Hi Everyone!
Long time no see. So long in fact that some familiar faces have new names! 
I have a general question that is related to the married or divorced Virgo Males. Anyone have an opinion or thought? Married, divorced, single Virgo men and all welcome to have at this question:
Bottom line, why would a Virgo male that was married resort to cheating on a spouse?
As a Virgo female, I would normally agree that some of the most loyal men (friends, family or otherwise) in my life that are Virgos, are or have been very faithful.
By my question, would anyone like to explain this supposed "rare phenomenon" against Virgo male character?
I just thought I'd interject a topic that was completely off the "Why does he disappear and reappear?" subject. I think if we gave a quiz on that one, 95% of us would have that one down pat! LOL
this supposed "rare phenomenon" against Virgo male character?
This is not as "rare" as you think.
LOTS of them cheat, they are so smart often they don't get caught or get caught very late.
They like excitments and if there are more advantages interms of status and money, all the more reasons they will cheat. Key is not to get emotionally dragged and kick them out as fast as you can. A person who cheats can either make us cheat to teach them lesson or we get emotionally devastated, in any case, it is not good.
Other placements in their chart...might be a bit of a Gemini or Sag influence there... trying not to stay bound? I mean no two Virgos have the same chart (and neither are all Gems or Sags the same)...
Signed Up:
Mar 23, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 876 · Topics: 65
As a female whom has experience w/this, I can tell you, he did (VIrguy) and it is still eating him alive, tormenting him, but, he also this past round w/me shared that she (his wife of 13 plus years) would not have sex w/him. I can also say, this Virgo left and divorced when he had crossed that line, typical dont move on until you have someone else there, well, his bad, I was not there. That was such against my own morals, yet yes, i am guilty of it. Now that i shared my "dirty laundry" can you not brow beat me for it, and no, it is not in my character, that was a once and only deal at a very low point for me and i quickly put a stop to it as well, (QUICK!) He followed through w/out me and still Divorced, then contacted me again and again and again.......
Signed Up:
Mar 23, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 876 · Topics: 65
I must agree, to "cheat" is a personal decision based on personal situations. I dont think i made my point clear, it maybe a Virgo, whom i shared about, but fact is, I know many more signs who are "real cheaters" and it has NOT ONE THING to do w/what SIGN they are or where their houses sit, its where their conscious, morals, loyalty, self respect, self esteem, self worth sits. IMO
I am a GEM, on this site destine to be a "cheat" among other terrible qualities from my signs, none of which are true, have i ever fallen to weakness and poor decisions, yes, to errr(error) is human...
Hey Evan...
I didn't mean for it to be useless and I hope I didn't offend you. That was certainly not my intent.
I was just throwing a question out there (and should have elaborated with more details) to see what a Virgo's nature is like or how a Virgo man thinks if he were to ever cheat or even has cheated in the past, whether girlfriend, wife or already divorced. What might prompt this behavior? I realize many things affect the reasons this happens...morals, family issues, chart issues, etc. So this isn't meant to be an "attack the Virgo male" thread...
As PGA has mentioned for example, "lack of sex with the wife" and I have heard P-Angel provide insight in the past (PA you may want to restate this if I am mistaken):
"Virgo men tend to utilize (wrong word?) sex as a means of expressing their emotional side because as we all know, the Virgo man is very deep and emotional inside, but cool on the outside." Or something similar...
They don't run off at the mouth about emotions. They normally internalize and analyze it to death (I'm guilty too)... so it can neatly be controlled, put in its place and then be dealt with appropriately.
I as a Virgo woman will even admit this. I have a very cool exterior, but I feel and have emotions that run soooo deep. Sometimes I do not know how to show that to a man except via sex because I don't run around letting my emotions run amuck. However, I am probably one of the most romantic and sentimental women I know.
I can see there are some women on this board who have experienced this with a Virgo man and perhaps I was looking for the men to provide insight from a Virgo perspective. Everyone makes mistakes and no one is perfect, even I as a Virgo woman has come to realize over the years. 
I am obviously not saying that all men especially Virgos cheat.
I am always curious about my other half, the Virgo male's perspective. But I am sure some of the women on here who may have been hurt in the past, can perhaps get a better perspective of what may have happened?
I hope this makes it less useless? I am sincere in asking a question that may not seem important to men, but to women.
Oh and Gem Angel, no browbeating from here. Everyone has a unique life and no one has the right to judge anyone. Offer opinions, yes. Criticize, yes.
This coming from a Virgo, we are all not perfect... we're human.
Signed Up:
Mar 23, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 876 · Topics: 65
Thanks Tondelea (sp?) I tried. Yes, to be human, ahhh, if i could only be perfect......i would get boring to some, LOL! I must not try, but try hard to be better than i was a minute ago, better than a hour ago, even better than a day ago, and even better than a love ago......
Signed Up:
Dec 08, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 2929 · Topics: 207
Well since no one else wants to say it ill say it.. i have cheated in the past i still feel bad to this day she still does not know.. but my reason was i was no longer physicaly atracted to her any more... but i did not leave for the other i try to work it out But at the end of the day it didnt work. this is not a virgo thing.. i thinks its a human thing.. i believe if two people are both physicaly atracted,emotional,and sexual they should not cheat. that to me is a perfect realationship.
King thank you for your honesty
I can see why if someone was not physically or perhaps emotionally and sexually attracted to someone anymore, they would long for that which is missing. Often we choose our partners based on one criteria, only to find later on - we are not compatible in other ways.
You are right cheating is wrong. Your honesty in trying and then ending a relationship that was not working was best. Signed Up:
Dec 08, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 2929 · Topics: 207
Thanks tonladea we went out for almost 2 years broke up twice the first time i felt really bad she was deeply in love with me and felt bad a couple of days.. try to work it but of corse didnt work out. but she is doing good now we still talk time to time she finish school im happy 4 her. so u are a virgo women have u ever dated another virgo. i think virgo women hot i don't know if i think that bc im a virgo.. don't any body else feel this way.
Signed Up:
Jan 07, 2009Comments: 305 · Posts: 14219 · Topics: 239
could you please say whether you have Gem or Sag in your chart? I have to ask it cause I know a Virgo who cheats all the time on her wife (she may know it anyway) and he has Moon in Sag. Please let me know. (I have several planets in Sag and I never cheated in relationships.)
Signed Up:
Dec 08, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 2929 · Topics: 207
No dom i have sag in uranus and i think in my 3 or 4th house but my moon is in cap mercury in virgo mars in virgo and venus in virgo.. i was born sep 3 if i was born on the 2nd i wood have a sag moon. but y do u ask.
Signed Up:
Dec 08, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 2929 · Topics: 207
O and i have no gem in my chart
Signed Up:
Jan 07, 2009Comments: 305 · Posts: 14219 · Topics: 239
thank you King. :-)
Signed Up:
Jan 22, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 1685 · Topics: 53
Tondalea --
I have a number of male virgo friends and an ex virgo husband. None I know ever cheated on their wifes. My ex still uses his wedding ring when he teaches, so female students leave him alone, he says..., which I find pretty funny, but he is free to do as he pleases.
* Perhaps the cheaters are the ones who have already given up on marriage/partner.
* Perhaps they want to secure a relation with someone else first, before they cut their ties completely with their mate.
* Perhaps there are those who stay with wife/partner just because of convenience/children and have found they can get away with cheating (I would think this is VERY rare with virGuys)
So it is hard to speculate on reasons, but I do agree cheating is not common for virgo males. Once they commit within THEIR standards, I find they are pretty safe, even if they flirt, it doesn't mean much.
I think even physical overlaps with previous partner and the new one would be of bother to virgo.
Anyway... that's just what I believe.
Even my last virgo man was left by partner, but as long as they were friends, he didn't see another woman. Only when she completely left, he took action on seeing me.
King! Yes I am a Virgo woman and for some reason I find myself mostly attracted to either Virgo or Taurus men. I do find Virgo men to be a "mirror" of sorts. They understand how my internal workings operate/who I am (strange?) and as I've grown older and learned more here on this board, I am somewhat more familiar with their inner workings. I wonder if it's some sort of "self-loving" magnet?! Ha!
Fum! So good to see you again. I think we emailed under your old name, but my dastardly life got in the way. I hope you are doing well.
I do agree with many of your perhaps statements. I have just seen instances where Virgos in convenience/children situations and/or even non-married relationships have cheated and it almost seems the reason they do is because they want out, but want something else there first.
To me, it seems very strange because Virgo is known as the "bachelor" of the zodiac wheel and is typically comfortable alone and non-committed. So why would leaving a relationship drive them to "fearing" doing something they normally wouldn't think twice about... being alone. Unless the new partner might be compelling enough to capture their heart in some way?
Signed Up:
Dec 08, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 2929 · Topics: 207
Ton if u don't mind what is ur mars sign i ask bc my venus is in virgo so they say a man venus is what he is attracted to. and mars is what a woman is attracted to. oh and yeah when i leave a realation ship i like to have sum one on the side to start another it help the prosces of missing the other.
Hmm King, when I was born my Mars was in Sag. I can say with most certainty I have never dated or related well to Sag. The only one I ever got close to was a gentleman and a history buff like my father, but even before we dated, he annoyed me and I reconsidered LOLOL. So much for that theory.
Skys! Ditto girl! Happy to be back.
Signed Up:
Dec 08, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 2929 · Topics: 207
I ask bc this girl im talking to has a venus and rising in virgo but she a libra so who knows. but I feel u on the sag there cool people but relationship wise they make me feel uneasy.
Signed Up:
Aug 27, 2008Comments: 3 · Posts: 4208 · Topics: 163
I cheated on my Scorpio because she overstepped her boundaries and frustrated the hell out of me.
Telling me who and who not to talk to, I don't stand for such things.
Signed Up:
Dec 08, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 2929 · Topics: 207
i don't think I wood do that caj but I can understand y u were mad. I hate hate hate people telling me what to do... i have been thinking about searching out 4 a scorpio only bc of the sex not bc i think they will be good I think any sign can be good. But I have been attracting women that have sex problems. They like having it but say they feel like a whore bc we do it all the time huh. Both of my best friends have scorp gurls one is a pisces and the other is an aries they both said that there gurls are always wanting it. But the jealosy thing is getting to me. But I know how I am, that should not be a problem when I'M with a gurl she is my world.
Yes I had a long term relationship with a Libra. We fought all the time, but in usual Virgo manner I held on until the bitter end until I knew it was truly over. We hate giving up and admitting defeat.
Signed Up:
Dec 08, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 2929 · Topics: 207
Yeah tondalea i am going through the same thing she likes to hang out with her exes which they still like her and she see nothing wrong with it i already see it ending and in true virgo fassion i am preparing my mind 4 it.
Skys I cant see what your wrote above, it's hidden.
Signed Up:
Aug 27, 2008Comments: 3 · Posts: 4208 · Topics: 163
Well virgoking, tell me what you would do if a Scorpio was trying to control your actions and your life?
Whilst a Pisces woman is coming on to your strongly all the time, getting you alone even after you refused to entertain her several times before that.
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
If you were in the wrong then would you raise your hands and admit to your mistake or would you consider your logic still to be the correct explanation for things?
Signed Up:
Dec 08, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 2929 · Topics: 207
Well caj when u say it like that ur right u have to dp what u got to do. but yeah those pisces do come on strong my ex was one and she came on real strong. good times lol
Signed Up:
Aug 27, 2008Comments: 3 · Posts: 4208 · Topics: 163
missmorals, I always admit to my mistakes.
I told her straight up.
Yeah virgoking... they damn well sit atop you and try to get you to break, such sexual beings...
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Thats good cajunspirit..and that's how it should be..I am the first to put up my hand if I am in the wrong..However I tell you something, I have never come across a more stubborn individual than my Virg...he really has a problem with being wrong..I think it is a really thick outlayer that he has of self protection..How on earth does anyone get through to that!..He is incredibly sensitive underneath it all although he would rather die than show that..I also think his venus and mars in Scorpio and Leo rising might be the contributing factors here..
Signed Up:
Dec 08, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 2929 · Topics: 207
missmorals u are right we would never admit we were wrong bc most of the time we are right lol but if u give him a lot of evidence of what u are talking about he would change his mind. and what ever u do.. do not rub it in his face that he was wrong he will hate u 4 that.
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
No I am not that way inclined. I am just extremely honest and upfront..I have absolutely no issue of admitting I am wrong if I am geniunely in the wrong..He on the other hand IS in the wrong this time and he said he's not forgetful, neither does he remember saying that phrase and that he would never use that phrase. I KNOW he said it..LOL...he just doesn't remember..but oh boy..he just won't back down or admit to it....anyway..I am not going to harp on about it as I am bored of it..I don't care who said what, moment has passed..I don't like stewing on things for long it brings me down and I hate being down..
Ahhh talk of the devil...just text to ask if I want to meet...
::be still my beating heart::
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
And Virgoking "missmorals u are right we would never admit we were wrong bc most of the time we are right lol"
You make me laugh..this is something I would say exactly!.lol..

Not so different afterall eh.. After reading this made me think about my actions;
Sun: Virgo
Moon: Capricorn
Rising Sign: Sagittarius
I was visiting this lady overseas with whom I had deep interest with; it was mostly long distance relationship. However she stirred my emotions more than any other woman. She felt like the one; because none other woman could break my cool exterior to the heart.
Her signs;
Sun: Cancer
Moon: Leo
Rising Sign: Aries
I don't know if you can call it cheating or not. but when I was with her, I felt more than good, for the first time happy. I could easily hold her hand, kiss her..... but I couldn't bring up the courage to make love to her in bed. It felt terrifying for me, I felt more at ease in a war zone than making an attempt to love her. So I attempted 3 times, 3 times failed to have sex with other woman, neverless they were attempts. During our dating 'ritual' she didn't know, however i decide to come clean recently and now its off. I don't blame her. I keep beating myself up, I destroy a potential relationship. she was more than attractive. she was amazing. I know she had mood swings, I had the patience for it.
However in my situation I did it; possibly out of fear. How can a person like me, truly love a woman when i am a womanizer, I slept with other women emotionless and didn't give a single f*** about it.
Signed Up:
Oct 28, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 293 · Topics: 15
I just noticed this is a very old post!