Whether he is an illegal alien or a space alien

This topic was created in the Politics forum by SoftCookie on Friday, November 7, 2008 and has 81 replies.
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Barack Obama is a thousand times preferable to the possibility of this as a US President...
Palin backlash continues as Republican lawyers head to Alaska to take back her $ 150,000 campaign clothes
It's called an election, not a fashion show...
I see her popping on FOX News as a talking airhead political analyst after her term as Empress of the Great White North is complete.
And it's very interesting to read the comments at the bottom of the article. Foreigners are much more in tune with American politics than most Americans. The average US citizen is too busy watching American Idol on their 52-inch plasma screen in the media room of their McMansion to care. Bread and circus...
I don't recall that Michelle Obama was running for office, did I miss something?
And I'm pretty sure she could name the three countries in NAFTA...
What a poor winner you are.... here you sit picking apart the party that lost.....instead of graciously being happy that your candidate won.... and yet you admonish the rest of the people here for being petty.....
The election is over - the "other side" lost....don't you think it's time to put this pettiness aside and focus on uniting [rather than alienatiing....] the parties so that this administration has a CHANCE at succeeding?? Because you know.... no matter what you think about your political savior - HE CAN'T DO IT ALONE.
This is exactly the "us versus them" attitude I was talking about the other night.....
Shame on you.
I really don't feel that I am gloating, merely pointing out facts. There was a possibility that we could have had a person more ignorant than Bush sitting a heartbeat away from the presidency. And neither am I attacking her style , just the fact that her spending habits were outrageous even by Republican standards.
And you're right, this country does need to unite. But first we need to put all of these BS accusations and innuendo to rest. The divide in this country is between the informed and the uninformed.
Our new president is well aware that he will be the most scrutinized in history due to his name and the color of his skin. It is a miracle that he got this far. In return for his sacrifices he is being left with two endless wars, an economy in shambles, and a nation with crumbling infrastructure.
I will be satisfied with his presidency if he can only address those issues. He even admitted that he might not be able to accomplish much of his agenda in one term. But it gives me hope to finally have leadership that wants to do the right thing rather than line their own pockets.
And you are correct, there may have been riots if he would have lost. But are you aware of all of the death threats he has received? This nation is full of idiots of every race, religion, and gender. But I am confident that intelligence will prevail in the end.
It took FDR four terms to clean up the mess of the Great Depression, and the situation is much worse this time around. You can't expect miracles.
Our government cooks the books to hide the truth, the question is whether Americans can handle honesty before it slaps them in the face...
I wasn't just talking about your comments in THIS thread. You've been ranting all over the place.

Tell me this..... do you know how Obama got elected to the state senate? He eliminated EVERY other candidate so that he ran unopposed.... he eliminated them by various technicalities - the biggest asset to his candidacy in that race was proving that hundreds of their signatures on their petitions were "technically" invalid for one reason or another. Now I'm not trying to start a political war here - as I've already said - America has voted and Barack Obama is now our president elect - that includes ME. And that being the case I would like to see this administration succeed for ALL of our sakes - but tell me.... why the double standard? He felt it was appropriate to eliminate candidates because of signatures on a petition, yet you see nothing wrong with him running for president despite not being a legal citizen? I see several problems with this a) he is not a citizen [allegedly] b)he lied to the Anerican people c) he is breaking the law.
Just something to consider while you berate the "other side" of the political world.... I am not a republican - but I AM a fair minded person, and I REALLY don't like hypocrisy.....
If you call being irritated by ignorant people "ranting" than I am guilty as charged. Unfortunately I don't suffer fools lightly. OK, I'll bite...
If other candidates in his race for state Senate were eliminated on "technicalities" that would indicate that they were either too stupid to follow the rules or that they were trying to cheat.
As for your other list:
a) he is not a citizen [allegedly]
Please educate yourself
b)he lied to the American people
What are you yammering about?
c) he is breaking the law
What are you yammering about?
Neither of the above as far as can be discerned. These "technicalities" were things such as a woman who signed using her maiden name because she was recently married and was still registered under her maiden name - that was a reason for disqualifying her. That's hardly either of the situations you described. Obama had people literally pick over every single signature until they found enough of these technicalities to get candidates disqualified from running. And regardless, the point still stands that if he beleieved they should be disqualified then why shouldn't he if the speculations are true? And your thread title indicates that you don't care if it's true or not, that you would still support him being president.
As for the rest of that post.... what's wrong? Don't like a legitimate challenge? Your link is useless because I very specifically said ALLEGEDLY - acknowledgin that the speculation has not been proven completely true - YET. However, if it were as simple as what that article said then there wouldn't be any investigation going on. That is only one side of the story, and I've also heard contrasting stories stating that under ultr-violet light it can be seen that his sister's name appears under his on the document.
All of this of course remains to be proven - and I have ACKNOWLEDGED that...... and what am I "yammering" about? I have tried to be polite but......are you stupid? If he is not a legal citizen [which is what is being investigated] then he lied to the people about being a citizen both when he ran and when he denied NOT being a citizen - since you can't seem to keep up with me I will point out again that I said IF.
And also IF it is true, then he is breaking the law - as indicated by the word "illegal" in illegal alien. It is illegal to reside in this country without citizenship or some grant of residency such as a resident alien status or asylum. And since our laws require that you be a legal citizen to run for president... well again.... he would then be breaking the law.
All of this again hinders on the IF and I have made no personal judgement regarding the validity of this claim......

Just because you don't like what I said and dismiss it with "what are you yammering about?" doesn't mean the points aren't valid and true. If you want to act like the authority on everything then maybe you should a) pay attention to what people are saying if you're going to rant against it and b) actually know what you're talking about.
It's not that I don't like what you say, it's that a majority of it is based upon speculation. IF the many experts that have examined his birth certificate are wrong THEN that would mean that Obama had been lying and, yes, he would have to pay the price with impeachment. Or maybe not, Bush lied about having a brain and he is still in office.
But don't you think that you are being a little paranoid? Opponents have been trying to prove that he is not a naturalized citizen for at least ten years. Obama has willingly provided the proper documentation, at this point it's beating a dead horse.
As for the state senate race, I doubt whether Obama was personally pouring over the signatures looking for "technicalities". That is what a campaign staff is for. It would actually impress me more if he was staying up until 3am every night looking for inconsistencies, that's incredible attention to detail.
Did they break any laws? You have to look for any advantage you can in a political race, especially when you are just starting out. Don't you think his opponents were doing the exact same thing? Wasn't Obama also accused of voter registration fraud via ACORN during the presidential race? Was it ever proven that his campaign was hinging their hopes on the absentee ballots of Bugs Bunny and Minnie Mouse?
I get extremely irritated by people who try to base arguments on conjecture. There are an infinite number of IFs in the world, why waste your time?
And nobody forsaw this happening, except me?

change is good .. but, wouldn't it be smart to make sure that the recievers are in a stable enough position to embrace this change for the good?
The wind blows .. but, what is in the wind?
It appears to me that Americans are so desperate for "something" good to happen for a change, that they ran towards it without considering the consequences of whether the people were ready for it.
And I don't think the people were/are. There are still people alive today that carry chips. The problem that is going to arise is going to be based around race.
The American people weren't ready for a black President. Blacks believe that Whites owe them something .. and whites believe that blacks aren't deserving of this something because they never suffered through this "something" in the first place to think we owe them.
We're not past that ^^^^^^ yet, and so this "change" is going to take a tone to hieghten this disgruntlement between the two races.
From my perspective, we needed another generation to pass before making this drastic of a change within our society. And the same would go for a female President ... women still fight for equal rights in our country in many arenas, and if a woman had been elected, then this "change" would have been more than we would be able to handle.
In many ways, I think the US is very puny and immature, in compared to some other countries who have no racial disturbances amongst themselves ... and ironically .. we're suppose to represent freedom and equality.
Until we mend that ^^^^ deep bruise within our nation, this kind of change won't be acceptable .. people will fight against it.
So is David Axelrod, his campaign's chief strategist.
""Cookie, you can't rationalize with those who live their lives in fear. but bravo for trying.
bush took 8 years to fuck us over; obama won't fix things in one.""

NOOOOOOOO!!!! Not Jews in the White House!!!
The next thing you know they will infiltrate banking. And then the entertainment industry. Who knows, they might even try to dabble in the diamond trade.
This cannot stand!!!
(sarcasm off)
P-Angel, I know you fancy yourself as a homespun soothsayer of sorts but most of your posts are contradictory.
If the American people aren't ready for a black President how did he get elected? If the American people aren't ready for a female President how did Hillary hang in until the end and why did deathbed McCain put Palin on his ticket (I'm still wondering that one myself)? Oh, I forgot, it's a conspiracy prophesied in the King James Bible.
This country's population is 66% white and roughly 50% /50% male/female. That indicates tremendous support for Obama from all walks of life. America is ready for a complete overhaul and elected the best candidate put before them by each party to get the job done, regardless of race or gender. Why do you think the world was cheering? They are excited to witness the extraction of our heads from our asses.
You are correct on one point though, there are still a significant number of people that aren't ready for change. Most of these people are located in the South and fall into one or more of three categories:
1) uneducated, slack-jawed white trash yokels
2) bible-thumping religious fundamentalists
3) NASCAR-loving country music fans
As evidenced by the past eight years those people are the greatest threat to this nation. But even they will be begging for change (figuratively and literally) when the economy completely implodes in the next few months and unemployment skyrockets to over 20% .
ya'll are some sick winners........definitely lacking in class.
softcookie - for some strange reason you continue to reply to me yet REFUSE to actually listen to what I am saying.... I keep saying "allegedly" and "if"...hardly paranoid... and my point is that based on the title of YOUR thread you don't give a damn if it's all true - you still want him to be president. You're a hyprcrit.
And I never said he PERSONALLY looked over the petitions - but what? It's okay if that's his campaign tactic as long as he didn't get his hands dirty himself?
I'm appalled at the attitudes of a great many Obama supporters.... that's not a value judgement of the man himself...... but you can go to MANY of his supporters [such as yourself] and say something like "did you know Obama robbed a 7-11 at gunpoint when he was seventeen? but he plead out and got probabtion and his record was exponged?" and they won't bother refuting it or even checking to see if it's true - they'll just DEFEND him.... "oh that's okay - he'll still make a great president". That's not ALL Obama supporters... but a LOT of them.... and it's truly sick.....
xangelfishx, the title of my thread was meant to be hyperbole. Basically, I was saying that I would be terrified to have Palin as President under any circumstances.
I do not condone lying or cheating, if Obama were guilty of either I would want him impeached immediately. But he hasn't been proven guilty of one of the many accusations against him after all this time. All of your posts are about IF, IF, IF. I am merely trying to point out the FACTS.
I actually like McCain but he had to compromise too many of his principles in order to get the Republican nomination. Even then I was still on the fence until he pulled Palin out of a snow bank, then I was just disgusted. It was poor judgment and a desperation move.
I am not drinking the Obama Kool-Aid, I merely voted for the best candidate. I like his vision and principles and, most of all, his HONESTY. Do you really think the Democratic party would take the chance that he is lying about his birth certificate? They would all be disgraced and shunned for the next twenty years. I guarantee that the Democratic party vetted Obama a hundred times more than the Republicans vetted Palin.
Why is the hyperbole necessary? That was the point of my initial post. You're being a sore winner... you've put up several threads bashing people for one reason or another....including for being petty....
And yet the first two posts in THIS thread I find extremely petty....
Palin scares me - she's a twit, and she's the one reason I almost voted for Obama instead of McCain.... but it's over. What's the point in all of this? It seems extremely childish. Let her go back to Alaska and do whatever it is she does there - why rub it in for McCain voters who are already suffereing the sores of losing the election? I'm sure they all know [as I do] that Palin had a huge role in the loss, if not being the entire reason for it.
What exactly are you trying to accomplish with this?
Did you not participate in sports as a child? At the end of the game everyone congratulates each other - the winners don't stick out there tongues and say "nah nah nah nah - we're better than you. You're goalie couldn't stop a boulder from crossing the net" That's called un-sportsman-like conduct.
""I actually like McCain but he had to compromise too many of his principles in order to get the Republican nomination. ""

My sentiments exactly. Many believe that what we saw in the past several months was not the real John McCain.
In retrospect, I realize that McCain didn't want to be president (choosing Palin was the clearest indication). In 2000, he wanted it. But, this time around, he was not looking forward to succeeding Bush. He was willing to be the Republican martyr. God bless him.
See? that's a gracious winner ^^^^
You don't have to pay lip service to McCain or Palin.... but the election's over - time to stop fighting.
i got confused for a second.
sigh...xangelfishx, I'm sorry that you don't have a sense of humor...
I was attacking ONE person who just so happens to be a Republican. Palin is utterly unqualified to be President of the United States or even a governor for that matter. But what can you expect from a state that reelected an 84 year old Senator who has just been convicted of seven felonies and thinks the internet is a bunch of tubes?
I consider myself neither a Democrat or a Republican, I always vote for whomever I feel is the best candidate. There are plenty of idiots on the Democrat side as well (Nancy Pelosi anyone?). But the nomination of Palin was utterly irresponsible by the Republicans and she deserves to be ridiculed.
Politics is similar to sports except for one important distinction: the winner sometimes has to make life or death decisions. I guarantee our troops in Iraq wish they were playing hockey rather hide-and-seek with IEDs.
If you don't like what I have to say then don't reply. You're not going to change my mind and I'm obviously not going to change yours. I realize you're a stubborn Taurus, we will have to agree to disagree...
Parting shot: I thought it was classy of Obama to stick to the issues and not make The Keating Five a big deal. It would have been an easy target, especially in light of all the corruption in the banking industry at the moment. An example of INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY (even though I'm sure McCain was guilty as hell), and that's CHANGE I CAN BELIEVE IN.
my sense of humor has nothing to do with it - I saw the thread topic and was interested to see what it said - then I saw it was just more of your ranting that seemed pointless and petty, and I thought "wow.... and this is the same guy that just posted a whole thread about people sitting here arguing about petty shit...." so I chose to point out your hypocrisy....you're acting like you made one little joke and I jumped on you - I'm just highly irritated at your hyocritical bullshit.
And if it were a McCain supporter and McCain had won I'd be telling them the same thing.
Have a nice one =)
Politics is similar to sports except for one important distinction: the winner sometimes has to make life or death decisions. I guarantee our troops in Iraq wish they were playing hockey rather hide-and-seek with IEDs.
If you don't like what I have to say then don't reply. You're not going to change my mind and I'm obviously not going to change yours. I realize you're a stubborn Taurus, we will have to agree to disagree...

Softcookie, whats your moon sign????? I feel the same way as you do smile
I realize you're a stubborn Taurus, we will have to agree to disagree...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! oh boy, here we go again Big Grin Miss angel, I think people have a right to rant, thats what you are doing. So you are included in all the ranting too ^_^.
I'm not the one who posted an entire thread about people being stupid and petty, and then proceeded to behave in the same manner that I had just admonished smile
I've only pointed out his hypocrisy.
Hey cappie, my moon is Pisces, I don't like to see people attacked unjustly...
Hey cappie, my moon is Pisces, I don't like to see people attacked unjustly...
Cool smile I have an Aqua moon, and I'm a cappy so you know how much trouble I can be Winking Just kidding smile You seem like a sweetheart, really you do. I've read you stuff but I've never really spoken to you until now ^_^.
Nope, I don't like people being attacked unjustly either --- hahaha, its happen to me before too and I'm like, "What in the world did I do???" I'll only go on a rampage if I feel theres need smile But its all in good will Big Grin
Pisces moon people are cool but you guys seem to like to run from me lol. Offline that is Winking
"I actually like McCain but he had to compromise too many of his principles in order to get the Republican nomination. "
Don't get upset angel but here is why I supported Obama.
I agree. McCain could have had a fighting chance if he would of picked a better running mate. You cannot blame the American population fearing having a whack job like Palin in charge if something happened to McCain. If the American population cannot take her seriously why in the world would our international allies take her seriously or house representatives? McCain made a huge mistake putting her on the ticket and he did it for all the wrong reason.....because of gender. She is DEFINATELY no Hilary. Hilary is one smart woman who is respected in Washington and internationally. I also thought the smear campaign against Obama were way worse on Obama than on McCain. I kind of feel sorry for McCain when Biden and Obama kept pinning McCain to voting with Bush (Most unpopular president) 90% of the time. That really stuck with the American people who desperately wanted change.
I will admit working on the Obama campaign David Plouffe did a great job managing Obama's campaign. The strategy was right on center and appealed to the American populations emotions and really got in there with how the country was feeling about their lives. They definately played on American's emotions and new they needed "Hope" so that was the message. Very different from what this administration had been feeding us and also the Maverick style just did not serve McCain's campaign well.
Anywho....my two cents
BTW - McCain was brilliant on his concession speech. I was floored and that is the McCain I love. If he would have spoke like he did that night that could of also helped on his campaign. I still have the utmost respect for McCain, however the republican party better think twice before ever putting Palin on a ticket. Smart and intelligent people could never follow a leader like that.
Lets just all come together and hope for the best as we have a lot to dig out.
"I actually like McCain but he had to compromise too many of his principles in order to get the Republican nomination."
I agree with the above statement. Don't get mad angel, but here is why I supported Obama:
1) BIGGEST mistake for McCain was to get the whack job Palin as his running mate. She turned me off completely with her loud mouth, and she is an IDIOT. McCain chose her to appeal to women voters and it back-fired on him big time. She is definately no Hilary Clinton not even in the same league. Hilary is loved by her supporters, respected by Washington, and respected internationally. The American people were frightened if something happened to McCain she would be the person in charge....don't think so.
2) David Plouffe did a magnificant job with strategy by tugging at American's emotional attachment to this election. Such a big deal people went to the polls and voted and voted big. McCain's concession speech was probably his most profound speech that really appealed to the American people. It was his best speech and that is the McCain I loved. If McCain would have campaigned this way, this would have appealed to voters.
3) McCain had a huge hill uphill battle because Obama and Biden kept pegging McCain to voting with Bush. There was no escaping that which totally deminished his maverick style .
I honestly think McCain would have had a better fighting chance if he would have made a better selection for running mate. That hurt him big in the end. I think the republican party needs to think before they even consider putting Palin on a ticket. She is not the right representation for America.
My two cents. I do still respect McCain....especially after that concession speech. He really is a gracious man, just did not have the best campaign advisors.
PD - I'm not upset..... people seem to be missing my point here... which is that softcookie is being a hypocrit - and also that gloating like a child is petty and counter-productive. In order for Obama's administration to succeed EVERYONE[including people who did not vote for Obama] needs to unite and work together. Palin's done, she's history, if she ever decides to run for president herself then by all means remind people AT THAT TIME what a freak show she is. But right now.... it just sounds like sour grapes - which is really strange considering Obama WON..........
How exactly am I being a hypocrite? My previous thread was in regard to people using F-bombs to attack each other personally rather than trying to make a point. I was merely stating FACTS about a candidate that narrowly avoided being a heartbeat away from the presidency. I am not trying to gloat nor have I attacked anyone on DXP personally, I am merely challenging their knowledge.
Unless calling a you a stubborn Taurus is getting too personal...
And I would have posted that information about Palin whether McCain won or lost...
nay....most of the obama supporters on this board have been a roving mob during the election and are now horrible winners who act like they won the superbowl instead of an election........main diference is we are all on the same team.
no one is expected to cater to anyone else - however, the idea should be bridging gaps between the American people right now - and that usually doesn't work too well when your method of trying to convince people to see your side of things is to tell them that they're stupid if they don't agree with you....ahem ms. aquiThinkShesSoSmartButIsActuallyOneOfTheDumbestMotherFuckersIveEverEncountered
and that has nothing to do with whether you agree with me - my opinion of you is based on the complete bullshit that comes out of your mouth. You only THINK you're intelligent, but your snide, smug attitude doesn't actually infer intelligence like you think it does. Just because you smile and wink after everything you say doesn't mean everyone thinks there's some super smart private joke that you're in on and the rest of us don't get.Winking
if you say so smile
by the way - my mom also claims to be a memeber of mensa - also an aqua, and a compulsive liar - NOT a member of mensa smile
You know Vanessa .... you just pop out of no where with the strangest comments smile I just noticed how you pop in and out -- you like to throw those zingers in there, don't you Winking

Where have you been! I've been like a mad crazed woman since last week and you were no where around Sad
But that's okay Big Grin HEY BUDDY Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
My mother being a liar has nothing at all to do with me. I agree with Vanessa though.....
After all, having a masters doesn't actually prove you're intelligent - it proves you made it through all those years of school.....so what? there are plenty of stupid people with lots of degrees. And that's if in fact you did - which is my point... just because you say you're this or that doesn't mean it's true - your discourse here suggests you are other than what you say you are.....
Well, before the election I thought I would pass out because I didn't know what the outcome was going to be Big Grin -- I remember the 2000 election okay lol!!!!!!!
After the election I've been going crazy because I was sooooo excited that he won, I jumped out of my skin Big Grin We were both on early Wednesday morning, I remember, we were both like YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAAHAHA!!!!!!
....so what? there are plenty of stupid people with lots of degrees. And that's if in fact you did - which is my point... just because you say you're this or that doesn't mean it's true - your discourse here suggests you are other than what you say you are.....
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!! ooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhh ......
I so want to make a comment but I'm too tired. I can't believe this lol!!!! As much as you have said "this and that" about yourself, you have the nerve to talk about Aqi ??????
So you need to stop it.
lol, well I realize that she can't talk about you without talking about herself too ... because she does the same thing.

Plus, I'm not sure how all this got started in the first place -- if everyone else is allowed to voice their opinions (positive or negative) then why in the hell can't Softcookie??? If those are his post-election thoughts then whats the problem?

I sense soome bias going on in here Winking
I haven't gone around trying to claim anything. I didn't bring up my owen education until someone else ^^^^^^ accused me of being uneducated. And as a matter of fact I've done those mensa excersizes and they've told me I should apply - I don't really see the point in joining a club for smart people. I'm intelligent and I don't need to be a member of mensa to prove that. I think that the point Vanessa was making, and certainly the one that I am - is that intelligence speaks for itself - you don't need a club or piece of paper to prove it and if you do... well then you're not intelligent. And the things you say here make you sound extrememly UNintelligent.
That apple bullshit is something people say to try to make others look bad based on something that has nothing to do with who they are, but can be loosely associated to them - my mother is is a compulsive liar among many other things - none of which I am.
.......... another who pops in out of no where hmmmmm lol