So I have this thing for a Virgo lady.
She has always known about my feelings for her. It's been an ongoing thing for 2 years.
There was a time when we seemed to grow closer. But circumstances made it hard for us to meet. It had to do with work, she travels from time to time. We mainly work in the same building though.
We never even kissed. We were both shy, and didn't get enough opportunities to develop this thing.
Then she started seeing someone. Naturally she distanced herself from me.
Now she has started to look my way. I've mostly ignored her, but she will keep glancing my way now and then.
The last time we said hi was jut after I had caught her looking at me like she hated me though!
Sometimes when I'm ready to meet her eye she'll look away and ignore me!
She has started saying hi to a friend of mine! I was right there with him! Ignored! God help me.
Virgos don't play games like that, do you?? So she is ignoring me 'cause she doesn't give a shit about me?
But now and then she does??!!
I'd be happy to know if there are any other Virgo lunatic women out there who has actually done this to some poor guy they know are into them. If so, What do you want??? Of course I'm intimidated by her now, and she mut know that.
Just to clarify, mostly when she's been looking at me lately, she has been smiling a bit and blushing. I caught that much. That's why I suspect she has SOME sort of interest. But of what kind?
I'd say she's shy or maybe she's feels a bit awkward if you two were getting close at one point then it tailed off. Why don't you try and just take the lead and say hi, how have you been/ how are you? She may very well be relieved just my 2 pence!
@Shaks - Virgo girls are masters of messing with guys heads! I've not heard that before, pretty sure I've not done that I'm as blunt as they come!
Unbroken: we have said hi. But sometimes she looks at me like she's SO pissed off at me!
I guess that can only mean she wants me to die. I fear that her smiles are all fake.
And she doesn't make herself available to start a conversation. Still she'll hang around me!! Why??!!
To rub it in that I'm a loser I guess. 
GreatBull: Our story is messy. Her ex is a jerk and she's still talking to his friends!
So they might kill me... The whole town knows I was in love with her because of those idiots.
But I feel so strongly for her. I often want to tell her how much she meant to me back then, but I think she'd only laugh it off. Never heard of a sentimental Virgo.
I know She was quite passive in her last relationship. All I need is a sure sign from her saying it's ok to take a step closer! She won't do the hunting. But she needs to pull the trigger.
I don't know what to say, it's that simple. I have no clue! I have to make up a funny situation and tell her about it.
Haha, man I'm so sad!
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
"That's why I suspect she has SOME sort of interest. But of what kind?"
Perhaps her interest is in wondering why this Leo man is obviously into her, yet, alls he does is sit there and stare, and probabaly wondering is this his game?
Game ===== stare with interest, and do nothing, to make her feel uncomfortable.
P-Angel: You're probably right! I think I know how to break the ice now. I was trying to figure out the perfect line, but nevermind that. I figure she'd like to know I'm somewhat normal. So I'll just ask some every day question. I might not see her for FOUR whole days now... Damn. Byt I'll def. come back to tell you guys about it.
"I act like a little girl.....blushing....I am shy when inlike.......but bold when it's just a guy I'm not interested in.........anyway."
You too!!! So I'm not the only one... When I really like the guy, I tend to think about things a lot and I get all insecure... But when I'm not interested, it's so easy to be myself because I don't really care what the guy thinks....But unlike you I don't fall for the "bad boy" type.
I never want to mess with someone's head especially when I like them... I know I act weird in the beginning when I like the guy but it's never my intention to play games...
miss priss and vv I hear you I'm the same I literally turn inside out if I like someone that is why I think your virgo leoleo may just well like you. I tend to feel like a rabbit in the head lights if I like someone and I can sense they may like me too. Just go for it what have you got to lose apart from a little bit of pride. If you do it now and get knocked backed then at least you tried. But if you don't then win!!!!!!!!!! Get your balls in your hands and throw them!!(not literally mind you!)
LOL Strings you just described me to a T! Except when I am dating a Virgo, then I have to remember I'm having a date with my mirror! It actually took me a little while to educate myself on my own male counterpart.
Good description! Wow, thank you ALL so much! Especially StringsAttached for your giving a very thorough insight.
So we have met, and she continues to ignore me. But she keeps being extremely touchy and all loving to her friends
when she knows I'm watching. To me that behaviour says: "look how well I could treat YOU". Her friends look my way, but does she? Hell no!
Her complete lack of eye contact makes me think she couldn't care less for me.
If she's interested she has realized that her stretegy is not working. Yet she doesn't seem to care to change it.
I'm sure that if I started talking to her, she'd act really cold. And maybe that is a good sign, according to your explanation of how the Virgo mind can work (in mysterious ways!). But I could only feel rejected if I was met by such coldness. And that would be the end of it. Once again I'm trying to find a FUN way of approaching her. As a FRIEND!
I could never charm her with compliments or anything remotely romantic. She's just not that type, and I have a feeling most Virgo women are too smart for those things anyway. Not like us foolish emotional Leos!
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
In other words ... when in like, Virgo's are fakers ... they are only the real them when they aren't in like of someone.
So, the person that the other is falling for, because of this bashfulness/shyness, that appears to be innocently demure ..... isn't real.
LOL. StringsAttached... you made me hopeful again! What you say makes a lot of sense. Today was good and bad. She did glance my way, but I couldn't return it. I had to focus on work. But later we were walking towards each other, and she refused to look at me. She turned her eyes to stare at the wall she was passing by, speeding past me, almost colliding with someone else. She makes me feel like a criminal sometimes! Why is she making such a spectacle of this?
If it is for the reason you explained I should be flattered. But I'd like to get past this stage soon.
And that is up to ME, I know. If only she could stop dragging her friends around with her whenever she's around. They're basically just fondling each other anyway. LOL! It scares me away from even more.
I have to tell you about something she did in the past.
This happened over a year go. She knew that when she played with her hair she really got my attention. In the middle of a conversation we had, this was ages ago, she ran her fingers through her hair and really observed my reaction. She stopped talking, just looked at me and did it! HOT moment. I might've drooled a little. I have since learned that it was a typical Virgo thing, to OBSERVE my reaction like that. Lately she has played with her hair. But the fact that she's not looking for my reaction is a big downer!! But she knows I see it.
But I don't feel like I have lost my chance. I know she needs independency. Hell, she was dating someone else for a year and I bet she knew I never stopped wanting her. I would never make her feel trapped, or force her to make choices.
I'm just always there. For her. I think she knows that. I think that's her main curiosity on me. Why do I still care?
I know it's up to me now. I try so hard to find a way to make her open up.
Haha, yeah you guys I know I tend to analyze things like a Virgo! But not in the cusp. I'm an early August.
But you know I checked her chart online (really not an expert on astrology but anyway) and her Venus is in Leo!
I have no Virgo at all in my chart. My Venus is Cancer. My Moon in Capricorn. Virgo and Capricorn go well together, right? But her Moon... Think it was some incompatible with Capricorn. Doesn't seem like I have the stars on my side here. LOL. I try not to think about that, as I'm sure you've noticed. 
I'm a Leo Venus'ed Virgo...
Here's more info...
Pleasing Venus in Leo involves paying loads of attention to them. If you're willing to make only one adjustment in your ways, it should be to remind Leo how wonderful they are. Respect and appreciate them, always. Put up with their childlike moments and their tall tales. They want to be seen as attractive by you, so avoid (at all costs!) putting them down in this area. They actually lose interest when they perceive the slightest loss of interest in their partner, and you can expect that any letdown will be acted out in a dramatic fashion. Remind them, in a gentle way, that your emotions count too. If you are feeling a little jealous, let them know. Remember, to Venus in Leo, your small jealousies are affirmations that you find them attractive and expect the rest of the world to as well. Let them decide where to go on a date, and let them pay too. When Venus in Leo feels loved and appreciated, they reward you with loyalty, a big sense of fun, and plenty of physical expressions of their love.
Love your great education!! Strings... wonderul as always! Tondalea - big thanks to you as well. I reconize myself in that description too. Well today she said hi! Only 'cause she was caught by surprise and couldn't ignore me.
I was alo caught by surprise so I didn't say anything else. The rest of the day she was all smiles to people I suspect she doesn't really care for. Thanks to you that behavior makes sense to me.
Oh, I'd love to plant a big wet kiss on her!
I love a good chase, but this will be the longest one of my life I'm sure! Shaks - thank you! Yeah, someone has to make a dramatic first move very soon. The problem is that she's STILL pretty much ignoring me and so it's hard for me to find a way in. I actually want to ask her if she hates me! That's probably a bad idea though, righ? LOL. But seriously, I'd like to know because she's not smiling at me anymore. As soon as I get a chance I'll figure out how to tell if she cares or not... But I might have to ask you for more advice.
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
I'm sure high school is still fresh in his mind.
P-Angel - Not sure what you mean, but high school to me is quite fresh in my mind. I know I must seem a bit inexperienced. I am young, but it's not like I've never had a relationship. This head ache is because of HER - not me! Haha. 
Strings... I can't thank you enough!!
Yeah, this situation is truly strange.
We have common friends. So, long agp we'd meet on lunch. Hardly ever alone, but we started talking more and more. I made it clear that I was interested, with looks and smiles and all that. She finally opened up a bit. Some lunches we spent alone talking. Mostly small talk, never for too long but I got the feeling we both knew what was behind it. I'm sure she knew I liked her.
Then she had to go away for a while. And she met that guy who she started dating. He and his friends work nearby. They would come in to see her sometimes and acting all disapproving about my presense. So... they must've heard from her girlfriends that they suspected we had something before they met.
So I stayed away from her, and she stayed away from me. Now when it's over between them she has moved closer to me.
As I said, she's friendly with my friends. But not so much with me. Anymore.
But then she will act like you describe. Sometimes as if she likes me and sometimes not! And you're right, the line is super thin!
AAARRRGGGGHHHH!!!! Letting some steam off. Thank you again!
Your help is so appreciated. The way I see it, she simply doesn't allow me to "advance". As much as she hates shy guys, can she not understand that I'm in need of her doing a little inviting?!
You know she recently gave me a look. She had her back to me, suddenly turned and BAM! No smile. It was a poker face look. Right at me. I held her look for quite long. She had no intention to say anything, so I mouthed a "hi". She did the same and looked away with some sort of an almost-smile.
The day after, when her friends were not around, she did look at me in a more normal way. Bad timing, I was on my way to an important meeting. I was more annoyed at her than anything else.
So it suits you to aknowledge my existece NOW?! Thank you, I happen to be busy. See you next time, when you're with your friends ignoring the hell out of me!!
Miss Priss - I find your behavior very interesting! In a way it gives me hope. Although I'm sure Strings... thinks I'm mentally challenged. 
This stalling story will continue. Leo ... this has been going on a while now. What's your address, I'm a Virgo woman. I come over and we'll take care of this situation pronto. LOL
Haha, Tondalea... I'll take that as a sincere invitation! I'll get back to you when it suits me, 
You guys have been so helpful, and I will never forget your support and great advice. Yeah... you know what I'm gonna say, don't you?
It's time for me to let this lady go!! Last time we met we did get a moment alone! When she saw me, she looked at me with no expression whatsover. Like before, I let a second pass to realize that once again she was not going to say anything. Then I said hi. She mouthed hi again. No smile. No second glance. Nothing. She looked pissed off, and it can't be because she's shy. I can't believe that anymore.
I bet she knew that if she hadn't turned away I would've asked her how her day was. She didn't want me to.
She's not a bitch unless she wants to be. And she didn't turn away like a shy little girl either.
It was more like "don't look at me, get away from meeeeeeee!!!!!!!" Well... she was the one who walked away.
You know, I might as well have been talking to thin air.
I can't keep my hopes up only to have them crushed over and over. I can't be what she wants me to me. Like most of you have said: it's not worth it. This was truly madness. I'm retreating, licking my wounds and staying away from every woman I see. I think she made something within me die. For real. I feel like shit and she was never even mine!
Well... I hope she'll be happy when she notices my complete ignorance. I will never cause her to feel uncomfortable again. God knows that was never my intention anyway. The truth is that she makes me feel like such a loser, and I'm sure I am. I just don't need to be reminded of that by the object of my desire.
I'm sure that even the harshest Virgo would give a little if she was truly interested. She has given me nothing. At all!
Your efforts to help me has not been in vain though! You have given me a treasure of insight to the Virgo woman!
Forever thankful!! It can become very useful. For someone else.
You guys/ladies are great!!! If you ever need Leo advice just ask. Although I seem to be more of a Virgo myself!
please don't give up on her just yet. you need to talk to her before you can write her off. I know she's hurt you, even if you two haven't even had a substantial conversation, ignoring you is enough (because honestly who deserves to be ignored like that?) but I promise you, she really likes you. this isn't just a stranger giving someone false hopes, after all, you wouldn't know this but I am not one to do that. I tend to tell it like it is, like it or not, however, your story and this situation is all to familiar to me.. (though mine has been going on for a year...i know right?) and I have yet to figure out why the hell I walk away when he tries to talk to me, why I always look stone cold to him, even angry at times, how I can smile at his friends and laugh with mine while he's standing there patiently waiting for even a glance his way. If he only knew how much I truly liked him.. things could and should be so much different.
I can only hope your story turns out better than mine has so far..
Plus what do you have to lose? I mean, if you don't ask her the question(s) you've been wondering, you lose AND your left wondering. and if you do.. well, you two will either end up together (..and live happily ever after.. haha one can only hope) or she'll say it's not the right time.. so basically you have nothing to lose, right?
please make your intentions known, for both of your sakes. =]
Oh, dammit! How can I put it to sleep after reading your comments?
Thanks for the kind and wise words, ladies.
Strings... that meeting happened by chance again. We were in the canteen at work, just the two of us.
I walked in and she was there. She was reading something, looked up as I entered.
I don't think she rolled her eyes or anything like that. Even if she wanted to I think she's too self- controlled to do that. It was like an aura of dislike lit up around her when I said hi.
Actually, we said hi today. Just passing by. You know I had given up so I didn't say anything else.
Before she saw me she had a natural look. Then she realized she was looking at me and kind of raised her eye brows, but not in that friendly flash way. More in that slow, looking at a creepy insect way. LOL.
You Virgo girls are hysterical in so many ways!! But I'm so drawn to you. My best female friend is a Virgo, and I've gotten along well with other Virgo females as friends. Strictly friends. Never fallen for another Virgo girl this way before.
I get what you're telling me now. She shows signs that might be of highest interest.
I'm not saying that you have convinced me to go for it.
But you're being so supportive I gue I owe it to you to seriouly consider it. Epecially for Strings...
LLL - I really appreciate your input too! And the others, you know who you are.
I want to say that i LOVE you, but i suspect you'd think that's a little too much. 
So... I'll be back!
SA - that's a good idea, and I gave her that act.
The most interesting thing lately was when our eyes had met and neither of us said anything.
She had the same smug look as when she ignored me before and knew I was watching, only this time she had a faint smile.
Like "I know you want me".
Also, our eyes met as she was with friends and right after she smiled and said something to her friend.
But her friend didn't even pay that much attention to her as there was a third person who that friend spoke to at the time.
So... I suspect she's doing the act again. You know, showing me what a great time she has with her friends.
Yeah, it's the same old story this far. Now I'll go read those pages like you recommended. 
Hey SA and the rest of you friendly wizards! 
The situation is basically the same. Except it's WORSE.
There's only so much a guy can do when she's not even SAYING HALLO anymore. She saw me for sure, and I said hallo. She has gone from whispering a "hi" to mouthing a hi to not responding at all.
That's the evolution of complete disinterest. It's not like I have had the chance to hurt her feelings to make her act like that. I'm beating a dead horse. A RUDE dead horse.
Not even saying hallo!!! What is that?! We used to do that even when she was dating Mr. Preppy Jock-Ass.
That's it. Well, you can't say you didn't see that coming!
I guess she wasn't tense out of buttefly nerves, she was tense of dislike. Possibly hatred. Its not like I'll ever know.
Well said SA!! I'm sure a lot more people than me benefits from your advice, and I LOVE the long detailed replies you gave. I can't thank you enough. So it didn't work out for me either as it seems.
Sure, I'll have to still see her now and then but I have stopped saying hi to her now.
Because she only makes me miserable. Her looks are downright intimidating (sometimes expresionless), and she has stopped saying hi to me. To think that a year ago, I was actually enjoying talking to her... Kinda painful to remember.
Especially since she acted like a totally different person.
Oh well... I won't bore you with the same old talk anymore. But if you wann ask me anything: Ask!! 
Archer - thanks for your advice too, it just came too late.
Leo no offense, but someday perhaps you'll grow from a kitten to a Lion. That evasive behavior would only carry so far with a Vgirl like me and then I would just look the other way and move on. I think we have all tried to tell you what's going on here and yet you still you fear her and let her being ... control you. Either open your mouth, be direct and let her respond or keep moving forward alone.
Regardless of her reaction or what you "perceive" it to be, a man needs to be a man. You are way too passive. Sorry. Sometimes in life we win and other times people are not interested in what we have to offer. This only brings us closer to what we are meant to have in this lifetime.
Sometimes it kills me to be blunt and honest, but had to do it. SA! You are great. So insightful 
Best. Tondalea and SA - sadly for me you're right.
You know what's funny... Today she looked at me and faced my way as I walked by.
As if she all of a sudden wanted to say hi. I think she might regret acting cold. Or could it be that SA's advice treatment kicked in?! Should a timid kitten laugh or cry? Makes no difference, cause all he wanted was to get a change to ROAR!! I will try to give myself therapy sessions with your advice in mind! 
Please be gentle, I'm very sensitive... 
That will be resolved when the cojones have been installed! Should be by the end of the week. 
I need to vent... I'm totally pissed off at everything and everyone and their f.ucking mother!! I can't get her out of my mind. I want to look at her with my cold, cold stare and watch her die a little inside. Like she has done to me for so long. Yes, I'm BITTER and I can't believe I'm saying this but I want to hurt her (NOT physicallY!!) so bad.
After my personality change (coming soon, because this anger will trigger one) I'm gonna grab my hottest admirer (I'll get one somehow) and give her an orgasm by kissing her right in front of Virgil's eyes! Man, I'm so looking forward to that! And she's gonna feel like the biggest loser, only she won't know that of course I am the biggest loser. But as long as she doesn't know that - I'll be fiiiiiine.
Until that happens I can't see how I can go on living. I am seriosly despressed and wallowing in anger towards me and her. Mostly her actually. Silly me.
Dude you can't be serious, at the end of the day she may have been giving you the eye but your emotions and what you feel about her are locked deep within you. She actually doesn't have a clue how you feel (think about it), so you really can't be angry with her. Saying 'Hi' in varying ways is not the same as taking the time to go and spurt your truths! If you had of said 'listen girl I am proper into you, I would really like to get to know you some more' (obviously a little more eloquent), then you could have room to be pissed that she brushed off your advances. Don't interchange anger at yourself for anger at her, or you will well and truly blow it.
Take your balls in your hands and throw them to the wind because if you can't stand up and say what you want then there is no point having them. I've had to do it a thousand times in my life so far and its what make you the person you are, take a risk. Go forth and get your face chewed off hopefully in the french kinda way but for gods sake do something dude, I'm routing for you here mister!!
unbroken - well... I'll give you the background again.
She knows that I HAVE been into her. For sure. I know it, her friends know, her ex knows and pretty much everyone else around here. That was about a year ago. We did talk back then before she got together with her ex. In my mind I was flirting with her. I did it all except actually say it to her in words. Yeah, 'cause I'm a wuzz or whatever I know!!
Now that she's free again, she has started to move around me more. But the last weeks, she must've changed her mind as she has stopped saying hi and basically ignores me. If she wanted to talk to me she would do it! We have talked before!
We have laughed together, she has let her hands reston various (non-erogenous) parts of my body as we have talked in the past!
So really, yes I'm a coward but she knows it, and I "lost" her before.
She has completely ignored me the last time we met, before I gave up. If she won't even say hi... She's simply not into me. For sure. Too bad I have to go through all this ranting to get over it.
But I thank you for routing for me!! If she can bring herself to aknowledge my existance again, I hope to make it worth your while. 
Don't make it worth my while ll make it worth your while. I read the thread and i understand your background, you can go and read mine (to or not to)I'm also a big wuss but i have made an effort to get back to the one I care about, its a totally different story but it's all about having no balls none the less. If she is ignoring you then so be it leave all well alone but if you have a cross to bear then tell her and if she tells you to sling your hook then sling it and at least you will know where you stand but don't get angry about something you can do something about!
Thanks. You have a great point. I often don't see the forest for all the trees. Ask anyone here! I'm sure there's still a lot I can't see.
I'll check your story in the coming days. For me, I think the best thing is to let it be. If she cares at all she will "soften up" after a while and approach me again. Or I will finally get over her. .
(filing nails) Word Unbroken!
Leo you have no guts and you are living this relationship in your own mind because you refuse to open your mouth. For the last time, as Unbroken said... grab that nut sack today, walk up to her and start talking or end this thread. You're meowing louder than a female cat in heat.
I see where you're coming from. But you know what... I have GOOD news!
She said hi to me and smiled. You're probably thinking "so what?!". With all right.
But I promise you if we meet tomorrow I WILL strike up a conversation.
The reason I didn't do it today was because honstely I was too stunned and had no idea what to say.
And I understand if you don't care anymore, but I thought I'd let you know and by this time tomorrow I hope I have good news. I never meant to undermine your advice. My low confidence suck and I'm SO sick of that. Plus I wanna make you guys a little happy knowing your encouragement is much appreciated. Crossing my fingers for tomorrow.
You let it slide by not even a return of a simple Hi how are you? booooooo Dude your turn now - 'hi, how are you?' formulate some new words because hi has well and truly been said, maybe even hazard a Helloooo. I'm being pedantic but seriously just go for it, of course we give a shit or we wouldn't type especially Strings! Confidence is something you can work on and the more you do things that scare you the more your confidence grows. No need to get annoyed at your lack of confidence we all get like that at some time or another. You don't have to make anyone happy but yourself, but I'm sure we would all give an applause if you dared to say a little more than hi, I say that to strangers on the street everyday!
Give it some balls my friend x
Time for an update!! Nothing much happened for the longest time. Until recently, when I finally realized how boring it was to be a COWARD KITTEN. It was like I woke up from some psychosis. Ugh... You were so patient with my whining here!
You know how much I like some of you for that!
We have engaged in some small talk, on my initiative of course. It's not like we're going on any dates any time soon though. I still sense some resistence in her. But it's better now that we at least talk. And... I gave her some of her favourite snacks lately.
It will take its natural course from here. Either she'll warm up to me or not.
I'll continue my monologue... Feel free to join!! 
For every step forward there are at least 10 steps backwards.
Earlier this week we had many opportunities to talk again.
Instead of even saying hi (again!!!!!) she avoided eye contact with an almost-smile.
Like she smiled because she saw me, but it was a POLITE smile. But she didn't even look me in the eye!!
We were close enough for her to say hi.
The only good news is that later that day she glanced at me. Yep! The Glance! Makes a guy feel wanted! 
But apart from that...
She really doesn't see me as a friend. Might be a good sign, but then if she saw me as a friend I would actually
feel like I had a chance. I can't believe it's still like this!!
I'm thinking she really doesn't care for me. I just don't know. Man, I thought I'd know for sure after starting to talk to her.
Strings - I still don't get why I have to ask her out as I'm sure she knows my intention. Why does she need me to put my actions into words when they speak for themselves? She knows, she's not stupid. Once again I'm looking for that little hint that tells me we're good to go.
Also, she did give me a gaze which lasted more than normally during one of those small talks.
After that she has pretty much given me the cold shoulder.
So she NEEDS me to tell her verbally, 'cause she's terrified to lose face if I was to reject her?
Phew! If she's interested in me then she must suffer just as much as I am. Lol.
Jackie O - I agree with you!! 
Yeah, I expressed myself ridiculously.
I have no intentions of asking her out with mind reading.
You guys have explained this very well, but I was hoping for her to stop ignoring me for no reason.
Not happening! I get that. Will never bring that up again.
I'm young, not too young for her though, and I've been with people before.
Those flings, yes "flings" cause they were short and intense and not anything I even wanted to last, developed very naturally. I've been too lucky in the past, having fortunate circumstances.
I fear rejection A LOT!! Especially since I care much for her, but then rejection is a part of life.
And I know there's not much more you can say at this point.
I intend to poop (reference to your last comment)!! I really, realy want to poop.
Clair De Lune and Jackie O - I'm happy to provide you with entertainment!! Leos are made for that, right?
I'm also thankful for your opinions and advice.
GAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! So here we are, yet almost another week gone.
And... She is keeping her distance, she will not come near me. I repeat: She will NOT come near ME.
I know what you're thinking!! "Ya little pussy cat, why don't YOU go near HER?!"
She is now surrounding herself with her friends. None of them are friends of mine.
IN FACT, some of them are friends of her ex boyfriend. Yessss..
She hangs out with her EX BOYFRIEND'S friends. Nothing new, but I haven't seen that for a while.
I'm thinking uh oooooh.... Not. A. Good. Sign. Very. Worrying. Me. Hurting.
Let me remind you that her ex boyfriend (The Dick) knew that I liked her when they were dating, and he tried to intimidate me with his Crazy Dick stare and shouting whatever after me with those very people SHE is now hanging out with! But they all ignore me now that The Dick is out of the picture. Oh GOOOOOODDDD!!! Nightmare scenario: The return of The Dick. With her. Nah... She's too smart to take him back.
She also spends more time with certain girlfriends, who for sure knows about my "crush" on her from long, long ago. That's interesting. Actually! Because I wonder what they talk about, knowing that I have started to approach her again.
I just want alone time with her again, that's all I need. God knows what this will lead to but I HAVE to give it a try.
That's what's on my mind right now. To be continued.
Hey Strings and you all.
You might have figured out that no great progress has taken place. I think she's away on holidays. Dammit!!
But it was good until then!! She seemed to have made up her mind not to ignore me and to actually smile at me.
The last few times we met I really felt at ease around her!! Thing is, I've been on a project at work which doesn't make it possible for me to have little chats with her. It will be like that for another week.
I'm soooo happy that she must've thought about me since she acts much nicer. You know it makes me more confident.
But then maybe she was just happy that she's going away on holidays (or where ever she went). I know she didn't quit, thank god!
It's just so damn typical that when it finally feels so good there's nothing to do but wait. Again!!
But I will. Wait. Again. 
Shaks...You've already expressed your opinion. I don't see why you would contribute to this "waste of space" or whatever you called it. Seriously. Do you intervene in a conversation on the street between people who never addressed you and make comments how pointless you think they are?
If you don't like it - ignore it. It's really simple, trust me.
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Posted by leoleo
Shaks...You've already expressed your opinion. I don't see why you would contribute to this "waste of space" or whatever you called it. Seriously. Do you intervene in a conversation on the street between people who never addressed you and make comments how pointless you think they are?
If you don't like it - ignore it. It's really simple, trust me.
If you want a private conversation then I suggest actually talking in private .. with this, you are talking to the open public for any person's input ... if you don't know that, then I don't think you are ready to interact with other people at all.
Lesson #1 .. if you are talking to one person in private .. this is called a private conversation.
Lesson #2 .. if you are talking to the public, and everybody can hear you ... this is called an open conversation.