Posted by LivenLuvGo to bed Aries moon!
I'm sorry for you Ram. I can tell you're so strong and there for your Mom by your words, but you need that time too. I'm really sorry for you both. Best wishes and lots of love and hugs ❤️
Posted by TauruswithspunkExplains what?
Sorry for your loss... Scorpio moon...explains a lot now.
Posted by NemDeuxIndeed work is proving to be a saving grace for me as well. New job, more responsibilities, almost drowning in work but it keeps me looking forward instead of backwards.Posted by Ram416my sincere condolences, ram.
So...I have this thing.
It's not really a big deal for me, but it may seem like a big deal for others around me, and that includes my Cancer moon mother.
My Libra dad passed away suddenly from a heart attack, exactly a month ago, and I guess I can say it was quite a traumatic experience for both my mum and me. From home (where we found him slumped in his bathroom) to hospital (where, despite being unconscious, the doctor told us he was fighting to breathe before he gave up). And when the news came in, I secretly vowed to be there for the Cancer moon, since it's only the 2 of us left.
It has been difficult for her - she lost both parents in 2015 and 2016, and now her husband. I can't imagine losing so many people in such a short period of time. My grandparents were both very old and quite sickly, so it was only a matter of time. My dad's passing was the biggest shocker of the 3.
So I am not sure, is it me or what? I keep getting told by relatives that it's OK to cry and OK to grieve, despite me telling them that I have my own way of grieving, which doesn't include crying all the damn time. But now I am wondering, is it me? Have I subconsciously shut myself down emotionally? It doesn't feel that way to me, but to some people, it seems as if I have.
a sudden/unexpected death of somebody so close ...well, it can take a while until it really sinks in ...yes; intellectually you have understood ...but sometimes it's a defense mechanism ...
scorp lunars are very internalizing creatures. in same cases to our detriment. like pressure cookers that are forgotten on the stove.
but at the bottom line; we all deal with our hardships in our terms ...although your relatives comments annoy you, it is probably coming from a good place.
i personally only cried at home or in front of my parents when my brother died. after a week of his passing i found work was my saving grace. i pulled back for over a year; was at home.
much love, dear ❤
if you need to talk, pm's are open!click to expand
Posted by Ram416I'm sorry for your loss. I'm sure that's never easy despite how you show.
So...I have this thing.
It's not really a big deal for me, but it may seem like a big deal for others around me, and that includes my Cancer moon mother.
My Libra dad passed away suddenly from a heart attack, exactly a month ago, and I guess I can say it was quite a traumatic experience for both my mum and me. From home (where we found him slumped in his bathroom) to hospital (where, despite being unconscious, the doctor told us he was fighting to breathe before he gave up). And when the news came in, I secretly vowed to be there for the Cancer moon, since it's only the 2 of us left.
It has been difficult for her - she lost both parents in 2015 and 2016, and now her husband. I can't imagine losing so many people in such a short period of time. My grandparents were both very old and quite sickly, so it was only a matter of time. My dad's passing was the biggest shocker of the 3.
So I am not sure, is it me or what? I keep getting told by relatives that it's OK to cry and OK to grieve, despite me telling them that I have my own way of grieving, which doesn't include crying all the damn time. But now I am wondering, is it me? Have I subconsciously shut myself down emotionally? It doesn't feel that way to me, but to some people, it seems as if I have.
Posted by UnwordingI probably would be grieving a lot differently. It's the 6th house moon thing kicking in.Posted by Ram416Do you think you'd be grieving any differently if your mother wasn't a top priority right now?
So...I have this thing.
It's not really a big deal for me, but it may seem like a big deal for others around me, and that includes my Cancer moon mother.
My Libra dad passed away suddenly from a heart attack, exactly a month ago, and I guess I can say it was quite a traumatic experience for both my mum and me. From home (where we found him slumped in his bathroom) to hospital (where, despite being unconscious, the doctor told us he was fighting to breathe before he gave up). And when the news came in, I secretly vowed to be there for the Cancer moon, since it's only the 2 of us left.
It has been difficult for her - she lost both parents in 2015 and 2016, and now her husband. I can't imagine losing so many people in such a short period of time. My grandparents were both very old and quite sickly, so it was only a matter of time. My dad's passing was the biggest shocker of the 3.
So I am not sure, is it me or what? I keep getting told by relatives that it's OK to cry and OK to grieve, despite me telling them that I have my own way of grieving, which doesn't include crying all the damn time. But now I am wondering, is it me? Have I subconsciously shut myself down emotionally? It doesn't feel that way to me, but to some people, it seems as if I to expand
Posted by aNEWdayYes I am Aries sun/Scorpio moon.Posted by Ram416I'm sorry for your loss. I'm sure that's never easy despite how you show.
So...I have this thing.
It's not really a big deal for me, but it may seem like a big deal for others around me, and that includes my Cancer moon mother.
My Libra dad passed away suddenly from a heart attack, exactly a month ago, and I guess I can say it was quite a traumatic experience for both my mum and me. From home (where we found him slumped in his bathroom) to hospital (where, despite being unconscious, the doctor told us he was fighting to breathe before he gave up). And when the news came in, I secretly vowed to be there for the Cancer moon, since it's only the 2 of us left.
It has been difficult for her - she lost both parents in 2015 and 2016, and now her husband. I can't imagine losing so many people in such a short period of time. My grandparents were both very old and quite sickly, so it was only a matter of time. My dad's passing was the biggest shocker of the 3.
So I am not sure, is it me or what? I keep getting told by relatives that it's OK to cry and OK to grieve, despite me telling them that I have my own way of grieving, which doesn't include crying all the damn time. But now I am wondering, is it me? Have I subconsciously shut myself down emotionally? It doesn't feel that way to me, but to some people, it seems as if I have.
Are you Aries sun, Scorpio moon? My mom is this combo and I've never understood her. When I found out she was Scorpio moon I was shocked bc she has such a coldness about her in my growing up and now that I observe her she seems so detached, emotionally, from most things. I would think Scorpio moon would be different.
I take it that she doesn't know how to deal. In rare occasions do I see her breakdown. You guys probably just "show" emotion differently or should I say don't to expand
Posted by CaramelizedCoffeeThank you.
I won't make this about my hatred of that moon placement.
I just wanted to say I'm really sorry for your loss losing a parent has to be the worst
May you and your mother be able to carry the weight of this tragedy.
Posted by Ram416I did the same thing when my dad died. I ended up putting on a brave face for the parental because she was already torn up as it is. I didn't like seeing her get more upset when she saw us upset.Posted by UnwordingI probably would be grieving a lot differently. It's the 6th house moon thing kicking in.Posted by Ram416Do you think you'd be grieving any differently if your mother wasn't a top priority right now?
So...I have this thing.
It's not really a big deal for me, but it may seem like a big deal for others around me, and that includes my Cancer moon mother.
My Libra dad passed away suddenly from a heart attack, exactly a month ago, and I guess I can say it was quite a traumatic experience for both my mum and me. From home (where we found him slumped in his bathroom) to hospital (where, despite being unconscious, the doctor told us he was fighting to breathe before he gave up). And when the news came in, I secretly vowed to be there for the Cancer moon, since it's only the 2 of us left.
It has been difficult for her - she lost both parents in 2015 and 2016, and now her husband. I can't imagine losing so many people in such a short period of time. My grandparents were both very old and quite sickly, so it was only a matter of time. My dad's passing was the biggest shocker of the 3.
So I am not sure, is it me or what? I keep getting told by relatives that it's OK to cry and OK to grieve, despite me telling them that I have my own way of grieving, which doesn't include crying all the damn time. But now I am wondering, is it me? Have I subconsciously shut myself down emotionally? It doesn't feel that way to me, but to some people, it seems as if I to expand
Posted by WateryGemYou have such epic timing, WG. My dad's 40th day memorial was yesterday. Yes it is numbness of a sort. My dad was my solar opposite with an Aqua moon. So we either got along really well or we fought a lot. It was quite extreme.
Being an Aries sun and Scorpio Moon, your grief will most likely start showing up in different ways. You might feel angry easier, or you might cry easier at some point. I find that Scorpio moons energy manifests it's grief in ways that can actually cause them more pain and havoc, or just lash out in the wrong direction.
You are probably numb right now.. It's truly apart of the grief stage, I feel. Were you and your dad close? Do you think since your mom isn't handling it so well, you're absorbing her energy, which is preventing you from really feeling yours, yet.
Idk, I could be completely off base here.
either way.. I'm so terribly sorry to hear this!
Posted by Ram416I'm the exact same way. I feel as Scorpio moons we are the rock when everyone is an emotion mess. Sometimes to the point they may feel we are void of emotion. I find like you I grieve in my own personal ways. I feel those times release emotions from moments we don't even realize are associated with the given situation. There's nothing wrong with that imo. When the time is right you will grieve and release emotions from many things, and might not even realize some of those things are from the death of loved ones. I feel its natural for us. Also I'm sorry to hear the loss of your father, and hope the best in finding some peace of mind for you and your whole family.
So...I have this thing.
It's not really a big deal for me, but it may seem like a big deal for others around me, and that includes my Cancer moon mother.
My Libra dad passed away suddenly from a heart attack, exactly a month ago, and I guess I can say it was quite a traumatic experience for both my mum and me. From home (where we found him slumped in his bathroom) to hospital (where, despite being unconscious, the doctor told us he was fighting to breathe before he gave up). And when the news came in, I secretly vowed to be there for the Cancer moon, since it's only the 2 of us left.
It has been difficult for her - she lost both parents in 2015 and 2016, and now her husband. I can't imagine losing so many people in such a short period of time. My grandparents were both very old and quite sickly, so it was only a matter of time. My dad's passing was the biggest shocker of the 3.
So I am not sure, is it me or what? I keep getting told by relatives that it's OK to cry and OK to grieve, despite me telling them that I have my own way of grieving, which doesn't include crying all the damn time. But now I am wondering, is it me? Have I subconsciously shut myself down emotionally? It doesn't feel that way to me, but to some people, it seems as if I have.