I've just had a first date with a cap- please help

Ladies, thanks so much for helping me out with my lil cap situation.
Capgirl- I dont have the exact text but basically I mentioned a little running joke about his work we had on the date and went on to say, I'd love to see you again. I felt that we had connected well and that I hoped he felt the same.
I understand what you guys are saying but i am my own worst enemy. In my head, I know exactly what i should be doing and saying but when my heart speaks, thats the only thing I can listen to. I'm not a typical cancer in that, i fall very quickly. By no means am I saying I love this dude but I have a kind of sixth sense telling me that this thing could be major. I also don't think I capable of going on other dates because once im fixated, thats it. I know how irrational that sounds but thats just me. I'm not saying that I get these feelings often tho, on the contrary. I rarely find people that I do actually like after a first date, so when I do I put my all into it.
I'm not stupid and know that if I put my eggs in one basket, disaster could strike especially as he's a Cap. A friend of my has had a terrible 10 YEARS of being messed around by one! I'm not gonna sit at home wondering what he's doing on these dates. I'm gonna go out and have fun with my friends, just not see other guys. I've not replied to his text yet but will put something along the lines of
what cap girl said.
If its meant to be and my sixth sense is right, his ass will be on the phone Sunday!
I'll keep you posted xxxx

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Dali, an Aries man has to reminded of his "responsibilities" all the time. He may not naturally be sensitive or domestic, but if you succeed in establishing that behavior shows the class (evolutionary )of a man, you may hope for better times. Of course you would have to administer this diplomatically.
Your man perhaps didn't think twice befor indulging in those acts and couldn't stand the possibility of his image being tarnished when caught. Very irresponsible. We think of ourselves as infallible and beyond any reproach but such mistakes can cost us our honor, the very thing which is an eternal quest. Hence a panicky, unsavoury and nervvy display of defiance.

Brad, the mother of my grandchildren is an Aries ... and she focuses more on her vanity, then her children.
For instance: Instead of teaching the kids how to do things .. she always tells them to say things to her like, "Tell mommy you love her"
Another thing would be .. most people take pics of thier kids to keep around for memories .. well, she does this, however, she'll only keep pics of her holding them, and then when she's looking good for the camera. A pic taken with any other person holding the kids gets tossed in the trash. The only ones kept, and hanging on the wall are with her in it and some of them even are terrible pics of the kids, one even has my grandson's head turned so you can't see his face .. but, she looks good so the pic is hanging on the wall.
Just over Christmas .. she got upset because I have a pic of my son holding his son .. she wasn't in it and was upset because I have it on display.
She doesn't neglect them as far as feeding, hygeine, climatic needs .. however, she does neglect thier self-esteem by teaching them to honour her, rather than themselves.
Everyone stands out in their own way, whether it's good or bad, variety is the spice of life as they say!
All my fellow Pisceans (especially P-Angel, PP, Skin, DC, Haffo, SF & all the old faithfulls!) other than that it's Freebird (my girl!), Archer, Lady M, Bling, Chocolate, Mystic, Q-bone, PrringLeo, ScorpSuperior & Spatchel for me.
As for who I miss it's easily Alana & Quo Vadis.
I would go into the reasons behind these but I'm way too hungover at the mo. smile
I missed it, Scorpius Sad
Was it in the right one, or left?
OMG .. I forgot about Alana .. I'm sorry Alana if you're still around and just lurking. How could I ever forget you .. damn me all to hell.
A person doesn't come any sweeter smile

Hung-over? Bet you had a fun, though .. and that's worth the hang-over. Thetis .. is it done with your Leo guy? You don't talk about him much anymore. Hope your Christmas was lovely smile
"race always needs entertainment if you look at it the way I am."
Well, Michael, sure this may apply to a section of people. But what percentage ? I really dont know. And dont you think that its a given fact that people may differ in their perceptions of identity, tastes and philosophies ? And these trends are always transient in nature and not necessarily orthogonal. I,personally, am moving away from parochialism. But yes there is no guarantee what future event and experience may transform this thought as well. I strongly feel that we really cant talk of numbers when trying to measure the general pulse of the movement of civilizations. When analysed year on year,the whole process of evolution may look too erratic and random. But perhaps if we look at the forces of change as a vector resulting from perhaps decades of conflicting movements of human thought and action, then you may hope to discover a "state" which looks so finely designed.
I really dont know what people want. I dont know what my parents wanted ( apart from known basic things ) and whether it had any tangible impact on such macro movements. I dont know what my friends want or whether they are intellectually aware of what their needs and wants are and what kind of implications their action/inaction might have. And I dont know what I want. Sure , entertainment is one.
Are you serious? Watch it again.
You should be able to detect it right at the end. It's hard to see so watch closely.
Hahaha, Scorpius .. you are just way too cool to be in here where you fall short of your talent .. you need a just audience, and people in here are more concerned with their own little feelings to recognize a natural at his art.
Serious, dude .. you need a stage.
The reason why you get booted/banned/shunned is because people in here don't have the ability to comprehend who you are ...
If I had the contacts and money, I'd promote you .. this is your path, Michael.