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Oct 18, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2502 · Topics: 29
Was it Mikey's sexy shower pic that made you come back?
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Dec 12, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 990 · Topics: 22
I'll regret this in the morning.
So is it safe to say that patience should be my #1 focus in this situation?
Because I think that my impatient Aries nature has been causing a lot of problems for me here lately when it comes to my situation with her. I just get so impatient because I want her to be mine, but nothing is happening! It seems she wouldn't break up with this dude if her life depended on it. He's an absolute piece of shit!
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May 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
It takes me less than 5 seconds to pick the socks. I pick a bunch of socks and take an identical pair from that. I dont match the color to my trousers. its probably a trouble with water or still immature libras.
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Nov 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 792 · Topics: 22
Here is the 411 on Libra's.. they don't go well with leo's or aqua's and aqua's are suppose to be their perfect match, because they are not good at relationships. Great in bed, as a friend and to play with.. that is why Scorps & Gems are so attractive to them, but in the end nothing works out for them bc when it comes down to it, they have too many hang ups and other options. When an aqua plays, its wrong, when a Gem plays.. its ok, that's just their nature and a libra will chase a Gem until it burns them to bits. But an aqua who is the perfect match, they will not give into until they absolutely have to, then usually its too late.
Typical male stuff, when you want them, they don't want you and when you don't want them, they come running, but by then the thrill is gone. I know I was married to one 2 times and am now in love with another. All the energy you put into it doesn't pay off in the end. In the end they will be left lonely and hollow inside without understanding why.
Chatz and I have politic'd about this enough that we know.. Not to be a downer, but things rarely work out for these guys in the end.. maybe for a few weeks, months, years, but then the true monster comes out and its not pretty bc your left with all these fond memories and they leave bc they never felt a thing for you. Oops who knew? Well you didn't because they rarely disclose their true feelings.
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Jul 30, 2007Comments: 3 · Posts: 10583 · Topics: 206
""So should you...
Young Dumb / Full Of Cum / Not Getting Laid
Take your pick.""
You forgot one:
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May 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
switch off phone a few more times and lie to him every time you are pissed off and am sure he will never get to like u.
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Nov 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 792 · Topics: 22
My libra now switches off his phone.. often.. its off right now.. but libra's don't play games.. they're just sincere BS artists.
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May 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
nobody imagined a car before they invented bicycle. No one imagined a bicycle before they invented a wheel. No one imagined a wheel before they figured out round shaped wood can be used to transport heavy objects.
Attempt to fly like a bird was always there.
For everything man has invented or imagined has some resemblance with nature. Like all the aliens you get to see in movies have human or animal features. We are simply incapable of imagining anything more than what we can see around. Limits to imagination is the limits to our awareness of nature. So art imitates life. I dont know if aqua is one step better here.
And humans have imagined certain things like heaven, hell, after life and stuff like that which none of us have ever seen or ever will. And all of those elements in that imaginary world are elements of nature exaggerated to fit mans beliefs and capabilities of reasoning.