Scorpio & Cancer

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by looneybird on Sunday, March 19, 2006 and has 31 replies.
Both being water signs, this combination shares strong, deep feelings and when in love, such love is liable to be "for keeps." There is a major attraction to be found here, coupled with strong possessivenesss on both sides. Each is an emotional character, but the way it is emoted is vastly different. Cancer is openly compassionate and sympathetic, unlike Scorpio who is not one for displaying sentiment, prone to act on the input he or she receives as opposed to hand-wringing, cying or sulking. When a Scorpio indivual is hurt, others may never be aware of it, except for the chill which will suddenly permeate the atmosphere. With Cancer, however, the hurt is always obvious...whether in silence or out loud, it is glaringly obvious. Cancer is a more forgiving character than is fact, a Scorpio individual seldom forgets a wrong done to him or her and can hold a grudge for years, perhaps even a lifetime. Nonetheless, there is a strong undercurrent of understanding in this Cancer/Scorpio combination, not to mention a true magnetic attraction. This mix could make for a wonderful marriage or, at the very least, a great friendship, provided Scorpio does not feel as though he or she is being trodden on. Scorpio will doubtless find the protective nature of Cancer to be truly comforting and there is believed to be be something of an actual psychic bond between these two signs...a very harmonious blending of spirits. Both Cancer and Scorpio share a pure empathy, coupled with a very long memory for both the best and the worst. However, Cancer is probably the only sign that Scorpio is truly willing to try and forgive. This pair will keep each others' secrets safe and feel secure in each others' company.
On the negative side, Scorpio has trouble in understanding Cancer's inherent caution and Cancer refuses to tolerate any type of violence. Since Scorpio is prone to attack in a direct manner, this is very likely to frighten the Cancer partner, who will likely wait and think, only attacking after considering all the possibilities. Scorpio needs laughter in his or her life, but should never be the Scorpio character, this is offensive. There should never be any secrets between these two or it could very easily erode the security of the Cancer/Scorpio bond. When wounded, Scorpio quickly becomes resentful and vindictive. At times, the sensitive Cancer may feel that his or her Scorpio partner is being driven more by instinct and lust than true love and this could become something of an issue. Overall, however, this partnership makes for a deep and lasting attachment which is held together with an intense sense of unity.

This is a great link. Thank you for the info. It's different to what i usually read about us, but more accurate.
Tks. again!!
Looneybird thank you. The post id right, Cancer are moe forgiving than scorpio. But they donot forget. Wouldn't that be equivalent to not forgiving? My opinion. Any takers?
In my opinion no,,,We do forgive but we don't forget...I can forgive someone but if I revisit what they did,,,I will feel the exact same emotion I felt at the time when that person did something to me....I think Scorpio's won't forgive and they will may macje you pay for whatever it is that you done to them...In some one or another whether it be through SILENCE and cutting you off or some other way.
1) silence 2) cutting you off, and worse 3)pretending that you ae invisible even if you are right in fornt of htem at zero km distance. That's scorpio for you.
Because were so damn sexy...
I so agree I have cut of some females and male friends in my life, the last one I cut was a leo female.
I had a Aries women tell me the other day, she just met me and said
"I bet you distance all your friends" and I said yea.
I like my space
and were crazy too!!,,,,but in a good way
Scorpion Lady,,,Would someone have to something really exteme in order for you to cut them off? ALso...When you take your space do your friends understand that it's just part of who you are, or do they get upset?.....Also...there is just something about Leo women that get under my skin,...just a little bit, I can deal,,,but its just something about them that is too much for me.
My Leo friend (not the one I cut off) of almost 20 years but in the last 5 or 6 years I have distance myself from her, my family would always say she was jeolous of me but I never saw it until lately, and it's only because she was married and I was'nt and I think the way I carried myself, she used to always say you are so outgoing.
And the other Leo female she used to hate of all the guys I would meet or date but she got real bold one day started talking about the man I love, because we was having problems, she was like that N (word) is no good for you, you know stuff like that and when we would go out she always wanted to know what I was wearing she would wear something better or tighter, then when we was in the club I would be talking to a guy she would come over and ask why I am I talking to this guy he looks young, and I would be like man chill I'm just talking but if she was talking to a guy and I was'nt she would be all in my face with it....that shit got on my nerve I was not in no competition with her, so I tired of her crap and cuss her out and cut her off.
I don't think my friends understand or even know what I am doing. I had a aries friend of 7 years live with me for 4 months and she got on my last nerve and I told her I needed my space back. she respected it but I have not spent any time with her since...we email or talk on the phone...I had to get her out my house to save the friendship.
Have you done that before, she is the only person I have don't that to.
Thats what I don't like about the Leo women that I know...They act very confident but still have the need to try UP you or be the most stunning when you go out...And if they are not the center of attention then they have all these issues.
I have no problem understanding other people be it there sign or not, when I met someone for the first time my first thought is to understand who and what they are about, and once I find out and I am not comfortable with them then I am not going to be that close to them.
These are the same two Leo's that have cried on my shoulder because they can't understand why don't they have a man or why they slept with a man and he never called back, asking me what is wrong with them.
My motto is to know me is to understand me

And a lot of people find me very confusing and difficult at times. But the people that I let come in my circle of love I still don't think they know me.
People needing to be center of attention is lacking something within themselves, (confidence maybe).
I don't have to be the center of attention to get notice I can just stand somewhere and be noticed.
But there are some ways about people that I am just not going to deal with regardless
No. I have not limited my potential...I have a lot of people in my life, enteprneurs lawyers, etc. I am just not close with a lot of them but if I need something then they will be there for me
I don't think us Jealousy DB,,,by the way I like "jello"...I usually say "don't be jelly now"...LOL..anyway,,,I said it slightly bothers me with the Leo woman's need for attention...They are usually upset, because I am getting most of the attention without trying too, and really do not desire it...although they would never admit it....My own mother is a Leo,and whenever we rae out together and someone comments on "How pretty her daughter is,,or how her daughter has such nice legs,,,she Always has to say "She get's it honestly".....I mean give me a break...
And by the way,,,If I'm having a problem with something and talking to my mother or feamle cousin, who is also a leo..the conversation somehow always leads back to them..and ends up being about them.
My best friend's mother and father are Leo's...Her dad is really fun...But her mom just doesn't act like a mom...kind of like my mom...They have what I call the selfish syndrome,,,,,
I have no other Leos's in my life, but I have a girlfriend who is a Cancer, I think I get on her nerves a lot. but she is kinda on the needy side.
We work together and we go to lunch at the same time every day. It's like I can't go to lunch with no one else but her, and I went to lunch with another co-worker and she saw me and her coming back and she said "oh so you went to lunch and could'nt call me" I was "like it just happened" (a spontaneous act on my part) and she was like well come with me to get my lunch and I was like "hell no" and she said well I will talk to you tommorrow. I called her and said so you are not speaking to me until tommorrow? and she said yea. and I said I know you are not mad about that are you? and she never said anything, and did not talk to me until the next day. Damn Crabs.
That is why I do not like a lot of female as friends, and keep them at a distance to much drama
Ima a Cancer with Venus in Gemini,,,I'm not needy. I love being by myself abd rarely like company. I have very few friends,,the one that I can't stand is the one of the Cancer's..she basically made herself my friend...invites herself all the time...asked me to come over all the time..abd all MY REAL friends know that I a m a hermit and respect that,,,,however once I am in love I try to reserve my feelings because they are so strong and I usually end up having an emotional temper tantrum in because I tried to keep peace about something taht bothered...I have only really done that with the Scorpio friend,,,and although he calls me crazy,,he is the one man I feel really understands me...and ACCEPTS me.
Yes it does drive me crazy..she even named me the Godmother of her child,,,which I really didn't want to be.....So now she try's to use the baby to spend time with me,'s really quite sickening....
You don't understand DB...she has friends..I guess it's something about me...See, I like friendships that are not FORCED, I like them to happen naturally and I also have to trust the person...Your a Scorpio...youknow where I am coming from...I didn't want to get into the root of my evil in this situation, but I need to defend myself...When her and her child's father broke up, she did some real conniving underhanded things to sabotaging his computer, but not where it was Physically noticable, but hwere he wouldn't have a clue why it wasn't running right...she also asked me to call his job and to tell them that he lied on his resume...Of course I didn't do it....SHe is never herself but always this "character" she portrays,,,and I just can't trust someon or be friends with someon who only let me see what they want me to,,which is a lie....SO THERE IT GOES,,,,I just didn't want to get into it that deep...People who I respect as a friend and TRUST get the softy side of me...And I accept their faults because everyone has them...and I like the fact that they can be who they are,,good or bad.
I liked that.
Me and my cancer are on horrible terms. Sad
It seems to me cancer can be a little more resentful than scorpio though, sometimes.
I agree Beautiful Scorpion,,,I know its been times where I have to fight being so resentful.
^^Yea. The things I also noticed about them is they snap back when you really do not expect them too. Well, that is how it is with the cancers I have experienced. Just when you think they will settle for it, because they have settled for it all the other times, they start to push away.
That's true, I even find that scorps are even easier to talk to and more willing to have a heart to heart conversation over cancers who sulk and refuse to talk. Well unless they feel threatened or perceive that you're done with patience I think.
They are a bit more resentful too but I think that it's because they're also a bit more sensitive while scorp has more of an ability to see the reason behind an action which lets them understand where it's coming from and in turn doesn't take some things too personal.
BS where are you from? We really do have our ip addresses end with the same numbers most of the time... ? It's weird.
I'm from California.
Yes,,,we usually do snap when its not expected...beacuse we try to keep the peace. so it simmers,,,and then explodes,,,
I agree, I try to keep peace with my cancer co-worker, and others that I care and love. But for real I want to read her, (cancer girl) give her a piece of my mind but since I do care for her I will hold my thoughts to myself. But I know the moment she comes out wrong about something all that I am holding will erupt.....the rest is history.
Don't get me wrong, she probably wants to smack the shit out of me sometimes because of my mouth, but I tell her all the you know I am a very blunt person deal with it.
and she just looks at me.
Scorpios are like a simmering volcanoe, waiting to erupt because of our emotions. Sometimes I really have to back away, I might even cry, just to control myself,
My Virgo friend told me I carry myself with a strong exterior but deep in side I am a true softy and I am.
Yes,,,thats how my Scorpio friend first I thought him to be an a**..but when I took the time to look and read between the lines, I realized he is alot like myself...and this his soft side is REALLY soft and it more than makes up for the toughness......