I did it....

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by missmorals on Tuesday, March 6, 2007 and has 141 replies.
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I got the job...they told me today...they loved me...if all things go well, should be flying out to Boston in 4 weeks!!
Out of 22 candidates, 6 finalists (5 of these men) I GOT IT!
Brrrrrrrrrrrring it on
Great Job MM !...U go girl !
Congrats, MM smile
and congrats to Boston, coz they get YOU!!! Tongue
freakin awesome missmorals smile!! I'm sooo happy for you. congratulations!
i'm sure she'll fit right in Winking
Wow! Congrats Miss Morals!
You'll love Boston...it's laid out pretty much like some towns in England...
If you're like most chickies, you'll want to make the "pilgrimage" to Concord (take a day train) to visit Louisa May Alcott's cottage where she wrote "Litte Women."
(*Get out hanky now*)
....and see May's (Amy) drawings, and Anna's (Meg's) needlework etc. etc.
The train station is ages from the actual house...Concord is very untouristy...so you might want to do Thoreau's Walden pond another day....it's about another 100 miles (jus' kiddin') off the beaten track...
Another must-do...
When you arrive at the airport (Logan Airport) take a boat across the bay to get into Boston proper. It's really amazing to get into the city that way...
Everywhere in the US is pretty much the same, compared to the UK .. architectually speaking .. New England is very rich in our culture, so you should enjoy having the ability to learn quickly about our every day living experiences.
Mainly, what's fantastic is your beating out the competition .. that's awesome. Us Americans are pretty goddam competitive, especially with foriegners taking our jobs and that you were able to secure this, showed your new employer that you know what you're doing and how to do your business .. whatever that trade is.
Congratulations, MM, and a pre-welcome to America. smile
Thank you all soooooooo much...I feel soooo happy!!!
I can't sit still...I just want to dance..I have like the biggest grin on my face..
Hard work and determination pays off in the end....I got some feedback and the lady (American boss) says you won it over with your enthusiasm, passion and the drive!...(true Scorpio fashion!!!)
Thanks again...
Eaglegirl: "When you arrive at the airport (Logan Airport) take a boat across the bay to get into Boston proper. It's really amazing to get into the city that way..."
Of course...this has to be done..sounds fantastic!...I feel like crying with excitement..LOL..silly moo that I am...
I told the guy at the Agency that I loved him..he laughed his head off..told me I was crazy!..LOL..yeppers...
Bean-town .. she's gonna be a beaner in Beantown .. yay !!!!!!!!
Or, something like that ..
Maybe it's just B-town ..
What is your trade, MM? What will you be doing in New England?
Project Management in Finance & Investments within an IT environment my lovely..
Message posted by: antibling on 3/6/2007 8:15:13 PM ip: xxx.xxx.xxx.46
true...the North over here is better than those Shandy drinkers beneath us
LOL @ owe us a treat!!..
Don't you mean I need to be treated here..come on girls and guys...all pressies welcome!..
France aint Far Archer..me gonna come looking for your warrior ass! Winking
P-Angel: "especially with foriegners taking our jobs and that you were able to secure this, showed your new employer that you know what you're doing and how to do your business .. whatever that trade is"
LOL..she did ask me where she thought I would be in 5 years time..and I just joked say "where you are!"..she just laughed..she sounds like a lovely lady actually..we really hit it off..Wonder what star sign she is...I did have the urge to ask her but thought against it..LOL. And I have heard that Americans ladies do work hard.
Its not just Boston though, I will be crossing the globe..woohoo..Pittsburgh,, Tokyo, Dubai to name a few!..
::looks up to the sky::
Thank you god!!!
LOL @ you bunch of nutters!!!...God I love you all...
Thanks for the Gun pluto..LOL..best present if there ever was one Winking
"ahh unless its in the arms of a certain virgo" - Oooooooooh yes..told that baby last night and he was elated...he thought I was leaving him and it pushed him even more into wanting me!..hahahah..
LOL @ Archer...Awww...don't make me think of G...I love Gee gee...
Cap: "yeah i am ..infact tonight i am going out too"
Oh yeah???
::evil grin::
Archer: "touching, why does some words touch something inside very tenderly,, like these words of your ................. sentimental fool I am"
Awwww...and your words touched me too!!..sentimental fools indeed....Awww...we have been touched (you dirty perv Winking
"And I have heard that Americans ladies do work hard"
Yeah, that's for sure .. we don't mess around .. saying to her what you did about the five-year thing, probably was a big hit .. we are competitive and look for the same thing in recruits ..
.. sounds like you won her over with your warm personality, as well as your abilities .. travelling the world sounds great.
Just don't venture to Jersey .. those Jersey girls are Class A Bitches (just throw that in for kris).
I'm sitting here, trying to imagine what's gonna happen to your accent in a short while .. a mixture of English and Northern Twang ..
And you know what, my best friend Sagi...has been sooooooo supportive all the way through..God I love her...text upon text of saying how she knew I would get it and that she wishes the moon and stars for me and that I deserve it..aww..What am I like..LOL..getting all mushy..
Awwwwe, MM .. your new employer read you right .. you're enthusiasm and sincerity is overwhelming .. you're gonna be so happy, cause your happy with yourself.
This is so awesome that your new path is bringing you this much joy.
P-Angel: "I'm sitting here, trying to imagine what's gonna happen to your accent in a short while .. a mixture of English and Northern Twang .."
LOL...well actually one of my best friends (Leo) moved to California 8 years ago..met a guy from there and now married with one baby girl..I often take the mick out of her accent..its like you describe it..very funny!..LOL..
Thanks P-Angel..thats so sweet of you to say!
You're welcome .. I wish you sucess.
LOL @ Pluto
Wanna naach all night
Do you feel alright
Wanna naach all night
Dance with me baby, wont you dance with me all night
Won't you party party party, wont you run the floor all night
pyaare pyaare lamhe, pyaari pyaari baatein
sapno ke din hain, sapno ki raaten
ho goonjen hai dil ke taraane
bajne hain geet suhaaneh
behke hai saare deewane
toh nach le nach le all night
where's the party tonight
on the dance floor
oh sapno ke din hain, sapno ki raatein
where's the party tonight
Dance with me baby, wont you dance with me all night
Won't you party party party, wont you run the floor all night
Wanna naach all night
Do you feel alright
Wanna naach all night
Winking just for you!!
LOL @ Cap
Ok, now I need to listen to my ipod...feel like dancing..and doing those Abishek moves!..hahha
LOL..Thanks forever reminding me...I keep forgetting that..
last night was out with my gemini friend who crushed me to death with her hug..LOL..I had to remind her about my rib and she just laughed her head off..said..oh no..not again!..what did you do this time..She's just met an Aqua guy and he is soooo lovely..she wanted me to meet him and I did..and we really got on..bless..I hope this one lasts..she goes through men like they are going out of existence!!
Hey MM,Pluto, Cap, Archie ...Howz everyone doing ?
I know MM is dying to swim across the Atlantic now Winking
Hello Gee gee...
I don't need to tell you how I am doing..as well you know Winking
Swim??..I am gonna take a speed boat..Bond style eeee
"I am gonna take a speed boat..Bond style eeee"
Leave that to me ...U be a Bond girl first Winking

Hey Cap ...U going for drinks tonite ?
LOL @ Gee gee
The names Galore..pussy galore
Thatz more like it Tongue
So how many days in Boston MM ?
Not sure Gee...depends on training I guess...
Awesome work..talk about kickin' ass... I left USA and spent a couple of yrs. in Europe working back in late 90's -- you're experience here will be out of this world. Enjoy the euphoria!
"ladies rule.........men drool!"
LOL...Only a few Roxx ...only a few.
Wishing you much success .....
Waaaaay to GO MM! Much success to you in your new adventures!
Have fun Winking
Ooooooh...yeppers man!..still buzzing...literally...
Annoying the hell out of everyone by being EXTRA chirpy!!..hehe...but damn, cos I need to sign the paperwork tonight, had to let my friend down today..was meant to go to an American milkshake/diner place..(had arranged a week ago) hahah..how convenient!..LOL..
Don't worry EG..I shall bring your mousse with me..LOL..
Not a permanent move initially but the possibilities are endless...
LOL @ we hardly recognise you...
Are you saying I am usually a miserable cow?
No I think she was being cheeky/sarcastic!..
And stop stirring you...
Get back to 102..
(don't you just love that..102)
Oh ok..LOL..
Wah hoo MS M.
Well done. sounds pretty high power like S Street or CSFB. Big dosh but unmerciful hours.
Be prepared for the blank stars on middle management as they pretend they know what your doing.
P.S. rear view mirrors are a no no - you'll have to use your 6th sense to jump off DXP
Yep defo no more DXP once I get started..a few odd messages won't go amiss though..in the evenings of course..thats IF I get the time..which will be a rare commodity...
LOL @ Bling...nutter!...
LOL..defo not going to attempt that one..I just can't get to grips with driving on the wrong side of the road..no way..Boston isn't prepared for that yet...give it time..LOL..
And I don't like Automatic cars...I am not in CONTROL..theres that word again..

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