"they can't have their cake and eat it too."
I've tried to make excuses but it all boils down to that, seems like.
I still feel really guilty, but I guess people come and go...
Maybe. His reasoning is he wants me to be stronger, but in the hindsight it seems like this is a game to him.
Regarding the older bull I think somehow he knows I decided to pull back, he is doing the same. 180 degrees difference! So cold! Kind of stings a bit, but it makes the whole thing easier... like a bitter pill to swallow. I will miss him, but I guess this is for the best for both of us.
I was talking to a taurus who pursued me with the intentions of being in a relationship but asked we take things slow which I didn't have a problem.
But I later found out that he had just got out of a relationship and he wasn't ready for another one and was looking for somebody to be his friend first more than anything since friendship mattered most to him.
I felt like if he wanted me as a friend and nothing more; he should have said that from the word go. He did the guilt tripping every time I tried to walk away and I would feel bad and stay. Once I realized that he was just doing that to keep me around; I gave him a piece of my mind, cut him off completely, deleted his number and I have never looked back coz I cannot be a friend to somebody that I have feelings for
Yeah, that's what I think too. But I know some bulls (or anyone really) who had bad experiences in the past probably have really strong barriers. (for example the older one is divorced, cheated on, left without words etc etc, one was left with debt by his gf that he finally finished paying... something like those ) But in the end, if they can see the other women without any interest in being friends, then why they do this to me?
There were words and reasoning they told me, but action is more important than words sometimes... and ultimately, I couldn't handle the dynamics of these relationships with these particular bulls, so the part of the blame is on me too.
Ah.. but I have to say I learned a lot, even if it ends in some bittersweet note. I wish them well.
Signed Up:
Mar 15, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 3979 · Topics: 6
We hung on New Year's Eve and all of us had the most amazing time (largely due to her being the life of everything). And today we met up, and I actually thought in my mind, if she and I were alone, I was going to tell her very sincerely how impressive/amazing she is. Then I thought, that even though that's the truth, that's a really bad idea and could give some really mixed signals, look to everyone like I'm hitting on her, etc. That wasn't my intent at all though....
Also, I think him and this lady will work out as she is a Libra and a very strong woman, which he needs. It pains me to say this but, I hope it works out for them.
Signed Up:
Mar 15, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 3979 · Topics: 6
My thoughts are....Yeah, Venus in Gem can be a tease, often without realizing it; it is at least how others perceive it. I'd definitely just stay completely away because, as you've said, you can't handle it. He's getting what he wants from you - the feelings, the stimulation - but you're not getting what you feel you need in what is the next step of a natural progression for you when you feel those things. Its a drain and a disappointment for you, meanwhile he's peaking. There's no shame in not being able to handle the connection; you're just built differently. He's kinda leaching on your romantic energy, without paying for it via commitment. Not sure what the rest of his chart looks like, but it could be an ego thing. He'll meet his match and learn a bit more about his nature one day, and how he's (maybe unknowingly) being inconsiderate, when someone comes along, in whose presence he loses that physical control he is used to having (happened to me). Hopefully it will work out with his Libra, but closer to the truth is that he probably doesn't know what he needs, as his needs are in constant flux and just irreducibly multi-faceted. He has that mental restlessness/flightiness of a Gemini, but expressed in the area of romance/relationship. He is more intriguing to you now, because he is so intrigued. Once he loses that stimulation, feels like he's figured you out, solved the mystery, you would feel his interest wane, and your's would too, because a lot of what you like about him is probably his genuine interest in you and attentiveness. Venus and Gem may be charming at first, but in the big picture, not so much IMO. Very unappealing actually. Do you want to be *with* someone who is making all these mental/emotional bonds with other women all the time? Sounds like a nightmare.
Signed Up:
Mar 15, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 3979 · Topics: 6
And don't fall for his armchair mysticism either - all the talk about paths crossing and fate. Even if he's not into astrology, he knows how to read you, understands that sign-seeking and imaginative side to you, and is tapping into it. Its all part of the "charm". He's a good read on women. Some Taurus men have a harem; Venus in Gem Taurus (unless they have an incredibly dynamic or mysterious partner) *needs* a harem...lol. There's some good benefits to being in the harem (I think). But unless you can detach somewhat emotionally/romantically, you don't want to be in it. Tell him to "intersect" with some Virgos.
" She seems too kind, pure, or perfect or something - almost angelic."
Our eternal failing, we're perceived as the good girls no matter what we do? If folks would only delve into the depths of the average piscean they might find something completely opposite that impression. Makes sense that Freud invented (or at least expounded a lot) about the madonna / whore complex seeing as he was a Taurus ...
Okay, DXP changed that word in the post. The madonna / w h o r e complex
I hav seen several marriages work between pisces taurus.