Best match for pisces women..?

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by psugirl on Thursday, July 11, 2013 and has 103 replies.
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Just curious to see what sign would suit us best compatibility/love vise?...
for me i think:
sometimes Taurus...
sometimes Virgo... when the moon is full & the stars are just right.
& sometimes even Leo (if she can handle getting scratched).
with fire it depends, of course it all depends.
my vote for air goes to Gemini or Aquarius.
You can't go wrong with the water signs Cancer and Scorpio which will have the best match with the spirituality and romanticism involved. Taurus and Capricorn work well also since they can help a pisces stay grounded. I would be curious to see how any pisces can date a fire sign since the personalities clash head on.
Posted by Piscesdream89
You can't go wrong with the water signs Cancer and Scorpio which will have the best match with the spirituality and romanticism involved. Taurus and Capricorn work well also since they can help a pisces stay grounded. I would be curious to see how any pisces can date a fire sign since the personalities clash head on.

i agree lol.. i had an experience about that, it really isn't a good match, a leo was courting me and even before i had a relationship with him (leo guy) he had hurt me many times, he's tooo strong and direct and i just can't take it all so i just need to back off lol, and i think some of them cant't take no for an answer so they will argue and wont stop until we clash, its not a very healthy match (not all just some)
i still think scorpio will make a good match, libra, aries, capricorn too..
I guess scorpio
Posted by Nemesis
Posted by Stuckinpurgatory
Posted by Nemesis
Posted by Stuckinpurgatory
Cannot go wrong with an Earth sign as a water sign though.

did you ever post under winterwrought?!

ZackofSpades, WasteofTime. No ma'am.

thanks. ok.
he kind of vanished off the face of this forum as well....
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Some very handsome mermen posting here.. wow!
As far as matches. . Im married to a Scorpio who is anything but a perfect match. . He's admitted he's unevolved..but I just don't see how this is my ideal match. He's scorp sun, venus and rising and sag moon. .too intense by far
I have a Taurus friend who seems to be a better fit. . But getting to know him again. His Leo moon and gem venus and pisces rising go well with my sag moon and Aries venus and cancer rising.
I think all of those things matter but the worst by far. . Aries. .. nuh thanks
@tw1nk1e aqua only works for Jessica Biel,lmao...jk
but it depends,since have seen pisces women all over even with the incompatible sun signs....soo mutable we are
@tw1nt1e...well then they must be having alot of air in their charts
Posted by tiziani
Paul Newman was a Pisces Moon.

I don't know about the other two because they aren't Paul Newman and therefore irrelevant to the passage of time and history.

She's an Aqua moon! It's like a case of being someone who feels your core? *shrugs* I can bring up plenty of awesome connections with a particular pisces Winking
Pisces man is a fire woman with earth placements to deal with his ass.
Pisces women needs a water man with earth placements. I like Scorpio sun man with virgo or capricorn placements.
-Best of all time: scorpio i do believe it becoz i get along with scorpios pretty easy and quick, as if we were best friends before we meet
-second best: capricorn all the way, always feel comfortable around capricorn even if they are man or woman
- third best: virgo even though i hate to admit it but virgos do make pisces grow and be a better person more practical and complete
Posted by tao

sometimes Virgo... when the moon is full & the stars are just right.

My one time Virgo romance story was Halloween of last year. I rented a limo with a few friends and we just drive around, being too old to trick or treat and too young to bar hop (not that I'd want to anyway). I live in Alaska and October/November are the best nights for the Aurora. As we were on our way to drop off my long time Virgo pal I looked out and the window and immediately told the driver to pull over. We all got out and DEAR LORD I have never seen the Northern Lights dance so gloriously atop the mountains. Normally my Virgo friend holds off on physical or emotional contact (though he's had an interest in me for 8 years?) but that night he came up behind me and put his arms around my waist and we watched together, sharing a moment of strange oneness that I'll never be able to forget. Afterwards when we arrived to his house he kissed my forehead and that was that. I never saw that side to him again Sad
I wish he were able to Become more in tune with his emotions, we'd make a dynamic duo and change the world together.
Anyway, my best dating experiences have been with air signs. I long for a deep and intense Scorpio man though!
Posted by aquasnoz
Posted by tiziani
Paul Newman was a Pisces Moon.

I don't know about the other two because they aren't Paul Newman and therefore irrelevant to the passage of time and history.

She's an Aqua moon! It's like a case of being someone who feels your core? *shrugs* I can bring up plenty of awesome connections with a particular pisces Winking
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i remember that aquarius top 3 successful marriage has pisces there. Who would have thunk huh?
and that's for aquarius woman/pisces man but the other way around? don't recall.
Aquarius and Pisces don't work in the long run. This is what I've observed.
Aquarius man likes that Pisces woman is so innocent-acting, but when he realizes it's an act, he'll start his miserable retreat. He hates fake bitches.
Pisces woman likes the eccentric nature of Aquarius at first, but he won't break her back. She needs more. She'll start cheating on him. Pisces women CHEAT.
I've seen this 3 times.
Pisces woman needs a SCORPIO man to light her up. And if he has some virgo or capricorn, it's even better, he can help her to find her true self and stop being so damn fake.
Too much reputation for pisces: pisces women cheat, pisces women are too emo, pisces women are fake, pisces women will treetrunk ur life, pisces women are jealous, pisces women are weak.pisces women are cookimonsters, the list goes on.Where do pple get all these from? Am sick of that
But if u can't get along with them, why even bother getting into there territory?
Damn emotional. This is what was observed. It is not a personal attack on you, but what was observed about women of the sign.
Pisces people (I am marrying one) which includes Pisces women, are very defensive! If you say something, they can be very abusive and try their best to mind fuck you to believe what they believe without thinking that people have the right to think what they want.
But on the opposite, Pisces will have a sweet smile and say that they believe in love and all this other shit. If you believe in all that nice shit, then why are you so quick to get defensive? People have the fucking right to have an opinion that is different from yours.
I have seen many Pisces women who cheat. They will judge other's who cheat and lie forever. This is why I like Scorpio for Pisces. Scorpio men can see right through a person. They know from the beginning who you are. A Pisces woman will learn to love her Scorpio man for it.
Lol PVAF that's true, guess its some insecurity in them.they should learn from their male counterparts.Except Mr.Defence maybe....wherever he is, lol
Lol, doubt.They should know that the more they hate us the more we love ourselves
believe it or not, i have seen a leo man and a pisces woman develop a connection like no other. Sure, they had the traditional leo man pisces woman fights but both knew each other inside out. They always found their way back to each other. I know that fire and water sings arent really suppose to click in the long run but at the same time, their opposites compliment each other, or make up for the others faults.
im a leo, yes
I would say the best secret lover for Pisces is always be a Gemini.
Good matches:
I've been in long-term deep friendships with Virgo guys (both when I was dating someone else, so I never stepped beyond being friends). They are levelheaded, organized, and possess the manliness that I need. They are capable of being very spiritual while staying grounded in the physical world. This is most attractive to me.
I love Pisces men. But together, we can swim towards self-destruction quite quickly. I do believe that when a Pisces man mans the eff up and starts being responsible, this pairing can go quite well. If the Pisces woman matures quicker (and if the guy is an artist, or very unstructured), it can be a whole lot of arguments, frustrations, and tears.
My experience with one cancer is that we seemed like we knew each other the instant we met. I would marry this one in a heartbeat. The understanding is so high, as is the sexual attraction. Despite his flirtatiousness, I found that this one was quite earnest. Unexpectedly earnest.
On the fence:
They can be very stable partners, but are a tad too earthly for me. The three Taurus men I dated were extremely handsome, they even looked quite alike, but just had a different language from myself. If you don't have fire elsewhere in your chart, I think Taurus would be a good match for you. I got restless and bored with them.
Posted by TruthIs
Aquarius and Pisces don't work in the long run. This is what I've observed.
Aquarius man likes that Pisces woman is so innocent-acting, but when he realizes it's an act, he'll start his miserable retreat. He hates fake bitches.
Pisces woman likes the eccentric nature of Aquarius at first, but he won't break her back. She needs more. She'll start cheating on him. Pisces women CHEAT.
I've seen this 3 times.
Pisces woman needs a SCORPIO man to light her up. And if he has some virgo or capricorn, it's even better, he can help her to find her true self and stop being so damn fake.

My first love was an Aquarius. We were perfectly suited for each other, except he was too young and fickle and cheated on ME. I've never cheated on anyone.
You can't accuse all Pisces of being unfaithful, other aspects in the chart and upbringing also have to do with it. Any man I think is worthy if my time I COMPLETELY and WHOLEHEARTEDLY devote myself to.
Also, the innocence isn't fake. We are very young in our minds, almost childlike. everything is filled with limitless wonder. I can bring out the darker more manipulative side in me, but it's only when I or someone I care about has been hurt tremendously. Only when it's absolutely necessary.
Cancer, Scorpio, and Virgo although i beg to differ on the latter.
Posted by SirB
I absolutely love Pisces.

The female version is slightly different from the male version, but yes, as I read in an earlier post, you guys are super defensive. Also, super emotional, illogical, not practical, selfish, psychic, intuitive, romantic, sexy, weak-willed, dreamy, demanding, super manipulative, raging jealousy, insecure, creative, depressive, lacks self-confidence & self-esteem, contradictive like no tomorrow, substance abusers, loves clothes, loves to act........
I love it all! lol...i've been waaaay to influenced by Pisces people all of my life. Cant get enough of you people, give more more!

From a Capricorn males point of view, I feel we are the best for Pisces(female) because unlike the Scorpio, we dont have raging jealous tendencies, we are a lot more organized, we can balance a checkbook blindfolded, (most of us have OCD built in), we're neat and tidy, we can satisfy you even better than a Scorpio and dont need any ego massage afterwards, we're cool to the touch but have extreme warm hearts, can give structure, rather we can form a river for Pisces to swim around in instead of getting lost in an Ocean.
I read somewhere that Pisces(female) and Capricorn(males) are soul mates. I believe that...i love my Pisces GF. I thank the higher powers for bringing her to me everyday. smile

I am a Pisces women/Capricorn male stan. My favorite coupling of the zodiac. Pisces women need a strong grounded male who will be both loyal and protective with a sense of humor. Capricorn fits this. Great chemistry. These two are just meant to be together. It's better if both are mature, but even when immature and not right; there seems to be a lot of depth and growth there. They are two different people perfectly matched.
Posted by PiscVirgAquaFish
Well I need someone to come and "structure" my life for sure. Haha. Sounds like Caps bring stability and Pisces brings the chaos. I can absolutely handle this scenario. Winking I'll keep things interesting, and he can keep things running smoothly. I suppose Caps and Pisces balance one another.
I don't know how Cap women differ from the men, but Cap women seem to really like me. I'm able to get them to lighten up and break them out of their melancholy. There always seems to be mutual respect for each others strengths.

Yes they do balance each other and are very supportive. Cap males do have a jealous streak. If you have close male friends who used to be your lover, this could be a problem. Ex boyfriends will not go over very well.
Pisces women want men who have their shit together. Strong, stable and open to suggestion. Capricorn's won't mind you manipulating them a bit, maybe they like it. But they will tell you when you go to far. You need this. Find the right one. There are some jerks out there but with the right one; I think you will be very happy.
You have really won a Pisces over if you have gotten to the core of her conscience. There's great freedom in not having to lie or deceive anyone in any way. As far as manipulation is concerned, if you give your fish room to express her mistakes or little attractions, you'll have quite the bag of honesty. It is more difficult to make her feel 100% secure though-- sometimes it bores us!
I think while we might seem like a complex sign, Pisces are often very biological, but the characteristics we are looking for have more to do with a mature understanding of the universe (not just looks), and the security and confidence that comes with it. That's what we know in our hearts will drive our species forward, I suppose. This in itself is rare, but when you keep us on our toes as well, then that's a keeper. However, because it is rare to find people who have "found" themselves, we often settle for them, but our minds wander to those that stir up our excitement more. But we know you are a rarity, so we would hardly act that stuff out...
I am dating a Capricorn now. Although he is much less of a kook than I am, I am very satisfied... He is very at ease with himself and gives me ample room. He is definitely not organized, and I'm having to go out of my nature to keep him so... And he does have a jealous streak, which has relaxed in time.
Posted by ninjutsu
lmao yes you're all the best for us, each and every one of the 12. We're all of you combined afterall.

Best 2 lines ever. (just need a semi-colon before the 2nd sentence) LOL
Posted by Moonfal
Posted by TruthIs
Aquarius and Pisces don't work in the long run. This is what I've observed.
Aquarius man likes that Pisces woman is so innocent-acting, but when he realizes it's an act, he'll start his miserable retreat. He hates fake bitches.
Pisces woman likes the eccentric nature of Aquarius at first, but he won't break her back. She needs more. She'll start cheating on him. Pisces women CHEAT.
I've seen this 3 times.
Pisces woman needs a SCORPIO man to light her up. And if he has some virgo or capricorn, it's even better, he can help her to find her true self and stop being so damn fake.

My first love was an Aquarius. We were perfectly suited for each other, except he was too young and fickle and cheated on ME. I've never cheated on anyone.
You can't accuse all Pisces of being unfaithful, other aspects in the chart and upbringing also have to do with it. Any man I think is worthy if my time I COMPLETELY and WHOLEHEARTEDLY devote myself to.
Also, the innocence isn't fake. We are very young in our minds, almost childlike. everything is filled with limitless wonder. I can bring out the darker more manipulative side in me, but it's only when I or someone I care about has been hurt tremendously. Only when it's absolutely necessary.
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truthis is just being a jerk. I doubt that Jessica Biel would cheat on Justin Timberlake.
Posted by ninjutsu
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by ninjutsu
lmao yes you're all the best for us, each and every one of the 12. We're all of you combined afterall.

Best 2 lines ever. (just need a semi-colon before the 2nd sentence) LOL

Hey lisa smile Good to see you back!
& @ that other person dating an unorganised capricorn, really curious as to the rest of his chart.
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Hey lady smile
My Cap mother in law is disorganized sometimes. she's super organized with many things, but when it comes to her home, she's disorganized. She has virgo in her chart. She's clean but terribly all over the place. And an aquarius venus.
Posted by PiscVirgAquaFish
Posted by LunarMaiden
I am a Pisces women/Capricorn male stan. My favorite coupling of the zodiac. Pisces women need a strong grounded male who will be both loyal and protective with a sense of humor. Capricorn fits this. Great chemistry. These two are just meant to be together.It's better if both are mature, but even when immature and not right; there seems to be a lot of depth and growth there. They are two different people perfectly matched.

Sings, "Youuu, had me at hello. " Winking The bolded sentence pretty much sums up everything I want. And the rest whet me interest as well. **Goat hunting**
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My Pisces sister is married to a Goat. They were friends at first. One day I saw her get out of his car. He walked over and opened the door for her. I had a vision of them together and her being happy. I told her this and she said, NOOOOO, I only like him as a friend. He treats her like a queen, he's very good to and for her. Their sense of humor can run from dry to very crass. My sister has a foul mouth so it fits her.
Speaking of Capricorn...
what if you've got four placements in it (namely Mars, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune)? Does that make one Capricornian?
Posted by tiziani
To me life's about living, not just waiting to die, know what I mean? Things get simpler that way.

Something I have to work on... living. Aside from breathing, eating, sleeping, shitting and working.
lisabethur8: Is it that time of month? Wipe your ass and watch your mouth bitch! A jerk I am not!
Do you know Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake's relationship? Do you know what they've been through bitch? So watch your mind and take several seats.
A forum is about giving a fucking opinion, if you can't handle an opinion of another person without making assumptions about their intentions, then go read a fucking book. I don't have no reason at all to be a jerk about anyone. Especially a pisces, since I fuck one every night! Quite simply all my posts are very blunt and that is just who the fuck I am. Call me blunt, but do not call me a jerk bitch.
If Pisces is too sensitive to read that in the world there exists some imperfect Pisces people who actually cheat, then why not you and that bitch go read bad shit about the other signs so you can both feel better. I'm sure being better than other's is at the route of this problem here. Nobody is damn perfect, including you lisabethur8 and the 3 damn pisces I know who cheated. The end. Move on from this topic.
it's not the first time i was called a bitch. ^^
hit a nerve huh?
I'm sure it's not the first time you've been called a bitch. You like to throw out insults, people will throw it back at you bitch.
I said something about pisces. If pisces has something to say, direct it at sagi. But don't you call me a jerk for giving an opinion.
And fyi you didn't hit a nerve. I had to let you know that you are a bitch for calling me a jerk just because I answered the op's question. And next time you call me a jerk, I will call you a bitch againsmile
"So are we about EVEN? even steven?"
< width="560" height="315" ="
^^ as long as I'm Uma Thurman.
Lol, whatever is happening here.
I love pisces women but you guys have very low tolerance for hardcore criticism. Why is it so hard to believe that you guys have bad traits just like every other sign?
Soo Fire-water u mean to say pisces women are cheaters?
Posted by BaitedFish
Soo Fire-water u mean to say pisces women are cheaters?

Are you saying pisces women are incapable of cheating? The incredulous reaction to someone stating their opinion on it is what I am talking about.
88PisceScorp I missed you amidst the crowd! No BITCH I will not keep my mouth shut. Maybe you should keep your big mouth shut and open your eyes. NO BODY is perfect.
It's ridiculous for you to say that the day you cheat, you will be a low life piece of 'shizz.' So are you saying that everyone who cheats is a low life piece of 'shizz'? For someone who is so "polite," perhaps you should live life first before you make such a silly statement about what you know in your "heart" that you won't do. Please!
As for a classic example of why pisces women are fake as fuck, the bitch "politely" asked me to keep my "big" mouth shut. Do you see what I mean about pisces? They even try to make you think they're good people even when they're being controlling, manipulative, and rude.
If pisces women were filled with "innocent wonder" then why are so many pisces women on these forums trying to get information on the man they desire?
Similar to Aries, Pisces women love to gather all the information they can on a man to make the man fall in love with them. They do this in a very sneaky way, but then they claim that they are filled with innocent wonder. Children don't calculate how to get a man. Innocent people are not defensive or trying to find ways that they can lure a person. I'm on this forum myself because I'm a calculating bitch and I love to know about a person. Pisces women are every bit as GROWN and calculating as they want to make the other "lesser" women appear.
Pisces is notorious for being friends with a man before they become lovers. This is because you play the game bitches. I see right through you.
@Fire-Water.I dint say we are incapable of cheating, but labelling us,as cheaters through ones experince is incompetent.someone say "are" instead of saying the ones she saw or experienced.There is a difference.Dont put all the fishies in one basket n write a label on it "cheaters"
Posted by BaitedFish
@Fire-Water.I dint say we are incapable of cheating, but labelling us,as cheaters through ones experince is incompetent.someone say "are" instead of saying the ones she saw or experienced.There is a difference.Dont put all the fishies in one basket n write a label on it "cheaters"

Now we are arguing semantics, one persons experience maybe just that. I've seen plenty of pisces women who cheat who lie and manipulate, not all. When the criticism is leveled you guys way you can not handle it. Ive seen enough to say that it is a trait that pisces women have, although it is not exclusive to any one sign.
Labeling in general happens among all people.
When you call yourself a pisces, you are labeling yourself. When you say that you don't cheat, you are labeling all cheaters. Open your eyes. Wisen up. Don't get mad that I'm calling a spade a spade.
@Fire-water now u talking.we have different fishies and one of my pisces coworker are totally different.sometimes she even wonders what kind of pisces I am....Have seen pisces who cheat only after their partner has betrayed them.