably too much for what my emotional availability is right now tbh. "
My response..
"Yeah I kinda was thinking the same after I texted you. I thought I said something hurtful so thats why I wanted to text you and check in. I'm not emotionally available rn either. So that's probably why we are running in to issues so soon. Feel me? Good ol intimacy issues. was worried that I hurt you but if not than cool. I respect that girl. "
Followed up by...
"Maybe one day when we are both in a better spot in our lives. If you ever wanna chat tho feel free. I'm down to be friends Platonically. If you are. "
I would say I was relived tbh.. she took the words right out my mouth!! But Iv yet to hear back about the friendship. But it's up to her. I'm just glad she didn't seem hurt ??click to expand
Posted by ChuckcemPosted by WaterDevilI'm confused. Did you want to date this girl or not? From what you've just said, you've literally just friend zoned yourself in order to avoid a potential rejection. If anything this will only confuse her more concerning your intentions and possibly make you seem insincere. There's nothing worse in a woman's mind than a guy who back peddles.Posted by ChuckcemLol glad you wrote this because with that being said. I had already checked out of the situation a few hours ago emotionally. I more so felt bad if she was sad.Posted by WaterDevilIt's basically already been said, but if someone isn't responding back to you, don't chase them. The reason why so many seem to bash on the Libra/Cancer dynamic is because the signs handle emotions differently. Cancers are prone to smother their partners with emotion (which isn't a bad thing), which can scare off a Libra who is more easily smothered. As an air sign, Libra needs space to sort through their thoughts and decisions.
Im pretty sure there was a misunderstanding on her part. And I think I upset her. So I sent her this a few hours ago. Still no response...
"Ok. I dont push very often. But there is just something about our connection that i'd like to continue to explore if you would, so here it goes...
I'm all about self preservation. And if I hurt you I want you to know that was not the intent. There is just a lot of history with me you don't know about yet. And I have guidelines for my self rn that I absolutely do not compromise on. I know it seems like I'm a hypocrite. But I have my reasons, and Im definitely not better than anyone. Regardless I want you to know, If I didn't think you were competent and intelligent enough to make your own decisions I wouldn't be fucking with you, I'd leave it.
I don't put in this much effort toward someone I just met and I'll do it one more time and If I don't hear back it will suck. But so be it. I've just already reached my comfort level with pushing. So if you feel the same way I do about something being there I think it would be worth it to meet up. Grab a drink together and chat. Nothing heavy, just a laid back situation. I would just like the opportunity to explain so you could understand fully where Im coming from, and if it's still a red flag for you I get that. I'd like to put a stop to communicating through text like this. I think it sucks. You deserve some clarity if you want it. If not I understand. "
So if a Libra seems distant, the last thing you want to do is continue to reach out and push your own emotions on to them. This will only push them back even more. As a result walking away has a much better effect that continuing your pursuit. I've personally watched Libra come back when I've left them alone (I say this as someone with Cancer in his chart)
Astrology aside, women respect men who are emotionally strong/stable. There's nothing wrong with being honest about your feelings. However you have to be careful about throwing your ALL of your feelings out at once, especially if you're not in a serious relationship with the woman. In which case your approach may seem desperate. Women need to feel your emotional strength. They need to know that if they push you away and treat you unfairly, they can actually lose you. They need to know that you have self respect because if you can't stand up for yourself, how could you ever stand up for them?
THIS: "Okay so work was really busy. This feels like A LOT to process. I feel like if it's going to be like this (already or most times) it's probably too much for what my emotional availability is right now tbh. "
My response..
"Yeah I kinda was thinking the same after I texted you. I thought I said something hurtful so thats why I wanted to text you and check in. I'm not emotionally available rn either. So that's probably why we are running in to issues so soon. Feel me? Good ol intimacy issues. was worried that I hurt you but if not than cool. I respect that girl. "
Followed up by...
"Maybe one day when we are both in a better spot in our lives. If you ever wanna chat tho feel free. I'm down to be friends Platonically. If you are. "
I would say I was relived tbh.. she took the words right out my mouth!! But Iv yet to hear back about the friendship. But it's up to her. I'm just glad she didn't seem hurt ??
It would have been better to not send your initial message and just let her come to you at her own pace, though it was a bit too late to say that before. The second message didn't need to be sent. The Libra woman basically said that the emotion in the first message overwhelmed her and she's uncomfortable with it. A solid response would have been, "No worries. If you change your mind, feel free to give me call and we can go have some fun."
At least then you would've left the door open if she figures out what she wants and changes her mind. In this case though, the best thing you can do is walk to expand
Posted by ChuckcemI'm a female btw and I wasn't trying to keep her in my back pocket. I was being real. And if she feels confused I can't do anything about it. Iv already heard enough wishy wash. Self preservation is more important to me at this point. I got some read flags too. And this back and forth renting too much space in my head. She has depression and addiction. I'd rather her think I'm confusing than get my self in to something I'm not ready for. Iv talked to her in person. I'm sure she knows everything Iv said to her face was sincere and it was. She'll always doubt a text I can count on that. So it doesn't really matter either way now does it?Posted by WaterDevilI'm confused. Did you want to date this girl or not? From what you've just said, you've literally just friend zoned yourself in order to avoid a potential rejection. If anything this will only confuse her more concerning your intentions and possibly make you seem insincere. There's nothing worse in a woman's mind than a guy who back peddles.Posted by ChuckcemLol glad you wrote this because with that being said. I had already checked out of the situation a few hours ago emotionally. I more so felt bad if she was sad.Posted by WaterDevilIt's basically already been said, but if someone isn't responding back to you, don't chase them. The reason why so many seem to bash on the Libra/Cancer dynamic is because the signs handle emotions differently. Cancers are prone to smother their partners with emotion (which isn't a bad thing), which can scare off a Libra who is more easily smothered. As an air sign, Libra needs space to sort through their thoughts and decisions.
Im pretty sure there was a misunderstanding on her part. And I think I upset her. So I sent her this a few hours ago. Still no response...
"Ok. I dont push very often. But there is just something about our connection that i'd like to continue to explore if you would, so here it goes...
I'm all about self preservation. And if I hurt you I want you to know that was not the intent. There is just a lot of history with me you don't know about yet. And I have guidelines for my self rn that I absolutely do not compromise on. I know it seems like I'm a hypocrite. But I have my reasons, and Im definitely not better than anyone. Regardless I want you to know, If I didn't think you were competent and intelligent enough to make your own decisions I wouldn't be fucking with you, I'd leave it.
I don't put in this much effort toward someone I just met and I'll do it one more time and If I don't hear back it will suck. But so be it. I've just already reached my comfort level with pushing. So if you feel the same way I do about something being there I think it would be worth it to meet up. Grab a drink together and chat. Nothing heavy, just a laid back situation. I would just like the opportunity to explain so you could understand fully where Im coming from, and if it's still a red flag for you I get that. I'd like to put a stop to communicating through text like this. I think it sucks. You deserve some clarity if you want it. If not I understand. "
So if a Libra seems distant, the last thing you want to do is continue to reach out and push your own emotions on to them. This will only push them back even more. As a result walking away has a much better effect that continuing your pursuit. I've personally watched Libra come back when I've left them alone (I say this as someone with Cancer in his chart)
Astrology aside, women respect men who are emotionally strong/stable. There's nothing wrong with being honest about your feelings. However you have to be careful about throwing your ALL of your feelings out at once, especially if you're not in a serious relationship with the woman. In which case your approach may seem desperate. Women need to feel your emotional strength. They need to know that if they push you away and treat you unfairly, they can actually lose you. They need to know that you have self respect because if you can't stand up for yourself, how could you ever stand up for them?
THIS: "Okay so work was really busy. This feels like A LOT to process. I feel like if it's going to be like this (already or most times) it's probably too much for what my emotional availability is right now tbh. "
My response..
"Yeah I kinda was thinking the same after I texted you. I thought I said something hurtful so thats why I wanted to text you and check in. I'm not emotionally available rn either. So that's probably why we are running in to issues so soon. Feel me? Good ol intimacy issues. was worried that I hurt you but if not than cool. I respect that girl. "
Followed up by...
"Maybe one day when we are both in a better spot in our lives. If you ever wanna chat tho feel free. I'm down to be friends Platonically. If you are. "
I would say I was relived tbh.. she took the words right out my mouth!! But Iv yet to hear back about the friendship. But it's up to her. I'm just glad she didn't seem hurt ??
It would have been better to not send your initial message and just let her come to you at her own pace, though it was a bit too late to say that before. The second message didn't need to be sent. The Libra woman basically said that the emotion in the first message overwhelmed her and she's uncomfortable with it. A solid response would have been, "No worries. If you change your mind, feel free to give me call and we can go have some fun."
At least then you would've left the door open if she figures out what she wants and changes her mind. In this case though, the best thing you can do is walk to expand
Posted by WaterDevilAha, got it. Granted my advice would remain the same, even if you're not male. However if this person doesn't seem right to you, then it's probably best you let things between you drop. Taking on depression and addiction is a difficult thing to do.Posted by ChuckcemI'm a female btw and I wasn't trying to keep her in my back pocket. I was being real. And if she feels confused I can't do anything about it. Iv already heard enough wishy wash. Self preservation is more important to me at this point. I got some read flags too. And this back and forth renting too much space in my head. She has depression and addiction. I'd rather her think I'm confusing than get my self in to something I'm not ready for. Iv talked to her in person. I'm sure she knows everything Iv said to her face was sincere and it was. She'll always doubt a text I can count on that. So it doesn't really matter either way now does it?Posted by WaterDevilI'm confused. Did you want to date this girl or not? From what you've just said, you've literally just friend zoned yourself in order to avoid a potential rejection. If anything this will only confuse her more concerning your intentions and possibly make you seem insincere. There's nothing worse in a woman's mind than a guy who back peddles.Posted by ChuckcemLol glad you wrote this because with that being said. I had already checked out of the situation a few hours ago emotionally. I more so felt bad if she was sad.Posted by WaterDevilIt's basically already been said, but if someone isn't responding back to you, don't chase them. The reason why so many seem to bash on the Libra/Cancer dynamic is because the signs handle emotions differently. Cancers are prone to smother their partners with emotion (which isn't a bad thing), which can scare off a Libra who is more easily smothered. As an air sign, Libra needs space to sort through their thoughts and decisions.
Im pretty sure there was a misunderstanding on her part. And I think I upset her. So I sent her this a few hours ago. Still no response...
"Ok. I dont push very often. But there is just something about our connection that i'd like to continue to explore if you would, so here it goes...
I'm all about self preservation. And if I hurt you I want you to know that was not the intent. There is just a lot of history with me you don't know about yet. And I have guidelines for my self rn that I absolutely do not compromise on. I know it seems like I'm a hypocrite. But I have my reasons, and Im definitely not better than anyone. Regardless I want you to know, If I didn't think you were competent and intelligent enough to make your own decisions I wouldn't be fucking with you, I'd leave it.
I don't put in this much effort toward someone I just met and I'll do it one more time and If I don't hear back it will suck. But so be it. I've just already reached my comfort level with pushing. So if you feel the same way I do about something being there I think it would be worth it to meet up. Grab a drink together and chat. Nothing heavy, just a laid back situation. I would just like the opportunity to explain so you could understand fully where Im coming from, and if it's still a red flag for you I get that. I'd like to put a stop to communicating through text like this. I think it sucks. You deserve some clarity if you want it. If not I understand. "
So if a Libra seems distant, the last thing you want to do is continue to reach out and push your own emotions on to them. This will only push them back even more. As a result walking away has a much better effect that continuing your pursuit. I've personally watched Libra come back when I've left them alone (I say this as someone with Cancer in his chart)
Astrology aside, women respect men who are emotionally strong/stable. There's nothing wrong with being honest about your feelings. However you have to be careful about throwing your ALL of your feelings out at once, especially if you're not in a serious relationship with the woman. In which case your approach may seem desperate. Women need to feel your emotional strength. They need to know that if they push you away and treat you unfairly, they can actually lose you. They need to know that you have self respect because if you can't stand up for yourself, how could you ever stand up for them?
THIS: "Okay so work was really busy. This feels like A LOT to process. I feel like if it's going to be like this (already or most times) it's probably too much for what my emotional availability is right now tbh. "
My response..
"Yeah I kinda was thinking the same after I texted you. I thought I said something hurtful so thats why I wanted to text you and check in. I'm not emotionally available rn either. So that's probably why we are running in to issues so soon. Feel me? Good ol intimacy issues. was worried that I hurt you but if not than cool. I respect that girl. "
Followed up by...
"Maybe one day when we are both in a better spot in our lives. If you ever wanna chat tho feel free. I'm down to be friends Platonically. If you are. "
I would say I was relived tbh.. she took the words right out my mouth!! But Iv yet to hear back about the friendship. But it's up to her. I'm just glad she didn't seem hurt ??
It would have been better to not send your initial message and just let her come to you at her own pace, though it was a bit too late to say that before. The second message didn't need to be sent. The Libra woman basically said that the emotion in the first message overwhelmed her and she's uncomfortable with it. A solid response would have been, "No worries. If you change your mind, feel free to give me call and we can go have some fun."
At least then you would've left the door open if she figures out what she wants and changes her mind. In this case though, the best thing you can do is walk to expand
Posted by WaterDevilUnderstood.Posted by ChuckcemPosted by WaterDevilI'm confused. Did you want to date this girl or not? From what you've just said, you've literally just friend zoned yourself in order to avoid a potential rejection. If anything this will only confuse her more concerning your intentions and possibly make you seem insincere. There's nothing worse in a woman's mind than a guy who back peddles.Posted by ChuckcemLol glad you wrote this because with that being said. I had already checked out of the situation a few hours ago emotionally. I more so felt bad if she was sad.Posted by WaterDevilIt's basically already been said, but if someone isn't responding back to you, don't chase them. The reason why so many seem to bash on the Libra/Cancer dynamic is because the signs handle emotions differently. Cancers are prone to smother their partners with emotion (which isn't a bad thing), which can scare off a Libra who is more easily smothered. As an air sign, Libra needs space to sort through their thoughts and decisions.
Im pretty sure there was a misunderstanding on her part. And I think I upset her. So I sent her this a few hours ago. Still no response...
"Ok. I dont push very often. But there is just something about our connection that i'd like to continue to explore if you would, so here it goes...
I'm all about self preservation. And if I hurt you I want you to know that was not the intent. There is just a lot of history with me you don't know about yet. And I have guidelines for my self rn that I absolutely do not compromise on. I know it seems like I'm a hypocrite. But I have my reasons, and Im definitely not better than anyone. Regardless I want you to know, If I didn't think you were competent and intelligent enough to make your own decisions I wouldn't be fucking with you, I'd leave it.
I don't put in this much effort toward someone I just met and I'll do it one more time and If I don't hear back it will suck. But so be it. I've just already reached my comfort level with pushing. So if you feel the same way I do about something being there I think it would be worth it to meet up. Grab a drink together and chat. Nothing heavy, just a laid back situation. I would just like the opportunity to explain so you could understand fully where Im coming from, and if it's still a red flag for you I get that. I'd like to put a stop to communicating through text like this. I think it sucks. You deserve some clarity if you want it. If not I understand. "
So if a Libra seems distant, the last thing you want to do is continue to reach out and push your own emotions on to them. This will only push them back even more. As a result walking away has a much better effect that continuing your pursuit. I've personally watched Libra come back when I've left them alone (I say this as someone with Cancer in his chart)
Astrology aside, women respect men who are emotionally strong/stable. There's nothing wrong with being honest about your feelings. However you have to be careful about throwing your ALL of your feelings out at once, especially if you're not in a serious relationship with the woman. In which case your approach may seem desperate. Women need to feel your emotional strength. They need to know that if they push you away and treat you unfairly, they can actually lose you. They need to know that you have self respect because if you can't stand up for yourself, how could you ever stand up for them?
THIS: "Okay so work was really busy. This feels like A LOT to process. I feel like if it's going to be like this (already or most times) it's probably too much for what my emotional availability is right now tbh. "
My response..
"Yeah I kinda was thinking the same after I texted you. I thought I said something hurtful so thats why I wanted to text you and check in. I'm not emotionally available rn either. So that's probably why we are running in to issues so soon. Feel me? Good ol intimacy issues. was worried that I hurt you but if not than cool. I respect that girl. "
Followed up by...
"Maybe one day when we are both in a better spot in our lives. If you ever wanna chat tho feel free. I'm down to be friends Platonically. If you are. "
I would say I was relived tbh.. she took the words right out my mouth!! But Iv yet to hear back about the friendship. But it's up to her. I'm just glad she didn't seem hurt ??
It would have been better to not send your initial message and just let her come to you at her own pace, though it was a bit too late to say that before. The second message didn't need to be sent. The Libra woman basically said that the emotion in the first message overwhelmed her and she's uncomfortable with it. A solid response would have been, "No worries. If you change your mind, feel free to give me call and we can go have some fun."
At least then you would've left the door open if she figures out what she wants and changes her mind. In this case though, the best thing you can do is walk away.
I never claimed to want to date her even to her. It's complicated. I'm looking for human connections. Period. Open to love. That's it. We both weren't looking for serious. Doesn't mean I didn't care..also I was saying I realized this after the fact. I'm going through my own shit too... we were both confusing. I even told her I'm quote in person. "I don't know what I want. Just what I don't want."
I'm complicTed. She was the one pushing in the beginning.. for context you should know to expand
Posted by ChuckcemRight. Hence the "when we are both in better places in our lives". I meant that sincerely. Even if she doesn't believe it.Posted by WaterDevilAha, got it. Granted my advice would remain the same, even if you're not male. However if this person doesn't seem right to you, then it's probably best you let things between you drop. Taking on depression and addiction is a difficult thing to do.Posted by ChuckcemI'm a female btw and I wasn't trying to keep her in my back pocket. I was being real. And if she feels confused I can't do anything about it. Iv already heard enough wishy wash. Self preservation is more important to me at this point. I got some read flags too. And this back and forth renting too much space in my head. She has depression and addiction. I'd rather her think I'm confusing than get my self in to something I'm not ready for. Iv talked to her in person. I'm sure she knows everything Iv said to her face was sincere and it was. She'll always doubt a text I can count on that. So it doesn't really matter either way now does it?Posted by WaterDevilI'm confused. Did you want to date this girl or not? From what you've just said, you've literally just friend zoned yourself in order to avoid a potential rejection. If anything this will only confuse her more concerning your intentions and possibly make you seem insincere. There's nothing worse in a woman's mind than a guy who back peddles.Posted by ChuckcemLol glad you wrote this because with that being said. I had already checked out of the situation a few hours ago emotionally. I more so felt bad if she was sad.Posted by WaterDevilIt's basically already been said, but if someone isn't responding back to you, don't chase them. The reason why so many seem to bash on the Libra/Cancer dynamic is because the signs handle emotions differently. Cancers are prone to smother their partners with emotion (which isn't a bad thing), which can scare off a Libra who is more easily smothered. As an air sign, Libra needs space to sort through their thoughts and decisions.
Im pretty sure there was a misunderstanding on her part. And I think I upset her. So I sent her this a few hours ago. Still no response...
"Ok. I dont push very often. But there is just something about our connection that i'd like to continue to explore if you would, so here it goes...
I'm all about self preservation. And if I hurt you I want you to know that was not the intent. There is just a lot of history with me you don't know about yet. And I have guidelines for my self rn that I absolutely do not compromise on. I know it seems like I'm a hypocrite. But I have my reasons, and Im definitely not better than anyone. Regardless I want you to know, If I didn't think you were competent and intelligent enough to make your own decisions I wouldn't be fucking with you, I'd leave it.
I don't put in this much effort toward someone I just met and I'll do it one more time and If I don't hear back it will suck. But so be it. I've just already reached my comfort level with pushing. So if you feel the same way I do about something being there I think it would be worth it to meet up. Grab a drink together and chat. Nothing heavy, just a laid back situation. I would just like the opportunity to explain so you could understand fully where Im coming from, and if it's still a red flag for you I get that. I'd like to put a stop to communicating through text like this. I think it sucks. You deserve some clarity if you want it. If not I understand. "
So if a Libra seems distant, the last thing you want to do is continue to reach out and push your own emotions on to them. This will only push them back even more. As a result walking away has a much better effect that continuing your pursuit. I've personally watched Libra come back when I've left them alone (I say this as someone with Cancer in his chart)
Astrology aside, women respect men who are emotionally strong/stable. There's nothing wrong with being honest about your feelings. However you have to be careful about throwing your ALL of your feelings out at once, especially if you're not in a serious relationship with the woman. In which case your approach may seem desperate. Women need to feel your emotional strength. They need to know that if they push you away and treat you unfairly, they can actually lose you. They need to know that you have self respect because if you can't stand up for yourself, how could you ever stand up for them?
THIS: "Okay so work was really busy. This feels like A LOT to process. I feel like if it's going to be like this (already or most times) it's probably too much for what my emotional availability is right now tbh. "
My response..
"Yeah I kinda was thinking the same after I texted you. I thought I said something hurtful so thats why I wanted to text you and check in. I'm not emotionally available rn either. So that's probably why we are running in to issues so soon. Feel me? Good ol intimacy issues. was worried that I hurt you but if not than cool. I respect that girl. "
Followed up by...
"Maybe one day when we are both in a better spot in our lives. If you ever wanna chat tho feel free. I'm down to be friends Platonically. If you are. "
I would say I was relived tbh.. she took the words right out my mouth!! But Iv yet to hear back about the friendship. But it's up to her. I'm just glad she didn't seem hurt ??
It would have been better to not send your initial message and just let her come to you at her own pace, though it was a bit too late to say that before. The second message didn't need to be sent. The Libra woman basically said that the emotion in the first message overwhelmed her and she's uncomfortable with it. A solid response would have been, "No worries. If you change your mind, feel free to give me call and we can go have some fun."
At least then you would've left the door open if she figures out what she wants and changes her mind. In this case though, the best thing you can do is walk to expand