First times..........

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by juwanapla on Friday, July 27, 2007 and has 94 replies.
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OK, let's spice up this board a bit. Let's talk about our first times. Being scorpios, did you have to have your first time 'perfect'? You know, perfect person, perfect time, perfect place? Or were you just horny and wanted to get it on?
I was 16. I was seeing a 20 yo bachelor. He lived with my stepbrother and was known to sleep around and party alot. I thought he was fun to hang out with. He would let me drink and he loved to hang out with me. He begged me for months to have sex with him. One night I just looked at him and said lets do it!!!! So we did the dirty and that was about it. It hurt like hell. It was more like 'let's just pop the cherry and get it over with' thing. We did it for the second time about 2 weeks later. As soon as he put his pants on he started to break up with me and talked about seeing other people. But I tripped him out. He was expecting me to cry and beg. Instead I told him I totally agree. I said thanks for the education but I want to see other people, too. He was all prepared to sugar coat the situation, but I basically handed him his coat, kissed him on the cheek and said see ya when I see ya.
I ran into him periodically the next year. He and I had a bond but we never hooked up again. 13 years later he was asking my dad and my brother for my phone number. He called me out of the blue and practically begged me to go out with him. I told him I was still busy seeing other people.
Ha ha!!! MEN!!!!!
You want to get what? Nasty!!!
You can post here too, after you have your first time Mr.N.
It's so lonely on dxp in the evening!!!!!
*sighs and silently waits for someone besides Roxi to post something juicy*
My first time wasn't good Sad
My second time was an attempt at this Tongue
My third time was a hole-in-one .. and it lasted about one second, also
Poor P-Angel. It's a wonder you keep trying. But I like to hear that you don't give up.
Mr. N, you might try calling the hire-a-ho number earlier in the day. That is the best time to get through.
Persistance kids! That's what it's all about!
The first time I tried to give a BJ .. I was holding it delicately, so it wouldn't break, and softly blowing onto the head.
The look on his face was priceless, "What the hell are you doing?"
He laughed at me, lol .. I didn't know !!!!!
One burger and blow special at 12:30? Done, we'll have it send over. Thank you for you business.
P-Angel, that's kinda sad. Actually, it's hilarious. I had a few 'playmates' to experiment with. I was an expert at foreplay before the big day. Damn I loved my teen years!
So forceful!!!! No sucky sucky? No licky licky?
OK, makes my jaw hurt anyway..
"Same here"
As in .. the first time you gave a blow job, you did that?
Or, the first time someone gave you one?
Or, were you talking about something else?
This post is about your first time. P-Angel was kind enough to share. So spill it Neg!!!
No licky .. no entry .. period.
Don't have any complaints about that rule Tongue
No hidden posts here Mr.!!!
I like the licky. But I usually get to excited and try to skip foreplay. I like to skip the appetizer hand head straight to the main course.
I remember apologizing a lot."
Did you do the American Pie thing?
OOOPs, it happens. I guess..
*hides face and laughs*
I'm sure I wasn't much fun my first time either. I just kinda laid there and moaned "ow ow ow" over and over.
No dick control .. good thing men gain some.
Until they hit 50 .. then a woman is lucky to get those 2 minutes.
was she patient or did she get pissy?
True dat P-Angel.
You said she was older .. so, I'm sure she knew.
I'm sure that got you a second try! LOL
You mean they lay their like a dead fish Captain?
"I just kinda laid there and moaned "ow ow ow" over and over."

Ouch, ouch, ouch .. didn't it hurt for you?
"Virgo's are great at sex...just as long as they don't have to do anything. At all."

I second that !!!
So what are you dealing?
My first time was WITH A SCORPIO and it was PERFECT! He never pressured me to do anything I didn't want to do. So when I felt the timing was right (about 1 month in), I booked a room at the Residence Inn. I prepared a huge dinner for him (the room had a mini kitchen) and then after, we layed in front of the fireplace, drank some really good red wine and had the most perfect sex anyone could ask for their first time. Don't get me HURT and it was a bit awkward seeing as it was my first time and all, but everything just sort of fell into place =) Him & I had some of the best sex of my life. We were together for 12 years. I haven't had anything as good since (although the Scorp I'm sorta seeing now has potential =D but we haven't gone all the way yet)
::raised eyebrow at Bran::
Thanks for contributing Branh!!!
Bling, you have style !
What about you MM?
With some guy at college..he was hot but a real bastard...I was crushed to death of losing it to him of all people..wanker!
Did it have to be perfect MM? Or did you just go for it?
I just went with it Jappers (JP)..I fancied the pants off him and we were dating for a short while so it was fine..he was well endowed so it hurt as well..eek..he was just not a very nice person afterwards..but it didn't last long enough for me to complain about
LOL Aguaaqi. That's funny! I felt like that with my ex. We were together for 10 years. You would think 10 years with the same person would cure premature ejaculation. Nope! 3 minutes of boredom and I would watch tv out of the corner of my eye at the same time. It was a wonder we even conceived!
Did you get yourself checked out afterwards?
good man!
Christ I am bored...
Eeeow spare me the graphical details of the zit...
no I went out last was resting day....
No...things rarely ever go to plan...
All that perfect nonsense is only in the movies..
Hasn't anyone had a magical first time then? Saved themselves for the one they love and all that? It seems there is a definite lack of romance in losing ones virginity....

ask plutosmile
So how does it feel from a guy's point of view? Is it also an anti climax?

i was drunk and it was first time was not a very memorable one.infact i don't remember most of closed.
What happens if a guy can't come..does he really frustrated? At himself or at the situation? Does that mean he's not capable?
does he*
men often sneeze if they get aroused but can't come

that is a crazy theory capygirl.haahaa
i am very loud sneezer,i cant control it,it has been like it always.but that doesn't mean i am aroused when i sneeze.
boy according to your theory i must be almost on the brink of exploding right now.haahaa
Well him sneezing is like mount vasoovious (if thats how you spell it) erupting..Now I am worried how much pent up stuff is going
I think Bran just nailed it there.."but I'm too tense during sex acts to actually complete one"...thats what I think it is..
ok I bet you are thinking about sex right this minute...

i am mostly thinking about sex,but i am not constantly sneezing,if that were the case,i would sneeze almost every 5 mins or so,which under normal circumstances is not the case with me.
right now i am sneezing because i have flu madameTongue
haahaa,nice theory,but i think it has more to do with my going for a swim in the pool on a cold winter day.
and well to be honest,who is bothered about the sinuses when having sex?? i don't even notice anything about my sinuses,i am engrossed in only one thingTongue