Is this considered rape - Gemini man

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by Rainwater69 on Wednesday, July 15, 2020 and has 55 replies.
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So I go out with this guy that I’ve slept with before But we haven’t talked in like a month or so. He spends the night at my house and we had protected sex and go to sleep.He wakes me up at about 2 AM with a tap on the leg and tells me to get up. I get up because I was OK with having sex. I get on my knees and I looked back and I asked him to get a condom. He sighs but doesn’t move so I’ll wait a moment and Ask him again to get a condom . When he doesn’t move I try to get up and he pusses me hard down to the bed. When I try to lift up again he pushes me down harder which is enough to make me be still and scared. He Then holds me down, has really rough sex with me, and then comes inside me. He was kind of talking shit the whole time to which made the whole thing just blah And degrading.

AnyWho I’m not gonna do anything about it I’m just a bit puzzled About what I experienced because I signed up for something but I didn’t sign up for that. So you consider this rape or is that just a bad sexual experience??

Yes. You repeatedly told him to put on a condom. He held you down and fucked raw WITHOUT your consent. Expressively AGAINST your consent.

If you want to report him don't shower and go to the hospital (not the police!) and request a rape kit. They are required to call the police and they will be much more gentle and less traumatizing giving you the rape kit.

If you choose not to report him thats OK as well. If you do report just know that its unlikely that he will get even a slap on the wrist. However if he continues to assault women and enough come forward it will give validity to his future victims who report this egregious behavior.

Be kind to yourself during this time. You are not defined by his actions. This is something that happened to you, this is not a reflection of who you are.
Yes, it’s rape. How well do you know this guy before you started sleeping with him?
Yes I’d consider it rape OP.

Sorry you went through this

This happened about six months ago and yeah I feel like shit that I didn’t do anything like I can’t let it rest I keep replaying it and I feel weak. I didn’t expect to still feel weak. In the moment I was subdued so I could not move And I was fearful that I was gonna freak out an escalat a situation that I already did not have power in. In the moment I told myself you’ll be OK just push through and not ever talk to him again and that’s what I did.

When he was done I was clearly upset and his excuse was he couldn’t stop. I then went to the bathroom to clean an compose myself and decided to pull myself together And not make a scene.So I came back into my room in my house and laid in the corner of my bed next to him and went to sleep. I woke up early and rushed him out and then he text me later like they do on SVu telling me he had a good time I replied me too🤦🏾‍♀️

I know I should’ve done better and that I should’ve stood up for myself and now I feel why.

*We’re both 35 and we’re talking for about 5 months on an off and have had sex multiple times with nothing like that ever happening. Before the night of the incident we hadn’t spoken in a month. He reached out to me out of the blue and I happen to be open to going Out to eat And hang out at my place after.

Posted by MissKrabs
Posted by _mudra_

Rape or a bad sexual experience?

Is this even a real thread? Are people this confused? Come on, man.

yes they are. unfortunately i know too many cases.

it's like when rape was a non existant category in marriage.
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Not till 1978. Which is just crazy.
Posted by Rainwater69

So I go out with this guy that I’ve slept with before But we haven’t talked in like a month or so. He spends the night at my house and we had protected sex and go to sleep.He wakes me up at about 2 AM with a tap on the leg and tells me to get up. I get up because I was OK with having sex. I get on my knees and I looked back and I asked him to get a condom. He sighs but doesn’t move so I’ll wait a moment and Ask him again to get a condom . When he doesn’t move I try to get up and he pusses me hard down to the bed. When I try to lift up again he pushes me down harder which is enough to make me be still and scared. He Then holds me down, has really rough sex with me, and then comes inside me. He was kind of talking shit the whole time to which made the whole thing just blah And degrading.

AnyWho I’m not gonna do anything about it I’m just a bit puzzled About what I experienced because I signed up for something but I didn’t sign up for that. So you consider this rape or is that just a bad sexual experience??

That’s rape

And YOU should do something about or else he will do it again to you or someone else.

*telling me he had a good time I replied me to*

Would you like to be truthful with him or are you okay with him thinking you weren’t affected by the experience?
Posted by _mudra_

Rape or a bad sexual experience?

Is this even a real thread? Are people this confused? Come on, man.
Yeah unfortunately it’s a real story And a real question.
I know it’s not OK not stand up for yourself. It doesn’t feel OK.
Posted by Rainwater69

I know it’s not OK not stand up for yourself. It doesn’t feel OK.
Have you spoken to anyone about it? It may help to unburden yourself to a Doctor or Therapist? Do you feel that would help?
first time and I’ve told anyone. I was thinking that I was just do inventory and of what I could I did differently and just move forward but That has not worked.

Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Rainwater69

I know it’s not OK not stand up for yourself. It doesn’t feel OK.

Have you spoken to anyone about it? It may help to unburden yourself to a Doctor or Therapist? Do you feel that would help?
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Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by aquarius09

Yes, it’s rape. How well do you know this guy before you started sleeping with him?

Another question that doesn’t need to be asked.
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This question needs to be asked because women need to watch out for their safety as well. We don’t live in heaven and get your head out of your ass and understand that humans have to take precaution. Do you not read the news how random people have raped women and then killed them? I’m glad she’s alive. Women need to watch out as well. This is very relevant! Yes, he needs to be reported because he did rape her. But if it turns out that she doesn’t know him, then it’s valuable lesson for her as well to:

1) Not go over to random men’s house

2) Engage in anything with randoms.

You’d think as little children we are taught not to speak to strangers, and here we are going over to their house and sleeping with them? She’s lucky to be alive. Now, she should go report and make sure she doesn’t indulge in recklessness like this again...given that she didn’t know him.
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by aquarius09

Yes, it’s rape. How well do you know this guy before you started sleeping with him?

Another question that doesn’t need to be asked.

This question needs to be asked because women need to watch out for their safety as well. We don’t live in heaven and get your head out of your ass and understand that humans have to take precaution. Do you not read the news how random people have raped women and then killed them? I’m glad she’s alive. Women need to watch out as well. This is very relevant! Yes, he needs to be reported because he did rape her. But if it turns out that she doesn’t know him, then it’s valuable lesson for her as well to:

1) Not go over to random men’s house

2) Engage in anything with randoms.

You’d think as little children we are taught not to speak to strangers, and here we are going over to their house and sleeping with them? She’s lucky to be alive. Now, she should go report and make sure she doesn’t indulge in recklessness like this again...given that she didn’t know him.

The only person responsible for rape is the rapist. Women and men have literally done everything right and still get raped.

Stop victim blaming. Start criticizing rapists for raping.
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Read my post again because you seem to be drowning in your emotions to see clearly what I’m writing. I never condoned rape. I’m promoting safety first. Just because people do everything right and still get raped, that’s not grounds do be reckless and then get raped. I very clearly wrote that he needs to be reported but she also needs to learn something from this.
Posted by MissKrabs
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by aquarius09

Yes, it’s rape. How well do you know this guy before you started sleeping with him?

Another question that doesn’t need to be asked.

This question needs to be asked because women need to watch out for their safety as well. We don’t live in heaven and get your head out of your ass and understand that humans have to take precaution. Do you not read the news how random people have raped women and then killed them? I’m glad she’s alive. Women need to watch out as well. This is very relevant! Yes, he needs to be reported because he did rape her. But if it turns out that she doesn’t know him, then it’s valuable lesson for her as well to:

1) Not go over to random men’s house

2) Engage in anything with randoms.

You’d think as little children we are taught not to speak to strangers, and here we are going over to their house and sleeping with them? She’s lucky to be alive. Now, she should go report and make sure she doesn’t indulge in recklessness like this again...given that she didn’t know him.

just stop. it's not her fault. stop!
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Never said it’s her fault but she does, moving forward, need to take precaution...especially given there are rapists and murderers walking around.
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by aquarius09

Yes, it’s rape. How well do you know this guy before you started sleeping with him?

Another question that doesn’t need to be asked.

This question needs to be asked because women need to watch out for their safety as well. We don’t live in heaven and get your head out of your ass and understand that humans have to take precaution. Do you not read the news how random people have raped women and then killed them? I’m glad she’s alive. Women need to watch out as well. This is very relevant! Yes, he needs to be reported because he did rape her. But if it turns out that she doesn’t know him, then it’s valuable lesson for her as well to:

1) Not go over to random men’s house

2) Engage in anything with randoms.

You’d think as little children we are taught not to speak to strangers, and here we are going over to their house and sleeping with them? She’s lucky to be alive. Now, she should go report and make sure she doesn’t indulge in recklessness like this again...given that she didn’t know him.

The only person responsible for rape is the rapist. Women and men have literally done everything right and still get raped.

Stop victim blaming. Start criticizing rapists for raping.

Read my post again because you seem to be drowning in your emotions to see clearly what I’m writing. I never condoned rape. I’m promoting safety first. Just because people do everything right and still get raped, that’s not grounds do be reckless and then get raped. I very clearly wrote that he needs to be reported but she also needs to learn something from this.

No, you aren’t understanding what I’m saying.

Your automatic response was to ask her what she did to get into that situation. Not to condemn the rapist or provide actual support or steps toward help.
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No, I said very clearly that it’s rape, should be reported and then I went onto ask her about how well she knew this guy. I have a question for you. Is there no onus on people to look out for their safety? Suppose I go to a party, do I have no responsibility to keep an eye on what I’m drinking? Am I supposed to blindly trust strangers that they won’t drug me or take advantage of me?

I’m just telling her to be careful as well. We all know that not all stories end with “he raped me. What now?” Sometimes it’s more tragic - he raped and then killed the woman.
Sorry that happened to you. It has happened to probably 1 out of 3 women at some point in their lives. I went thru a period where a lot of that type of trauma popped up. Those types of situations are the most confusing sometimes because it is not cut and dry situations. I did read an article a few years back where they brought up guys who purposely do not use condoms, some say they put it on, some put them on and then take it off right before, stuff like that, and it is considered sexual assault.

Him holding you down is rape.

I'm not going to tell you what to do. It is something you are going to have to work thru tho weather or not you decide to talk to others about it or if you dont. Just know that a lot of women have gone thru it so if you do decide to talk about it, you're not alone.

Also, not all men are like that. If you decide to start dating again, don't be afraid to tell someone that you had some trauma(you dont have to go into details) and that you'd like to take things slow.

Posted by MissKrabs
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by MissKrabs
Posted by _mudra_

Rape or a bad sexual experience?

Is this even a real thread? Are people this confused? Come on, man.

yes they are. unfortunately i know too many cases.

it's like when rape was a non existant category in marriage.

Not till 1978. Which is just crazy.

well, we were considered like means to have offsprings only, but there were always men who knew what is right or wrong. in 21ct, a person who still don't get it is crazy.
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It is crazy.

We need to change the narrative from no mean no to yes means yes. Seek active consent from your partner, male or female, before and during physical contact.

I also think its important to teach children from a young age autonomy over their own personal space and that they have a right to be upset if its violated. Normalize asking children for consent to touch them, hug, kiss, an arm rub, whatever it might be.
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by MyStarsShine

*telling me he had a good time I replied me to*

Would you like to be truthful with him or are you okay with him thinking you weren’t affected by the experience?

He sent that message specifically because he knew it wasn’t okay. It’s a manipulation tactic.
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I am not really concerned with him. I am concerned that the op gets the help she needs.
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by MissKrabs
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by aquarius09

Yes, it’s rape. How well do you know this guy before you started sleeping with him?

Another question that doesn’t need to be asked.

This question needs to be asked because women need to watch out for their safety as well. We don’t live in heaven and get your head out of your ass and understand that humans have to take precaution. Do you not read the news how random people have raped women and then killed them? I’m glad she’s alive. Women need to watch out as well. This is very relevant! Yes, he needs to be reported because he did rape her. But if it turns out that she doesn’t know him, then it’s valuable lesson for her as well to:

1) Not go over to random men’s house

2) Engage in anything with randoms.

You’d think as little children we are taught not to speak to strangers, and here we are going over to their house and sleeping with them? She’s lucky to be alive. Now, she should go report and make sure she doesn’t indulge in recklessness like this again...given that she didn’t know him.

just stop. it's not her fault. stop!

Never said it’s her fault but she does, moving forward, need to take precaution.

Moving forward, people need to stop raping and should get actual consequences for it and we should have restorative justice for sexual assault and rape survivors that promote actual healing rather than focusing on what

prosecutors want.****
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I 100% agree with your sentiments and all rapists deserve to get prison house justice. I assure you I’m not victim blaming. She should report this rapist, so he doesn’t do what he’s been getting away with so far. I do hope you understand that women also have the responsibility to ensure their safety, not just when it comes to rape, but when it comes to dangerous situation of any kind.

Posted by aquarius09
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by aquarius09

Yes, it’s rape. How well do you know this guy before you started sleeping with him?

Another question that doesn’t need to be asked.

This question needs to be asked because women need to watch out for their safety as well. We don’t live in heaven and get your head out of your ass and understand that humans have to take precaution. Do you not read the news how random people have raped women and then killed them? I’m glad she’s alive. Women need to watch out as well. This is very relevant! Yes, he needs to be reported because he did rape her. But if it turns out that she doesn’t know him, then it’s valuable lesson for her as well to:

1) Not go over to random men’s house

2) Engage in anything with randoms.

You’d think as little children we are taught not to speak to strangers, and here we are going over to their house and sleeping with them? She’s lucky to be alive. Now, she should go report and make sure she doesn’t indulge in recklessness like this again...given that she didn’t know him.

The only person responsible for rape is the rapist. Women and men have literally done everything right and still get raped.

Stop victim blaming. Start criticizing rapists for raping.

Read my post again because you seem to be drowning in your emotions to see clearly what I’m writing. I never condoned rape. I’m promoting safety first. Just because people do everything right and still get raped, that’s not grounds do be reckless and then get raped. I very clearly wrote that he needs to be reported but she also needs to learn something from this.

No, you aren’t understanding what I’m saying.

Your automatic response was to ask her what she did to get into that situation. Not to condemn the rapist or provide actual support or steps toward help.

No, I said very clearly that it’s rape, should be reported and then I went onto ask her about how well she knew this guy. I have a question for you. Is there no onus on people to look out for their safety? Suppose I go to a party, do I have no responsibility to keep an eye on what I’m drinking? Am I supposed to blindly trust strangers that they won’t drug me or take advantage of me?

I’m just telling her to be careful as well. We all know that not all stories end with “he raped me. What now?” Sometimes it’s more tragic - he raped and then killed the woman.
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Majority of rapes are by someone the survivor knows personally, very well, inner circle. The narrative of a stranger attacking is not the reality for the majority.

As evidenced by the op. She knew this man, had already had a consensual sexual relationship with him. She had no reason to fear that he would ignore her request for protected sex and hold her physically down and assault her. While the incident was happening she was vocal about her discomfort and non consent which he ignored. She was fearful of further violence if she resisted, and if she had resisted physically perhaps it would have ended more violently, like you pointed out... death.

So by insinuating that its the survivors responsibility to suspect/expect everyone in their life of doing bodily harm is effectively transferring some of the blame of the crime to the victim. Its irresponsible language. And language is powerful here so its something to be aware of.

Posted by MissKrabs
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by MissKrabs
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by aquarius09

Yes, it’s rape. How well do you know this guy before you started sleeping with him?

Another question that doesn’t need to be asked.

This question needs to be asked because women need to watch out for their safety as well. We don’t live in heaven and get your head out of your ass and understand that humans have to take precaution. Do you not read the news how random people have raped women and then killed them? I’m glad she’s alive. Women need to watch out as well. This is very relevant! Yes, he needs to be reported because he did rape her. But if it turns out that she doesn’t know him, then it’s valuable lesson for her as well to:

1) Not go over to random men’s house

2) Engage in anything with randoms.

You’d think as little children we are taught not to speak to strangers, and here we are going over to their house and sleeping with them? She’s lucky to be alive. Now, she should go report and make sure she doesn’t indulge in recklessness like this again...given that she didn’t know him.

just stop. it's not her fault. stop!

Never said it’s her fault but she does, moving forward, need to take precaution...especially given there are rapists and murderers walking around.

we all know that, be cautious. That’s why I mentioned marriage case. it doesn't matter in this topic, and it doesn't help, except for adding guilt we already have by social conditioning. she did not harm anyone. he did. End of story.
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I didn’t read your post about marriage case, but you do realize that women sleeping with random dudes without knowing them is resulting in increasing rape and murders. I,as a woman, put my safety first. Sure, I know I can do everything right and still get raped, but I still actively ensure that I’m not putting myself in dangerous situations where the loss is all mine (rape and possibly my life). So the dangerous situations that people put themselves in is very relevant, and I brought this up not to shame her. I brought it up so that she learns to not be lenient with her safety ever again, because she’s also lucky to be alive. We all know that it’s not just rape always. This could’ve ended in death as well.
@aquarius09 You mention not fucking random dudes because of safety issues. Op very clearly stated that this was not a random first time encounter. They had a sexual relationship for 5 months.

And even if it was a first time encounter/hook up... everyone deserves to be treated with respect and asked for their consent. I know you would expect to be treated the same.

Posted by Rainwater69

*We’re both 35 and we’re talking for about 5 months on an off and have had sex multiple times with nothing like that ever happening. Before the night of the incident we hadn’t spoken in a month. He reached out to me out of the blue and I happen to be open to going Out to eat And hang out at my place after.

Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by aquarius09

Yes, it’s rape. How well do you know this guy before you started sleeping with him?

Another question that doesn’t need to be asked.

This question needs to be asked because women need to watch out for their safety as well. We don’t live in heaven and get your head out of your ass and understand that humans have to take precaution. Do you not read the news how random people have raped women and then killed them? I’m glad she’s alive. Women need to watch out as well. This is very relevant! Yes, he needs to be reported because he did rape her. But if it turns out that she doesn’t know him, then it’s valuable lesson for her as well to:

1) Not go over to random men’s house

2) Engage in anything with randoms.

You’d think as little children we are taught not to speak to strangers, and here we are going over to their house and sleeping with them? She’s lucky to be alive. Now, she should go report and make sure she doesn’t indulge in recklessness like this again...given that she didn’t know him.

The only person responsible for rape is the rapist. Women and men have literally done everything right and still get raped.

Stop victim blaming. Start criticizing rapists for raping.

Read my post again because you seem to be drowning in your emotions to see clearly what I’m writing. I never condoned rape. I’m promoting safety first. Just because people do everything right and still get raped, that’s not grounds do be reckless and then get raped. I very clearly wrote that he needs to be reported but she also needs to learn something from this.

No, you aren’t understanding what I’m saying.

Your automatic response was to ask her what she did to get into that situation. Not to condemn the rapist or provide actual support or steps toward help.

No, I said very clearly that it’s rape, should be reported and then I went onto ask her about how well she knew this guy. I have a question for you. Is there no onus on people to look out for their safety? Suppose I go to a party, do I have no responsibility to keep an eye on what I’m drinking? Am I supposed to blindly trust strangers that they won’t drug me or take advantage of me?

I’m just telling her to be careful as well. We all know that not all stories end with “he raped me. What now?” Sometimes it’s more tragic - he raped and then killed the woman.

Majority of rapes are by someone the survivor knows personally, very well, inner circle. The narrative of a stranger attacking is not the reality for the majority.

As evidenced by the op. She knew this man, had already had a consensual sexual relationship with him. She had no reason to fear that he would ignore her request for protected sex and hold her physically down and assault her. While the incident was happening she was vocal about her discomfort and non consent which he ignored. She was fearful of further violence if she resisted, and if she had resisted physically perhaps it would have ended more violently, like you pointed out... death.

So by insinuating that its the survivors responsibility to suspect/expect everyone in their life of doing bodily harm is effectively transferring some of the blame of the crime to the victim. Its irresponsible language. And language is powerful here so its something to be aware of.
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That’s not what I read in her OP. She has slept with him once. Sleeping with a guy once doesn’t mean you know him. Knowing someone vs. being acquainted are two different things. Yes, we all know the narrative that people are often raped by people they know but that doesn’t mean you become lenient with people you don’t really know. I heard about the Bakersfield girl recently where the dude ended up raping and burning the girl’s body. Yes, technically even she “knew” him. She met him online and talked to him a handful of times and met him before for hookups. Handful of interactions or sporadic sex doesn’t mean we know a person.

If I’m coming across as victim shaming, that’s not what I’m doing. I’m just telling people to be cautious because there are plenty of psychos out there. At the end of the day, the loss is ours. Getting justice is a whole different story because the damage is done.

At one point during the sex he had let go of me but was laying his weight on me. I cried out OK and he stop for a moment And bent down towards my ear and asked me was if I was OK. I turned my head Away from him in disgust but did not say stop or get off of me. That moment is What confuses the whole thing for me.Like I literally felt the confusion settle in the moment he asked me if I was OK. I know he knows I was not OK! We’ve had sex before and I know he knows my limits So why would he ask me am I OK? Also he Has to be aware That he’s holding me down and hurting me,He had to know that I couldn’t move, and that I wasn’t choosing to have this experience Or does he not.

Answering the question at the moment seemed pointless but now I feel by not Verbally communicating stop I consented.

How would you ladies have handled the situation?

Posted by Rainwater69

So I go out with this guy that I’ve slept with before But we haven’t talked in like a month or so. He spends the night at my house and we had protected sex and go to sleep.He wakes me up at about 2 AM with a tap on the leg and tells me to get up. I get up because I was OK with having sex. I get on my knees and I looked back and I asked him to get a condom. He sighs but doesn’t move so I’ll wait a moment and Ask him again to get a condom . When he doesn’t move I try to get up and he pusses me hard down to the bed. When I try to lift up again he pushes me down harder which is enough to make me be still and scared. He Then holds me down, has really rough sex with me, and then comes inside me. He was kind of talking shit the whole time to which made the whole thing just blah And degrading.

AnyWho I’m not gonna do anything about it I’m just a bit puzzled About what I experienced because I signed up for something but I didn’t sign up for that. So you consider this rape or is that just a bad sexual experience??


Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by aquarius09

Yes, it’s rape. How well do you know this guy before you started sleeping with him?

Another question that doesn’t need to be asked.

This question needs to be asked because women need to watch out for their safety as well. We don’t live in heaven and get your head out of your ass and understand that humans have to take precaution. Do you not read the news how random people have raped women and then killed them? I’m glad she’s alive. Women need to watch out as well. This is very relevant! Yes, he needs to be reported because he did rape her. But if it turns out that she doesn’t know him, then it’s valuable lesson for her as well to:

1) Not go over to random men’s house

2) Engage in anything with randoms.

You’d think as little children we are taught not to speak to strangers, and here we are going over to their house and sleeping with them? She’s lucky to be alive. Now, she should go report and make sure she doesn’t indulge in recklessness like this again...given that she didn’t know him.

The only person responsible for rape is the rapist. Women and men have literally done everything right and still get raped.

Stop victim blaming. Start criticizing rapists for raping.

Read my post again because you seem to be drowning in your emotions to see clearly what I’m writing. I never condoned rape. I’m promoting safety first. Just because people do everything right and still get raped, that’s not grounds do be reckless and then get raped. I very clearly wrote that he needs to be reported but she also needs to learn something from this.

No, you aren’t understanding what I’m saying.

Your automatic response was to ask her what she did to get into that situation. Not to condemn the rapist or provide actual support or steps toward help.

No, I said very clearly that it’s rape, should be reported and then I went onto ask her about how well she knew this guy. I have a question for you. Is there no onus on people to look out for their safety? Suppose I go to a party, do I have no responsibility to keep an eye on what I’m drinking? Am I supposed to blindly trust strangers that they won’t drug me or take advantage of me?

I’m just telling her to be careful as well. We all know that not all stories end with “he raped me. What now?” Sometimes it’s more tragic - he raped and then killed the woman.

Majority of rapes are by someone the survivor knows personally, very well, inner circle. The narrative of a stranger attacking is not the reality for the majority.

As evidenced by the op. She knew this man, had already had a consensual sexual relationship with him. She had no reason to fear that he would ignore her request for protected sex and hold her physically down and assault her. While the incident was happening she was vocal about her discomfort and non consent which he ignored. She was fearful of further violence if she resisted, and if she had resisted physically perhaps it would have ended more violently, like you pointed out... death.

So by insinuating that its the survivors responsibility to suspect/expect everyone in their life of doing bodily harm is effectively transferring some of the blame of the crime to the victim. Its irresponsible language. And language is powerful here so its something to be aware of.

That’s not what I read in her OP. She has slept with him once. Sleeping with a guy once doesn’t mean you know him. Knowing someone vs. being acquainted are two different things. Yes, we all know the narrative that people are often raped by people they know but that doesn’t mean you become lenient with people you don’t really know. I heard about the Bakersfield girl recently where the dude ended up raping and burning the girl’s body. Yes, technically even she “knew” him. She met him online and talked to him a handful of times and met him before for hookups. Handful of interactions or sporadic sex doesn’t mean we know a person.

If I’m coming across as victim shaming, that’s not what I’m doing. I’m just telling people to be cautious because there are plenty of psychos out there. At the end of the day, the loss is ours. Getting justice is a whole different story because the damage is done.

You literally don’t know the definition of victim shaming or blaming. Please educate yourself.
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I know what it is, thanks. I’m not blaming her and just because I decided to tell her to be careful in the future doesn’t mean I’m victim blaming/shaming. Actually, I’m really glad she’s alive.
Posted by LadyNeptune

@aquarius09 You mention not fucking random dudes because of safety issues. Op very clearly stated that this was not a random first time encounter. They had a sexual relationship for 5 months.

And even if it was a first time encounter/hook up... everyone deserves to be treated with respect and asked for their consent. I know you would expect to be treated the same.
Posted by Rainwater69

*We’re both 35 and we’re talking for about 5 months on an off and have had sex multiple times with nothing like that ever happening. Before the night of the incident we hadn’t spoken in a month. He reached out to me out of the blue and I happen to be open to going Out to eat And hang out at my place after.

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Where is this post? I didn’t read this or saw this. What I’m seeing as the OP is the following:

“So I go out with this guy that I’ve slept with before But we haven’t talked in like a month or so.”
Reading your rebuttals to the common opinion on this thread is like Watching my fears fight with my logic.

I feel like I did something wrong to. Like I could’ve did something differently ,like I should’ve done something differently. I don’t wanna go out on another date until I figure it out What I should’ve done differently.. I want to take some ownership in this. It seems like it’ll be easier to move forward that way. but in reality I wasn’t doing anything outside of what I’m allowed to do. I wasn’t being risky or loose. Women can live life’s and death shouldn’t be a consequence of simple experiences that are allotted to men as they wish But they are....

I think k the victim shaming comes in when your saying something that may be true but doesn’t necessarily need to be said right now.
Posted by Rainwater69

Reading your rebuttals to the common opinion on this thread it’s like Watching my fears fight with my logic.

I feel like I did something wrong to. Like I could’ve did something differently ,like I should’ve done something differently. I don’t wanna go out on another date until I figure it out What I should’ve done differently.. I want to take some ownership in this. It seems like it’ll be easier to move forward that way. but in reality I wasn’t doing anything outside of what I’m allowed to do. I wasn’t being risky or loose. Women can’t live land death shouldn’t be a consequence of simple experiences that are allotted to men as they wish..But the victim shaming comes in with ultimately saying something that may be true but doesn’t necessarily need to be said right now.
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by aquarius09

Yes, it’s rape. How well do you know this guy before you started sleeping with him?

Another question that doesn’t need to be asked.

This question needs to be asked because women need to watch out for their safety as well. We don’t live in heaven and get your head out of your ass and understand that humans have to take precaution. Do you not read the news how random people have raped women and then killed them? I’m glad she’s alive. Women need to watch out as well. This is very relevant! Yes, he needs to be reported because he did rape her. But if it turns out that she doesn’t know him, then it’s valuable lesson for her as well to:

1) Not go over to random men’s house

2) Engage in anything with randoms.

You’d think as little children we are taught not to speak to strangers, and here we are going over to their house and sleeping with them? She’s lucky to be alive. Now, she should go report and make sure she doesn’t indulge in recklessness like this again...given that she didn’t know him.

The only person responsible for rape is the rapist. Women and men have literally done everything right and still get raped.

Stop victim blaming. Start criticizing rapists for raping.

Read my post again because you seem to be drowning in your emotions to see clearly what I’m writing. I never condoned rape. I’m promoting safety first. Just because people do everything right and still get raped, that’s not grounds do be reckless and then get raped. I very clearly wrote that he needs to be reported but she also needs to learn something from this.

No, you aren’t understanding what I’m saying.

Your automatic response was to ask her what she did to get into that situation. Not to condemn the rapist or provide actual support or steps toward help.

No, I said very clearly that it’s rape, should be reported and then I went onto ask her about how well she knew this guy. I have a question for you. Is there no onus on people to look out for their safety? Suppose I go to a party, do I have no responsibility to keep an eye on what I’m drinking? Am I supposed to blindly trust strangers that they won’t drug me or take advantage of me?

I’m just telling her to be careful as well. We all know that not all stories end with “he raped me. What now?” Sometimes it’s more tragic - he raped and then killed the woman.

Majority of rapes are by someone the survivor knows personally, very well, inner circle. The narrative of a stranger attacking is not the reality for the majority.

As evidenced by the op. She knew this man, had already had a consensual sexual relationship with him. She had no reason to fear that he would ignore her request for protected sex and hold her physically down and assault her. While the incident was happening she was vocal about her discomfort and non consent which he ignored. She was fearful of further violence if she resisted, and if she had resisted physically perhaps it would have ended more violently, like you pointed out... death.

So by insinuating that its the survivors responsibility to suspect/expect everyone in their life of doing bodily harm is effectively transferring some of the blame of the crime to the victim. Its irresponsible language. And language is powerful here so its something to be aware of.

That’s not what I read in her OP. She has slept with him once. Sleeping with a guy once doesn’t mean you know him. Knowing someone vs. being acquainted are two different things. Yes, we all know the narrative that people are often raped by people they know but that doesn’t mean you become lenient with people you don’t really know. I heard about the Bakersfield girl recently where the dude ended up raping and burning the girl’s body. Yes, technically even she “knew” him. She met him online and talked to him a handful of times and met him before for hookups. Handful of interactions or sporadic sex doesn’t mean we know a person.

If I’m coming across as victim shaming, that’s not what I’m doing. I’m just telling people to be cautious because there are plenty of psychos out there. At the end of the day, the loss is ours. Getting justice is a whole different story because the damage is done.

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I’m sorry if I made you feel like I was blaming you. This is not your fault and I highly recommend that you report him because God knows how many women he’s doing this to.

Also, I didn’t have full context to your situation, so I was thinking you had no clue who he was, although people may disagree and will think this is irrelevant. I was just telling you to be careful in the future, not solely because of rape but that life is at stake. Anyway, I’m truly glad you’re alive and I hope you do report him.
Posted by Rainwater69

So I go out with this guy that I’ve slept with before But we haven’t talked in like a month or so. He spends the night at my house and we had protected sex and go to sleep.He wakes me up at about 2 AM with a tap on the leg and tells me to get up. I get up because I was OK with having sex. I get on my knees and I looked back and I asked him to get a condom. He sighs but doesn’t move so I’ll wait a moment and Ask him again to get a condom . When he doesn’t move I try to get up and he pusses me hard down to the bed. When I try to lift up again he pushes me down harder which is enough to make me be still and scared. He Then holds me down, has really rough sex with me, and then comes inside me. He was kind of talking shit the whole time to which made the whole thing just blah And degrading.

AnyWho I’m not gonna do anything about it I’m just a bit puzzled About what I experienced because I signed up for something but I didn’t sign up for that. So you consider this rape or is that just a bad sexual experience??


It depends on where you live, but in most places now "consent" is something that is no longer implied and requires verbal confirmation for EVERY step of the process and EACH sexual encounter.

You don't have to tell somebody "No" anymore if you I have never told them "Yes" (again... that would just depend on the law where you live) for each encounter and with every different action (hands, mouth, vaginal/anal/penile, pretty much anything that could be sexual in nature and/or requires penetration).

So for all intent and purposes, based on what you have described, I would think it would be sexual assault; yes. I'm not sure if it'd be "rape" or just sexual assault though. Rape usually requires it to be an attack, but the forcefulness in which you had described may constitute it as Rape.

I've only read a couple of the comments & you should definitely go to the hospital. Reporting sexual assault has nothing to do with them and everything to do with you. You owe it to yourself to do the things necessary to protect you and your body.

There is a pill that they could give you that would help prevent any sexually transmitted diseases that you may have gotten & there is a pill that may help prevent any unwanted pregnancy from occurring. So, even if you refuse the rape kit and inspection I personally think you should still go to consider at very least getting one of the first two things I'd mentioned.

Whether or not you get the pill to prevent pregnancy would entirely depend on your beliefs and is entirely your decision, but getting that pill to prevent any sexually transmitted diseases is kind of a no-brainer. At very minimum go get that; come on. You don't want to live with the memory of what happened and an STD you could have prevented.
Posted by LittleStar_II

Rape is whenever you aren’t enthusiastically consenting and not having sex the way you want to have it is involved in that.

So that means a lot of long-time married men are systematically raped then? lol

And to the OP, Yes it was rape.
Posted by Enfant-Terrible-II
Posted by LittleStar_II

Rape is whenever you aren’t enthusiastically consenting and not having sex the way you want to have it is involved in that.

So that means a lot of long-time married men are systematically raped then? lol

And to the OP, Yes it was rape.
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consent in marriage or a long-term relationship is actually one of the large factoring reason as to why the consent laws are being rewritten or amended/changed from having to say "no" to having to say "yes".
I have forgotten to post this initially but I think you should contact RAINN. It is essentially exactly what they are there for... to guide people through these types of situations.
I wouldn't go to the hospital or police if I was you. Its been 6 months, all physical evidence is now gone.

The system will treat you harshly and you'll have to relive everything which just causes further trauma.

There's no justice in that route unless he has many other accusers already on file.

You could always expose him on sm. The court of public opinion is hell.

But then you risk him retaliating.

Just block all contact with this person and if this ever happens again be conscious of getting a rape kit asap so that there is evidence collected and on record.
Also this was 100% rape.

People can debate about semantics, but its not about how hard he held you down or how rough he was being.

You told him you wanted protected sex. He refused and had unprotected sex, something you absolutely did not consent to.

This is a violation not just of your body but of your life and health.

Posted by Timon

Disgusting. I would address it with him that you didn't consent to having unprotected sex and have the convo recorded as proof.
Yes! Record it. That was not okay in any way!
Is it possible he was asleep?

It reminds me of my gemini bf who sleep-touches me. It starts with kissing, then he’ll start rubbing my boobs, and then move his hand lower and rub me down there. If I’m receptive to it, he gets encouraged to get on top of me but by that point he wakes up and is fully conscious of what’s happening (though extremely tired).

He also has a history of sleep walking, randomly jumping out of bed ready to fight an intruder (guess he had a nightmare) while asleep, sleep talking, and just other weird sleep behaviors.

I’m not trying to downplay your situation because if he was awake then yes it is sexual assault. But there was another person here involved with a Gemini who experienced the same things I do. It reminds me of those people who murder while asleep.
When he woke me up he was already sitting up right behind me in the bed like he had been up watching me sleep.
Posted by Whorpio

Is it possible he was asleep?

It reminds me of my gemini bf who sleep-touches me. It starts with kissing, then he’ll start rubbing my boobs, and then move his hand lower and rub me down there. If I’m receptive to it, he gets encouraged to get on top of me but by that point he wakes up and is fully conscious of what’s happening (though extremely tired).

He also has a history of sleep walking, randomly jumping out of bed ready to fight an intruder (guess he had a nightmare) while asleep, sleep talking, and just other weird sleep behaviors.

I’m not trying to downplay your situation because if he was awake then yes it is sexual assault. But there was another person here involved with a Gemini who experienced the same things I do. It reminds me of those people who murder while asleep.

Posted by Rainwater69

When he woke me up he was already sitting up right behind me in the bed like he had been up watching me sleep.
Posted by Whorpio

Is it possible he was asleep?

It reminds me of my gemini bf who sleep-touches me. It starts with kissing, then he’ll start rubbing my boobs, and then move his hand lower and rub me down there. If I’m receptive to it, he gets encouraged to get on top of me but by that point he wakes up and is fully conscious of what’s happening (though extremely tired).

He also has a history of sleep walking, randomly jumping out of bed ready to fight an intruder (guess he had a nightmare) while asleep, sleep talking, and just other weird sleep behaviors.

I’m not trying to downplay your situation because if he was awake then yes it is sexual assault. But there was another person here involved with a Gemini who experienced the same things I do. It reminds me of those people who murder while asleep.

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That is creepy but he still could’ve been asleep. When my gem starts sleep harassing me I’ll notice his eyes are open. It’s weird.
Posted by Whorpio
Posted by Rainwater69

When he woke me up he was already sitting up right behind me in the bed like he had been up watching me sleep.
Posted by Whorpio

Is it possible he was asleep?

It reminds me of my gemini bf who sleep-touches me. It starts with kissing, then he’ll start rubbing my boobs, and then move his hand lower and rub me down there. If I’m receptive to it, he gets encouraged to get on top of me but by that point he wakes up and is fully conscious of what’s happening (though extremely tired).

He also has a history of sleep walking, randomly jumping out of bed ready to fight an intruder (guess he had a nightmare) while asleep, sleep talking, and just other weird sleep behaviors.

I’m not trying to downplay your situation because if he was awake then yes it is sexual assault. But there was another person here involved with a Gemini who experienced the same things I do. It reminds me of those people who murder while asleep.

That is creepy but he still could’ve been asleep. When my gem starts sleep harassing me I’ll notice his eyes are open. It’s weird.
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Wireless Remote Control Electric Shock CB6000 Chastity Cock Cage for Man - $ 87.00 on Amazon. Just saying...

I bet that'll redirect that sleeping habit real quick; haha. If you think a cage is going a bit too far, okay... there are butt plugs also. Haha
Really sorry to hear this, hope you’re ok. I think you should go to the police, they may already have his name on record for other abuse 😐 You haven’t done anything wrong.

Also you should talk to a professional but if you’re not currently up to it, then I suggest you start journaling to cope and express what’s going on in your mind. At least you’re talking about it here, step in the right direction.

Strangely I watched a scene last night on TV while binge watching ‘I May Destroy You’ (BBC/HBO) exactly what you described happened in epi 4 but involving 2 males. Having consenting sex with condom and then getting raped/assaulted without condom.

The show is based on sexual consent and modern day dating/ hook up culture. Not saying you should watch it but the scene is created as an assault/rape. Link below is some comments from fans in an article about the scene. Don’t read if you don’t want to 😊
Yes, it's rape but in his sick and twisted mind, it probably was ok.

OP, you did nothing wrong. This man is just a sociopath.
Posted by PhoenixStorm

Reading stuff like this provokes violence in me. Like I don’t even know you OR the dude but reading this made me want to smoke him upside his head with a glass bottle 🤬
Your Scorpio is showing, lol.
Posted by Arielle83

Most rapists actually don’t think they’re rapists.

I bet he’s going through his day to day life thinking nothing’s wrong.
Every 73 seconds, an American is Sexually Assaulted.

Some Questions to ask oneself.

Looking at clothed private parts sexual harassment? - 66 percent of women think “looking at covered private parts” is always sexual harassment, only 40 percent of men think so.

• Gestures or non-verbal behaviors that can potentially, legally, be considered sexual harassment: sexual looks such as leering, staring, ogling with suggestive overtones. licking lips or teeth, winking, throwing kisses, holding or eating food provocatively/sexually.

Is it okay if you both said yes even though you'd both been drinking? - Seventy-three percent of women compared to 61 percent of men think verbal consent is a must before sex.

• Alcohol is the most common substance used to perpetrate drug-facilitated sexual assault.

There's nothing wrong with spontaneously kissing a girl goodnight after the first date? - 63 percent of women compared to 50 percent of men think the verbal affirmative is required for intimate touching.

• Sexual Assault or Misconduct includes any unwanted, unwarranted, or coerced sexual or intimate contact (including kissing) and can even occur without physical touch (E.g. Voyeurism).
Posted by TheApparition
Posted by Arielle83

Most rapists actually don’t think they’re rapists.

I bet he’s going through his day to day life thinking nothing’s wrong.

Every 73 seconds, an American is Sexually Assaulted.

Some Questions to ask oneself.Looking at clothed private parts sexual harassment? - 66 percent of women think “looking at covered private parts” is always sexual harassment, only 40 percent of men think so.

• Gestures or non-verbal behaviors that can potentially, legally, be considered sexual harassment: sexual looks such as leering, staring, ogling with suggestive overtones. licking lips or teeth, winking, throwing kisses, holding or eating food provocatively/sexually.Is it okay if you both said yes even though you'd both been drinking? - Seventy-three percent of women compared to 61 percent of men think verbal consent is a must before sex.

• Alcohol is the most common substance used to perpetrate drug-facilitated sexual assault.There's nothing wrong with spontaneously kissing a girl goodnight after the first date? - 63 percent of women compared to 50 percent of men think the verbal affirmative is required for intimate touching.

• Sexual Assault or Misconduct includes any unwanted, unwarranted, or coerced sexual or intimate contact (including kissing) and can even occur without physical touch (E.g. Voyeurism).
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You are throwing out a lot of numbers, can you post your source?
Posted by Parkourler
Posted by TheApparition
Posted by Arielle83

Most rapists actually don’t think they’re rapists.

I bet he’s going through his day to day life thinking nothing’s wrong.

Every 73 seconds, an American is Sexually Assaulted.

Some Questions to ask oneself.Looking at clothed private parts sexual harassment? - 66 percent of women think “looking at covered private parts” is always sexual harassment, only 40 percent of men think so.

• Gestures or non-verbal behaviors that can potentially, legally, be considered sexual harassment: sexual looks such as leering, staring, ogling with suggestive overtones. licking lips or teeth, winking, throwing kisses, holding or eating food provocatively/sexually.Is it okay if you both said yes even though you'd both been drinking? - Seventy-three percent of women compared to 61 percent of men think verbal consent is a must before sex.

• Alcohol is the most common substance used to perpetrate drug-facilitated sexual assault.There's nothing wrong with spontaneously kissing a girl goodnight after the first date? - 63 percent of women compared to 50 percent of men think the verbal affirmative is required for intimate touching.

• Sexual Assault or Misconduct includes any unwanted, unwarranted, or coerced sexual or intimate contact (including kissing) and can even occur without physical touch (E.g. Voyeurism).

You are throwing out a lot of numbers, can you post your source?
click to expand 2520Assault% 2520Presentation.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiO6Yjf_tDqAhUKHc0KHXbBC4MQFjALegQIBhAB&usg=AOvVaw3kGwyGcizmx9DMp3JuflBY

#sa" data-url="" target="_blank">

Most of that came from various places from within any one of those resource links. RAINN (Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network) and Desert News (reporting results from a 2018 American Family Survey) provided the most specific numbers.

Let me know if you need others.

*Post Edit* - I can create shortened URL's for the ones that didn't link well if you have cut/paste issues and need me to do that
Posted by 7thHouse
Posted by PhoenixStorm

Reading stuff like this provokes violence in me. Like I don’t even know you OR the dude but reading this made me want to smoke him upside his head with a glass bottle 🤬

Same. I have a sister. I am female. I have female friends. Hearing this makes me feel so unsafe and angry.
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Sexual Assault happens to anyone* & what's scary is that it's often by someone you know.

• “Nearly 1 in 5 women (18.3% ) and 1 in 71 men (1.4% ) in the United States have been raped at some time in their lives, including completed forced penetration, attempted forced penetration, or alcohol/drug facilitated completed penetration.

• More than half (51.1% ) of female victims of rape reported being raped by an intimate partner and 40.8% by an acquaintance; for male victims, more than half (52.4% ) reported being raped by an acquaintance and 15.1% by a stranger.

• Approximately 1 in 21 men (4.8% ) reported that they were made to penetrate someone else during their lifetime; most men who were made to penetrate someone else reported that the perpetrator was either an intimate partner (44.8% ) or an acquaintance (44.7% ).

• An estimated 13% of women and 6% of men have experienced sexual coercion in their lifetime (i.e., unwanted sexual penetration after being pressured in a nonphysical way); and 27.2% of women and 11.7% of men have experienced unwanted sexual contact.

• Most female victims of completed rape (79.6% ) experienced their first rape before the age of 25; 42.2% experienced their first completed rape before the age of 18 years.

• More than one-quarter of male victims of completed rape (27.8% ) experienced their first rape when they were 10 years of age or younger.”
Posted by 7thHouse
Posted by TheApparition
Posted by 7thHouse
Posted by PhoenixStorm

Reading stuff like this provokes violence in me. Like I don’t even know you OR the dude but reading this made me want to smoke him upside his head with a glass bottle 🤬

Same. I have a sister. I am female. I have female friends. Hearing this makes me feel so unsafe and angry.

Sexual Assault happens to anyone* & what's scary is that it's often by someone you know.

• “Nearly 1 in 5 women (18.3% ) and 1 in 71 men (1.4% ) in the United States have been raped at some time in their lives, including completed forced penetration, attempted forced penetration, or alcohol/drug facilitated completed penetration.

• More than half (51.1% ) of female victims of rape reported being raped by an intimate partner and 40.8% by an acquaintance; for male victims, more than half (52.4% ) reported being raped by an acquaintance and 15.1% by a stranger.

• Approximately 1 in 21 men (4.8% ) reported that they were made to penetrate someone else during their lifetime; most men who were made to penetrate someone else reported that the perpetrator was either an intimate partner (44.8% ) or an acquaintance (44.7% ).

• An estimated 13% of women and 6% of men have experienced sexual coercion in their lifetime (i.e., unwanted sexual penetration after being pressured in a nonphysical way); and 27.2% of women and 11.7% of men have experienced unwanted sexual contact.

• Most female victims of completed rape (79.6% ) experienced their first rape before the age of 25; 42.2% experienced their first completed rape before the age of 18 years.

• More than one-quarter of male victims of completed rape (27.8% ) experienced their first rape when they were 10 years of age or younger.”

That's sickening. I didn't experience rape (fortunately) but I did experience sexual harassment in the workplace. I was 18 and the youngest in the company. I complained to HR and the stupid fucker got fired but he would hangout outside the office so I had to report him to the police and the company to get a restraining order against him. Man was married and old and was my boss at the time. He touched me inappropriately in the office while I was on a call and kept cat calling me when I walk. During the team building, he admitted he has a crush on me. I complained about that as I felt unsafe in the office environment. And I'm glad I did. Its not the worst thing but when someone threatens your safety and makes you feel degraded... It's not right. And it should never be allowed.
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I was going to "like" your response to acknowledge that I have read it, agreed with you that those numbers are sickening, and your assessment of your situation absolutely not being right and/or should not be allowed; however, there was nothing "likable" about a disheartening and deplorable situation, so I thought I would instead respond to acknowledge ya. 😔
Everyone should definitely be cautious about giving opinions about a situation that involves sexual assault.

For all we know this lady could be a nutter.
Posted by 777

Everyone should definitely be cautious about giving opinions about a situation that involves sexual assault.

For all we know this lady could be a nutter.

You mean isn't free, reliable, legal advice in addition to its many other quality, dependable, functions such as Free: Astrology/Tarot, Relationship, Music, Political, Psychological, Human Behavior, and/or Etcetera!?! Who would have thunk it?

(I did mention that they should contact RAINN, but that comment was conveniently overlooked it seemed since there was no mention of it.)
