Posted by saggurl88Tell him for the rest of his life he's always going to meet someone different or better in some ways than his current, but he has to learn loyalty.....learn to appreciate what other people have to offer without wanted it. If he jumps ship, he'll then miss what the current is providing.
What do you all do when you are indecisive about a relationship? What makes you make a clear decision?
I have a young Libra telling me his issues about him having a girlfriend and him liking another girl. I told him the issue is for him to figure out on his own and to keep the other girl as a friend until he figures it out.
What other advice should I give him? He's asking for help because I know everything that's going on but he is super confused about his feelings for the new girl. I told him it's the honeymoon phase and that he might not like her, it's just something exciting and new.
He has cheated before and doesn't want to do it again. His current girlfriend is a Sag and the girl he's friends with is a Cancer. I don't even know how well Libra and Cancer get along but there are already things he does to the Cancer chick to annoy her, he doesn't even notice either.
Anymore advice I can give him? From an actual Libra that struggles with decisions and balancing/figuring out what you want?
Posted by tizianiHis Sag girl is bi too lol. The cancer chick will not go for that! Hahaha.Posted by saggurl88Then definitely wait it out until a threesome.
Well thanks everyone. It’s too late. Lol he jumpethe him and just told his girl of 3 years (that he lives with) that he likes the cancer girl and doesn’t know what to do.
Cancer girl threatened to stop talking to him cause she didn’t want to be a side chick.
I told him that he will have to decide for himself if the grass is greener. But the cancer girl is extremely jealous. He doesn’t know that side of her yet and he’s only been talking with her for about 3 months.
He’s young, in his 20’s, he will figure it out and learn lessons on life. I guessclick to expand
Posted by tizianiI feel bad, I think he thinks it will be a lot of fun with the cancer chick. He's in for a surprise lolPosted by saggurl88Yeah that part makes sense, him doing that. Maybe she'll listen or maybe she'll just turn it into a her vs women thing unfortunately.Posted by tizianiHis Sag girl is bi too lol. The cancer chick will not go for that! Hahaha.Posted by saggurl88Then definitely wait it out until a threesome.
Well thanks everyone. It’s too late. Lol he jumpethe him and just told his girl of 3 years (that he lives with) that he likes the cancer girl and doesn’t know what to do.
Cancer girl threatened to stop talking to him cause she didn’t want to be a side chick.
I told him that he will have to decide for himself if the grass is greener. But the cancer girl is extremely jealous. He doesn’t know that side of her yet and he’s only been talking with her for about 3 months.
He’s young, in his 20’s, he will figure it out and learn lessons on life. I guess
He was really great with his girlfriend though. He doesn’t like keeping secrets and ended up telling her about how he liked the cancer chick.
That’s extremely commendable. Im too chicken shit to do anything like that lolclick to expand
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio3I really don't think it will last between him and the Caner chick. She is too jealous and moody. But it's his funeral lolPosted by saggurl88Lol I remember when I was 20 I did a lot of shit and made a lot of mistakes but its all worth it lol
Well thanks everyone. It’s too late. Lol he jumpethe him and just told his girl of 3 years (that he lives with) that he likes the cancer girl and doesn’t know what to do.
Cancer girl threatened to stop talking to him cause she didn’t want to be a side chick.
I told him that he will have to decide for himself if the grass is greener. But the cancer girl is extremely jealous. He doesn’t know that side of her yet and he’s only been talking with her for about 3 months.
He’s young, in his 20’s, he will figure it out and learn lessons on life. I guessclick to expand
Posted by HarukkaI told him that. He said they went on a break before and she took him back. But you know when we know the truth, we can be very understanding. . It's the lies that get to us. It just depends on if she still loves him, so who knows. She may just take a break and go to females until he's ready to come back. Who knows.
In the start he will leave the sag for cancer, then after while he will come back to the sag for sure, but it will be too late.
That’s just my guess
Posted by tizianiTiz, Sag women don't fight for a man. We will let them go and just deal with it.
I don't think it's a real decision honestly.
You gotta decide on what you need and want, and that's all.
The two women maybe one of them will listen maybe neither of them will. But that doesn't change your direction. It's not a reflection on either of them. But I've got to be real that i've seen women get competitive, ego gets in the way and they get arrogant turning it into a me vs her thing.
Which means your relationship with either one is redundant since you can't trust either of them to pay attention to you.
Posted by tizianiWell it depends on how many times you tell me the "Truth" and take advantage of my kindnessPosted by saggurl88What makes that a flaw? It'd be an opportunity to get to deepen your relationship imo.Posted by tizianiTiz, Sag women don't fight for a man. We will let them go and just deal with it.
I don't think it's a real decision honestly.
You gotta decide on what you need and want, and that's all.
The two women maybe one of them will listen maybe neither of them will. But that doesn't change your direction. It's not a reflection on either of them. But I've got to be real that i've seen women get competitive, ego gets in the way and they get arrogant turning it into a me vs her thing.
Which means your relationship with either one is redundant since you can't trust either of them to pay attention to you.
At least I'm that way. There's too many men out here willing to give me what I want if a guy doesn't want to be here. But it still just depends on how tired I am of his shit. I put up a lot, too much in fact. I am extremely forgiving when someone is truthful. It's a major flaw that I to expand
Posted by 2MoonHe is oblivious to when she's mad or jealous. It's gonna be a major problem for him lol But he has to learn for himself!Posted by saggurl88Oh godddd
Well thanks everyone. It’s too late. Lol he jumpethe him and just told his girl of 3 years (that he lives with) that he likes the cancer girl and doesn’t know what to do.
Cancer girl threatened to stop talking to him cause she didn’t want to be a side chick.
I told him that he will have to decide for himself if the grass is greener. But the cancer girl is extremely jealous. He doesn’t know that side of her yet and he’s only been talking with her for about 3 months.
He’s young, in his 20’s, he will figure it out and learn lessons on life. I guess
What a fucking retard this guy
I don't Eve know why I care
tell him to connect on dxpnet and read everything that 2Moon has said about Libra - Cancer pairings
🙌 😅😅😅
What a fucking retard this to expand
Posted by tizianiIt feels like I'm letting the person walk all over me, just cause they told the truth lol I can deal with a lot though, but too much of it is bad. Especially if the truth hurts me. What could I possibly get out of that?Posted by saggurl88But you are getting something out of it for yourself right? Or does it just feel like you're doing a favour for the other person?Posted by tizianiWell it depends on how many times you tell me the "Truth" and take advantage of my kindnessPosted by saggurl88What makes that a flaw? It'd be an opportunity to get to deepen your relationship imo.Posted by tizianiTiz, Sag women don't fight for a man. We will let them go and just deal with it.
I don't think it's a real decision honestly.
You gotta decide on what you need and want, and that's all.
The two women maybe one of them will listen maybe neither of them will. But that doesn't change your direction. It's not a reflection on either of them. But I've got to be real that i've seen women get competitive, ego gets in the way and they get arrogant turning it into a me vs her thing.
Which means your relationship with either one is redundant since you can't trust either of them to pay attention to you.
At least I'm that way. There's too many men out here willing to give me what I want if a guy doesn't want to be here. But it still just depends on how tired I am of his shit. I put up a lot, too much in fact. I am extremely forgiving when someone is truthful. It's a major flaw that I ave.![]()
Once I start feeling used, I will end it. But only after I catch you in a lie lol It can be a tiny one too lol I will wait around for it and then be gone
click to expand
Posted by STILLLOL! Best advice to give to a Libra...which they will never pay heed to. It’s their nature to seek the greener pastures.Posted by saggurl88Tell him for the rest of his life he's always going to meet someone different or better in some ways than his current, but he has to learn loyalty.....learn to appreciate what other people have to offer without wanted it. If she jumps ship, he then miss what the current is providing.
What do you all do when you are indecisive about a relationship? What makes you make a clear decision?
I have a young Libra telling me his issues about him having a girlfriend and him liking another girl. I told him the issue is for him to figure out on his own and to keep the other girl as a friend until he figures it out.
What other advice should I give him? He's asking for help because I know everything that's going on but he is super confused about his feelings for the new girl. I told him it's the honeymoon phase and that he might not like her, it's just something exciting and new.
He has cheated before and doesn't want to do it again. His current girlfriend is a Sag and the girl he's friends with is a Cancer. I don't even know how well Libra and Cancer get along but there are already things he does to the Cancer chick to annoy her, he doesn't even notice either.
Anymore advice I can give him? From an actual Libra that struggles with decisions and balancing/figuring out what you want?click to expand
Posted by 2MoonPosted by saggurl88You in real life very soon:Posted by 2MoonHe is oblivious to when she's mad or jealous. It's gonna be a major problem for him lol But he has to learn for himself!Posted by saggurl88Oh godddd
Well thanks everyone. It’s too late. Lol he jumpethe him and just told his girl of 3 years (that he lives with) that he likes the cancer girl and doesn’t know what to do.
Cancer girl threatened to stop talking to him cause she didn’t want to be a side chick.
I told him that he will have to decide for himself if the grass is greener. But the cancer girl is extremely jealous. He doesn’t know that side of her yet and he’s only been talking with her for about 3 months.
He’s young, in his 20’s, he will figure it out and learn lessons on life. I guess
What a fucking retard this guy
I don't Eve know why I care
tell him to connect on dxpnet and read everything that 2Moon has said about Libra - Cancer pairings
🙌 😅😅😅
What a fucking retard this guy.![]()
click to expand
Posted by FantamRoosterHe just met a new girl and he wants to pursue her and dump the old girl, basically. He has't known the girl for that long thoughPosted by tizianiI always assume a romantic relationship includes sex unless I know specifically it doesn't. She did mention that the Cancer didn't want to be a "side chick."Posted by FantamRoosterAh well, I ddin't get the impression this is about sex giving what he told his girlfriend. But I could be wrong. I dunno the full story.Posted by tizianiMaybe so. I don't really see much of a way around that when you want a monogamous relationship, and you find out your dude has another woman (or your woman has another man, as the case may be.)Posted by FantamRoosterThat is the healthy way to go about it. When it gets into "it's me vs her" it's not about that anymore, it just becomes some weird competitive thing that's way off.Posted by tizianiFor each of the women, it is about her. She's got to focus on herself.Posted by FantamRoosterBecause it's not about the two women. He's got to focus on himself.Posted by tizianiwut?
I don't think it's a real decision honestly.
You gotta decide on what you need and want, and that's all.
The two women maybe one of them will listen maybe neither of them will. But that doesn't change your direction. It's not a reflection on either of them. But I've got to be real that i've seen women get competitive, ego gets in the way and they get arrogant turning it into a me vs her thing.
Which means your relationship with either one is redundant since you can't trust either of them to pay attention to you.
How is a man juggling two women somehow an ego problem for the women? lolclick to expand
Posted by jeaneSometimes putting a time frame inplay delays the inevitable. I dont think the relationship with the girlfriend could or will last if he is confused between the two. You either love them or you dont. Im so guilty of using time frames and they just make it worse for me🤔
he's going to do what he is going to do. i think we can be swayed on some things but we can be very stubborn and the to-ing and fro-ing can be only an attempt to delay what we know deep down we are going to do anyway.
the best thing for him is to wait it out. tell him to have a time frame in mind - 6 weeks, 6 months, 6 days. whatever he thinks is a reasonable time to wait before he makes his final decision. he may feel differently then or he might fel the same, but he would have given it some time at least to make sure he is certain.
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio3Definitely!
Best advise you could give him is to always remember to use a raincoat.
Posted by saggurl88Secrets in relationships destroy. Hope they all work it out xPosted by tizianiHis Sag girl is bi too lol. The cancer chick will not go for that! Hahaha.Posted by saggurl88Then definitely wait it out until a threesome.
Well thanks everyone. It’s too late. Lol he jumpethe him and just told his girl of 3 years (that he lives with) that he likes the cancer girl and doesn’t know what to do.
Cancer girl threatened to stop talking to him cause she didn’t want to be a side chick.
I told him that he will have to decide for himself if the grass is greener. But the cancer girl is extremely jealous. He doesn’t know that side of her yet and he’s only been talking with her for about 3 months.
He’s young, in his 20’s, he will figure it out and learn lessons on life. I guess
He was really great with his girlfriend though. He doesn’t like keeping secrets and ended up telling her about how he liked the cancer chick.
That’s extremely commendable. Im too chicken shit to do anything like that lolclick to expand
Posted by FantamRoosterNo, The cancer girl didn't want to. She basically gave him an ultimatum and said if you want some, then dump your girl and start dating me lolPosted by saggurl88Is he not cheating, then? I kind of assumed he was. If he's not, maybe he just wants that Cancer ass really really bad, bad enough to dump the Sag.Posted by FantamRoosterHe just met a new girl and he wants to pursue her and dump the old girl, basically. He has't known the girl for that long thoughPosted by tizianiI always assume a romantic relationship includes sex unless I know specifically it doesn't. She did mention that the Cancer didn't want to be a "side chick."Posted by FantamRoosterAh well, I ddin't get the impression this is about sex giving what he told his girlfriend. But I could be wrong. I dunno the full story.Posted by tizianiMaybe so. I don't really see much of a way around that when you want a monogamous relationship, and you find out your dude has another woman (or your woman has another man, as the case may be.)Posted by FantamRoosterThat is the healthy way to go about it. When it gets into "it's me vs her" it's not about that anymore, it just becomes some weird competitive thing that's way off.Posted by tizianiFor each of the women, it is about her. She's got to focus on herself.Posted by FantamRoosterBecause it's not about the two women. He's got to focus on himself.Posted by tizianiwut?
I don't think it's a real decision honestly.
You gotta decide on what you need and want, and that's all.
The two women maybe one of them will listen maybe neither of them will. But that doesn't change your direction. It's not a reflection on either of them. But I've got to be real that i've seen women get competitive, ego gets in the way and they get arrogant turning it into a me vs her thing.
Which means your relationship with either one is redundant since you can't trust either of them to pay attention to you.
How is a man juggling two women somehow an ego problem for the women? lol
I wouldn't have given any advice in this situation if I were you either. Who knows what the best thing to do would be. Only time will show him that, and most people don't stay with someone they get with in their early 20s. *shrugs*
I didn't even really mean to get involved in your friend's business; I was just taken aback by what Tiz said and trying to understand to expand
Posted by tizianiThis is what I like!Posted by FantamRoosterPosted by saggurl88Is he not cheating, then? I kind of assumed he was. If he's not, maybe he just wants that Cancer ass really really bad, bad enough to dump the Sag.Posted by FantamRoosterHe just met a new girl and he wants to pursue her and dump the old girl, basically. He has't known the girl for that long thoughPosted by tizianiI always assume a romantic relationship includes sex unless I know specifically it doesn't. She did mention that the Cancer didn't want to be a "side chick."Posted by FantamRoosterAh well, I ddin't get the impression this is about sex giving what he told his girlfriend. But I could be wrong. I dunno the full story.Posted by tizianiMaybe so. I don't really see much of a way around that when you want a monogamous relationship, and you find out your dude has another woman (or your woman has another man, as the case may be.)Posted by FantamRoosterThat is the healthy way to go about it. When it gets into "it's me vs her" it's not about that anymore, it just becomes some weird competitive thing that's way off.Posted by tizianiFor each of the women, it is about her. She's got to focus on herself.Posted by FantamRoosterBecause it's not about the two women. He's got to focus on himself.Posted by tizianiwut?
I don't think it's a real decision honestly.
You gotta decide on what you need and want, and that's all.
The two women maybe one of them will listen maybe neither of them will. But that doesn't change your direction. It's not a reflection on either of them. But I've got to be real that i've seen women get competitive, ego gets in the way and they get arrogant turning it into a me vs her thing.
Which means your relationship with either one is redundant since you can't trust either of them to pay attention to you.
How is a man juggling two women somehow an ego problem for the women? lol
I wouldn't have given any advice in this situation if I were you either. Who knows what the best thing to do would be. Only time will show him that, and most people don't stay with someone they get with in their early 20s. *shrugs*
I didn't even really mean to get involved in your friend's business; I was just taken aback by what Tiz said and trying to understand it.
Which part because I think I'm expressing myself in a real muddy way todayclick to expand
Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairiestrue but feelings can be fleeting. i know if i go with a knee jerk reaction that i can regret it. for me, it has to sit with me for a while for me to determine if i am being carelessly reactionary or if there is merit to my sentiment.Posted by jeaneSometimes putting a time frame inplay delays the inevitable. I dont think the relationship with the girlfriend could or will last if he is confused between the two. You either love them or you dont. Im so guilty of using time frames and they just make it worse for me🤔
he's going to do what he is going to do. i think we can be swayed on some things but we can be very stubborn and the to-ing and fro-ing can be only an attempt to delay what we know deep down we are going to do anyway.
the best thing for him is to wait it out. tell him to have a time frame in mind - 6 weeks, 6 months, 6 days. whatever he thinks is a reasonable time to wait before he makes his final decision. he may feel differently then or he might fel the same, but he would have given it some time at least to make sure he is to expand
Posted by tizianiI didn't say much to him, but he will know pretty soon if it was worth it or not.Posted by saggurl88So he made the wrong choice then lol I agree with you, bad decision. She's already using him.Posted by FantamRoosterNo, The cancer girl didn't want to. She basically gave him an ultimatum and said if you want some, then dump your girl and start dating me lolPosted by saggurl88Is he not cheating, then? I kind of assumed he was. If he's not, maybe he just wants that Cancer ass really really bad, bad enough to dump the Sag.Posted by FantamRoosterHe just met a new girl and he wants to pursue her and dump the old girl, basically. He has't known the girl for that long thoughPosted by tizianiI always assume a romantic relationship includes sex unless I know specifically it doesn't. She did mention that the Cancer didn't want to be a "side chick."Posted by FantamRoosterAh well, I ddin't get the impression this is about sex giving what he told his girlfriend. But I could be wrong. I dunno the full story.Posted by tizianiMaybe so. I don't really see much of a way around that when you want a monogamous relationship, and you find out your dude has another woman (or your woman has another man, as the case may be.)Posted by FantamRoosterThat is the healthy way to go about it. When it gets into "it's me vs her" it's not about that anymore, it just becomes some weird competitive thing that's way off.Posted by tizianiFor each of the women, it is about her. She's got to focus on herself.Posted by FantamRoosterBecause it's not about the two women. He's got to focus on himself.Posted by tizianiwut?
I don't think it's a real decision honestly.
You gotta decide on what you need and want, and that's all.
The two women maybe one of them will listen maybe neither of them will. But that doesn't change your direction. It's not a reflection on either of them. But I've got to be real that i've seen women get competitive, ego gets in the way and they get arrogant turning it into a me vs her thing.
Which means your relationship with either one is redundant since you can't trust either of them to pay attention to you.
How is a man juggling two women somehow an ego problem for the women? lol
I wouldn't have given any advice in this situation if I were you either. Who knows what the best thing to do would be. Only time will show him that, and most people don't stay with someone they get with in their early 20s. *shrugs*
I didn't even really mean to get involved in your friend's business; I was just taken aback by what Tiz said and trying to understand to expand
Posted by piscesgotherscorpioHey now!
I have a libra moon. So it comes down to whether or not theybe ruined me for every other guy. If the D is so dickmatizing the rest fall short then decision made.
my vagina does not have libra in it.
only scorpio!
Posted by tizianiPosted by jeane"Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairiestrue but feelings can be fleeting. i know if i go with a knee jerk reaction that i can regret it. for me, it has to sit with me for a while for me to determine if i am being carelessly reactionary or if there is merit to my sentiment.Posted by jeaneSometimes putting a time frame inplay delays the inevitable. I dont think the relationship with the girlfriend could or will last if he is confused between the two. You either love them or you dont. Im so guilty of using time frames and they just make it worse for me🤔
he's going to do what he is going to do. i think we can be swayed on some things but we can be very stubborn and the to-ing and fro-ing can be only an attempt to delay what we know deep down we are going to do anyway.
the best thing for him is to wait it out. tell him to have a time frame in mind - 6 weeks, 6 months, 6 days. whatever he thinks is a reasonable time to wait before he makes his final decision. he may feel differently then or he might fel the same, but he would have given it some time at least to make sure he is certain.
people in relationships often form crushes on other people. it doesn't mean everyone acts on it or lets it ruin the relationship. sometimes it can be an opportunity to address anything lacking. i wouldn't blow up my long term relationship on the basis on what could be a temporary crush.
people in relationships often form crushes on other people. it doesn't mean everyone acts on it or lets it ruin the relationship. sometimes it can be an opportunity to address anything lacking"
thank you! Maybe it's just my experience but this is a standard-fare conversation to have in relationships at some points. Especially in my twenties because that's a time that's rife with walking the tightrope between what I thought was "the right way to do things" vs what was ACTUALLY right for me and my partnerclick to expand
Posted by FantamRoosteri think it's about the relationship you want to be in.Posted by tizianiWow. You have actually admitted to crushes on other people without destroying the existing relationship? I believe in open communication about most things, but that is something I would not want to hear. You're right, my ego would intervene.Posted by jeane"Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairiestrue but feelings can be fleeting. i know if i go with a knee jerk reaction that i can regret it. for me, it has to sit with me for a while for me to determine if i am being carelessly reactionary or if there is merit to my sentiment.Posted by jeaneSometimes putting a time frame inplay delays the inevitable. I dont think the relationship with the girlfriend could or will last if he is confused between the two. You either love them or you dont. Im so guilty of using time frames and they just make it worse for me🤔
he's going to do what he is going to do. i think we can be swayed on some things but we can be very stubborn and the to-ing and fro-ing can be only an attempt to delay what we know deep down we are going to do anyway.
the best thing for him is to wait it out. tell him to have a time frame in mind - 6 weeks, 6 months, 6 days. whatever he thinks is a reasonable time to wait before he makes his final decision. he may feel differently then or he might fel the same, but he would have given it some time at least to make sure he is certain.
people in relationships often form crushes on other people. it doesn't mean everyone acts on it or lets it ruin the relationship. sometimes it can be an opportunity to address anything lacking. i wouldn't blow up my long term relationship on the basis on what could be a temporary crush.
people in relationships often form crushes on other people. it doesn't mean everyone acts on it or lets it ruin the relationship. sometimes it can be an opportunity to address anything lacking"
thank you! Maybe it's just my experience but this is a standard-fare conversation to have in relationships at some points. Especially in my twenties because that's a time that's rife with walking the tightrope between what I thought was "the right way to do things" vs what was ACTUALLY right for me and my partnerclick to expand
Posted by FantamRoosterI also agree with @jeane.Posted by tizianiWow. You have actually admitted to crushes on other people without destroying the existing relationship? I believe in open communication about most things, but that is something I would not want to hear. You're right, my ego would intervene.Posted by jeane"Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairiestrue but feelings can be fleeting. i know if i go with a knee jerk reaction that i can regret it. for me, it has to sit with me for a while for me to determine if i am being carelessly reactionary or if there is merit to my sentiment.Posted by jeaneSometimes putting a time frame inplay delays the inevitable. I dont think the relationship with the girlfriend could or will last if he is confused between the two. You either love them or you dont. Im so guilty of using time frames and they just make it worse for me🤔
he's going to do what he is going to do. i think we can be swayed on some things but we can be very stubborn and the to-ing and fro-ing can be only an attempt to delay what we know deep down we are going to do anyway.
the best thing for him is to wait it out. tell him to have a time frame in mind - 6 weeks, 6 months, 6 days. whatever he thinks is a reasonable time to wait before he makes his final decision. he may feel differently then or he might fel the same, but he would have given it some time at least to make sure he is certain.
people in relationships often form crushes on other people. it doesn't mean everyone acts on it or lets it ruin the relationship. sometimes it can be an opportunity to address anything lacking. i wouldn't blow up my long term relationship on the basis on what could be a temporary crush.
people in relationships often form crushes on other people. it doesn't mean everyone acts on it or lets it ruin the relationship. sometimes it can be an opportunity to address anything lacking"
thank you! Maybe it's just my experience but this is a standard-fare conversation to have in relationships at some points. Especially in my twenties because that's a time that's rife with walking the tightrope between what I thought was "the right way to do things" vs what was ACTUALLY right for me and my partnerclick to expand
Posted by tiziani
The ideal is to be able to share whatever before it even gets into having a crush on other people. The only times I crushed on people outside of my relationship (and this is back in my twenties) was when I felt like I was repressing parts of myself for fear of upsetting others.
Sometimes that fear was warranted, other times it wasn't and just me inviting pressure on myself for no reason.
I also had this really ignorant idea that bisexual or lesbian women would be less territorial and more open to listen, I used to idealise a relationship with them where I could be their beard. but that also turned out to be a stupid assumption on my part.
Posted by FantamRoosterAwww yes, I agree. But this is a kid in his 20's. He has much to learn about relationships in lifePosted by saggurl88If there was involvement of any kind, that wouldn't be a crush to me, that would be cheating, and I'd be fit to be tied.Posted by FantamRoosterI also agree with @jeane.Posted by tizianiWow. You have actually admitted to crushes on other people without destroying the existing relationship? I believe in open communication about most things, but that is something I would not want to hear. You're right, my ego would intervene.Posted by jeane"Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairiestrue but feelings can be fleeting. i know if i go with a knee jerk reaction that i can regret it. for me, it has to sit with me for a while for me to determine if i am being carelessly reactionary or if there is merit to my sentiment.Posted by jeaneSometimes putting a time frame inplay delays the inevitable. I dont think the relationship with the girlfriend could or will last if he is confused between the two. You either love them or you dont. Im so guilty of using time frames and they just make it worse for me🤔
he's going to do what he is going to do. i think we can be swayed on some things but we can be very stubborn and the to-ing and fro-ing can be only an attempt to delay what we know deep down we are going to do anyway.
the best thing for him is to wait it out. tell him to have a time frame in mind - 6 weeks, 6 months, 6 days. whatever he thinks is a reasonable time to wait before he makes his final decision. he may feel differently then or he might fel the same, but he would have given it some time at least to make sure he is certain.
people in relationships often form crushes on other people. it doesn't mean everyone acts on it or lets it ruin the relationship. sometimes it can be an opportunity to address anything lacking. i wouldn't blow up my long term relationship on the basis on what could be a temporary crush.
people in relationships often form crushes on other people. it doesn't mean everyone acts on it or lets it ruin the relationship. sometimes it can be an opportunity to address anything lacking"
thank you! Maybe it's just my experience but this is a standard-fare conversation to have in relationships at some points. Especially in my twenties because that's a time that's rife with walking the tightrope between what I thought was "the right way to do things" vs what was ACTUALLY right for me and my partner
I would want to know if you have a crush on someone. I would want to know how it started and why you even got involved, and I would want to communicate about the next step in the relationship and we where to go from there.To me an innocent crush is one where the crush doesn't know he or she is a crushee. Those are the ones I don't need to know about.
click to expand
Posted by jeaneTrue. But should everyone concerned not all be given the right to make the same choice. If my partner has a crush on someone id rather they tell me upfront than i find out. The trurh always comes out.Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairiestrue but feelings can be fleeting. i know if i go with a knee jerk reaction that i can regret it. for me, it has to sit with me for a while for me to determine if i am being carelessly reactionary or if there is merit to my sentiment.Posted by jeaneSometimes putting a time frame inplay delays the inevitable. I dont think the relationship with the girlfriend could or will last if he is confused between the two. You either love them or you dont. Im so guilty of using time frames and they just make it worse for me🤔
he's going to do what he is going to do. i think we can be swayed on some things but we can be very stubborn and the to-ing and fro-ing can be only an attempt to delay what we know deep down we are going to do anyway.
the best thing for him is to wait it out. tell him to have a time frame in mind - 6 weeks, 6 months, 6 days. whatever he thinks is a reasonable time to wait before he makes his final decision. he may feel differently then or he might fel the same, but he would have given it some time at least to make sure he is certain.
people in relationships often form crushes on other people. it doesn't mean everyone acts on it or lets it ruin the relationship. sometimes it can be an opportunity to address anything lacking. i wouldn't blow up my long term relationship on the basis on what could be a temporary to expand
Posted by QueenofthepheasantfairiesPosted by jeaneTrue. But should everyone concerned not all be given the right to make the same choice. If my partner has a crush on someone id rather they tell me upfront than i find out. The trurh always comes out.Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairiestrue but feelings can be fleeting. i know if i go with a knee jerk reaction that i can regret it. for me, it has to sit with me for a while for me to determine if i am being carelessly reactionary or if there is merit to my sentiment.Posted by jeaneSometimes putting a time frame inplay delays the inevitable. I dont think the relationship with the girlfriend could or will last if he is confused between the two. You either love them or you dont. Im so guilty of using time frames and they just make it worse for me🤔
he's going to do what he is going to do. i think we can be swayed on some things but we can be very stubborn and the to-ing and fro-ing can be only an attempt to delay what we know deep down we are going to do anyway.
the best thing for him is to wait it out. tell him to have a time frame in mind - 6 weeks, 6 months, 6 days. whatever he thinks is a reasonable time to wait before he makes his final decision. he may feel differently then or he might fel the same, but he would have given it some time at least to make sure he is certain.
people in relationships often form crushes on other people. it doesn't mean everyone acts on it or lets it ruin the relationship. sometimes it can be an opportunity to address anything lacking. i wouldn't blow up my long term relationship on the basis on what could be a temporary to expand
Posted by GobbyWho’s riding the horse? 🐎 😜
You can lead a horse to water...
Posted by GobbyI know. You’re such a saint!Posted by saggurl88Posted by GobbyWho’s riding the horse? 🐎 😜
You can lead a horse to water...
Well, it certainly isn't to expand
Posted by aquarius09I was hoping that if you catch them early and convey it enough, maybe he could learn to be loyal.Posted by STILLLOL! Best advice to give to a Libra...which they will never pay heed to. It’s their nature to seek the greener pastures.Posted by saggurl88Tell him for the rest of his life he's always going to meet someone different or better in some ways than his current, but he has to learn loyalty.....learn to appreciate what other people have to offer without wanted it. If she jumps ship, he then miss what the current is providing.
What do you all do when you are indecisive about a relationship? What makes you make a clear decision?
I have a young Libra telling me his issues about him having a girlfriend and him liking another girl. I told him the issue is for him to figure out on his own and to keep the other girl as a friend until he figures it out.
What other advice should I give him? He's asking for help because I know everything that's going on but he is super confused about his feelings for the new girl. I told him it's the honeymoon phase and that he might not like her, it's just something exciting and new.
He has cheated before and doesn't want to do it again. His current girlfriend is a Sag and the girl he's friends with is a Cancer. I don't even know how well Libra and Cancer get along but there are already things he does to the Cancer chick to annoy her, he doesn't even notice either.
Anymore advice I can give him? From an actual Libra that struggles with decisions and balancing/figuring out what you want?click to expand
Posted by STILL💯% agree with you. Leave it to Aqua moons and Cap moons to discipline people. LoL. In the name of acceptance and inclusivity and refraining from “judging” even though we all do it, our society has become a little too passive and lenient with people who should rightfully be called out.Posted by aquarius09I was hoping that if you catch them early and convey it enough, maybe he could learn to be loyal.Posted by STILLLOL! Best advice to give to a Libra...which they will never pay heed to. It’s their nature to seek the greener pastures.Posted by saggurl88Tell him for the rest of his life he's always going to meet someone different or better in some ways than his current, but he has to learn loyalty.....learn to appreciate what other people have to offer without wanted it. If she jumps ship, he then miss what the current is providing.
What do you all do when you are indecisive about a relationship? What makes you make a clear decision?
I have a young Libra telling me his issues about him having a girlfriend and him liking another girl. I told him the issue is for him to figure out on his own and to keep the other girl as a friend until he figures it out.
What other advice should I give him? He's asking for help because I know everything that's going on but he is super confused about his feelings for the new girl. I told him it's the honeymoon phase and that he might not like her, it's just something exciting and new.
He has cheated before and doesn't want to do it again. His current girlfriend is a Sag and the girl he's friends with is a Cancer. I don't even know how well Libra and Cancer get along but there are already things he does to the Cancer chick to annoy her, he doesn't even notice either.
Anymore advice I can give him? From an actual Libra that struggles with decisions and balancing/figuring out what you want?
I think people are so afraid to call people out on their shit in the name of not being judgemental. I don't think it's being judgemental. Everyone should build to expand
Posted by aquarius09Indeed fellow Aqua! LolPosted by STILL💯% agree with you. Leave it to Aqua moons and Cap moons to discipline people. LoL. In the name of acceptance and inclusivity and refraining from “judging” even though we all do it, our society has become a little too passive and lenient with people who should rightfully be called out.Posted by aquarius09I was hoping that if you catch them early and convey it enough, maybe he could learn to be loyal.Posted by STILLLOL! Best advice to give to a Libra...which they will never pay heed to. It’s their nature to seek the greener pastures.Posted by saggurl88Tell him for the rest of his life he's always going to meet someone different or better in some ways than his current, but he has to learn loyalty.....learn to appreciate what other people have to offer without wanted it. If she jumps ship, he then miss what the current is providing.
What do you all do when you are indecisive about a relationship? What makes you make a clear decision?
I have a young Libra telling me his issues about him having a girlfriend and him liking another girl. I told him the issue is for him to figure out on his own and to keep the other girl as a friend until he figures it out.
What other advice should I give him? He's asking for help because I know everything that's going on but he is super confused about his feelings for the new girl. I told him it's the honeymoon phase and that he might not like her, it's just something exciting and new.
He has cheated before and doesn't want to do it again. His current girlfriend is a Sag and the girl he's friends with is a Cancer. I don't even know how well Libra and Cancer get along but there are already things he does to the Cancer chick to annoy her, he doesn't even notice either.
Anymore advice I can give him? From an actual Libra that struggles with decisions and balancing/figuring out what you want?
I think people are so afraid to call people out on their shit in the name of not being judgemental. I don't think it's being judgemental. Everyone should build character.
As for judgmental, I wonder about people who feel like they don’t judge. Delusional and to expand
Posted by Arielle83No. The cancer is jealous that the Libra talks to other girls. She says he’s too friendly. He’s always telling other women that he misses them or is so glad to see them. She tells him he’s too nice to all the ladies.Posted by saggurl88The cancer is jealous of his gf of 3 yrs?
Well thanks everyone. It’s too late. Lol he jumpethe him and just told his girl of 3 years (that he lives with) that he likes the cancer girl and doesn’t know what to do.
Cancer girl threatened to stop talking to him cause she didn’t want to be a side chick.
I told him that he will have to decide for himself if the grass is greener. But the cancer girl is extremely jealous. He doesn’t know that side of her yet and he’s only been talking with her for about 3 months.
He’s young, in his 20’s, he will figure it out and learn lessons on life. I guessclick to expand
Posted by Arielle83Cause she’s cute and he hasn’t had sex with her yet????? I don’t know. Lol.Posted by saggurl88The cancer sounds like a douche. Why he like her?Posted by Arielle83No. The cancer is jealous that the Libra talks to other girls. She says he’s too friendly. He’s always telling other women that he misses them or is so glad to see them. She tells him he’s too nice to all the ladies.Posted by saggurl88The cancer is jealous of his gf of 3 yrs?
Well thanks everyone. It’s too late. Lol he jumpethe him and just told his girl of 3 years (that he lives with) that he likes the cancer girl and doesn’t know what to do.
Cancer girl threatened to stop talking to him cause she didn’t want to be a side chick.
I told him that he will have to decide for himself if the grass is greener. But the cancer girl is extremely jealous. He doesn’t know that side of her yet and he’s only been talking with her for about 3 months.
He’s young, in his 20’s, he will figure it out and learn lessons on life. I guess
He just a sweet, loving kid. Super to expand
Posted by tiziani😂😂😂😂😂😂😂Posted by saggurl88Go all the way to the end-zone for the fantasy, Libra! No ragrets!Posted by Arielle83Cause she’s cute and he hasn’t had sex with her yet????? I don’t know. Lol.Posted by saggurl88The cancer sounds like a douche. Why he like her?Posted by Arielle83No. The cancer is jealous that the Libra talks to other girls. She says he’s too friendly. He’s always telling other women that he misses them or is so glad to see them. She tells him he’s too nice to all the ladies.Posted by saggurl88The cancer is jealous of his gf of 3 yrs?
Well thanks everyone. It’s too late. Lol he jumpethe him and just told his girl of 3 years (that he lives with) that he likes the cancer girl and doesn’t know what to do.
Cancer girl threatened to stop talking to him cause she didn’t want to be a side chick.
I told him that he will have to decide for himself if the grass is greener. But the cancer girl is extremely jealous. He doesn’t know that side of her yet and he’s only been talking with her for about 3 months.
He’s young, in his 20’s, he will figure it out and learn lessons on life. I guess
He just a sweet, loving kid. Super nice.
I don’t think he knows how she really is. He doesn’t pay much attention cause he’s always chatting with other people. He messages with her in his down time I guess. We are all supposed to be meeting up tomorrow after work. I’ll see how things are going with them. He was a little scattered today talking to me. He had too much going on.
After he broke up with his current girl, I asked him if he even knew if the cancer liked him and he said “She told me she would try dating me if I was single”
He just made a life changing decision based off those words lolclick to expand
Posted by STILLPrecisely!! Girl, I need more real life friends like you. Life would be so much easier when two people think the same.Posted by aquarius09Indeed fellow Aqua! LolPosted by STILL💯% agree with you. Leave it to Aqua moons and Cap moons to discipline people. LoL. In the name of acceptance and inclusivity and refraining from “judging” even though we all do it, our society has become a little too passive and lenient with people who should rightfully be called out.Posted by aquarius09I was hoping that if you catch them early and convey it enough, maybe he could learn to be loyal.Posted by STILLLOL! Best advice to give to a Libra...which they will never pay heed to. It’s their nature to seek the greener pastures.Posted by saggurl88Tell him for the rest of his life he's always going to meet someone different or better in some ways than his current, but he has to learn loyalty.....learn to appreciate what other people have to offer without wanted it. If she jumps ship, he then miss what the current is providing.
What do you all do when you are indecisive about a relationship? What makes you make a clear decision?
I have a young Libra telling me his issues about him having a girlfriend and him liking another girl. I told him the issue is for him to figure out on his own and to keep the other girl as a friend until he figures it out.
What other advice should I give him? He's asking for help because I know everything that's going on but he is super confused about his feelings for the new girl. I told him it's the honeymoon phase and that he might not like her, it's just something exciting and new.
He has cheated before and doesn't want to do it again. His current girlfriend is a Sag and the girl he's friends with is a Cancer. I don't even know how well Libra and Cancer get along but there are already things he does to the Cancer chick to annoy her, he doesn't even notice either.
Anymore advice I can give him? From an actual Libra that struggles with decisions and balancing/figuring out what you want?
I think people are so afraid to call people out on their shit in the name of not being judgemental. I don't think it's being judgemental. Everyone should build character.
As for judgmental, I wonder about people who feel like they don’t judge. Delusional and insane.
Also, judging to demean is different from giving your to expand
Posted by aquarius09That's funny, I was kinda thinking the same thing. My exact thought "I hate when 09 gets on dxp. We become tag team buddies. I get too much mental stimulation from her. I think I have a girl crush" *heart eyes*Posted by STILLPrecisely!! Girl, I need more real life friends like you. Life would be so much easier when two people think the same.Posted by aquarius09Indeed fellow Aqua! LolPosted by STILL💯% agree with you. Leave it to Aqua moons and Cap moons to discipline people. LoL. In the name of acceptance and inclusivity and refraining from “judging” even though we all do it, our society has become a little too passive and lenient with people who should rightfully be called out.Posted by aquarius09I was hoping that if you catch them early and convey it enough, maybe he could learn to be loyal.Posted by STILLLOL! Best advice to give to a Libra...which they will never pay heed to. It’s their nature to seek the greener pastures.Posted by saggurl88Tell him for the rest of his life he's always going to meet someone different or better in some ways than his current, but he has to learn loyalty.....learn to appreciate what other people have to offer without wanted it. If she jumps ship, he then miss what the current is providing.
What do you all do when you are indecisive about a relationship? What makes you make a clear decision?
I have a young Libra telling me his issues about him having a girlfriend and him liking another girl. I told him the issue is for him to figure out on his own and to keep the other girl as a friend until he figures it out.
What other advice should I give him? He's asking for help because I know everything that's going on but he is super confused about his feelings for the new girl. I told him it's the honeymoon phase and that he might not like her, it's just something exciting and new.
He has cheated before and doesn't want to do it again. His current girlfriend is a Sag and the girl he's friends with is a Cancer. I don't even know how well Libra and Cancer get along but there are already things he does to the Cancer chick to annoy her, he doesn't even notice either.
Anymore advice I can give him? From an actual Libra that struggles with decisions and balancing/figuring out what you want?
I think people are so afraid to call people out on their shit in the name of not being judgemental. I don't think it's being judgemental. Everyone should build character.
As for judgmental, I wonder about people who feel like they don’t judge. Delusional and insane.
Also, judging to demean is different from giving your to expand
Posted by STILLAww! Girl crush reciprocated 💫Posted by aquarius09That's funny, I was kinda thinking the same thing. My exact thought "I hate when 09 gets on dxp. We become tag team buddies. I get too much mental stimulation from her. I think I have a girl crush" *heart eyes*Posted by STILLPrecisely!! Girl, I need more real life friends like you. Life would be so much easier when two people think the same.Posted by aquarius09Indeed fellow Aqua! LolPosted by STILL💯% agree with you. Leave it to Aqua moons and Cap moons to discipline people. LoL. In the name of acceptance and inclusivity and refraining from “judging” even though we all do it, our society has become a little too passive and lenient with people who should rightfully be called out.Posted by aquarius09I was hoping that if you catch them early and convey it enough, maybe he could learn to be loyal.Posted by STILLLOL! Best advice to give to a Libra...which they will never pay heed to. It’s their nature to seek the greener pastures.Posted by saggurl88Tell him for the rest of his life he's always going to meet someone different or better in some ways than his current, but he has to learn loyalty.....learn to appreciate what other people have to offer without wanted it. If she jumps ship, he then miss what the current is providing.
What do you all do when you are indecisive about a relationship? What makes you make a clear decision?
I have a young Libra telling me his issues about him having a girlfriend and him liking another girl. I told him the issue is for him to figure out on his own and to keep the other girl as a friend until he figures it out.
What other advice should I give him? He's asking for help because I know everything that's going on but he is super confused about his feelings for the new girl. I told him it's the honeymoon phase and that he might not like her, it's just something exciting and new.
He has cheated before and doesn't want to do it again. His current girlfriend is a Sag and the girl he's friends with is a Cancer. I don't even know how well Libra and Cancer get along but there are already things he does to the Cancer chick to annoy her, he doesn't even notice either.
Anymore advice I can give him? From an actual Libra that struggles with decisions and balancing/figuring out what you want?
I think people are so afraid to call people out on their shit in the name of not being judgemental. I don't think it's being judgemental. Everyone should build character.
As for judgmental, I wonder about people who feel like they don’t judge. Delusional and insane.
Also, judging to demean is different from giving your to expand
Posted by saggurl88Your friend sounds like a big dumbass but then again that’s what libra energy is. My libra moon friend did something incredibly dumb as well last night. Someone needs to make decisions for them because they make really lousy ones. :SMH:
He said he told her and she said “Holy shit” lol.
Guess she now knows he was pretty serious lol
Posted by aquarius09Posted by saggurl88Your friend sounds like a big dumbass but then again that’s what libra energy is. My libra moon friend did something incredibly dumb as well last night. Someone needs to make decisions for them because they make really lousy ones. :SMH:
He said he told her and she said “Holy shit” lol.
Guess she now knows he was pretty serious lolclick to expand
Posted by blvckphvseWell to be fair, he was just friends with the girl he had a crush on and it didn't go anywhere-yet. Now since he told his current girlfriend about it, they can deal with it and decide what to do. Right now he kind of has both women in limbo, but at least he's being honest about it. He's not hiding anything or playing games. It makes his conscious clear and let's the women decide what is the best move for them.
How can someone be in a honeymoon phase with someone else when they still have a girlfriend.. Yeah lets just tell him to keep the side chick waiting around while he figures it out. Geez don't help these slime bags be even more slimy then they already are.. Dude deserves to be alone.