****AIRES Really confused with CAPPY male****

Hey ladies, thanks for your help. DD, any suggestions would be helpful. From what I can tell, everything that he hates about him self I like and he don't understand why. I can pretty much read him like a book, but I don't know how to express myself without being to direct and frank. The one and only time I was direct and frank he disappeared for a couple days and reappeared with new BS (lol). I'm so happy and FULL of energy almost all the time...and he can be so gloomy and moody BUT I like him. The problem is I scare him away, because when he thinks he's figured me out I change (kind of sort of his words)...and he associates that with dishonesty. So I told him if you feel like I am dishonest, then why continue to contact me. When he asks me a question about my personal life; he almost always includes "and please be HONEST?. This is the same guy that told me ?relationships are bogus?, and I responded ?people are bogus?. LMAO, this guy is a great mental exercise for me. BTW, he's a director of a mental health institution (yea the games keep coming). I think he should be the patient?.LMAO.
Well he's still playing his games. All he does is sends me texts with good morning, and if I don't respond couple hours later I'll get a good evening. The last text I sent him was?.All I get is a text message with good morning and good evening. Now I know EXACTLY where I stand. OMG he's been IMing me, and texting and had the nerves to tell me when he texts me it takes me like 8 hours to respond. I didn't respond, and I'm not going to respond. I don't have to tell him he's playing games because he know he is, and I darn sure don't have to tell him I'm not going to converse with him or play by his rules?.yadda yadda ya. Sometimes the best response to a question is silence. If I feel like talking to him I do?and if I don't I ignore him. The same way it's been since 2006.
OOOOH YEA LADIES! I've known he's a little off beat since I've met him. However I know where he lives, works, etc?.he doesn't know where I live and he doesn't know where I work. Those are privileges he has to earn. Besides he's definitely not the only guy I talk to?Yea rite. I have a Pisces (sweetin me up and think he'll get his way?NOT), Scorpio that's been trying for 4 years (wants to cook for me wind and dine me so I can be his dessert?NOT), then there is Mr. Taurus (he is my faith in God) Oh he is stubborn, Oooooh wait?the eccentric Aquarius this guy is more talk then any

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