Tea on Jada, Will, August

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by stillstillwater on Saturday, July 11, 2020 and has 78 replies.
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So if they were sooo sure that they won't get back together aka separation, why is Will so butthurt ??!

It makes sense why August is hurt bcz he thought Jada left Will and they were going to be together so obviously he got hurt when she left him.

Will - Libra Scorpio Moon

Jada - Virgo , Virgo moon

August - Virgo, Sag Moon

What do u guys think about this whole love triangle??

August says that he got Will's blessing to be with Jada... So why is Will so upset?

I don't really get the whole nothing because to me the narrative is as follows:

- Jada & Will separate (they both said they were done w each other and thought would never get back together)

- August is introduced to the family and connects with Jada

- August sees the amicable separation but still asks Will if it's okay and supposedly Will is ok with it

- Jada leaves August to get back w Will

- August is broken hearted so he breaks all communication with Jada completely ( very Virgo thing)

Years pass and this comes to light....

Now that it's in the media, Will is acting all like what happened?? And it seems he sees it as cheating. Whereas Jada and August see it as Will and Jada were separated.

So why is Will acting so hurt about this ? I'm confused. Is it because of his Scorpio moon who just doesn't want to think that no matter what Jada was a someone else regardless if they were together or not.
Posted by LittleStar_II

I think they’ve always had a somewhat open marriage but society doesn’t want to see that because it ruins the narrative.

I don’t give a fuck. They can do what they want.
I don't think they're in an open relationship. I think they've reached a deep level of loyalty where it's like IF you do cheat I will still be with you. I will be hurt and there will be problems but I will not leave you. That's NOT an open relationship. But people can't understand that level of unconditional love and loyalty so they call it an open relationship.

Also open relationship is more click bait than loyalty and life partnership.
Posted by smol

🤝 Capricorn men - Libra men 🤝
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Posted by PhoenixStorm

I don’t think August is hurt at all. Lol I think he used this “entanglement” as a publicity stunt to promote his album. I think Jada was used and doesn’t even realize it. That’s just my opinion.

And I never realized how imbalanced the marriage is between Will and Jada (although they are both actors, so I could obviously be way off base with my observation) but Jada seems self centered while Will seems relationship centered. She was all like “MY healing, MY childhood trauma, I wanted to feel good, hadn’t felt good in long time and the part about nobody can give permission except her”. While Will kept talking about unconditional love, etc.. and she said she didn’t consider it a transgression which shows she feels no remorse or regret. (Again, just my thoughts)

HOWEVER.. when he had said “I’ll get you back” and she said “you already did” that makes me wonder if it’s one of those situations where they have both cheated and they both know they’re not enough for each other, but they hold onto what’s familiar and continue to try to “one-up” each other.. which is toxic as hell. They are definitely not “relationship goals” for me.
Damn def not relationship goals I agree!!! And I didn't notice the difference in language between the I and we from Jada and Will... Good point on that.

But if that's true about August he must be an amazing actor because his voice shaking and him saying words like he was broken and felt like he died and was a different person after... Damn that's very deep to protend.
Posted by KimboSlice
Posted by smol

🤝 Capricorn men - Libra men 🤝

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Posted by smol

🤝 Capricorn men - Libra men 🤝

made for each other
Posted by xy_sigh
Posted by stillstillwater
Posted by LittleStar_II

I think they’ve always had a somewhat open marriage but society doesn’t want to see that because it ruins the narrative.

I don’t give a fuck. They can do what they want.

I don't think they're in an open relationship. I think they've reached a deep level of loyalty where it's like IF you do cheat I will still be with you. I will be hurt and there will be problems but I will not leave you. That's NOT an open relationship. But people can't understand that level of unconditional love and loyalty so they call it an open relationship.

Also open relationship is more click bait than loyalty and life partnership.

That's an interesting way to look at it.

Man. If that's unconditional love, I don't want it in a romantic relationship.
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There's part of that that I truly understand. It's very enticing and enthralling to be with someone to state we will be together nno matter what, no matter the transgression.... And I will be hurt and there will be hell to pay but we promise we will not abandon each other.

Thats intoxicating for those with abandonment issues I suppose.

And there is a nobility to that type of loyalty.

But I also wonder how healthy is it... To suffer alongside someone with a pact like that. I wonder if the threat of leaving an unhappy relationship is also something that actually keeps it together.

Yet with that there's deep trust that that person is always trying to be a better version of themselves so their goal is not to see how much they get away with bit to be able to make mistakes and be human still knowing they have their partner beside them.
Scorpio moon...enough said. He was alllllll in even after him saying he was done with her...unless she did something horrible to him...he was never done. Just my observation but they are both actors so all this could just be to help make them relevant again.
Posted by xy_sigh
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by xy_sigh
Posted by stillstillwater
Posted by LittleStar_II

I think they’ve always had a somewhat open marriage but society doesn’t want to see that because it ruins the narrative.

I don’t give a fuck. They can do what they want.

I don't think they're in an open relationship. I think they've reached a deep level of loyalty where it's like IF you do cheat I will still be with you. I will be hurt and there will be problems but I will not leave you. That's NOT an open relationship. But people can't understand that level of unconditional love and loyalty so they call it an open relationship.

Also open relationship is more click bait than loyalty and life partnership.

That's an interesting way to look at it.

Man. If that's unconditional love, I don't want it in a romantic relationship.

Apparently being in an open relationship is “click bait” but letting your partner cheat on you over and over and staying is loyalty. 🙄🙄🙄🙄

Please don’t sign me up.

I think I can understand both but it seems that open relationship has more of a clear path.
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I disagree. Open relationship means to be okay with your partner transgressing but this pact is that even though I'm not okay with it, we will work it out. And I believe in your intention that you want to grow as a person and a cheater is not who you want to be. And I'll be there along your side to get there. It's about supporting each other's growth. 🤔
Posted by xy_sigh
Posted by stillstillwater
Posted by xy_sigh
Posted by stillstillwater
Posted by LittleStar_II

I think they’ve always had a somewhat open marriage but society doesn’t want to see that because it ruins the narrative.

I don’t give a fuck. They can do what they want.

I don't think they're in an open relationship. I think they've reached a deep level of loyalty where it's like IF you do cheat I will still be with you. I will be hurt and there will be problems but I will not leave you. That's NOT an open relationship. But people can't understand that level of unconditional love and loyalty so they call it an open relationship.

Also open relationship is more click bait than loyalty and life partnership.

That's an interesting way to look at it.

Man. If that's unconditional love, I don't want it in a romantic relationship.

There's part of that that I truly understand. It's very enticing and enthralling to be with someone to state we will be together nno matter what, no matter the transgression.... And I will be hurt and there will be hell to pay but we promise we will not abandon each other.

Thats intoxicating for those with abandonment issues I suppose.

And there is a nobility to that type of loyalty.

But I also wonder how healthy is it... To suffer alongside someone with a pact like that. I wonder if the threat of leaving an unhappy relationship is also something that actually keeps it together.

Yet with that there's deep trust that that person is always trying to be a better version of themselves so their goal is not to see how much they get away with bit to be able to make mistakes and be human still knowing they have their partner beside them.

But it's an open contract and susceptible to unfair treatment of the other person... Or am I looking at this the wrong way? It seems more of a one way street, where one person loves more than the other.
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Yes absolutely.. it leaves the door open to mistreatment but I guess that's why it feels sacred to me because that's how much you trust them and that's how much you're in the trenches with them.

You'd really have to have a strong heart and a place of self-happiness that you can draw on in times of trouble.
But I don't think Jada and Will have a healthy relationship.

It's probably more out of fear of not finding the same attachment elsewhere.

But that's kind of like love isn't it ? The fear of not finding it again ?
Posted by stillstillwater
Posted by LittleStar_II

I think they’ve always had a somewhat open marriage but society doesn’t want to see that because it ruins the narrative.

I don’t give a fuck. They can do what they want.

I don't think they're in an open relationship. I think they've reached a deep level of loyalty where it's like IF you do cheat I will still be with you. I will be hurt and there will be problems but I will not leave you. That's NOT an open relationship. But people can't understand that level of unconditional love and loyalty so they call it an open relationship.

Also open relationship is more click bait than loyalty and life partnership.
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I agree only because my husband has the same chart as Will Smith

Libra-Scorp people don’t do open relationships, they just don’t let anything go 😂
What a messy 'woke' family.

We don't know these Hollyweird people.

But I don't like Jada, she has an off vibe to her.

That combination is stupid loyal at the heart and they’re very sentimental creatures

Even if Jada was with someone else, and he was deeply hurt by this (cause I don’t believe for one second he’d be cool with it), she’s still his great love and there’s virtually nothing she can do to change that. Even if he moved on too...he’d never truly move on. He’d drop everything in a second for her...if even just to punish her for the rest of her life 😆

I promise you it’s something he brings up regularly

Posted by LittleStar_II

Jada was in love with Tupac and settled for Will.

Jada is in love with Jada.
I see this a lot differently than others I guess. I can truly see and feel how codependency affected Jada and her decision making because I went through a long bout of it myself, and coming to terms with being okay as a person not dependent on another. I heard a lot of her statements in a way of growth for herself, taking responsibility for herself outside of relationships. He made a lot of “we” statements while she really tried to come from a personal place with her “I” statements, not speaking for the both of them or them as a pair but for herself and her own emotions. I think it’s got to be incredibly hard to be that raw about yourself and your relationships when you are that level of fame. I didn’t hear Will do a lot from his feelings besides just wondering what she had to say about it all. He was really trying to take it all in but without revealing too much about himself and his own feelings. Clearly he was hurt but I don’t see it as hurt necessarily from the relationship she had with August, but that he had to come to terms with what love meant for him. Through the good times and the bad. I think they do a great job of at least portraying what real love means to me, through all obstacles. And when you get together rather young, you are bound to change along your journey. She, and probably Will too, obviously had some growth to do within themselves and having to admit that you’re not perfect, you get lost and make mistakes and have to find yourself again is part of growing up. And they still loved each other through everything, thats what remained what’s important was that love for each other. I find this to be a really good talk for them. It’s a hard thing to talk about, especially publicly. I think they are doing what they think they can to save a marriage that obviously means the world to the both of them. I think that’s all that matters.

I think Jada was honest about just wanting to feel good again. When you go through a very public separation and marriage troubles in general, you get tired of feeling crappy especially when you aren’t clearly communicating with your significant other or they just aren’t hearing it. It seems like she truly cared for August and did love him in a way, but like she said she was looking to fix someone because she herself was broken. Codependency is like that, it’s a distraction from doing the work on yourself to focus on helping someone else get better. All the while, you remain broken so when they are fixed—you’re back at square one and that person doesn’t need you like they once did. You’re back to being that same broken person. I can tell August truly loved her and he’s on a good road to healing from it in the way he sees it—not everyone gets to experience love like that, giving of yourself completely. The age difference and the again, the growth Jada had to do on herself caused them to grow away from each other. They were what they needed at the time. But once Jada started healing herself, she probably gained more perspective on what she truly wanted in life, and she chose her marriage. I don’t think there’s a right and wrong in all of this. It’s unfortunate people got hurt, but that’s life. You live and your learn. I think August will love again, now that he knows what it means for him. I think the next person he decides to go all in with will marry him if she’s on the same level. As for Will and Jada, I’m actually happy they found each other again. To me, it’s the true test of love because real love doesn’t just dissolve. It’s complicated and it’s raw and it’s unpredictable besides the one constant, that your willing to work for it. I dunno, I’ve been through a lot with myself and relationships so again I think I see this differently than others. Maybe I’m still fucked up lol, but I’m still trying to grow personally every single day and not place my own happiness on anyone else. I could probably pick this apart all day lol.
I don't know but I'm just surprised Jada left him for a man because she always seems so manly to me I thought she should be with another woman.
Posted by xy_sigh
Posted by LittleStar_II

Jada was in love with Tupac and settled for Will.


So does this mean, we're the one for virgo's ??
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Who is "we're"?
Sooooo after talking to the Libra and some other friends etc I now see that she cheated.... Because they asked for space to work on themselves not to date other people.

Do you guys think it was miscommunication or she knew that it would be considered cheating and did it anyways??

Because if it's the second, she's not sorry at all.
Will is hurt because he feels second best constantly, first it was Tupac, and then anyone else who catches Jada's attention. I personally think the reason they're relationship is different than the standard monogamous is because they're spiritually beings, they don't want restraints, but most of all I think the one bending in the relationship to satisfy is Will. Regardless of it being a joined decision it seems to me that Jada has no qualms following the wave of personal growth so as long as it heals the hole Tupac left within her. She is selfish whether good or bad, that's up to her close loved ones to speak on. Personally, I would be uncomfortable in such situation but I respect Jada's have your cake and eat it too quest.
Strategic marketing at its finest
Posted by PhoenixStorm

I don’t think August is hurt at all. Lol I think he used this “entanglement” as a publicity stunt to promote his album. I think Jada was used and doesn’t even realize it. That’s just my opinion.

HOWEVER.. when he had said “I’ll get you back” and she said “you already did” that makes me wonder if it’s one of those situations where they have both cheated and they both know they’re not enough for each other, but they hold onto what’s familiar and continue to try to “one-up” each other.. which is toxic as hell. They are definitely not “relationship goals” for me.

I'm sure they both have cheated before. Probably they got back together to protect assets and that's it. When Will said "I'll get you back" that could be interpreted another way as well. After all he is a Libra who might say something one way while meaning it another. He can definitely get more women than she can men.
I didnt read through this thread

Buttt allegedly

Will Smith is Gay.. His lover for years was Duane Martin.. Leo man with aqua moon, Will is Libra man with Scorpio moon. Fixed moon loving right there..

Tisha Campbell was Duane Martin wife for years, libra lady.. When she divorced Duane, she said Will came between her marriage and thats why it ended. Nobody paid her any mind

Fast forward to 2020

Jada is being exposed for one of her many affairs, which happens to be August. Both are virgos. Jada is virgo moon, August is Sag moon.

Also August needed promo for his new music

Deep down, truly I dont think any feelings are hurt..

Its Hollywood, they act for a living...

Jada and Will accepted each other for what it is and I don't think the world can understand

True love....
Posted by stillstillwater
Posted by LittleStar_II

I think they’ve always had a somewhat open marriage but society doesn’t want to see that because it ruins the narrative.

I don’t give a fuck. They can do what they want.

I don't think they're in an open relationship. I think they've reached a deep level of loyalty where it's like IF you do cheat I will still be with you. I will be hurt and there will be problems but I will not leave you. That's NOT an open relationship. But people can't understand that level of unconditional love and loyalty so they call it an open relationship.

Also open relationship is more click bait than loyalty and life partnership.
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this is a really good point
Posted by FactCheck

Keker Palmer (virgo) is involved too. I got a virgo drama vid on youtube about it recommended to me...

august likes virgo women way too much

but srsly will set the template of their relationship
Posted by stillstillwater

Sooooo after talking to the Libra and some other friends etc I now see that she cheated.... Because they asked for space to work on themselves not to date other people.

Do you guys think it was miscommunication or she knew that it would be considered cheating and did it anyways??

Because if it's the second, she's not sorry at all.

i've noticed that a bunch of famous women in open marriages are virgo. imo it's probably coz of the ability to detach. personally, if someone i care for thinks this is something they need (and it's a union i can't leave for.... reasons). i'd probably do my best to detach the way she did. and with that double virgo/airy chart, i don't doubt she'd have trouble doing it too. she'd be capable of cold, hard reasoning that doesn't always accommodate sentimentalities.

it's for self-preservation... and well, isn't this what you wanted?
Posted by ELIGAB

I didnt read through this thread

Buttt allegedly

Will Smith is Gay.. His lover for years was Duane Martin.. Leo man with aqua moon, Will is Libra man with Scorpio moon. Fixed moon loving right there..

Tisha Campbell was Duane Martin wife for years, libra lady.. When she divorced Duane, she said Will came between her marriage and thats why it ended. Nobody paid her any mind

Fast forward to 2020

Jada is being exposed for one of her many affairs, which happens to be August. Both are virgos. Jada is virgo moon, August is Sag moon.

Also August needed promo for his new music

Deep down, truly I dont think any feelings are hurt..

Its Hollywood, they act for a living...

this won't happen with an aries man

coz the line will be drawn so clearly

you seen this?

jada is all virgo customer service

while will's got these scorpio moon eyes all hurt

Posted by LittleStar_II

Love isn’t permanent. The faster people recognize that the better for their mental health.

No one will ever be there for you 100% and it’s not even all that healthy.

The sooner you can mourn the relationship and move on the better. Trying to make it work is usually just prolonging a dead relationship to the detriment of everyone around you.

Exactly. Why is this viewpoint not considered more often. The thing is though, I think it's up the individual to weigh in whether its best to leave a relationship or not and in this case, Will decided he didn't want to throw Jada away after all.
Posted by LittleStar_II

Jada was in love with Tupac and settled for Will.


I was just about to write that.

She’s still in love with him and piece of her died when he did
Posted by ELIGAB

I didnt read through this thread

Buttt allegedly

Will Smith is Gay.. His lover for years was Duane Martin.. Leo man with aqua moon, Will is Libra man with Scorpio moon. Fixed moon loving right there..

Tisha Campbell was Duane Martin wife for years, libra lady.. When she divorced Duane, she said Will came between her marriage and thats why it ended. Nobody paid her any mind

Fast forward to 2020

Jada is being exposed for one of her many affairs, which happens to be August. Both are virgos. Jada is virgo moon, August is Sag moon.

Also August needed promo for his new music

Deep down, truly I dont think any feelings are hurt..

Its Hollywood, they act for a living...


Yep, pretty much sums it up
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by ELIGAB

I didnt read through this thread

Buttt allegedly

Will Smith is Gay.. His lover for years was Duane Martin.. Leo man with aqua moon, Will is Libra man with Scorpio moon. Fixed moon loving right there..

Tisha Campbell was Duane Martin wife for years, libra lady.. When she divorced Duane, she said Will came between her marriage and thats why it ended. Nobody paid her any mind

Fast forward to 2020

Jada is being exposed for one of her many affairs, which happens to be August. Both are virgos. Jada is virgo moon, August is Sag moon.

Also August needed promo for his new music

Deep down, truly I dont think any feelings are hurt..

Its Hollywood, they act for a living...


this won't happen with an aries man

coz the line will be drawn so clearly

you seen this?

jada is all virgo customer service

while will's got these scorpio moon eyes all hurt

click to expand
Will is a great actor...

Scorpio moon at that..

Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by stillstillwater

Sooooo after talking to the Libra and some other friends etc I now see that she cheated.... Because they asked for space to work on themselves not to date other people.

Do you guys think it was miscommunication or she knew that it would be considered cheating and did it anyways??

Because if it's the second, she's not sorry at all.

i've noticed that a bunch of famous women in open marriages are virgo. imo it's probably coz of the ability to detach. personally, if someone i care for thinks this is something they need (and it's a union i can't leave for.... reasons). i'd probably do my best to detach the way she did. and with that double virgo/airy chart, i don't doubt she'd have trouble doing it too. she'd be capable of cold, hard reasoning that doesn't always accommodate sentimentalities.

it's for self-preservation... and well, isn't this what you wanted?
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Me and my ex scorpio sun/scorpio moon had a very similar relationship...

Until I decided to walk away.....

Truly believe scorpio moon needs a judgement-free zone because they really have alot of secrets

Posted by ELIGAB
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by ELIGAB

I didnt read through this thread

Buttt allegedly

Will Smith is Gay.. His lover for years was Duane Martin.. Leo man with aqua moon, Will is Libra man with Scorpio moon. Fixed moon loving right there..

Tisha Campbell was Duane Martin wife for years, libra lady.. When she divorced Duane, she said Will came between her marriage and thats why it ended. Nobody paid her any mind

Fast forward to 2020

Jada is being exposed for one of her many affairs, which happens to be August. Both are virgos. Jada is virgo moon, August is Sag moon.

Also August needed promo for his new music

Deep down, truly I dont think any feelings are hurt..

Its Hollywood, they act for a living...


this won't happen with an aries man

coz the line will be drawn so clearly

you seen this?

jada is all virgo customer service

while will's got these scorpio moon eyes all hurt

Will is a great actor...

Scorpio moon at that..

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i don't think so, more like he didn't know exactly what he was doing

when he told her how their relationship works

turns out they were never really on the same page

you can't be vague with virgos
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by ELIGAB
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by ELIGAB

I didnt read through this thread

Buttt allegedly

Will Smith is Gay.. His lover for years was Duane Martin.. Leo man with aqua moon, Will is Libra man with Scorpio moon. Fixed moon loving right there..

Tisha Campbell was Duane Martin wife for years, libra lady.. When she divorced Duane, she said Will came between her marriage and thats why it ended. Nobody paid her any mind

Fast forward to 2020

Jada is being exposed for one of her many affairs, which happens to be August. Both are virgos. Jada is virgo moon, August is Sag moon.

Also August needed promo for his new music

Deep down, truly I dont think any feelings are hurt..

Its Hollywood, they act for a living...


this won't happen with an aries man

coz the line will be drawn so clearly

you seen this?

jada is all virgo customer service

while will's got these scorpio moon eyes all hurt

Will is a great actor...

Scorpio moon at that..


i don't think so, more like he didn't know exactly what he was doing

when he told her how their relationship works

turns out they were never really on the same page

you can't be vague with virgos
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I think it's all rehearsal for her online show....

Not fooling me....
Posted by ELIGAB
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by stillstillwater

Sooooo after talking to the Libra and some other friends etc I now see that she cheated.... Because they asked for space to work on themselves not to date other people.

Do you guys think it was miscommunication or she knew that it would be considered cheating and did it anyways??

Because if it's the second, she's not sorry at all.

i've noticed that a bunch of famous women in open marriages are virgo. imo it's probably coz of the ability to detach. personally, if someone i care for thinks this is something they need (and it's a union i can't leave for.... reasons). i'd probably do my best to detach the way she did. and with that double virgo/airy chart, i don't doubt she'd have trouble doing it too. she'd be capable of cold, hard reasoning that doesn't always accommodate sentimentalities.

it's for self-preservation... and well, isn't this what you wanted?

Me and my ex scorpio sun/scorpio moon had a very similar relationship...

Until I decided to walk away.....

Truly believe scorpio moon needs a judgement-free zone because they really have alot of secrets

click to expand
my problem with scorpio suns or scorpio moons

them: "how DARE you lie about your fave color?"

me: "i don't even know your fake fave color."

you can't expect anything of value when you've barely shelled out anything yourself
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by ELIGAB
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by ELIGAB

I didnt read through this thread

Buttt allegedly

Will Smith is Gay.. His lover for years was Duane Martin.. Leo man with aqua moon, Will is Libra man with Scorpio moon. Fixed moon loving right there..

Tisha Campbell was Duane Martin wife for years, libra lady.. When she divorced Duane, she said Will came between her marriage and thats why it ended. Nobody paid her any mind

Fast forward to 2020

Jada is being exposed for one of her many affairs, which happens to be August. Both are virgos. Jada is virgo moon, August is Sag moon.

Also August needed promo for his new music

Deep down, truly I dont think any feelings are hurt..

Its Hollywood, they act for a living...


this won't happen with an aries man

coz the line will be drawn so clearly

you seen this?

jada is all virgo customer service

while will's got these scorpio moon eyes all hurt

Will is a great actor...

Scorpio moon at that..


i don't think so, more like he didn't know exactly what he was doing

when he told her how their relationship works

turns out they were never really on the same page

you can't be vague with virgos
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They've been doing damage control for their marriage for the past 15-20yrs

Everything is coming to light in 2020

Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by ELIGAB
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by stillstillwater

Sooooo after talking to the Libra and some other friends etc I now see that she cheated.... Because they asked for space to work on themselves not to date other people.

Do you guys think it was miscommunication or she knew that it would be considered cheating and did it anyways??

Because if it's the second, she's not sorry at all.

i've noticed that a bunch of famous women in open marriages are virgo. imo it's probably coz of the ability to detach. personally, if someone i care for thinks this is something they need (and it's a union i can't leave for.... reasons). i'd probably do my best to detach the way she did. and with that double virgo/airy chart, i don't doubt she'd have trouble doing it too. she'd be capable of cold, hard reasoning that doesn't always accommodate sentimentalities.

it's for self-preservation... and well, isn't this what you wanted?

Me and my ex scorpio sun/scorpio moon had a very similar relationship...

Until I decided to walk away.....

Truly believe scorpio moon needs a judgement-free zone because they really have alot of secrets


my problem with scorpio suns or scorpio moons

them: "how DARE you lie about your fave color?"

me: "i don't even know your fake fave color."

you can't expect anything of value when you've barely shelled out anything yourself
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It's quite boring honestly

When a scorpio is not shelling things out, they usually have alot to hide

In my experience
Posted by ELIGAB
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by ELIGAB
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by stillstillwater

Sooooo after talking to the Libra and some other friends etc I now see that she cheated.... Because they asked for space to work on themselves not to date other people.

Do you guys think it was miscommunication or she knew that it would be considered cheating and did it anyways??

Because if it's the second, she's not sorry at all.

i've noticed that a bunch of famous women in open marriages are virgo. imo it's probably coz of the ability to detach. personally, if someone i care for thinks this is something they need (and it's a union i can't leave for.... reasons). i'd probably do my best to detach the way she did. and with that double virgo/airy chart, i don't doubt she'd have trouble doing it too. she'd be capable of cold, hard reasoning that doesn't always accommodate sentimentalities.

it's for self-preservation... and well, isn't this what you wanted?

Me and my ex scorpio sun/scorpio moon had a very similar relationship...

Until I decided to walk away.....

Truly believe scorpio moon needs a judgement-free zone because they really have alot of secrets


my problem with scorpio suns or scorpio moons

them: "how DARE you lie about your fave color?"

me: "i don't even know your fake fave color."

you can't expect anything of value when you've barely shelled out anything yourself

It's quite boring honestly

When a scorpio is not shelling things out, they usually have alot to hide

In my experience
click to expand
we do better with people who are more openly emotional, less restrained

Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by ELIGAB
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by ELIGAB
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by stillstillwater

Sooooo after talking to the Libra and some other friends etc I now see that she cheated.... Because they asked for space to work on themselves not to date other people.

Do you guys think it was miscommunication or she knew that it would be considered cheating and did it anyways??

Because if it's the second, she's not sorry at all.

i've noticed that a bunch of famous women in open marriages are virgo. imo it's probably coz of the ability to detach. personally, if someone i care for thinks this is something they need (and it's a union i can't leave for.... reasons). i'd probably do my best to detach the way she did. and with that double virgo/airy chart, i don't doubt she'd have trouble doing it too. she'd be capable of cold, hard reasoning that doesn't always accommodate sentimentalities.

it's for self-preservation... and well, isn't this what you wanted?

Me and my ex scorpio sun/scorpio moon had a very similar relationship...

Until I decided to walk away.....

Truly believe scorpio moon needs a judgement-free zone because they really have alot of secrets


my problem with scorpio suns or scorpio moons

them: "how DARE you lie about your fave color?"

me: "i don't even know your fake fave color."

you can't expect anything of value when you've barely shelled out anything yourself

It's quite boring honestly

When a scorpio is not shelling things out, they usually have alot to hide

In my experience

we do better with people who are more openly emotional, less restrained

click to expand
Say that again...

My boyfriend have fire placements and I'm never confused lol....

Posted by ELIGAB
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by ELIGAB
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by ELIGAB
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by stillstillwater

Sooooo after talking to the Libra and some other friends etc I now see that she cheated.... Because they asked for space to work on themselves not to date other people.

Do you guys think it was miscommunication or she knew that it would be considered cheating and did it anyways??

Because if it's the second, she's not sorry at all.

i've noticed that a bunch of famous women in open marriages are virgo. imo it's probably coz of the ability to detach. personally, if someone i care for thinks this is something they need (and it's a union i can't leave for.... reasons). i'd probably do my best to detach the way she did. and with that double virgo/airy chart, i don't doubt she'd have trouble doing it too. she'd be capable of cold, hard reasoning that doesn't always accommodate sentimentalities.

it's for self-preservation... and well, isn't this what you wanted?

Me and my ex scorpio sun/scorpio moon had a very similar relationship...

Until I decided to walk away.....

Truly believe scorpio moon needs a judgement-free zone because they really have alot of secrets


my problem with scorpio suns or scorpio moons

them: "how DARE you lie about your fave color?"

me: "i don't even know your fake fave color."

you can't expect anything of value when you've barely shelled out anything yourself

It's quite boring honestly

When a scorpio is not shelling things out, they usually have alot to hide

In my experience

we do better with people who are more openly emotional, less restrained


Say that again...

My boyfriend have fire placements and I'm never confused lol....

click to expand
i'm in the most emotionally-packed relationship. and it's working great. why is that? coz the cap sun/pisces moon never makes me feel ashamed for expressing my feelings. i receive no punishment when i cry or admit to being hurt. but if he'd been cold to me or insulted me at times when i lose control of my emotions, then i'd have been more restrained. and i'd probably turn out to be as cold as jada.

gotta say she has the coldest eyes like they're pretty but brrrrr.
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by ELIGAB
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by ELIGAB
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by ELIGAB
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by stillstillwater

Sooooo after talking to the Libra and some other friends etc I now see that she cheated.... Because they asked for space to work on themselves not to date other people.

Do you guys think it was miscommunication or she knew that it would be considered cheating and did it anyways??

Because if it's the second, she's not sorry at all.

i've noticed that a bunch of famous women in open marriages are virgo. imo it's probably coz of the ability to detach. personally, if someone i care for thinks this is something they need (and it's a union i can't leave for.... reasons). i'd probably do my best to detach the way she did. and with that double virgo/airy chart, i don't doubt she'd have trouble doing it too. she'd be capable of cold, hard reasoning that doesn't always accommodate sentimentalities.

it's for self-preservation... and well, isn't this what you wanted?

Me and my ex scorpio sun/scorpio moon had a very similar relationship...

Until I decided to walk away.....

Truly believe scorpio moon needs a judgement-free zone because they really have alot of secrets


my problem with scorpio suns or scorpio moons

them: "how DARE you lie about your fave color?"

me: "i don't even know your fake fave color."

you can't expect anything of value when you've barely shelled out anything yourself

It's quite boring honestly

When a scorpio is not shelling things out, they usually have alot to hide

In my experience

we do better with people who are more openly emotional, less restrained


Say that again...

My boyfriend have fire placements and I'm never confused lol....


i'm in the most emotionally-packed relationship. and it's working great. why is that? coz the cap sun/pisces moon never makes me feel ashamed for expressing my feelings. i receive no punishment when i cry or admit to being hurt. but if he'd been cold to me or insulted me at times when i lose control of my emotions, then i'd have been more restrained. and i'd probably turn out to be as cold as jada.

gotta say she has the coldest eyes like they're pretty but brrrrr.
click to expand

Virgo eyes hold the truth.........
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by ELIGAB
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by ELIGAB
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by ELIGAB
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by stillstillwater

Sooooo after talking to the Libra and some other friends etc I now see that she cheated.... Because they asked for space to work on themselves not to date other people.

Do you guys think it was miscommunication or she knew that it would be considered cheating and did it anyways??

Because if it's the second, she's not sorry at all.

i've noticed that a bunch of famous women in open marriages are virgo. imo it's probably coz of the ability to detach. personally, if someone i care for thinks this is something they need (and it's a union i can't leave for.... reasons). i'd probably do my best to detach the way she did. and with that double virgo/airy chart, i don't doubt she'd have trouble doing it too. she'd be capable of cold, hard reasoning that doesn't always accommodate sentimentalities.

it's for self-preservation... and well, isn't this what you wanted?

Me and my ex scorpio sun/scorpio moon had a very similar relationship...

Until I decided to walk away.....

Truly believe scorpio moon needs a judgement-free zone because they really have alot of secrets


my problem with scorpio suns or scorpio moons

them: "how DARE you lie about your fave color?"

me: "i don't even know your fake fave color."

you can't expect anything of value when you've barely shelled out anything yourself

It's quite boring honestly

When a scorpio is not shelling things out, they usually have alot to hide

In my experience

we do better with people who are more openly emotional, less restrained


Say that again...

My boyfriend have fire placements and I'm never confused lol....


i'm in the most emotionally-packed relationship. and it's working great. why is that? coz the cap sun/pisces moon never makes me feel ashamed for expressing my feelings. i receive no punishment when i cry or admit to being hurt. but if he'd been cold to me or insulted me at times when i lose control of my emotions, then i'd have been more restrained. and i'd probably turn out to be as cold as jada.

gotta say she has the coldest eyes like they're pretty but brrrrr.
click to expand
In general

Do you think you're better with feminine moon signs?
Posted by LittleStar_II

I wonder how Jaden feels about his mom hooking up with someone only 6 years older than him.

“People Think A RelationShip Makes You Whole, That It’s Two 50% ’s Coming Together To Make 100% When It Should Be Two 100% ’s Making 200% .” – Jaden Smith
Posted by ELIGAB
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by ELIGAB
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by ELIGAB
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by ELIGAB
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by stillstillwater

Sooooo after talking to the Libra and some other friends etc I now see that she cheated.... Because they asked for space to work on themselves not to date other people.

Do you guys think it was miscommunication or she knew that it would be considered cheating and did it anyways??

Because if it's the second, she's not sorry at all.

i've noticed that a bunch of famous women in open marriages are virgo. imo it's probably coz of the ability to detach. personally, if someone i care for thinks this is something they need (and it's a union i can't leave for.... reasons). i'd probably do my best to detach the way she did. and with that double virgo/airy chart, i don't doubt she'd have trouble doing it too. she'd be capable of cold, hard reasoning that doesn't always accommodate sentimentalities.

it's for self-preservation... and well, isn't this what you wanted?

Me and my ex scorpio sun/scorpio moon had a very similar relationship...

Until I decided to walk away.....

Truly believe scorpio moon needs a judgement-free zone because they really have alot of secrets


my problem with scorpio suns or scorpio moons

them: "how DARE you lie about your fave color?"

me: "i don't even know your fake fave color."

you can't expect anything of value when you've barely shelled out anything yourself

It's quite boring honestly

When a scorpio is not shelling things out, they usually have alot to hide

In my experience

we do better with people who are more openly emotional, less restrained


Say that again...

My boyfriend have fire placements and I'm never confused lol....


i'm in the most emotionally-packed relationship. and it's working great. why is that? coz the cap sun/pisces moon never makes me feel ashamed for expressing my feelings. i receive no punishment when i cry or admit to being hurt. but if he'd been cold to me or insulted me at times when i lose control of my emotions, then i'd have been more restrained. and i'd probably turn out to be as cold as jada.

gotta say she has the coldest eyes like they're pretty but brrrrr.

In general

Do you think you're better with feminine moon signs?
click to expand
i guess
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by ELIGAB
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by ELIGAB
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by ELIGAB
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by ELIGAB
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by stillstillwater

Sooooo after talking to the Libra and some other friends etc I now see that she cheated.... Because they asked for space to work on themselves not to date other people.

Do you guys think it was miscommunication or she knew that it would be considered cheating and did it anyways??

Because if it's the second, she's not sorry at all.

i've noticed that a bunch of famous women in open marriages are virgo. imo it's probably coz of the ability to detach. personally, if someone i care for thinks this is something they need (and it's a union i can't leave for.... reasons). i'd probably do my best to detach the way she did. and with that double virgo/airy chart, i don't doubt she'd have trouble doing it too. she'd be capable of cold, hard reasoning that doesn't always accommodate sentimentalities.

it's for self-preservation... and well, isn't this what you wanted?

Me and my ex scorpio sun/scorpio moon had a very similar relationship...

Until I decided to walk away.....

Truly believe scorpio moon needs a judgement-free zone because they really have alot of secrets


my problem with scorpio suns or scorpio moons

them: "how DARE you lie about your fave color?"

me: "i don't even know your fake fave color."

you can't expect anything of value when you've barely shelled out anything yourself

It's quite boring honestly

When a scorpio is not shelling things out, they usually have alot to hide

In my experience

we do better with people who are more openly emotional, less restrained


Say that again...

My boyfriend have fire placements and I'm never confused lol....


i'm in the most emotionally-packed relationship. and it's working great. why is that? coz the cap sun/pisces moon never makes me feel ashamed for expressing my feelings. i receive no punishment when i cry or admit to being hurt. but if he'd been cold to me or insulted me at times when i lose control of my emotions, then i'd have been more restrained. and i'd probably turn out to be as cold as jada.

gotta say she has the coldest eyes like they're pretty but brrrrr.

In general

Do you think you're better with feminine moon signs?

i guess
click to expand
I thought I was better with feminine moon but I think I like masculine moon better

But then again, I'm always changing my confused mind

Posted by ELIGAB
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by ELIGAB
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by ELIGAB
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by ELIGAB
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by ELIGAB
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by stillstillwater

Sooooo after talking to the Libra and some other friends etc I now see that she cheated.... Because they asked for space to work on themselves not to date other people.

Do you guys think it was miscommunication or she knew that it would be considered cheating and did it anyways??

Because if it's the second, she's not sorry at all.

i've noticed that a bunch of famous women in open marriages are virgo. imo it's probably coz of the ability to detach. personally, if someone i care for thinks this is something they need (and it's a union i can't leave for.... reasons). i'd probably do my best to detach the way she did. and with that double virgo/airy chart, i don't doubt she'd have trouble doing it too. she'd be capable of cold, hard reasoning that doesn't always accommodate sentimentalities.

it's for self-preservation... and well, isn't this what you wanted?

Me and my ex scorpio sun/scorpio moon had a very similar relationship...

Until I decided to walk away.....

Truly believe scorpio moon needs a judgement-free zone because they really have alot of secrets


my problem with scorpio suns or scorpio moons

them: "how DARE you lie about your fave color?"

me: "i don't even know your fake fave color."

you can't expect anything of value when you've barely shelled out anything yourself

It's quite boring honestly

When a scorpio is not shelling things out, they usually have alot to hide

In my experience

we do better with people who are more openly emotional, less restrained


Say that again...

My boyfriend have fire placements and I'm never confused lol....


i'm in the most emotionally-packed relationship. and it's working great. why is that? coz the cap sun/pisces moon never makes me feel ashamed for expressing my feelings. i receive no punishment when i cry or admit to being hurt. but if he'd been cold to me or insulted me at times when i lose control of my emotions, then i'd have been more restrained. and i'd probably turn out to be as cold as jada.

gotta say she has the coldest eyes like they're pretty but brrrrr.

In general

Do you think you're better with feminine moon signs?

i guess

I thought I was better with feminine moon but I think I like masculine moon better

But then again, I'm always changing my confused mind

click to expand
i think virgos in general should be with aries suns or pisces moons

helps to get out of that emotional shell

especially virgals like jada
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by ELIGAB
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by ELIGAB
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by ELIGAB
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by ELIGAB
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by ELIGAB
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by stillstillwater

Sooooo after talking to the Libra and some other friends etc I now see that she cheated.... Because they asked for space to work on themselves not to date other people.

Do you guys think it was miscommunication or she knew that it would be considered cheating and did it anyways??

Because if it's the second, she's not sorry at all.

i've noticed that a bunch of famous women in open marriages are virgo. imo it's probably coz of the ability to detach. personally, if someone i care for thinks this is something they need (and it's a union i can't leave for.... reasons). i'd probably do my best to detach the way she did. and with that double virgo/airy chart, i don't doubt she'd have trouble doing it too. she'd be capable of cold, hard reasoning that doesn't always accommodate sentimentalities.

it's for self-preservation... and well, isn't this what you wanted?

Me and my ex scorpio sun/scorpio moon had a very similar relationship...

Until I decided to walk away.....

Truly believe scorpio moon needs a judgement-free zone because they really have alot of secrets


my problem with scorpio suns or scorpio moons

them: "how DARE you lie about your fave color?"

me: "i don't even know your fake fave color."

you can't expect anything of value when you've barely shelled out anything yourself

It's quite boring honestly

When a scorpio is not shelling things out, they usually have alot to hide

In my experience

we do better with people who are more openly emotional, less restrained


Say that again...

My boyfriend have fire placements and I'm never confused lol....


i'm in the most emotionally-packed relationship. and it's working great. why is that? coz the cap sun/pisces moon never makes me feel ashamed for expressing my feelings. i receive no punishment when i cry or admit to being hurt. but if he'd been cold to me or insulted me at times when i lose control of my emotions, then i'd have been more restrained. and i'd probably turn out to be as cold as jada.

gotta say she has the coldest eyes like they're pretty but brrrrr.

In general

Do you think you're better with feminine moon signs?

i guess

I thought I was better with feminine moon but I think I like masculine moon better

But then again, I'm always changing my confused mind


i think virgos in general should be with aries suns or pisces moons

helps to get out of that emotional shell

especially virgals like jada
click to expand

No matter what, pisces moon is always there..

Even if sometimes they are faking it lol, there presence is felt... teddy bear vibes...

My boyfriend is aries mars and I can feel that he accepts my darkside.. and idk why...


My boyfriend best friend is pisces man/aries girl

I keep being mean to her and she just keeps being nice.... 🤣🤣🤣

Until last week, I kinda let my guard down 😏

So maybe, just maybe lol

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