I go to Borders or Barnes and Noble or wherever and I like to look through the astrology section. However, it always frustrates me that I cannot find enough information on astrological cuspers like myself. What makes it worse is that a lot of books don't put any of that info in and some say there is no such thing as a cusper.
When I first read about my being a cusper, I had an ephinany. It started to make sense because I never felt like a full on Cancer. I was different than my friends who were Cancers in a lot of ways. But we shared some things. I started to like astrology. It made sense to me.
I just want to be really narcissistic one day and read all about myself. Why are there no books on cuspers? And if there are, let me know.
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Nov 08, 2006Comments: 37 · Posts: 4746 · Topics: 283
Hi cancer-leo-cusper
*The Secret Language of Birthdays* By Gary Goldschneider & Joost Elfers (800+ pages) and its excellent companion book; *The Secret Language of Relationships* by same author. ..BOTH HIGHLY Recommended! They talk about all the cusps and a whole lot more. You may be able to find them at Amazon.
Thanks you two. I have the Secret Language of Birthdays book already I just want more. Maybe I am typing the wrong info into the search areas but I can't seem to find any other info. I just want another book so I am looking on Amazon now. I think I may be finding stuff. I will update later.
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Jan 11, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 134 · Topics: 10
cancer ... leo...cusp..
Why hide? We're nice but a little hard to handle at times!
Anyway, I ordered some books from amazon.com and when they arrive I plan on taking a nice afternoon to sort through. Thanks again!
Signed Up:
Jan 11, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 134 · Topics: 10
Because it's worth hiding from!
You guys sure ARE hard to handle.
I'm a Scorp and usually...i do not find people that hard to handle.
But I have dealt with a cancer - leo cusper
*shakes head*
You're a scorp and you think we're hard to handle???!!!! OK, denial!
We are a bit moody but I have found a cure to that, at least my moodiness. I just need to be moving, walking, even riding in a car. For some reason change of scenary does miracles for me. Try that in your next dealings with a clc
They have some websites that maybe helpful about cusps. Im a cancer/leo.
I wanna know more about you Cancer-Leo Cusps too. Hardest ones to read so far! But I always love a good mystery. And BobbyJames you are so right on the money...you say one thing or do one thing wrong to this sign/cusp and you get TOTALLY get the silent treatment!! Urgh!!! My cusp friend has hidden his self away from me for almost a year now. It has been very painful...I can still "feel" him and his thoughts & heart...it is so strange...I've never had this happen to me before with ANYONE. I can "feel" he's grieving at certain times of the day and in my dreams. He verbally said he needed to stop contact, we said our goodbye's...but somehow...I "feel" a POWERFUL strange connection. A hold I can't understand. I am fairly new to all this astrology stuff, never really believed in it until this person came into my life. Somehow my SOUL "feels" more heightened because this person came into mine. Really all this stuff is just so confusing...
Anyways, if you guys find anything, could you email me?? I sure would appreciate it, Thanks.
I wanna know more about you Cancer-Leo Cusps too. Hardest ones to read so far! But I always love a good mystery. And BobbyJames you are so right on the money...you say one thing or do one thing wrong to this sign/cusp and you get TOTALLY get the silent treatment!! Urgh!!! My cusp friend has hidden his self away from me for almost a year now. It has been very painful...I can still "feel" him and his thoughts & heart...it is so strange...I've never had this happen to me before with ANYONE. I can "feel" he's grieving at certain times of the day and in my dreams. He verbally said he needed to stop contact, we said our goodbye's...but somehow...I "feel" a POWERFUL strange connection. A hold I can't understand. I am fairly new to all this astrology stuff, never really believed in it until this person came into my life. Somehow my SOUL "feels" more heightened because this person came into mine. Really all this stuff is just so confusing...
Anyways, if you guys find anything, could you email me?? I sure would appreciate it, Thanks.
I'm a Leo/Virgo cusp male. I'm honestly pretty vexed that there seems to be a fact, a fact that I'm a rare breed indeed. How strange, lol. Well there isn't a freaking post not one, having to do with the Leo/Virgo cusp. It also seems that some people say that I'm either Leo, or Virgo. NONSENSE. I've read the descriptions on behaviors of both Leo, and Virgo. I'm here to tell you that my personality exhibits traits of BOTH signs. Not just ONE. So, obviously that's a load of bullshit. I dunno, I'm just curious to find out more about Leo/Virgo. The one thing I can tell you, is that a Leo/Virgo male, and a Capricorn Woman, seem to have an immediate, intense, and overpowering sexual attraction to one another, that leads to emotional connection veeeery quickly. Only problem is that the Capricorn is too serious and seems to Drive herself insane with the stress she causes with her obsession towards Perfection of house and Home. Which leads to escaping and partying, which leads to unfaithful activities. Fuck all that. Why the Hell should anyone drive themselves insane to be PERFECT???? Accept that your a mother fuc#% ing human being, and that you will NEVER be perfect. Just be good. What more do you need?? xD lol. I'm good at making decisions, I know what I want. I"m very loving and affectionate. I love to cuddle, well I guess that's worthless to women. GAME OVER. haha. Well at least worthless to a Capricorn woman. "WHAT GOOD IS YOUR LOVE WITHOUOT PERFECTION AND RICHNESS JASON???" haha the perfect female Capricorn description. That is all.