Words and Images

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by whoaitznara on Monday, March 19, 2007 and has 40 replies.
pick a word, any word...something that has meaning, or maybe something that just popped into your head, what image or memory goes with it?
for me it would have to be boo'jy which isn't even a word but it takes me back to 2005, i used that word a lot with my best friend whenever we got into some crazy adventure, it was like a secret word of ours...i don't use it much anymore but it holds some memories.
i like that image, the white part makes it seem like the possiblities are endless.
Yoruba or swahili...I forget.
exactly, what branh said.
Liberia was created by America.
I wrote that about the same time you posted.
But he is right.
ooh here's another one:
i think back to last summer when i was on the beach and this guy wrapped his whole body in a towel and just laid on the grass for hours, it was burning hot and he reminded me of a burrito so that's that.
I believe liberia is below my country and we arent considered N. Africa.
I have personally never met anyone who actually speaks swahili.
Nope, but I have family from there.
Sierra leone too was founded by ex slaves. The speak pretty much broken english, creole.
Its mainly spoken in Kenya...more in the east African nations.
Generally meaning in business and such
But whats actually spoken is the native dialect to each's own group of people.
LOL, im no expert.
Africa is huge. I only know what I know.
Im also east asian by notso's standards.
I think your behinds stamped with a made in Taiwan.
lol you guys fucked up what could have been a semi good thread.
My people are civilized...calm individuals...unlike your yours.
Care for some tea??
whoa nara
its the DXP way.
It'll get back to the OQ someday.
nah it's cool i don't really care that much.
I must say...those scorp/scorps are getting better at making threads with depth and class. smile
WTH branh.
I got Seoul!!!!
hah thanks notso i'll be sure to use that on one of these fascinating threads.
Im not bombing anybody. The US should've looked at the real threats before deciding to go to war in Iraq.
tsk tsk those mid-westerners are something else.
Mainly economic reasons.
We only drop bombs on those who have none.
communism is not that serious.
sits, waits.

hurry, im going to bed.
Communism is a threat to capitalist economies.
But the idea of communism is not evil. To the extent political leaders take their ideas and combine with communism is the problem.
to be continued.
good night all.
"well they stay poor, until they invent some kind of music style ."
what that 'spose to mean.
Thats a nice picture...love the water and autumn leaves...
Message posted by: whoaitznara on 3/19/2007 10:43:31 PM ip: xxx.xxx.xxx.44
lol you guys ed up what could have been a semi good thread.
I concur....It can be disheartening when idiots like these come and ruin a perfectly good thread
SO,I'l get back to the topic in question...

@~!@# $ ^&*()(*&^% $ #@
or google "html adding pictures"

"And there's always a place for the angry young man
With his fist in the air and his head in the sand
And he's never been able to learn from mistakes
So he can't understand why his heart always breaks
And his honor is pure and his courage is well
And he's fair and he's true and he's boring as hell
And he'll go to the grave as an angry old man"

You may need to be familiar with Anti-flag to get that one completely.
One word: ~Finish~
My word is~
~oh the memories on that thing- priceless
wait I have another.
"the Moose swiming in the water"
~uugh I miss you guys Sad, it's never going to be the same, _____ changed my life.

my favorite lake, my favorite camp, my favorite friends, my favorite hot british guys...
That is a beautiful picture..I LOVE lakes..I really do...