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Jul 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3318 · Topics: 123
'I feel extremely dead, more then usual. Thank Gawd it's the weekend and I can rejuvinate my feelings...'
lmao.....I know the feeling....but keep digging....look down inside and get a grip on what moves you....learn it and get on the path to give because you can.....not becuase you're obligated to VK; It's alot like love; no one does it becuase they have to, love isn't a forced feeling, it come naturally becuase we welcome it, it's our CHOICE. You're just in a Virgo'll get over it trust me.
Signed Up:
Jul 19, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 532 · Topics: 30
It's a love hate relationship between you and I PA, Sometimes I love ya, sometimes Hate ya, heh.
You are a wise one and a philosopher. I love that about you. You're sharp too, like a razor.
Yeah, you made me cry here once, heh... well.. I made myself cry, but it was from interacting with you. Yup... your comments brought that much emotion out of me, and I didn't care who knew... real men do cry sometimes.
>What you refer to is when I said in August (2006, I think) that Virgo men are bad in bed, terrible lovers ... lol
Yeah, think that was it... you were complaining about your husband being a lousy lover, then after much posting, relented and said he was actually a good man and fine lover and that admission brought tears to my eyes.
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3626 · Topics: 27
she was probably arrested for lewd and lacivious behavior........
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Oct 08, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2906 · Topics: 93
P-Angel: "Or perhaps, you mislead yourself .. and know not."
More smoke & mirrors from the slippery fish. In other words: "My bald-faced lies didn't mislead you, your own inability to recognize my bald-faced lies mislead you - you are solely responsible for my deceptive content."
AND, THERE'S MORE: "In here lies my problem with most Virgo's .. it has to be an absolute, for there's no room within themselves for another to have their own interpretation from their own perspective and if another persons perspective doesn't fit within their perceived interpretation, then it's dishonesty ...."
Virgos can entertain, debate, and explore all kinds of ideas from a variety of perspectives - a quality of mine that drives my ScorpWife nutz when she wants to know what my IS really IS...
Let me simplify it for you, Angelina...
1. Honest Person - truthful most of the time.
2. Liar - untruthful most of the time.
That's the way Virgos (and many other sane people!) view the distinction. But here's some examples...
If you tell me you're in a miserable marriage to a Virgo man when you're really as happy as a pig in dung, then you have lied.
If you tell me you've contacted Federal Marshals when you really haven't, then you have lied.
Ferghus: "So perhaps folks like P-Angel actually render a valuable service?"
Maybe. But I would contend that she does far more harm than good -- and I think I'd get a big AMEN!! from the DXP community if we were all gathered together in one big room when I made that statement...
Lies hurt. Deception and manipulation have hurt this forum. Yes, we should all maintain a discreet barrier (or firewall) between our deepest thoughts & feelings, and the other DXP members - like the antivirus protection on our computers. But there should still be some bare minimum level of decency and honesty, or the forum becomes truly meaningless. Many of the DXP members are operating at or above that minimum level, which is another reason why I continue to participate. Refuting some of the nonsense is yet another. Having a Virgo Male voice on the Virgo Board is important, too!
So Ferghus & Shaka need to hang around, 'cause the Ol' Dawg is busier than a one-armed paper hanger these days!
Signed Up:
Jan 09, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 563 · Topics: 10
You're right there MsPisces -
I am condradictory. Thanks for picking up on that here. I reckon its in my nature to be..I cant help it.
What I meant was.. I would like him to remain Himself but just a little more positive. I am a very good listener and I understand him a great deal (He knows this), but to be drains me sometimes.
I do have a good listening ear but when I am in a low mood, I hide it (as most Scorpios do), so he doesnt know that I am feeling low, therefore he rants on anyway.
But if I tell him that Im not feeling up to listening to him -I dont im to feel offended or rejected. He will then ask me whats wrong and I cant talk to people about whats bothering me. I can handle my own problems and I hate being a burden on others. I just need time.
Signed Up:
Oct 08, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2906 · Topics: 93
P-Angel: "Again .. perspective .... if you choose to take my observations based off of my experiences personally, then sobeit .."
Well, what I've learned is to not take you at your word, that's for damn sure! Words like TRUTH, REALITY, FIDELITY, RELIABILITY, etc. have a far different meaning for you than they do for me - and lots of others I know.
I've also learned that DXP is like a Board Game to you - except... you don't share your rules of the game with newcomers - they have to discover those the hard way - and I suspect your play that way in the real world as well.
Signed Up:
Oct 08, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2906 · Topics: 93
DearDiary: "You guys and girls are giving her way too much of the lime light."
Yes, but we're also exposing her past transgressions to new DXP'ers -- a Virgo public service -- so that the Newbies won't take her seriously.
Since I've been doing this, I've received several dozen PM's from new members thanking me for giving them a heads-up -- providing them with the P-Angel Rules Of The Game...
Signed Up:
Jan 09, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 563 · Topics: 10
Thanks Roxi and Scorp in law,
Oh Roxi I am female and Im fairly new to this forum. Scorp in law summed it up well that I tend to 'feel' a rooms emotional energy. I can tell right away who is worth approaching and who isnt. Besides, I am VERY suspicious with strangers and I dont know why. I feel anxious around certain people too. I cant talk about superficial things to any person for more than lets say 5 minutes. My chats have to be meaningful and preferably deep.
Well, at my previous workplace when I first started, the girls would all go off for lunch and not invite me. I couldnt understand why. I was smiley and attempted to be friendly with them. Yet whenever they saw me, they would either subtley look away or start talking to other people.
We had 2 new girls then start work there...and they were both invited out to lunch on their first day! Why not me? I may seem bitter - but I am quite indifferent. Im just confused thats all - it doesnt make sense...
Signed Up:
Aug 16, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1622 · Topics: 4
Danke for the compliment.
I hope you get a good birthday BJ! Best of luck for year 2008...may the world not end, may you lay many hens...may your wallet be your dick and stand up proud.
hmm, well me privates are in good standing, wallet could use some fluffing. don't need many hens, just need one that is reliable and doesn't piss me the fuck off. o would help if she's actually interested(loves) me. >.> o that and to become omnipotent. always a life long dream of mine.
Thanks to Autumc * Sweet & Sour too for the wishes. Didn't realize this many people knew I existed. Hmm, guess I don't have to pinch myself to see if I am real.
well thanks again for all those wishes.
sigh, i still miss being jailbait. well sometimes.