People getting exactly what they deserve

Posted by aquapiscescusp
You don't know what someone deserves, good or bad...
I would touch wood if I were you.


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One of the negative sides of being a virgo (this could be just me)
I have my aries gf...she pretty awesome person. We get along really well..same type of personality.
So this chick has some good freaking ridiculous good luck.
Every job she has had...shes made a shit load of money. Seriously I could apply to the same place and make pennies lol. I don't understand how she does it....she doesnt have a college degree ...she is very book smart but still there really isn't any difference between us. She can get any guy she wants...shes a total aries...full of herself etc Tongue. She's pretty but I wouldn't say a 10..I know it has to do with her confidence etc. Anywayyy
So last week she got fired from her job....she didn't know what to do etc. Welllll guess the fuck what...her parents offer to buy her a house(they aren't rich either) (wtf lol) long as she finds another job..which today she told me she did. I'm very happy for her but really a fucking house. ugh I hate this side of me. But fuck ..I work my ass off and I'm always constantly matter what I do. Ive had the shittiest 3 yrs of my life(pretty much all of my life..I'm not kidding either) and i feel like everyone is moving forward and im standing still..i hate this feeling. Fuck you saturn...fuck you to the deepest darkest deps of hell! Lol. Now the other thing that bothers me...she's moving 2 he's away. Which makes me sad ...not that I cant go see her but it feels like another person I hold close is leaving me. So I'm distancing myself from her...I know whats gonna happen...we will end up not talking anymore etc. I know its stupid to be jealous and assume we wont be friends etc. You get close to people and they leave and this is one of the reason I hate getting close to people. Ugh I know after i post this and read it over and over again...I'm gonna hate myself for being stupid.
It's definitely one of those if it's something you're interested in to worth looking into more so as an Illustrator over being a graphic designer. I do most of my graphic design without the cintiq it's more of the artworks involved.
But then if we want to talk about illustration I still suggest being traditional i.e. pen to paper. There's no sense of illustration or knowing why things look like they do on a computer, it's merely imitation purposes. I kid you not, after using the intuous you get use to drawing on another surface while watching it magically appear on your screen Tongue Then when you move back to a cintiq you complain about the fact your fucking hand's in the way and you can't see the whole canvas LMAO!
If it's a hobby and if you have the money then go for it otherwise it's just not worth it.
PS Robyn, Samsung series 7 slate is an amazing tablet PC smile Portable and powerful to boot.
i do wish i could simply report it and have it taken care of, however she has a lot or power at my workplace.
after texting me, the next day she just pretended it didn't happen, as since then has become more distant and a bit more professional. i don't understand the way she acts, and have given up trying, and have made a record of this as well.
@juke: possibly! Now I know why Luke was always so eager to go back to master Yoda! *cringe* lol
@pisc: lmao! So a dirty mind and pizza?! Reminds me of a certain something!
Posted by aquapiscescusp
irl, my charming style is more obvious Tongue

^ this lol
I dont understand why play games...yet he's the one who used to say that im playing games...but isnt that what he's doing, do taurus men expect to be chased or something? Because it definitely seems at work he barely looked at me...its like he's avoiding me even more...why act so childish i dont understand? He was sooo into me before, like my friend told when one time i left my jacket in his car, he was breathing it in and calling my name(long story short we got into small argument then and i didnt like him more than friend at that time)... Its hard to believe how his feelings could change so much towards me unless he never had them really...
I went into the bathroom at work and had a crying pity party for myself..then sucked it up and went back to work hahaha
Posted by Mixtape
Yeah, the 12wx is what I was looking at for a while meow.
I can deal with using my mouse and a tablet. For drawing, I'd rather be using a tablet though to get things like concept art vectorized.

In regards to this, post some sample of the art! I want to know what you mean by concept art vectorized. If we're talking about Vector Art using Adobe Illustrator it's not something I'd recommend and there's really no gains from working with vectors unless it's a very specific style you're after.
^^ its frustrating as hell but Im also happy for the person that does get what they want/need. I feel like a cancer Tongue