DEAL WITH TAURUS DISAPPEARING? I have been having a sexual relationship with a Taurus. I am a scorpio. I havent gotten too clingy or weird. I havent shown it, but I do have feelings for him He will come around and wont leave for long periods of time. We get very close, do everything together for weeks and then he without word, freaking leaves for a few days to a week, then shows up again like nothing is wrong. When he returns he asks if im mad or anything? I say "no i was a little worried you were ok or not"....he says..."yeah just had to go home for a while and take care of stuff" he is hot and cold and i am
could be booty call....i know for fact there isnt anyone else...just why does he freak out and then leave and then stay for weeks? wouldnt a booty call get a peice and leave?
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Sep 07, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 497 · Topics: 31
#1... U need to straight up n tell him what u want. U guys aren't exclusive so he can do whatever..
#2 sometimes we need alone time to recharge n figure problems or emotions we bn holding inside n figure it out.
#3 also look at ur behavior or words... Sometimes water signs are a bit strong n all that passion sometimes drain us so we need a breather at times to strengthen back up so we can continue to be solid against everything to come along...
My bf is a cancer and sometimes he says things that rubs me the wrong way. He isn't doing it on purpose or mean any harm but sometimes I have to be alone so I can process it n deal with any negative feelings.
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Apr 23, 2016Comments: 512 · Posts: 2343 · Topics: 199
Speculating makes you crazy.
I think the best way to deal with that is calling him out for that. That can have many reasons, maybe he needs to distance to do his assessing thing,
or he is scared or he is part of some cia experiment or he has a second secret life as a hitman or he knows that you have feelings but he doesnt whatever. Just tell him that he can have his space and you dont pressure him but he should at least vanish with some sort of explanation.
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Sep 17, 2014Comments: 22 · Posts: 8048 · Topics: 36
To you he is hot and cold, to him he is just acting normal. There is not a problem here until you make it one.
yes he truly acts as if this is normal
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Oct 29, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 16583 · Topics: 222
Why are you yelling calm the hell down.
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Oct 29, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 16583 · Topics: 222
So what is it you really want from him?
I truly would like a explanation. It doesnt have to be heavy or made up or whatever...just that he needs to go for a while or whatever. I know if I did that to him he would FREAK
He did mention he was getting scared of this whole thing acting like his job isnt good enough to take care o us and crap...but I make enough for both of us he doesnt even need to work..he also said his feelings are too strong then he leaves ok thank you very much wtf
I want to know where I stand with him. He acts like im everything and we are inseparable and then he pulls this crap
are taurus guys game players? mess with your head? Cuz I dont do that crap
ok well so can us scorps, just need clarity...this helps
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Oct 29, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 16583 · Topics: 222
And no don't play mind games like that. Just if something comes up where someone is making more than a taurus maybe he thinks you're too good and will leave him.
he says its finances hmmm well, I hope he doesnt have a cow when i start having fun too
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Oct 29, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 16583 · Topics: 222
What does your chart look like? And his?
oh wow ok...makes sense. I do make alot and he actually complains about it
i dont know what the chart is
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Oct 29, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 16583 · Topics: 222
Did he at all say no I'm not ready for a relationship?
Im october 27 he is april 23
I think he is still in retrograde thats what ive heard or whatever
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Oct 29, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 16583 · Topics: 222
That's cool he's a first decan Taurus like me.
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Oct 29, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 16583 · Topics: 222
Maybe just be friends for now the both of you should think about what yall want. And maybe with for this retrograde to pass over. It is taking atoll on me and others.
he said that the first time we were together...weird as soon as we were done he jumped up and said we arent in a realtionship...and i was like ummmm yeah i know what the hell?
whoa i need to undertsnd that type of taurus...oh yes and then months later he was talking about our future and crap
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Aug 21, 2014Comments: 616 · Posts: 1771 · Topics: 13
So he spends long periods of time with you, weeks even, and then is gone for a few days to a week. I don't really see an issue, maybe he needs that time to focus on work more or something.
could be...but his communication sucks
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Aug 21, 2014Comments: 616 · Posts: 1771 · Topics: 13
Yea that sucks but maybe he needs that time to himself. Some people are just like that. What does he do?
carpenter...does cabinets etc... Im a ER nurse
wonder why he bottles up so much?
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Aug 21, 2014Comments: 616 · Posts: 1771 · Topics: 13
Perhaps he needs that time to cool down from all the feels. Doesn't want things to urn out too quickly. Do you try contacting him through these times and he just doesn't respond?
Well sometimes he did that, but most of the time I dont contact him...most of the time he just shows up
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Aug 21, 2014Comments: 616 · Posts: 1771 · Topics: 13
Well at least he shows up. LOL.
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Oct 29, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 16583 · Topics: 222
I mean it shows alot. Even without the retrograde. Haha